19 research outputs found

    Logical Linked Data Compression

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    Linked data has experienced accelerated growth in recent years. With the continuing proliferation of structured data, demand for RDF compression is becoming increasingly important. In this study, we introduce a novel lossless compression technique for RDF datasets, called Rule Based Compression (RB Compression) that compresses datasets by generating a set of new logical rules from the dataset and removing triples that can be inferred from these rules. Unlike other compression techniques, our approach not only takes advantage of syntactic verbosity and data redundancy but also utilizes semantic associations present in the RDF graph. Depending on the nature of the dataset, our system is able to prune more than 50% of the original triples without affecting data integrity

    RDF-TR: Exploiting structural redundancies to boost RDF compression

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    The number and volume of semantic data have grown impressively over the last decade, promoting compression as an essential tool for RDF preservation, sharing and management. In contrast to universal compressors, RDF compression techniques are able to detect and exploit specific forms of redundancy in RDF data. Thus, state-of-the-art RDF compressors excel at exploiting syntactic and semantic redundancies, i.e., repetitions in the serialization format and information that can be inferred implicitly. However, little attention has been paid to the existence of structural patterns within the RDF dataset; i.e. structural redundancy. In this paper, we analyze structural regularities in real-world datasets, and show three schema-based sources of redundancies that underpin the schema-relaxed nature of RDF. Then, we propose RDF-Tr (RDF Triples Reorganizer), a preprocessing technique that discovers and removes this kind of redundancy before the RDF dataset is effectively compressed. In particular, RDF-Tr groups subjects that are described by the same predicates, and locally re-codes the objects related to these predicates. Finally, we integrate RDF-Tr with two RDF compressors, HDT and k2-triples. Our experiments show that using RDF-Tr with these compressors improves by up to 2.3 times their original effectiveness, outperforming the most prominent state-of-the-art techniques

    RDSZ: an approach for lossless RDF stream compression

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    In many applications (like social or sensor networks) the in- formation generated can be represented as a continuous stream of RDF items, where each item describes an application event (social network post, sensor measurement, etc). In this paper we focus on compressing RDF streams. In particular, we propose an approach for lossless RDF stream compression, named RDSZ (RDF Differential Stream compressor based on Zlib). This approach takes advantage of the structural similarities among items in a stream by combining a differential item encoding mechanism with the general purpose stream compressor Zlib. Empirical evaluation using several RDF stream datasets shows that this combi- nation produces gains in compression ratios with respect to using Zlib alone

    Efficient RDF Interchange (ERI) format for RDF data streams

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    RDF streams are sequences of timestamped RDF statements or graphs, which can be generated by several types of data sources (sensors, social networks, etc.). They may provide data at high volumes and rates, and be consumed by applications that require real-time responses. Hence it is important to publish and interchange them efficiently. In this paper, we exploit a key feature of RDF data streams, which is the regularity of their structure and data values, proposing a compressed, efficient RDF interchange (ERI) format, which can reduce the amount of data transmitted when processing RDF streams. Our experimental evaluation shows that our format produces state-of-the-art streaming compression, remaining efficient in performance

    Effective reorganization and self-indexing of big semantic data

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    En esta tesis hemos analizado la redundancia estructural que los grafos RDF poseen y propuesto una técnica de preprocesamiento: RDF-Tr, que agrupa, reorganiza y recodifica los triples, tratando dos fuentes de redundancia estructural subyacentes a la naturaleza del esquema RDF. Hemos integrado RDF-Tr en HDT y k2-triples, reduciendo el tamaño que obtienen los compresores originales, superando a las técnicas más prominentes del estado del arte. Hemos denominado HDT++ y k2-triples++ al resultado de aplicar RDF-Tr en cada compresor. En el ámbito de la compresión RDF se utilizan estructuras compactas para construir autoíndices RDF, que proporcionan acceso eficiente a los datos sin descomprimirlos. HDT-FoQ es utilizado para publicar y consumir grandes colecciones de datos RDF. Hemos extendido HDT++, llamándolo iHDT++, para resolver patrones SPARQL, consumiendo menos memoria que HDT-FoQ, a la vez que acelera la resolución de la mayoría de las consultas, mejorando la relación espacio-tiempo del resto de autoíndices.Departamento de Informática (Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores, Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial, Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos)Doctorado en Informátic

    Binary RDF for Scalable Publishing, Exchanging and Consumption in the Web of Data

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    El actual diluvio de datos está inundando la web con grandes volúmenes de datos representados en RDF, dando lugar a la denominada 'Web de Datos'. En esta tesis proponemos, en primer lugar, un estudio profundo de aquellos textos que nos permitan abordar un conocimiento global de la estructura real de los conjuntos de datos RDF, HDT, que afronta la representación eficiente de grandes volúmenes de datos RDF a través de estructuras optimizadas para su almacenamiento y transmisión en red. HDT representa efizcamente un conjunto de datos RDF a través de su división en tres componentes: la cabecera (Header), el diccionario (Dictionary) y la estructura de sentencias RDF (Triples). A continuación, nos centramos en proveer estructuras eficientes de dichos componentes, ocupando un espacio comprimido al tiempo que se permite el acceso directo a cualquier dat

    Compacting Frequent Star Patterns in RDF Graphs

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    Knowledge graphs have become a popular formalism for representing entities and their properties using a graph data model, e.g., the Resource Description Framework (RDF). An RDF graph comprises entities of the same type connected to objects or other entities using labeled edges annotated with properties. RDF graphs usually contain entities that share the same objects in a certain group of properties, i.e., they match star patterns composed of these properties and objects. In case the number of these entities or properties in these star patterns is large, the size of the RDF graph and query processing are negatively impacted; we refer these star patterns as frequent star patterns. We address the problem of identifying frequent star patterns in RDF graphs and devise the concept of factorized RDF graphs, which denote compact representations of RDF graphs where the number of frequent star patterns is minimized. We also develop computational methods to identify frequent star patterns and generate a factorized RDF graph, where compact RDF molecules replace frequent star patterns. A compact RDF molecule of a frequent star pattern denotes an RDF subgraph that instantiates the corresponding star pattern. Instead of having all the entities matching the original frequent star pattern, a surrogate entity is added and related to the properties of the frequent star pattern; it is linked to the entities that originally match the frequent star pattern. We evaluate the performance of our factorization techniques on several RDF graph benchmarks and compare with a baseline built on top of gSpan, a state-of-the-art algorithm to detect frequent patterns. The outcomes evidence the efficiency of proposed approach and show that our techniques are able to reduce execution time of the baseline approach in at least three orders of magnitude reducing the RDF graph size by up to 66.56%

    RDF graph summarization: principles, techniques and applications (tutorial)

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    International audienceThe explosion in the amount of the RDF on the Web has lead to the need to explore, query and understand such data sources. The task is challenging due to the complex and heterogeneous structure of RDF graphs which, unlike relational databases, do not come with a structure-dictating schema. Summarization has been applied to RDF data to facilitate these tasks. Its purpose is to extract concise and meaningful information from RDF knowledge bases, representing their content as faithfully as possible. There is no single concept of RDF summary, and not a single but many approaches to build such summaries; the summarization goal, and the main computational tools employed for summarizing graphs, are the main factors behind this diversity. This tutorial presents a structured analysis and comparison existing works in the area of RDF summarization; it is based upon a recent survey which we co-authored with colleagues [3]. We present the concepts at the core of each approach, outline their main technical aspects and implementation. We conclude by identifying the most pertinent summarization method for different usage scenarios, and discussing areas where future effort is needed

    Selectivity Estimation for SPARQL Triple Patterns with Shape Expressions

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    International audienceShEx (Shape Expressions) is a language for expressing constraints on RDF graphs. In this work we optimize the evaluation of conjunctive SPARQL queries, on RDF graphs, by taking advantage of ShEx constraints. Our optimization is based on computing and assigning ranks to query triple patterns , dictating their order of execution. We first define a set of well formed ShEx schemas, that possess interesting characteristics for SPARQL query optimization. We then define our optimization method by exploiting information extracted from a ShEx schema. We finally report on evaluation results performed showing the advantages of applying our optimization on the top of an existing state-of-the-art query evaluation system