10 research outputs found

    Ein Literaturüberblick über verschiedene Methoden der Tourenplanung

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    Die ganzheitliche Müllbehandlung, vor allem in den hochentwickelten Ländern, verursacht enorme Kosten. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist nicht die produzierten Mengen von Müll zu reduzieren, sondern einen möglichst breiten Überblick über die bisher entwickelten Methoden der Müllabfuhr und der Müllbehandlung darzustellen. Es wurden die verschiedenste Transportmodelle entwickelt, die gezielt an die Müllabfuhr angepasst sind. Der Grundbaustein von diesen Methoden ist das Vehicle Routing Problem und das Arc Routing Problem. Es gibt bereits eine Vielzahl an Variationen von Methoden, um die unterschiedlichsten Problemstellungen zu erfassen. Je nach konkretem Bedarf können die bereits bekannten und entwickelten Methoden meistens relativ einfach angewendet werden. Die Zielsetzung bei jeder Anwendung ist zweifellos ein gut funktionierendes System zu bilden, damit die gesamten Müllbehandlungskosten möglichst viel reduziert werden. Die Grundidee der Transportplanung ist einen effektiven Routenplan zu entwickeln, wobei das schnellste oder kostengünstigste Transportmodell anzustreben ist. Es gibt verschiedene Verfahren. Die Anwendung von einem bestimmten Lösungsverfahren legt vor allem die Komplexität von jedem konkreten Fall fest. Grundsätzlich werden drei große Untergruppen an Lösungsmethoden unterschieden. Exakte Verfahren ermöglichen bei eher kleineren und einfacheren Problemstellungen eine optimale Lösung zu finden. Bei komplizierteren Aufgaben mit mehreren Variablen und Restriktionen kann man derartige Probleme nur mit der Anwendung von heuristischen Ansätzen modellieren. Nur dann ist es möglich in akzeptabler Rechenzeit gute und nicht zu weit vom Optimum entfernte Resultate zu generieren. Ferner werden die oben beschriebenen Verfahren durch die modernsten Ansätze ergänzt, den sogenannten Metaheuristiken. Anschießend werden zahlreiche reale Tourenplanungsprobleme und Case Studies vorgestellt

    The Impact of Residential and Non-Residential Demand on Location-Allocation Decision-Making: A Case Study of Modelling Suitable Locations for EMS in Leicester and Leicestershire, England UK

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    The research examines the impact of residential and non-residential demand on facility location planning by comparing results from two location models: travel-to-work (TTW) and Residential model. The TTW model considers short-term changes in the state of the population due to travel-to-work (non-residential demand). By contrast, the Residential model uses a static snap-shot of the population based on official census estimates (residential demand). Comparison of both models was based on a case study of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) location-allocation planning problem in Leicester and Leicestershire, England, UK. Results showed that the using a static residential demand surface to plan EMS locations overestimates actual demand coverage, compared to a non-residential demand surface. Differences in location-allocation results between the models underscore the importance of accounting for temporal changes in the state of the population when planning locations for health service facilities. The findings of the study have implications for siting of EMS, designing, and planning of EMS service catchments and allocation of prospective demand to EMS sites. The study concludes that consideration of temporal changes in the state of the population is important for reliable and efficient location-allocation planning


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    PT. Muawanah Al-Ma’soem merupakan salah satu perusahaan air minum dalam kemasan yang berpusat di Bandung tepatnya di Kabupaten Bandung yaitu Cileunyi. PT. Muawanah Al-Ma’soem memliki 4 gudang antara yaitu Cikalang (Pusat), Bandung, Rajamandala, dan Limbangan. Salah satu produk yang dimiliki oleh PT. Muawanah Al-Ma’soem yaitu produk air minum dalam kemasan jenis cup 240 ml yang dikemas dalam kemasan karton yang berisi 48 cup per karton. Permasalahan yang terjadi di PT. Muawanah Al-Ma’soem terdapat pada pendistribusian yang dilakukan oleh gudang antara Bandung terhadap ke 64 retail tujuan yang tersebar. Pada saat ini pola kegiatan pendistribusian gudang antara Bandung masih acak yang menyebabkan jarak dan lokasi retail yang dituju tidak efektif, belum terdapat jadwal pengiriman produk air minum dalam kemasan yang tetap sehingga pendistribusian dilakukan secara berulang ke setiap retail yang tersebar serta pemanfaatan kapasitas alat angkut yang belum optimal yang menyebabkan kendaraan belum mampu mendistribusikan produk dalam satu kali keberangkatan. Beberapa permasalahan tersebut menyebabkan biaya distribusi yang dikeluarkan oleh PT. Muawanah Al-Ma’soem menjadi tidak optimal. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memnetukan rute distribusi yang minimum agar biaya distribusi yang dikeluarkan oleh PT. Muawanah Al-Ma’soem menjadi lebih optimal dibandingkan dengan sebelumnya. Penyelesaian masalah dilakukan dengan empat langkah yaitu pertama, dengan melakukan pengelompokkan (clustering) wilayah pendistribusian dengan metode Fuzzy C Means agar kapasitas angkut kendaraan dapat dimaksimalkan untuk melayani setiap retail tujuan dalam satu kali keberangkatan. Kedua, penentuan fasilitas gudang antara menggunakan metode Hub Location Problem agar memperoleh gudang antara di salah satu retail yang berada pada suatu cluster. Ketiga, penentuan rute distribusi menggunakan metode Nearest Neighbor agar diperoleh rute distribusi dengan jarak terpendek ke setiap retail tujuan. Keempat, optimisasi rute distribusi dengan metode Simulated Annealling agar mendapatkan rute distribusi yang lebih optimal dari sebelumnya. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh 8 cluster wilayah pendistribusian, satu retail yang dijadikan gudang antara di setiap cluster, dan rute pendistribusian air minum dalam kemasan yang optimal. Dengan hasil pengehematan biaya distribusi yang diperoleh sekitar Rp 1.718.985 dengan efisiensi sebesar 28,69%. Kata Kunci: Vehicle Routing Problem, Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem, Fuzzy C Means, Hub Locataion Problem, Nearest Neighbor, Simulated Annealling

    OR models in urban service facility location : a critical review of applications and future developments

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    [EN] Facility location models are well established in various application areas with more than a century of history in academia. Since the 1970s the trend has been shifting from manufacturing to service industries. Due to their nature, service industries are frequently located in or near urban areas that results in additional assumptions, objectives and constraints other than those in more traditional manufacturing location models. This survey focuses on the location of service facilities in urban areas. We studied 110 research papers across different journals and disciplines. We have analyzed these papers on two levels. On the first, we take an Operations Research perspective to investigate the papers in terms of types of decisions, location space, main assumptions, input parameters, objective functions and constraints. On the second level, we compare and contrast the papers in each of these applications categories: (a) Waste management systems (WMS), (b) Large-scale disaster (LSD), (c) Small-scale emergency (SSE), (d) General service and infrastructure (GSI), (e) Non-emergency healthcare systems (NEH) and (f) Transportation systems and their infrastructure (TSI). Each of these categories is critically analyzed in terms of application, assumptions, decision variables, input parameters, constraints, objective functions and solution techniques. Gaps, research opportunities and trends are identified within each category. Finally, some general lessons learned based on the practicality of the models is synthesized to suggest avenues of future research.Ruben Ruiz is partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, under the project "SCHEYARD - Optimization of Scheduling Problems in Container Yards (No. DPI2015-65895-R) financed by FEDER funds.Farahani, RZ.; Fallah, S.; Ruiz García, R.; Hosseini, S.; Asgari, N. (2019). OR Models in Urban Service Facility Location: A Critical Review of Applications and Future Developments. European Journal of Operational Research. 276(1):1-27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2018.07.036S127276

    Studies in urban informatics: tools and techniques to explore socio-ecological urban systems

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    This work details the emerging discipline of urban informatics and the diverse set of tools, data and techniques necessary for the quantitative analysis of urban systems. Three studies are presented based on distinct data types including administrative data, user-generated data and sensor data. The first study focuses on urban waste management and demonstrates how existing administrative datasets can be used to forecast waste generation, which can be useful for optimizing waste collection efforts and developing future waste reduction strategies. The second study shifts from administrative data to focus on the benefits of public participation and the challenges of working with user-generated data. The final study presents a multi-week calibration campaign to evaluate calibration techniques and the quality of data generated by a low-cost air quality monitoring platform in order to increase the spatial resolution of PM2.5 measurements in an urban environment. The results from and evaluation of these studies highlight the potential for these urban data streams to provide new in-sight into socio-ecological urban systems, and create new opportunities for local governments to operate in a more effective, efficient and sustainable way

    Integrated stochastic distribution network design: a two-level facility location problem with applications to maize crops transportation in Tanzania

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    thesis submitted to the Faculty of Science in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. March 17, 2015.A two-level facility location problem (FLP) arose in the transport network of maize crop in Tanzania has been studied. The three layers, namely, production centers (PCs), distribution centers (DCs) and customer points (CPs) are considered in the two-level FLP. The stochastic e ect on the two-level FLP due to rainfall in the network links, between the DCs and CPs, has been studied. The ow of maize crop from PCs to CPs through DCs is designed at a minimum cost under deterministic and stochastic scenarios. The three decisions made simultaneously are: to determine the locations of DCs (including number of DCs), allocation of CPs to the selected DCs, allocation of selected DCs to PCs, and to determine the amount of maize crop transported from PCs to DCs and then from DCs to CPs. We have modelled the problem and generate results by optimizing the model with respect to optimal location-allocation strategies. We have considered two networks, the existing network and an extended network. In the existing network there are four PCs, ve DCs and ninety three CPs. In the extended network three additional DCs are considered. For the modelling purpose we have used the rainfall data from 2007 - 2010 in each week for 17 weeks. The optimized results for the existing network have shown improvements in cost saving compared to the manually operated existing network. In the extended network, the results have shown much more e cient and cost saving distribution system compared to the results of the existing network

    Gestão ambiental: implementação de um plano de gestão de resíduos

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina VeterináriaOs resíduos sempre acompanharam a evolução da Humanidade, no entanto, ao longo dos últimos anos uma utilização abusiva dos recursos naturais não renováveis e a produção intensiva de bens e serviços fizeram com que estes fossem produzidos de forma quase inexorável. Por este motivo torna-se imperativo a implementação de medidas urgentes em todas a fases de produção e eliminação de resíduos com o intuito de minimizar os seus impactos ambientais negativos e assim garantir a sustentabilidade de gerações futuras. Nas empresas que actuam na área alimentar, uma má gestão dos resíduos produzidos pode ter não só impactos ambientais significativos, como pôr em risco a própria segurança dos produtos alimentares. Este trabalho descreve as várias fases de implementação de um plano interno de gestão de resíduos numa empresa de “catering” de aviação. Nesta empresa são produzidos quatro categorias diferentes de resíduos: indiferenciados (produção) – 60,83%, orgânicos – 22,53%, indiferenciados (aviação) – 13,28% e sólidos recicláveis – 3,36%. A implementação de um plano interno de gestão de resíduos apenas se mostrou viável, do ponto de vista económico, para a recolha selectiva e valorização de resíduos orgânicos. A aplicação deste plano para a recolha selectiva de resíduos sólidos recicláveis apesar de ambientalmente ser positiva dado que se reduz a quantidade de resíduos encaminhados para eliminação, acarreta custos que tornam a sua implementação insubsistente.ABSTRACT - Environmental Management: Implementing a Waste Management Plan - Waste has always followed the humanity evolution, however, over the past years an abusive use of non-renewable resources and intensive production of goods and services accelerate their production. For this reason, it is imperative the implementation of urgent measures in all phases of production and disposal in order to minimize their negative environmental impacts and so ensure the sustainability of future generations. In companies that operate in the food production area, the poor management of waste generated, can not only cause significant environmental impacts, but also endanger the safety of the food products. This paper describes the various stages of the implementation of an internal waste management plan in a catering aviation company, which produced four different categories of waste: mixed (production) – 60,83%, organic – 22,53%, mixed (aviation) – 13,28% solid and recyclable – 3,36%. The implementation of an internal waste management plan is only viable, from an economic point of view, when applied to organic waste. The application of such management plan to recyclable solid waste despite positive from an environmental perspective, due to the reduction the amount of waste sent for disposal, it’s not doable due to the high costs that it implies

    Optimizing Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management System under Multiple Uncertainties

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    To define a holistic and systematic approach to municipal waste management, an integrated municipal solid waste management (IMSWM) system is proposed. This system includes functional elements of waste generation, source handling, and processing, waste collection, waste processing at facilities, transfer, and disposal. Multi-objective optimization algorithms are used to develop an optimum IMSWM that can satisfy all main pillars of sustainable development, aiming to minimize the total cost of the system (economic), and minimize the total greenhouse gas emissions (environmental), while maximizing the total social suitability of the system (social). For the social objective, the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method is used to identify the main parameters that affect the social suitability of the system. This research focuses on developing an optimized holistic model that considers all four main components of a modern IMSWM namely transfer, recycling, treatment, and disposal. The model is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem and solved using the epsilon constraint handling method. A metaheuristic method is developed using non dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA) to deal with larger problems. A solution repair function is developed to handle several equality constraints included in the proposed IMSWM model. Sensitivity analyses are conducted to identify the effect of changes in parameters on the objective functions. Based on the results, the proposed metaheuristic algorithm based on NSGA-II performed better than other algorithms. The interval-parameter programming (IPP) methods are used to consider various uncertainties that exist in the system. The model is applied to the case study of the Australian capital territory (ACT). The data is gathered from several resources including Australian national waste reports, and ACT government transport Canberra and city services (TCCS). Based on the waste characteristic and city map several feasible scenarios are recommended. Several non-dominated solutions are identified for the model that the decision-maker can choose the most desirable solution based on the preferences. Based on the importance of any objective function at any time the decision-maker can choose a solution to suit the needs

    Metodologías para la ubicación de plantas de biomasa mediante modelos de localización basados en programación lineal y evaluación multicriterio en el entorno de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica

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    La necesidad de fomentar el desarrollo de energías renovables forma parte de una estrategia política y comunitaria que debe tener en cuenta las materias relacionadas con el medio ambiente, crecimiento, competitividad y empleo, competencia, investigación, desarrollo tecnológico y demostración, así como en el ámbito de la política agraria y de desarrollo rural. Es por ello que, en las últimas décadas, se empezó a dar un papel importante a estas energías como alternativa energética a las fuentes tradicionales, poniendo latente la necesidad de la búsqueda de nuevas herramientas y técnicas que puedan dar respuesta a conceptos tan importantes como la planificación energética de un territorio. De este modo, se comenzó un proceso de integración de las energías renovables mediante diversas actuaciones políticas a nivel mundial (Protocolo de Kyoto), siendo necesario además llevar a cabo iniciativas energéticas locales. En este contexto, la utilización de la biomasa con fines energéticos ofrece múltiples ventajas con respecto a las fuentes de energía convencionales, así como en relación con otras fuentes de energía renovables, en particular unos costes relativamente bajos, una menor dependencia de las alteraciones climáticas a corto plazo, el fomento de las estructuras económicas regionales y la creación de fuentes de ingresos alternativas. Entre los principales beneficios destacaríamos reducir la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles, disminuir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y estimular la actividad económica en zonas rurales (Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas 2005). En este trabajo se presentan diferentes metodologías y estrategias para impulsar el desarrollo del aprovechamiento de la biomasa procedente de residuos agrícolas y forestales, incluyendo los distintos y numerosos elementos implicados en la utilización de la biomasa como fuente energética: recursos disponibles y tipología, logística para su recogida y distribución, restricciones medioambientales y sociales, transporte, almacenamiento, costes, pre-tratamientos, demanda potencial, etc.Perpiñá Castillo, C. (2012). Metodologías para la ubicación de plantas de biomasa mediante modelos de localización basados en programación lineal y evaluación multicriterio en el entorno de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14721Palanci