21 research outputs found

    Locally implicit discontinuous Galerkin method for time domain electromagnetics

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    In the recent years, there has been an increasing interest in discontinuous Galerkin time domain (DGTD) methods for the solution of the unsteady Maxwell equations modeling electromagnetic wave propagation. One of the main features of DGTD methods is their ability to deal with unstructured meshes which are particularly well suited to the discretization of the geometrical details and heterogeneous media that characterize realistic propagation problems. Such DGTD methods most often rely on explicit time integration schemes and lead to block diagonal mass matrices. However, explicit DGTD methods are also constrained by a stability condition that can be very restrictive on highly refined meshes and when the local approximation relies on high order polynomial interpolation. An implicit time integration scheme is a natural way to obtain a time domain method which is unconditionally stable but at the expense of the inversion of a global linear system at each time step. A more viable approach consists of applying an implicit time integration scheme locally in the refined regions of the mesh while preserving an explicit time scheme in the complementary part, resulting in an hybrid explicit–implicit (or locally implicit) time integration strategy. In this paper, we report on our recent efforts towards the development of such a hybrid explicit–implicit DGTD method for solving the time domain Maxwell equations on unstructured simplicial meshes. Numerical experiments for 3D propagation problems in homogeneous and heterogeneous media illustrate the possibilities of the method for simulations involving locally refined meshes

    Stabilized leapfrog based local time-stepping method for the wave equation

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    Local time-stepping methods permit to overcome the severe stability constraint on explicit methods caused by local mesh refinement without sacrificing explicitness. In \cite{DiazGrote09}, a leapfrog based explicit local time-stepping (LF-LTS) method was proposed for the time integration of second-order wave equations. Recently, optimal convergence rates were proved for a conforming FEM discretization, albeit under a CFL stability condition where the global time-step, Δt\Delta t, depends on the smallest elements in the mesh \cite{grote_sauter_1}. In general one cannot improve upon that stability constraint, as the LF-LTS method may become unstable at certain discrete values of Δt\Delta t. To remove those critical values of Δt\Delta t, we apply a slight modification (as in recent work on LF-Chebyshev methods \cite{CarHocStu19}) to the original LF-LTS method which nonetheless preserves its desirable properties: it is fully explicit, second-order accurate, satisfies a three-term (leapfrog like) recurrence relation, and conserves the energy. The new stabilized LF-LTS method also yields optimal convergence rates for a standard conforming FE discretization, yet under a CFL condition where Δt\Delta t no longer depends on the mesh size inside the locally refined region

    Recent Achievements on a DGTD Method for Time-Domain Electromagnetics

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    International audienceWe report on results concerning a discontinuous Galerkin time domain (DGTD) method for the solution of Maxwell equations. This DGTD method is formulated on unstructured simplicial meshes (triangles in 2-D and tetrahedra in 3-D). Within each mesh element, the electromagnetic field components are approximated by an arbitrarily high order nodal polynomial while, in the original formulation of the method, time integration is achieved by a second order Leap-Frog scheme. Here, we discuss about several recent developments aiming at improving the accuracy and the computational efficiency of this DGTD method in view of the simulation of problems involving general domains and heterogeneous media

    Convergence analysis of energy conserving explicit local time-stepping methods for the wave equation

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    Local adaptivity and mesh refinement are key to the efficient simulation of wave phenomena in heterogeneous media or complex geometry. Locally refined meshes, however, dictate a small time-step everywhere with a crippling effect on any explicit time-marching method. In [18] a leap-frog (LF) based explicit local time-stepping (LTS) method was proposed, which overcomes the severe bottleneck due to a few small elements by taking small time-steps in the locally refined region and larger steps elsewhere. Here a rigorous convergence proof is presented for the fully-discrete LTS-LF method when combined with a standard conforming finite element method (FEM) in space. Numerical results further illustrate the usefulness of the LTS-LF Galerkin FEM in the presence of corner singularities

    Explicit local time-stepping methods for time-dependent wave propagation

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    Semi-discrete Galerkin formulations of transient wave equations, either with conforming or discontinuous Galerkin finite element discretizations, typically lead to large systems of ordinary differential equations. When explicit time integration is used, the time-step is constrained by the smallest elements in the mesh for numerical stability, possibly a high price to pay. To overcome that overly restrictive stability constraint on the time-step, yet without resorting to implicit methods, explicit local time-stepping schemes (LTS) are presented here for transient wave equations either with or without damping. In the undamped case, leap-frog based LTS methods lead to high-order explicit LTS schemes, which conserve the energy. In the damped case, when energy is no longer conserved, Adams-Bashforth based LTS methods also lead to explicit LTS schemes of arbitrarily high accuracy. When combined with a finite element discretization in space with an essentially diagonal mass matrix, the resulting time-marching schemes are fully explicit and thus inherently parallel. Numerical experiments with continuous and discontinuous Galerkin finite element discretizations validate the theory and illustrate the usefulness of these local time-stepping methods.Comment: overview paper, typos added, references updated. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1109.448

    Component splitting for semi-discrete Maxwell equations

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    A time-integration scheme for semi-discrete linear Maxwell equations is proposed. Special for this scheme is that it employs component splitting. The idea of component splitting is to advance the greater part of the components of the semi-discrete system explicitly in time and the remaining part implicitly. The aim is to avoid severe step size restrictions caused by grid-induced stiffness emanating from locally refined space grids. The proposed scheme is a blend of an existing second-order composition scheme which treats wave terms explicitly and the second-order implicit trapezoidal rule. The new blended scheme retains the composition property enabling higher-order composition

    Improving accuracy of high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for time-domain electromagnetics on curvilinear domains

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    International audienceThe paper discusses high-order geometrical mapping for handling curvilinear geometries in high-accuracy discontinuous Galerkin simulations for time-domain Maxwell problems. The proposed geometrical mapping is based on a quadratic representation of the curved boundary and on the adaptation of the nodal points inside each curved element. With high-order mapping, numerical fluxes along curved boundaries are computed much more accurately due to the accurate representation of the computational domain. Numerical experiments for two-dimensional and three-dimensional propagation problems demonstrate the applicability and benefits of the proposed high-order geometrical mapping for simulations involving curved domains

    Temporal convergence analysis of a locally implicit discontinuous galerkin time domain method for electromagnetic wave propagation in dispersive media

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    International audienceThis paper is concerned with the approximation of the time domain Maxwell's equations in a dispersive propagation media by a Discontinuous Galerkin Time Domain (DGTD) method. The Debye model is used to describe the dispersive behaviour of the media. We adapt the locally implicit time integration method from [1] and derive a convergence analysis to prove that the locally implicit DGTD method for Maxwell's equations in dispersive media retains its second-order convergence

    Error analysis of a second order locally implicit method for linear Maxwell\u27s equations

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    In this paper we consider the full discretization of linear Maxwell\u27s equations on spatial grids which are locally refined. For such problems, explicit time integration schemes become inefficient because the smallest mesh width results in a strict CFL condition. Recently locally implicit time integration methods have become popular in overcoming the problem of so called grid-induced sti↵ness. Various such schemes have been proposed in the literature and have been shown to be very efficient. However, a rigorous analysis of such methods is still missing. In fact, the available literature focuses on error bounds which are valid on a fixed spatial mesh only but deteriorate in the limit where the smallest spatial mesh size tends to zero. Moreover, some important questions cannot be answered without such an analysis. For example, it has not yet been studied which elements of the spatial mesh enter the CFL condition. In this paper we provide such a rigorous analysis for a locally implicit scheme proposed by Verwer [15] based on a variational formulation and energy techniques