442 research outputs found

    Keragaman Genetik Plasma Nutfah Rambutan di Indonesia Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi

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    Rambutan merupakan tanaman menyerbuk silang sehingga secara alami memiliki keragaman tinggi. Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari kemiripan genetik dan pengelompokan aksesi plasma nutfah rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) dan kapulasan (Nephelium ramboutan-ake) di Indonesia berdasarkan karakteristik morfologi. Penelitian dilakukan di (1) Kebun Percobaan (KP) Aripan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, (2) KP Subang Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, (3) KP Cipaku Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Barat, dan (4) Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota (Sumatera Barat), pada bulan Juni 2013 sampai Februari 2014. Karakterisasi sifat morfologi dilakukan terhadap 29 aksesi rambutan dan empat aksesi kapulasan mengacu pada descriptor for rambutan yang diterbitkan IPGRI. Perhitungan koefisien ketidakmiripan antaraksesi dilakukan dengan metode Gower. Analisis nominal logistic biplot dilakukan untuk melihat sifat penciri dari suatu kumpulan aksesi. Analisis keragaman genetik dapat membedakan kelompok rambutan dan kapulasan dengan koefisien ketidakmiripan rerata sekitar 55%. Berdasarkan kerapatan tandan, rambutan dapat dikelompokkan menjadi lima kelompok, yaitu aksesi yang memiliki tandan sangat jarang, jarang, sedang, rapat, dan sangat rapat. Aksesi dengan tandan rapat sampai sangat rapat antara lain aksesi Gendut Kair, Tangkue, dan Aceh Gendut, sedangkan semua aksesi kapulasan memiliki tandan yang sangat jarang. Berdasarkan ketebalan kulit buah, semua aksesi rambutan memiliki ketebalan kulit sedang sampai tebal, sedangkan aksesi Sibabat diketahui memiliki kulit yang sangat tebal

    Pengelompokan Plasma Nutfah Rambutan Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi

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    Rambutan is a fruit native to Indonesia, which has a high diversity. Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute has a rambutan germplasm collection. The objectives of the research were to identify and classify rambutan germplasm accessions based on morphological characteristics, in order to identify the specific characteristics important for the development of future varieties of rambutan. Collecting data on the 32 accession was conducted in Aripan Experimental Field, Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute from September 2014 to February 2015. Characterization of morphology characters referred to as the Descriptor for Rambutan was published by IPGRI. Cluster analysis based on morphological characteristics successfully separated the accession of rambutan R7 and R11 with 30 other rambutan accessions with the dissimilarity coefficient of 45%. Accession R4 was similar to Sitangkue, R14 was similar to Korong Gadang, and R15 was similar to Sinyonya. Characteristics that can be used to distinguish each of the accession of rambutan were the width of seed, seed thickness, total soluble solids (TSS), fruit diameter, spintern texture and the spintern color. Accession R15 can be developed as a commercial variety, because it has a high yield, and shelf life associated with high fruit weight characteristics and thick rind


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    Rambutan is a fruit native to Indonesia, which has a high diversity. Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute has a rambutan germplasm collection. The objectives of the research were to identify and classify rambutan germplasm accessions based on morphological characteristics, in order to identify the specific characteristics important for the development of future varieties of rambutan. Collecting data on the 32 accession was conducted in Aripan Experimental Field, Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute from September 2014 to February 2015. Characterization of morphology characters referred to as the Descriptor for Rambutan was published by IPGRI. Cluster analysis based on morphological characteristics successfully separated the accession of rambutan R7 and R11 with 30 other rambutan accessions with the dissimilarity coefficient of 45%. Accession R4 was similar to Sitangkue, R14 was similar to Korong Gadang, and R15 was similar to Sinyonya. Characteristics that can be used to distinguish each of the accession of rambutan were the width of seed, seed thickness, total soluble solids (TSS), fruit diameter, spintern texture and the spintern color. Accession R15 can be developed as a commercial variety, because it has a high yield, and shelf life associated with high fruit weight characteristics and thick rind

    Karakterisasi Dan Evaluasi Koleksi Sumber Daya Genetik Durian Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi Buah

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    Genetic resources contain plant materials that can be used as parental in breeding program of superior variety of fruit plants. The existence of germplasm is indispensable as a source of genetic diversity in plant varieties improvement program. The objective of this research was to characterize and evaluate some durian germplasm collections based on fruit morphology characteristics. The research was carried out at the Aripan and Subang Field Station of Indonesian Tropical Fruits Research Institute from January 2011 to December 2012. Fruit characterization was held on 38 durian accessions aged 20–26 years old. Each accession was characterized by observing 5–10 fruit sample. The results showed that fruit morphological characters of evaluated accessions varied with the dissimilarity coefficient 0.087–0.681. Based on cluster analysis, 38 accessions were grouped into two main groups. The smallest genetic dissimilarity (0.087) was between Ketan and Lodong accessions, while the greatest genetic dissimilarity (0.681) was between SBG-643 and Jendral accessions. Jendral accession had the most superior characters i.e. medium fruit weight (2.790 g), medium spines length (1.45 cm), small seeds (12.66 g), thick flesh (1.3 cm), sweet flavor, and edible portion 27.69%. The second superior was IM accession with characters medium fruit weight (1918.64 g), medium spines length (1.50 cm), small seeds (15.31 g), sweet flavor and edible portion 25.74%. This study is expected to be utilized for the proper selection of superior variety or durian parents for breeding program of superior varieties

    Unravelling black box machine learning methods using biplots

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    Following the development of new mathematical techniques, the improvement of computer processing power and the increased availability of possible explanatory variables, the financial services industry is moving toward the use of new machine learning methods, such as neural networks, and away from older methods such as generalised linear models. However, their use is currently limited because they are seen as “black box” models, which gives predictions without justifications and which are therefore not understood and cannot be trusted. The goal of this dissertation is to expand on the theory and use of biplots to visualise the impact of the various input factors on the output of the machine learning black box. Biplots are used because they give an optimal two-dimensional representation of the data set on which the machine learning model is based.The biplot allows every point on the biplot plane to be converted back to the original ��-dimensions – in the same format as is used by the machine learning model. This allows the output of the model to be represented by colour coding each point on the biplot plane according to the output of an independently calibrated machine learning model. The interaction of the changing prediction probabilities – represented by the coloured output – in relation to the data points and the variable axes and category level points represented on the biplot, allows the machine learning model to be globally and locally interpreted. By visualing the models and their predictions, this dissertation aims to remove the stigma of calling non-linear models “black box” models and encourage their wider application in the financial services industry

    Biplot logístico para datos nominales y ordinales

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    [ES]Hay numerosas técnicas adecuadas para trabajar con datos nominales, algunas de las cuales analizan el problema que supone este tipo de datos desde el punto de vista del Análisis Factorial cuyo objetivo es obtener factores latentes que expliquen la correlación entre las variables. Otras inciden en algunos tipos de aproximaciones no paramétricas para explorar las similaridades entre los individuos (Análisis de Coordenadas Principales (PCoA) o Escalamiento Multidimensional (MS)), pero existe una ausencia de técnicas exploratorias generales que permitan la representación simultánea de individuos y variables, excepto el Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiple (MCA), basado en la distancia chi-cuadrado, que no siempre es la más adecuada para describir similaridades entre individuos y correlaciones entre variables. Para datos binarios, Vicente-Villardón y col.[2006] proponen una representación basada en respuestas logísticas llamándolo "Biplot Logístico", que es lineal, y estudian en su investigación la geometría de este tipo de biplots. Cuando el conjunto de datos contiene variables nominales con más de dos categorias, los biplots lineales e incluso los biplots logísticos binarios no son adecuados. En esta tésis se resuelve este problema extendiendo el concepto anterior y se desarrolla lo que se ha denominado "Biplot Logístico Nominal (NLB)" como un procedimiento que por un lado reduce la dimensión del espacio de partida, y por otro se utiliza como una técnica exploratoria. Los biplots logísticos nominales representan las filas de la matriz de datos como puntos en una representación correspondiente a un espacio dimensión reducida(generalmente 2 ó 3) y las variables como regiones de predicción(polígonos convexos). La principal ventaja del NLB es que la interpretación del biplot se hace en términos de distancias, de tal forma que para cada individuo la categoría que se predice en una variable es la más cercana a él en el biplot. De esta forma, este tipo de biplots extienden tanto al Análisis de Correspondencias Múltiples como al Análisis de Respuesta Latente, en el sentido de que provee una representación gráfica para el LTA similar a la que se obtiene en MCA. Cuando los datos contienen variables ordinales, los biplots lineales, binarios o los logísticos nominales tampoco son adecuados, situación en la cuál, el Análisis de Componentes Principales Categórico (CATPCA) ó la IRT para variables ordinales serían propuestas más válidas. Lo que haremos es extender el concepto de biplot a aquellas situaciones en las que aparezcan este tipo de datos, resultando un método que llamaremos Biplot Logístico Ordinal (OLB). Las puntuaciones de las filas se calculan teniendo en cuenta el supuesto de que tengan superficies de respuesta logística ordinales sobre las dimensiones consideradas y los parámetros columna producen superficies de respuesta logística que, proyectadas sobre el espacio reducido por las puntuaciones de las filas definen un biplot lineal. Se utilizará un modelo de odds proporcionales, obteniendo asi un modelo multidimensional conocido como modelo de respuesta graduada en la literatura del IRT. Estudiaremos la geometría de tales representaciones e implementaremos algoritmos computacionales para la estimación de los parámetros y de las direcciones de la predicción. El OLB extiende tanto CATPCA como IRT puesto que ofrece una representación gráfica para IRT parecida al biplot correspondiente al CATPCA. Por último, si la matriz de datos presenta variables categóricas de cualquier tipo se han adaptado los algoritmos para construir el biplot teniendo en cuenta las características de cada variable y sus geometrías asociadas, de manera que la tésis cubre las representaciones de datos categóricos en su conjunto. La utilización de los procedimientos descritos es posible debido a la implementación de tres paquetes de R públicos que permiten analizar cada situación, los cuales se utilizan con distintos conjuntos de datos reales en este estudio

    The VGAM Package for Categorical Data Analysis

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    Classical categorical regression models such as the multinomial logit and proportional odds models are shown to be readily handled by the vector generalized linear and additive model (VGLM/VGAM) framework. Additionally, there are natural extensions, such as reduced-rank VGLMs for dimension reduction, and allowing covariates that have values specific to each linear/additive predictor, e.g., for consumer choice modeling. This article describes some of the framework behind the VGAM R package, its usage and implementation details.

    Keragaman Genetik Plasma Nutfah Rambutan di Indonesia Berdasarkan Karakter Morfologi

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    Rambutan merupakan tanaman menyerbuk silang sehingga secara alami memiliki keragaman tinggi. Penelitian bertujuan mempelajari kemiripan genetik dan pengelompokan aksesi plasma nutfah rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum) dan kapulasan (Nephelium ramboutan-ake) di Indonesia berdasarkan karakteristik morfologi. Penelitian dilakukan di (1) Kebun Percobaan (KP) Aripan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, (2) KP Subang Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika, (3) KP Cipaku Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian Jawa Barat, dan (4) Kabupaten Limapuluh Kota (Sumatera Barat), pada bulan Juni 2013 sampai Februari 2014. Karakterisasi sifat morfologi dilakukan terhadap 29 aksesi rambutan dan empat aksesi kapulasan mengacu pada descriptor for rambutan yang diterbitkan IPGRI. Perhitungan koefisien ketidakmiripan antaraksesi dilakukan dengan metode Gower. Analisis nominal logistic biplot dilakukan untuk melihat sifat penciri dari suatu kumpulan aksesi. Analisis keragaman genetik dapat membedakan kelompok rambutan dan kapulasan dengan koefisien ketidakmiripan rerata sekitar 55%. Berdasarkan kerapatan tandan, rambutan dapat dikelompokkan menjadi lima kelompok, yaitu aksesi yang memiliki tandan sangat jarang, jarang, sedang, rapat, dan sangat rapat. Aksesi dengan tandan rapat sampai sangat rapat antara lain aksesi Gendut Kair, Tangkue, dan Aceh Gendut, sedangkan semua aksesi kapulasan memiliki tandan yang sangat jarang. Berdasarkan ketebalan kulit buah, semua aksesi rambutan memiliki ketebalan kulit sedang sampai tebal, sedangkan aksesi Sibabat diketahui memiliki kulit yang sangat tebal

    Identifying the Overarching Logistics Strategy of Business Practices

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    In a 'hyper competitive context’ (D'Aveni 1994), a major issue for enterprises is the strategic use of logistics capability to gain create and leverage value in the marketplace. Management is now appreciating that a logistics strategy makes a key contribution to corporate strategy and performance. This paper investigates the extent of complementarity between the logistics strategy and business practices in 20 organisations in the management of their operations, inventory, alliances, customers, supply chain integration, performance assessment, information technology and EDI practices. Non-linear canonical correlation analysis is used to establish the degree of concordance between business practices and the logistic strategy for a sample of Australian organisations involved in freight transportation. The evidence suggests that there is very strong synergy between a logistics strategy and the broader set of business initiatives in transport businesses, giving strong support to the overarching role of logistics strategy. This is in contrast to non-transport organisations where logistics is still seen as a separate activity centre, with the exception of information technology and EDI