195 research outputs found

    Minimizing nfa's and regular expressions

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    AbstractWe show inapproximability results concerning minimization of nondeterministic finite automata (nfa's) as well as of regular expressions relative to given nfa's, regular expressions or deterministic finite automata (dfa's).We show that it is impossible to efficiently minimize a given nfa or regular expression with n states, transitions, respectively symbols within the factor o(n), unless P=PSPACE. For the unary case, we show that for any δ>0 it is impossible to efficiently construct an approximately minimal nfa or regular expression within the factor n1−δ, unless P=NP.Our inapproximability results for a given dfa with n states are based on cryptographic assumptions and we show that any efficient algorithm will have an approximation factor of at least npoly(logn). Our setup also allows us to analyze the minimum consistent dfa problem

    Knowledge Refinement via Rule Selection

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    In several different applications, including data transformation and entity resolution, rules are used to capture aspects of knowledge about the application at hand. Often, a large set of such rules is generated automatically or semi-automatically, and the challenge is to refine the encapsulated knowledge by selecting a subset of rules based on the expected operational behavior of the rules on available data. In this paper, we carry out a systematic complexity-theoretic investigation of the following rule selection problem: given a set of rules specified by Horn formulas, and a pair of an input database and an output database, find a subset of the rules that minimizes the total error, that is, the number of false positive and false negative errors arising from the selected rules. We first establish computational hardness results for the decision problems underlying this minimization problem, as well as upper and lower bounds for its approximability. We then investigate a bi-objective optimization version of the rule selection problem in which both the total error and the size of the selected rules are taken into account. We show that testing for membership in the Pareto front of this bi-objective optimization problem is DP-complete. Finally, we show that a similar DP-completeness result holds for a bi-level optimization version of the rule selection problem, where one minimizes first the total error and then the size

    Parallelism with limited nondeterminism

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    Computational complexity theory studies which computational problems can be solved with limited access to resources. The past fifty years have seen a focus on the relationship between intractable problems and efficient algorithms. However, the relationship between inherently sequential problems and highly parallel algorithms has not been as well studied. Are there efficient but inherently sequential problems that admit some relaxed form of highly parallel algorithm? In this dissertation, we develop the theory of structural complexity around this relationship for three common types of computational problems. Specifically, we show tradeoffs between time, nondeterminism, and parallelizability. By clearly defining the notions and complexity classes that capture our intuition for parallelizable and sequential problems, we create a comprehensive framework for rigorously proving parallelizability and non-parallelizability of computational problems. This framework provides the means to prove whether otherwise tractable problems can be effectively parallelized, a need highlighted by the current growth of multiprocessor systems. The views adopted by this dissertation—alternate approaches to solving sequential problems using approximation, limited nondeterminism, and parameterization—can be applied practically throughout computer science

    Inapproximability of Combinatorial Optimization Problems

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    We survey results on the hardness of approximating combinatorial optimization problems

    Approximate solution of NP optimization problems

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    AbstractThis paper presents the main results obtained in the field of approximation algorithms in a unified framework. Most of these results have been revisited in order to emphasize two basic tools useful for characterizing approximation classes, that is, combinatorial properties of problems and approximation preserving reducibilities. In particular, after reviewing the most important combinatorial characterizations of the classes PTAS and FPTAS, we concentrate on the class APX and, as a concluding result, we show that this class coincides with the class of optimization problems which are reducible to the maximum satisfiability problem with respect to a polynomial-time approximation preserving reducibility

    Kolmogorov Complexity in perspective. Part I: Information Theory and Randomnes

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    We survey diverse approaches to the notion of information: from Shannon entropy to Kolmogorov complexity. Two of the main applications of Kolmogorov complexity are presented: randomness and classification. The survey is divided in two parts in the same volume. Part I is dedicated to information theory and the mathematical formalization of randomness based on Kolmogorov complexity. This last application goes back to the 60's and 70's with the work of Martin-L\"of, Schnorr, Chaitin, Levin, and has gained new impetus in the last years.Comment: 40 page

    Oracles Are Subtle But Not Malicious

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    Theoretical computer scientists have been debating the role of oracles since the 1970's. This paper illustrates both that oracles can give us nontrivial insights about the barrier problems in circuit complexity, and that they need not prevent us from trying to solve those problems. First, we give an oracle relative to which PP has linear-sized circuits, by proving a new lower bound for perceptrons and low- degree threshold polynomials. This oracle settles a longstanding open question, and generalizes earlier results due to Beigel and to Buhrman, Fortnow, and Thierauf. More importantly, it implies the first nonrelativizing separation of "traditional" complexity classes, as opposed to interactive proof classes such as MIP and MA-EXP. For Vinodchandran showed, by a nonrelativizing argument, that PP does not have circuits of size n^k for any fixed k. We present an alternative proof of this fact, which shows that PP does not even have quantum circuits of size n^k with quantum advice. To our knowledge, this is the first nontrivial lower bound on quantum circuit size. Second, we study a beautiful algorithm of Bshouty et al. for learning Boolean circuits in ZPP^NP. We show that the NP queries in this algorithm cannot be parallelized by any relativizing technique, by giving an oracle relative to which ZPP^||NP and even BPP^||NP have linear-size circuits. On the other hand, we also show that the NP queries could be parallelized if P=NP. Thus, classes such as ZPP^||NP inhabit a "twilight zone," where we need to distinguish between relativizing and black-box techniques. Our results on this subject have implications for computational learning theory as well as for the circuit minimization problem.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur
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