12 research outputs found

    Contemporary database topics:learning by teaching

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    Passive learning is generally believed to be ineffectual in that it leads to a generally impoverished student experience manifested by poor attendance, engagement and motivation alike. A shift towards a more pro-active learning experience was therefore the main motivator for the proposed method outlined in this paper. The method adopted was applied to a single module for a cohort of postgraduate, mainly international students. In our method, each student is charged with delivering a specialist database topic as part of an allocated group. They self-organise their group into two sub-groups for lecture and tutorial delivery respectively. Staff support the process by delivering the teaching in the first half of the module. The second, student-led phase is staff-supported using preparatory meetings to discuss content and presentation issues prior to delivery. Feedback overall indicates that the method is effective, particularly in confidence building. We believe that the latter more than compensates for the one or two concerns raised about the quality of information being received. We conclude by discussing a number of changes based on two years’ experience and student feedback

    Smart Object Reminders with RFID and Mobile Technologies

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, we present a reminder system that sends a reminder list to the user's mobile device based on the history data collected from the same user and the events in the user's calendar on that day. The system provides an individualized service. The list is to remind the user with objects he/she might have forgotten at home. The objects that the user brings along with are detected by passive RFID technology. Objects are classified into three different levels based on their frequencies in the history data. Rules of the three levels are then followed to decide if a certain object should be in the reminder list or not. A feedback mechanism is also designed to lower the possibility of unnecessary reminding.[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]電子

    Data Retrieval for Location-Dependent Queries in a Multi-Cell Wireless Environment

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    A Novel Data Replication and Management Protocol for Mobile Computing Systems

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    Smart Object Reminders with RFID and Mobile Technologies

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    Semantic File Annotation and Retrieval on Mobile Devices

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    Monitoring Moving Queries inside a Safe Region

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    With mobile moving range queries, there is a need to recalculate the relevant surrounding objects of interest whenever the query moves. Therefore, monitoring the moving query is very costly. The safe region is one method that has been proposed to minimise the communication and computation cost of continuously monitoring a moving range query. Inside the safe region the set of objects of interest to the query do not change; thus there is no need to update the query while it is inside its safe region. However, when the query leaves its safe region the mobile device has to reevaluate the query, necessitating communication with the server. Knowing when and where the mobile device will leave a safe region is widely known as a difficult problem. To solve this problem, we propose a novel method to monitor the position of the query over time using a linear function based on the direction of the query obtained by periodic monitoring of its position. Periodic monitoring ensures that the query is aware of its location all the time. This method reduces the costs associated with communications in client-server architecture. Computational results show that our method is successful in handling moving query patterns

    Optimizing the Performance and Robustness of Type-2 Fuzzy Group Nearest-Neighbor Queries

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    In Group Nearest-Neighbor (GNN) queries, the goal is to find one or more points of interest with minimum sum of distance to the current location of mobile users. The classic forms of GNN use Euclidean distance measure which is not sufficient to capture other essential distance perceptions of human and the inherent uncertainty of it. To overcome this problem, an improved distance model can be used which is based on a richer, closer to real-world type-2 fuzzy logic distance model. However, large search spaces as well as the need for higher-order uncertainty management will increase the response times of such GNN queries. In this paper two fuzzy clustering methods combined with spatial tessellation are exploited to reduce the search space. Extensive evaluation of the proposed method shows improved response times compared to naĂŻve method while maintaining a high quality of approximation. The proposed uncertainty management method also provides robustness to movement of mobile users, eliminating the need for full re-computation of candidate clusters when the locations of group members are changed

    Research in Mobile Database Query Optimization and Processing

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