460 research outputs found

    Characterization of Thermo-Mechanical Damage in Tin and Sintered Nano-Silver Solders

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    abstract: Increasing density of microelectronic packages, results in an increase in thermal and mechanical stresses within the various layers of the package. To accommodate the high-performance demands, the materials used in the electronic package would also require improvement. Specifically, the damage that often occurs in solders that function as die-attachment and thermal interfaces need to be addressed. This work evaluates and characterizes thermo-mechanical damage in two material systems – Electroplated Tin and Sintered Nano-Silver solder. Tin plated electrical contacts are prone to formation of single crystalline tin whiskers which can cause short circuiting. A mechanistic model of their formation, evolution and microstructural influence is still not fully understood. In this work, growth of mechanically induced tin whiskers/hillocks is studied using in situ Nano-indentation and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD). Electroplated tin was indented and monitored in vacuum to study growth of hillocks without the influence of atmosphere. Thermal aging was done to study the effect of intermetallic compounds. Grain orientation of the hillocks and the plastically deformed region surrounding the indent was studied using Focused Ion Beam (FIB) lift-out technique. In addition, micropillars were milled on the surface of electroplated Sn using FIB to evaluate the yield strength and its relation to Sn grain size. High operating temperature power electronics use wide band-gap semiconductor devices (Silicon Carbide/Gallium Nitride). The operating temperature of these devices can exceed 250oC, preventing use of traditional Sn-solders as Thermal Interface materials (TIM). At high temperature, the thermomechanical stresses can severely degrade the reliability and life of the device. In this light, new non-destructive approach is needed to understand the damage mechanism when subjected to reliability tests such as thermal cycling. In this work, sintered nano-Silver was identified as a promising high temperature TIM. Sintered nano-Silver samples were fabricated and their shear strength was evaluated. Thermal cycling tests were conducted and damage evolution was characterized using a lab scale 3D X-ray system to periodically assess changes in the microstructure such as cracks, voids, and porosity in the TIM layer. The evolution of microstructure and the effect of cycling temperature during thermal cycling are discussed.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Materials Science and Engineering 201

    Simulation of complex microstructural geometries using X-FEM and the application to solder joint lifetime prediction

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    In electronic devices solder joints form a mechanical as well as an electrical connection between the circuit board and the component (e.g. a chip or a resistor). Temperature variations occurring during field use cause crack initiation and crack growth inside the joints. Accurate prediction of the lifetime requires a method to simulate the damage process based on microstructural properties. Numerical simulation of developing cracks and microstructural entities such as grain boundaries and grain junctions gives rise to several problems. The solution contains strong and weak discontinuities as well as weak singularities. To obtain reasonable solutions with the finite element method (FEM) the element edges have to align with the cracks and the grain boundaries, which imposes geometrical restrictions on the mesh choice. Additionally, a large number of elements has to be used in the vicinity of the singularities which increases the computational effort. Both problems can be circumvented with the extended finite element method (X-FEM) by using appropriate enrichment functions. In this thesis the X-FEM will be developed for the simulation of complex microstructural geometries. Due to the anisotropy of the different grains forming a joint and the variety of different microstructural configurations it is not always possible to write the enrichment functions in a closed form. A procedure to determine enrichment functions numerically is explained and tested. As a result, a very simple meshing scheme, which will be introduced here, can be used to simulate developing cracks in solder joint microstructures. Due to the simplicity of the meshing algorithm the simulation can be automated completely. A large number of enrichment functions must be used to realize this. Well-conditioned equation systems, however, cannot be guaranteed for such an approach. To improve the condition number of the X-FEM stiffness matrix and thus the robustness of the solution process a preconditioning technique is derived and applied. This approach makes it possible to develop a new and fully automated procedure for addressing the reliability of solder joints numerically. The procedure relies on the random generation of microstructures. Performing crack growth calculations for a series of these structures makes it possible to address the influence of varying microstructures on the damage process. Material parameters describing the microstructure are determined in an inverse procedure. It will be shown that the numerical results correspond well with experimental observations

    Reliability of metal films and interfaces in power electronic devices

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    Lifetime modelling of large area solder joints in power electronic inverter units

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    Power electronics (PE) modules in inverter units are a critical part of the Hybrid/Electric vehicles drivetrain. During passive temperature cycling, the solder joint between the PE module and the baseplate develops cracks. A detailed reliability investigation was carried out on multiple physical variants under three temperature cycling profiles to uncover major influence parameters. A stress triaxiality and inelastic strain based FEM damage parameter was formulated which showed excellent correlation with experimental results.Leistungselektronikmodule (PE) in Wechselrichtern sind ein wichtiger Bestandteil von Hybrid-/Elektrofahrzeugen. Bei passivem Temperaturwechsel entwickelt die Lötstelle zwischen dem PE-Modul und der Grundplatte Risse. Es wurde eine detaillierte Zuverlässigkeitsuntersuchung an mehreren physikalischen Varianten unter drei Temperaturwechselprofile durchgeführt, um die wichtigsten Einflussparameter aufzudecken. Es wurde ein auf Spannungs-Triaxialität und unelastischer Dehnung basierender FEM-Schadensparameter formuliert, der eine ausgezeichnete Korrelation mit experimentellen Ergebnissen zeigte

    Solder joint failures under thermo-mechanical loading conditions – a review

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    Solder joints play a critical role in electronic devices by providing electrical, mechanical and thermal interconnections. These miniature joints are also the weakest links in an electronic device. Under severe thermal and mechanical loadings, solder joints could fail in ‘tensile fracture’ due to stress overloading, ‘fatigue failure’ because of the application of cyclical stress and ‘creep failure’ due to a permanent long-term load. This paper reviews the literature on solder joint failures under thermo-mechanical loading conditions, with a particular emphasis on fatigue and creep failures. Literature reviews mainly focused on commonly used lead-free Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) solders. Based on the literature in experimental and simulation studies on solder joints, it was found that fatigue failures are widely induced by accelerated thermal cycling (ATC). During ATC, the mismatch in coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) between different elements of electronics assembly contributes significantly to induce thermal stresses on solder joints. The fatigue life of solder joints is predicted based on phenomenological fatigue models that utilise materials properties as inputs. A comparative study of 14 different fatigue life prediction models is presented with their relative advantages, scope and limitations. Creep failures in solder joints, on the other hand, are commonly induced through isothermal ageing. A critical review of various creep models is presented. Many of these strain rate-based creep models are routed to a very well-known Anand Model of inelastic strain rate. Finally, the paper outlined the combined effect of creep and fatigue on solder joint failure.N/

    Liquid-phase diffusion bonding and the development of a Cu-Ni/Sn composite solder paste for high temperature lead-free electrical connections

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    After gathering sufficient microstructural evidence that a practical high-temperature lead-free solder could be produced through liquid-phase diffusion bonding (LPDB) of gas-atomized Cu-Ni powder blended with SN100C (Sn-0.7Cu-0.05Ni, wt.%) commercial solder powder, additional research was completed to enable design of a prototype composite solder paste. By reviewing several experimental alternatives to LPDB for use as replacements and improvements to the currently-used high-Pb solders (which will inevitably be banned by the EU’s RoHS directive), the choice to pursue the prototype solder paste research was verified. One key difference between this research and that of others is the method of pre-alloying Cu with Ni before atomization of the metal powder particles. These Ni additions prevent a detrimental unit cell volume change from occurring in typical Sn-Cu solder alloys by suppressing the hexagonal-to-monoclinic isothermal phase transformation upon cooling during reflow to below 186ðC. Rapid diffusion of the Ni and Cu was explored in order to better design the composite paste’s suggested reflow profile. Research to study and maximize the grain boundary diffusion of Ni and its effect on the resulting intermetallic compounds helped determine the final composition of the composite paste for use in industry

    The durability of solder joints under thermo-mechanical loading; application to Sn-37Pb and Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu lead-free replacement alloy

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    Solder joints in electronic packages provide mechanical, electrical and thermal connections. Hence, their reliability is also a major concern to the electronic packaging industry. Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs) are a very common type of surface mount technology for electronic packaging. This work primarily addresses the thermo-mechanical durability of BGAs and is applied to the exemplar alloys; traditional leaded solder and a popular lead-free solder. Isothermal mechanical fatigue tests were carried out on 4-ball test specimens of the lead-free (Sn-3.8Ag-0.7Cu) and leaded (Sn-37Pb) solder under load control at room temperature, 35°C and 75°C. As well as this, a set of combined thermal and mechanical cycling tests were carried out, again under load control with the thermal cycles either at a different frequency from the mechanical cycles (not-in-phase) or at the same frequency (both in phase and out-of-phase). The microstructural evaluation of both alloys was investigated by carrying out a series of simulated ageing tests, coupled with detailed metallurgical analysis and hardness testing. The results were treated to produce stress-life, cyclic behaviour and creep curves for each of the test conditions. Careful calibration allowed the effects of substrate and grips to be accounted for and so a set of strain-life curves to be produced. These results were compared with other results from the literature taking into account the observations on microstructure made in the ageing tests. It is generally concluded that the TMF performance is better for the Sn-Ag-Cu alloy than for the Sn-Pb alloy, when expressed as stress-life curves. There is also a significant effect on temperature and phase for each of the alloys, the Sn-Ag-Cu being less susceptible to these effects. When expressed as strain life, the effects of temperature, phase and alloy type are much diminished. Many of these conclusions coincided with only parts of the literature and reasons for the remaining differences are advanced

    Thermo-mechanical Durability Assessment and Microstructural Characterization of 95.5Pb2Sn2.5Ag High Temperature Solder

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    There is an increasing need in the avionics, military, oil exploration and automotive industries for high temperature solders that perform reliably in ever-higher temperature applications. In these applications, solders are often used as large area die attaches and due to the high power involved, they need to dissipate large amounts of heat that can further increase the thermal load on the devices. The mechanical, electrical and thermal behavior of the solder must be understood to ensure devices and package reliability. There is an especially urgent need for characterizing constitutive properties and thermo-mechanical durability of high temperature solders. A partitioned constitutive model consisting of elastic, plastic and creep models was obtained for the 95.5Pb2Sn2.5Ag solder by implementing the direct local measurement technique. The validity of the assumptions used to generate these models have been demonstrated using microstructural characterization. The thermo-mechanical durability of the 95.5Pb2Sn2.5Ag solder is investigated using thermal cycling tests and finite element modeling. A high reliability package manufacturing technique has been followed. The extensive detailed two-dimensional viscoplastic FE stress and damage analysis is conducted for five different thermal cycling tests of 95.5Pb2Sn2.5Ag solders. The energy-partitioning durability model of the solder is obtained. It is found that 95.5Pb2Sn2.5Ag solder is creep dominant at high temperatures. The microstructure characterization study on 95.5Pb2Sn2.5Ag solder reveals that it remains primarily a single phase in the range of temperature under study with very few Ag3Sn intermetallics. Fatigue cracks due to thermal cycling have been observed

    Holography and Optical Filtering

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    Holography and optical filtering techniques for structural analysis, material tests, and astronomical observation - conferenc

    Thermo-mechanical reliability studies of lead-free solder interconnects

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    N/ASolder interconnections, also known as solder joints, are the weakest link in electronics packaging. Reliability of these miniature joints is of utmost interest - especially in safety-critical applications in the automotive, medical, aerospace, power grid and oil and drilling sectors. Studies have shown that these joints' critical thermal and mechanical loading culminate in accelerated creep, fatigue, and a combination of these joints' induced failures. The ball grid array (BGA) components being an integral part of many electronic modules functioning in mission-critical systems. This study investigates the response of solder joints in BGA to crucial reliability influencing parameters derived from creep, visco-plastic and fatigue damage of the joints. These are the plastic strain, shear strain, plastic shear strain, creep energy density, strain energy density, deformation, equivalent (Von-Mises) stress etc. The parameters' obtained magnitudes are inputted into established life prediction models – Coffin-Manson, Engelmaier, Solomon (Low cycle fatigue) and Syed (Accumulated creep energy density) – to determine several BGA assemblies' fatigue lives. The joints are subjected to thermal, mechanical and random vibration loadings. The finite element analysis (FEA) is employed in a commercial software package to model and simulate the responses of the solder joints of the representative assemblies' finite element models. As the magnitude and rate of degradation of solder joints in the BGA significantly depend on the composition of the solder alloys used to assembly the BGA on the printed circuit board, this research studies the response of various mainstream lead-free Sn-Ag-Cu (SAC) solders (SAC305, SAC387, SAC396 and SAC405) and benchmarked those with lead-based eutectic solder (Sn63Pb37). In the creep response study, the effects of thermal ageing and temperature cycling on these solder alloys' behaviours are explored. The results show superior creep properties for SAC405 and SAC396 lead-free solder alloys. The lead-free SAC405 solder joint is the most effective solder under thermal cycling condition, and the SAC396 solder joint is the most effective solder under isothermal ageing operation. The finding shows that SAC405 and SAC396 solders accumulated the minimum magnitudes of stress, strain rate, deformation rate and strain energy density than any other solder considered in this study. The hysteresis loops show that lead-free SAC405 has the lowest dissipated energy per cycle. Thus the highest fatigue life, followed by eutectic lead-based Sn63Pb37 solder. The solder with the highest dissipated energy per cycle was lead-free SAC305, SAC387 and SAC396 solder alloys. In the thermal fatigue life prediction research, four different lead-free (SAC305, SAC387, SAC396 and SAC405) and one eutectic lead-based (Sn63Pb37) solder alloys are defined against their thermal fatigue lives (TFLs) to predict their mean-time-to-failure for preventive maintenance advice. Five finite elements (FE) models of the assemblies of the BGAs with the different solder alloy compositions and properties are created with SolidWorks. The models are subjected to standard IEC 60749-25 temperature cycling in ANSYS 19.0 mechanical package environment. SAC405 joints have the highest predicted TFL of circa 13.2 years, while SAC387 joints have the least life of circa 1.4 years. The predicted lives are inversely proportional to the magnitude of the areas of stress-strain hysteresis loops of the solder joints. The prediction models are significantly consistent in predicted magnitudes across the solder joints irrespective of the damage parameters used. Several failure modes drive solder joints and damage mechanics from the research and understand an essential variation in the models' predicted values. This investigation presents a method of managing preventive maintenance time of BGA electronic components in mission-critical systems. It recommends developing a novel life prediction model based on a combination of the damage parameters for enhanced prediction. The FEA random vibration simulation test results showed that different solder alloys have a comparable performance during random vibration testing. The fatigue life result shows that SAC405 and SAC396 have the highest fatigue lives before being prone to failure. As a result of the FEA simulation outcomes with the application of Coffin-Manson's empirical formula, the author can predict the fatigue life of solder joint alloys to a higher degree of accuracy of average ~93% in an actual service environment such as the one experienced under-the-hood of an automobile and aerospace. Therefore, it is concluded that the combination of FEA simulation and empirical formulas employed in this study could be used in the computation and prediction of the fatigue life of solder joint alloys when subjected to random vibration. Based on the thermal and mechanical responses of lead-free SAC405 and SAC396 solder alloys, they are recommended as a suitable replacement of lead-based eutectic Sn63Pb37 solder alloy for improved device thermo-mechanical operations when subjected to random vibration (non-deterministic vibration). The FEA simulation studies' outcomes are validated using experimental and analytical-based reviews in published and peer-reviewed literature.N/
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