1,101 research outputs found

    Discrete soliton ratchets driven by biharmonic fields

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    Directed motion of topological solitons (kinks or antikinks) in the damped and AC-driven discrete sine-Gordon system is investigated. We show that if the driving field breaks certain time-space symmetries, the soliton can perform unidirectional motion. The phenomenon resembles the well known effects of ratchet transport and nonlinear harmonic mixing. Direction of the motion and its velocity depends on the shape of the AC drive. Necessary conditions for the occurrence of the effect are formulated. In comparison with the previously studied continuum case, the discrete case shows a number of new features: non-zero depinning threshold for the driving amplitude, locking to the rational fractions of the driving frequency, and diffusive ratchet motion in the case of weak intersite coupling.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figure

    The Battle Against Geo-Blocking: The Consumer Strikes Back

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    The first part of this article will focus on the background of copyright law and its expansion in the digital age. The development of copyright law in the United States will be discussed along with a focus on current case law that has applied copyright law to the Internet and advancing technologies. Part I will also look into the expansion of copyright protection to an international level, including the creation of WIPO and the WIPO Copyright Treaty. Finally, Part I will discuss the popular trend of how consumers use the Internet to access digital copyrightable material. The second part of this article will focus on one hand how television networks (Networks), as copyright holders, use the rising popularity of Internet streaming to their benefit. Alternatively, it will also focus on how these Networks also hinder themselves in the precautions that they set forth, such as region locking (also called geo-blocking ) and delayed viewing for certain areas of the world. Due to the precautions used, this part will also highlight how these methods hurt, rather than help, these copyright holders. This section will discuss arguments for and against geo-blocking. Additionally, the section will consider the legality and rationality of geo-blocking and the use of circumvention measures. Finally, the third part of this article will discuss how the Industry should change to keep up with social change. Industry change would achieve two main goals. The first goal is to keep up to date with changing technology and the way that people use the Internet. The second goal is to reduce the amount of piracy that occurs. This will in turn help copyright holders reclaim lost profits in both advertisement revenue and the purchasing of television programs. This section will also discuss how some of this change is already occurring with international organizations

    Coupled normal fluid and superfluid profiles of turbulent helium II in channels

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    We perform fully coupled two--dimensional numerical simulations of plane channel helium II counterflows with vortex--line density typical of experiments. The main features of our approach are the inclusion of the back reaction of the superfluid vortices on the normal fluid and the presence of solid boundaries. Despite the reduced dimensionality, our model is realistic enough to reproduce vortex density distributions across the channel recently calculated in three--dimensions. We focus on the coarse--grained superfluid and normal fluid velocity profiles, recovering the normal fluid profile recently observed employing a technique based on laser--induced fluorescence of metastable helium molecules.Comment: 26 pages, 8 Figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Addressing telecommuting in cyber security guidelines

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    Cyber security threats are becoming more common than before. New phenomena in society include new cyber security threats which organisations and society should prepare for. One of these phenomena is telecommuting. Telecommuting has its roots already in the 1970s, but it has become increasingly popular during the last years. Especially the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has changed the way of working drastically. Pandemic and the social distancing forced many organisations to have their employees working from home. Information technology has abled telecommuting, but it has also brought some problems such as security issues. Cyber security threats have increased and become more diverse during the mass telecommuting caused by Covid-19. Telecommuting has some special features that can increase cyber security threats and risks. In this research the following cyber security threats relating to telecommuting were identified to be most relevant: cyber attacks, social engineering, unauthorized access and physical security. Previous literature has identified that there exist cyber security threats in telecommuting, but it has remained unclear how organisations manage and mitigate these in practice. Many of the identified threats relate to employees’ unwanted behaviour. Employees are unaware of the threats facing the organisation in telecommuting. Some employees have not been provided with proper guidelines and instruction on secure way of working. Information security policies and guidelines are important for maintaining cyber security in organisations. Policies can be even seen as the basis for organisation’s cyber security. This research studied which guidelines could be applicable in a telecommuting environment in order to mitigate the common cyber security threats. Most prominent cyber security guidelines for telecommuting identified in this research were guidelines for personal and mobile devices, guidelines for social engineering, guidelines for physical security, network guidelines, password guidelines and guidelines for online meetings. Case study of multiple cases was used as a method for this study. The cases are seven Finnish universities. The empirical data consists of cyber security and telecommuting guidelines from the universities. These guidelines were analysed by reflecting to the theoretical framework. The analysis showed that especially guidelines for physical security and online meetings were lacking. The presence of outsiders in the telecommuting environment was addressed poorly. Outsiders are a threat both to physical and online meeting security as outsiders may see or hear confidential things. In addition, guidelines were not addressing data labelling and information release. Threats specific to Covid-19 were also addressed poorly even though cyber criminals have exploited the pandemic. Guidelines seemed to be otherwise comprehensive. Threats that were addressed poorly have been especially relevant during the pandemic which suggests that organisations’ guidelines are not quite up to date even though otherwise applicable. Organisations should review and update their guidelines periodically and if a major change occurs in the operation environment.Kyberturvallisuusuhat ovat yleistymässä. Uudet ilmiöt tuovat mukanaan uusia kyberturvallisuusuhkia, joihin organisaatioiden ja yhteiskunnan tulee varautua. Yksi näistä ilmiöistä on etätyö. Etätyön juuret ovat jo 1970-luvulla, mutta sen suosio on kasvanut viime vuosina. Erityisesti Covid-19 ja sen aiheuttama pandemia ovat muuttaneet työn toimintatapoja radikaalisti, sillä pandemia pakotti monet työntekijät etätyöhön. Tietotekniikka on mahdollistanut etätyön, mutta se on tuonut myös ongelmia liittyen kyberturvaan. Kyberturvallisuusuhat ovat lisääntyneet ja monipuolistuneet pandemian aiheuttaman laajalle levinneen etätyön myötä. Etätyössä on joitain erityispiirteitä, jotka voivat lisätä kyberturvallisuusuhkia ja -riskejä perinteiseen työntekoon verraten. Tässä tutkimuksessa tärkeimmiksi etätyöhön liittyviksi kyberuhiksi tunnistettiin kyberhyökkäykset, sosiaalinen manipulointi, valtuuttamaton pääsy ja huono fyysinen turvallisuus. Aikaisemmassa kirjallisuudessa on havaittu, että etätyöhön liittyy kyberturvallisuusuhkia, mutta on jäänyt epäselväksi, miten organisaatiot hallitsevat ja vähentävät niitä käytännössä. Monet tunnistetuista uhista liittyvät työntekijöiden ei-toivottuun käyttäytymiseen. Työntekijät eivät välttämättä ole tietoisia etätyön uhista organisaatiolle. Osalle työntekijöistä ei ole myöskään annettu asianmukaisia ohjeita kyberturvallisista työskentelytavoista. Tietoturvapolitiikat ja - ohjeet ovat tärkeitä organisaatioiden kyberturvallisuuden ylläpitämisessä. Politiikkoja voidaan pitää jopa organisaation kyberturvallisuuden perustana. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, minkälaisia ohjeita tarvitaan etätyössä yleisten kyberturvallisuusuhkien lieventämiseksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa tunnistetut kyberturvallisuusohjeet etätyöhön liittyivät henkilökohtaisten ja mobiililaitteiden käyttöön, sosiaaliseen manipulointiin, fyysiseen turvallisuuteen, turvattomiin verkkoihin, salasanoihin ja online-kokouksiin. Tutkimusmetodina tässä tutkimuksessa käytettiin usean tapauksen tapaustutkimusta. Tapauksina toimivat seitsemän suomalaista yliopistoa. Empiirinen data koostuu Suomessa toimivien yliopistojen kyberturvallisuus- ja etätyöohjeista. Nämä ohjeet analysoitiin teoreettiseen viitekehyksen avulla ja siihen viitaten. Analyysi osoitti, että erityisesti fyysistä turvallisuutta ja online-kokouksia koskevat ohjeet ovat puutteellisia. Ulkopuolisten läsnäolo etätyöympäristössä on huomioitu huonosti. Ulkopuoliset ovat uhka sekä fyysiselle että online-kokousten turvallisuudelle, koska ulkopuoliset voivat nähdä tai kuulla luottamuksellisia asioita. Lisäksi datan merkitsemiseen ja tiedon jakamiseen liittyvät ohjeet puuttuivat. Covid-19 oli myös huomioitu huonosti, vaikka pandemian aikana on ollut useita kyberhyökkäyksiä, jotka ovat hyödyntäneet Covid-19 tuomaa epävarmuutta. Yliopistojen ohjeet näyttivät muuten olevan kattavat. Huonosti huomioon otetut ohjeet ovat sellaisia, jotka ovat olleet esillä etenkin pandemian aikana. Vaikuttaa siltä, että organisaatioiden ohjeet eivät ole täysin ajan tasalla, vaikka ne muuten olisivat tarkoituksenmukaiset. Organisaatioiden tuleekin tarkistaa ja päivittää ohjeitaan säännöllisesti ja aina, jos toimintaympäristössä tapahtuu suuria muutoksia

    Analyzing confidentiality and privacy concerns: insights from Android issue logs

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    Context: Post-release user feedback plays an integral role in improving software quality and informing new features. Given its growing importance, feedback concerning security enhancements is particularly noteworthy. In considering the rapid uptake of Android we have examined the scale and severity of Android security threats as reported by its stakeholders. Objective: We systematically mine Android issue logs to derive insights into stakeholder perceptions and experiences in relation to certain Android security issues. Method: We employed contextual analysis techniques to study issues raised regarding confidentiality and privacy in the last three major Android releases, considering covariance of stakeholder comments, and the level of consistency in user preferences and priorities. Results: Confidentiality and privacy concerns varied in severity, and were most prevalent over Jelly Bean releases. Issues raised in regard to confidentiality related mostly to access, user credentials and permission management, while privacy concerns were mainly expressed about phone locking. Community users also expressed divergent preferences for new security features, ranging from more relaxed to very strict. Conclusions: Strategies that support continuous corrective measures for both old and new Android releases would likely maintain stakeholder confidence. An approach that provides users with basic default security settings, but with the power to configure additional security features if desired, would provide the best balance for Android's wide cohort of stakeholders

    Security attacks taxonomy on bring your own devices (BYOD) model

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    Mobile devices, specifically smartphones, have become ubiquitous. For this reason, businesses are starting to develop “Bring Your Own Device” policies to allow their employees to use their owned devices in the workplace. BYOD offers many potential advantages: enhanced productivity, increased revenues, reduced mobile costs and IT efficiencies. However, due to emerging attacks and limitations on device resources, it is difficult to trust these devices with access to critical proprietary information. Therefore, in this paper, the potential attacks of BYOD and taxonomy of BYOD attacks are presented. Advanced persistent threat (APT) and malware attack are discussed in depth in this paper. Next, the proposed solution to mitigate the attacks of BYOD is discussed. Lastly, the evaluations of the proposed solutions based on the X. 800 security architecture are presented