4 research outputs found

    Trends in the Solution of Distributed Data Placement Problem

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    Data placement for optimal performance is an old problem. For example the problem dealt with the placement of relational data in distributed databases, to achieve optimal query processing time. Heterogeneous distributed systems with commodity processors evolved in response to requirement of storage and processing capacity of enormous scale. Reliability and availability are accomplished by appropriate level of data replication, and efficiency is achieved by suitable placement and processing techniques. Where to place which data, how many copies to keep, how to propagate updates so as to maximize the reliability, availability and performance are the issues addressed. In addition to processing costs, the network parameters of bandwidth limitation, speed and reliability have to be considered. This paper surveys the state of the art of published literature on these topics. We are confident that the placement problem will continue to be a research problem in the future also, with the parameters changing. Such situations will arise for example with the advance of mobile smart phones both in terms of the capability and applications

    Data Placement for Privacy-Aware Applications over Big Data in Hybrid Clouds

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    Nowadays, a large number of groups choose to deploy their applications to cloud platforms, especially for the big data era. Currently, the hybrid cloud is one of the most popular computing paradigms for holding the privacy-aware applications driven by the requirements of privacy protection and cost saving. However, it is still a challenge to realize data placement considering both the energy consumption in private cloud and the cost for renting the public cloud services. In view of this challenge, a cost and energy aware data placement method, named CEDP, for privacy-aware applications over big data in hybrid cloud is proposed. Technically, formalized analysis of cost, access time, and energy consumption is conducted in the hybrid cloud environment. Then a corresponding data placement method is designed to accomplish the cost saving for renting the public cloud services and energy savings for task execution within the private cloud platforms. Experimental evaluations validate the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed method

    UnifyDR: A Generic Framework for Unifying Data and Replica Placement

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    The advent of (big) data management applications operating at Cloud scale has led to extensive research on the data placement problem. The key objective of data placement is to obtain a partitioning (possibly allowing for replicas) of a set of data-items into distributed nodes that minimizes the overall network communication cost. Although replication is intrinsic to data placement, it has seldom been studied in combination with the latter. On the contrary, most of the existing solutions treat them as two independent problems, and employ a two-phase approach: (1) data placement, followed by (2) replica placement. We address this by proposing a new paradigm, CDR , with the objective of c ombining d ata and r eplica placement as a single joint optimization problem. Specifically, we study two variants of the CDR problem: (1) CDR-Single , where the objective is to minimize the communication cost alone, and (2) CDR-Multi , which performs a multi-objective optimization to also minimize traffic and storage costs. To unify data and replica placement, we propose a generic framework called UnifyDR , which leverages overlapping correlation clustering to assign a data-item to multiple nodes, thereby facilitating data and replica placement to be performed jointly. We establish the generic nature of UnifyDR by portraying its ability to address the CDR problem in two real-world use-cases, that of join-intensive online analytical processing (OLAP) queries and a location-based online social network (OSN) service. The effectiveness and scalability of UnifyDR are showcased by experiments performed on data generated using the TPC-DS benchmark and a trace of the Gowalla OSN for the OLAP queries and OSN service use-case, respectively. Empirically, the presented approach obtains an improvement of approximately 35% in terms of the evaluated metrics and a speed-up of 8 times in comparison to state-of-the-art techniques.This work was supported by the Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen (VLAIO) Strategic Fundamental Research (SBO) under Grant 150038 (DiSSeCt)

    Geo-distributed Edge and Cloud Resource Management for Low-latency Stream Processing

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    The proliferation of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices is rapidly increasing the demands for efficient processing of low latency stream data generated close to the edge of the network. Edge Computing provides a layer of infrastructure to fill latency gaps between the IoT devices and the back-end cloud computing infrastructure. A large number of IoT applications require continuous processing of data streams in real-time. Edge computing-based stream processing techniques that carefully consider the heterogeneity of the computing and network resources available in the geo-distributed infrastructure provide significant benefits in optimizing the throughput and end-to-end latency of the data streams. Managing geo-distributed resources operated by individual service providers raises new challenges in terms of effective global resource sharing and achieving global efficiency in the resource allocation process. In this dissertation, we present a distributed stream processing framework that optimizes the performance of stream processing applications through a careful allocation of computing and network resources available at the edge of the network. The proposed approach differentiates itself from the state-of-the-art through its careful consideration of data locality and resource constraints during physical plan generation and operator placement for the stream queries. Additionally, it considers co-flow dependencies that exist between the data streams to optimize the network resource allocation through an application-level rate control mechanism. The proposed framework incorporates resilience through a cost-aware partial active replication strategy that minimizes the recovery cost when applications incur failures. The framework employs a reinforcement learning-based online learning model for dynamically determining the level of parallelism to adapt to changing workload conditions. The second dimension of this dissertation proposes a novel model for allocating computing resources in edge and cloud computing environments. In edge computing environments, it allows service providers to establish resource sharing contracts with infrastructure providers apriori in a latency-aware manner. In geo-distributed cloud environments, it allows cloud service providers to establish resource sharing contracts with individual datacenters apriori for defined time intervals in a cost-aware manner. Based on these mechanisms, we develop a decentralized implementation of the contract-based resource allocation model for geo-distributed resources using Smart Contracts in Ethereum