9 research outputs found

    Fast Reed-Solomon Interactive Oracle Proofs of Proximity

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    The family of Reed-Solomon (RS) codes plays a prominent role in the construction of quasilinear probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs) and interactive oracle proofs (IOPs) with perfect zero knowledge and polylogarithmic verifiers. The large concrete computational complexity required to prove membership in RS codes is one of the biggest obstacles to deploying such PCP/IOP systems in practice. To advance on this problem we present a new interactive oracle proof of proximity (IOPP) for RS codes; we call it the Fast RS IOPP (FRI) because (i) it resembles the ubiquitous Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and (ii) the arithmetic complexity of its prover is strictly linear and that of the verifier is strictly logarithmic (in comparison, FFT arithmetic complexity is quasi-linear but not strictly linear). Prior RS IOPPs and PCPs of proximity (PCPPs) required super-linear proving time even for polynomially large query complexity. For codes of block-length N, the arithmetic complexity of the (interactive) FRI prover is less than 6 * N, while the (interactive) FRI verifier has arithmetic complexity <= 21 * log N, query complexity 2 * log N and constant soundness - words that are delta-far from the code are rejected with probability min{delta * (1-o(1)),delta_0} where delta_0 is a positive constant that depends mainly on the code rate. The particular combination of query complexity and soundness obtained by FRI is better than that of the quasilinear PCPP of [Ben-Sasson and Sudan, SICOMP 2008], even with the tighter soundness analysis of [Ben-Sasson et al., STOC 2013; ECCC 2016]; consequently, FRI is likely to facilitate better concretely efficient zero knowledge proof and argument systems. Previous concretely efficient PCPPs and IOPPs suffered a constant multiplicative factor loss in soundness with each round of "proof composition" and thus used at most O(log log N) rounds. We show that when delta is smaller than the unique decoding radius of the code, FRI suffers only a negligible additive loss in soundness. This observation allows us to increase the number of "proof composition" rounds to Theta(log N) and thereby reduce prover and verifier running time for fixed soundness

    Cube vs. Cube Low Degree Test

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    We revisit the Raz-Safra plane-vs.-plane test and study the closely related cube vs. cube test. In this test the tester has access to a "cubes table" which assigns to every cube a low degree polynomial. The tester randomly selects two cubes (affine sub-spaces of dimension 3) that intersect on a point x in F^m, and checks that the assignments to the cubes agree with each other on the point x. Our main result is a new combinatorial proof for a low degree test that comes closer to the soundness limit, as it works for all epsilon >= poly(d)/{|F|}^{1/2}, where d is the degree. This should be compared to the previously best soundness value of epsilon >= poly(m, d)/|F|^{1/8}. Our soundness limit improves upon the dependence on the field size and does not depend on the dimension of the ambient space. Our proof is combinatorial and direct: unlike the Raz-Safra proof, it proceeds in one shot and does not require induction on the dimension of the ambient space. The ideas in our proof come from works on direct product testing which are even simpler in the current setting thanks to the low degree. Along the way we also prove a somewhat surprising fact about connection between different agreement tests: it does not matter if the tester chooses the cubes to intersect on points or on lines: for every given table, its success probability in either test is nearly the same

    Parallel Repetition of Entangled Games

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    We consider one-round games between a classical referee and two players. One of the main questions in this area is the parallel repetition question: Is there a way to decrease the maximum winning probability of a game without increasing the number of rounds or the number of players? Classically, efforts to resolve this question, open for many years, have culminated in Raz’s celebrated parallel repetition theorem on one hand, and in efficient product testers for PCPs on the other. In the case where players share entanglement, the only previously known results are for special cases of games, and are based on techniques that seem inherently limited. Here we show for the first time that the maximum success probability of entangled games can be reduced through parallel repetition, provided it was not initially 1. Our proof is inspired by a seminal result of Feige and Kilian in the context of classical two-prover one-round interactive proofs. One of the main components in our proof is an orthogonalization lemma for operators, which might be of independent interest

    Derandomized Parallel Repetition via Structured PCPs

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    A PCP is a proof system for NP in which the proof can be checked by a probabilistic verifier. The verifier is only allowed to read a very small portion of the proof, and in return is allowed to err with some bounded probability. The probability that the verifier accepts a false proof is called the soundness error, and is an important parameter of a PCP system that one seeks to minimize. Constructing PCPs with sub-constant soundness error and, at the same time, a minimal number of queries into the proof (namely two) is especially important due to applications for inapproximability. In this work we construct such PCP verifiers, i.e., PCPs that make only two queries and have sub-constant soundness error. Our construction can be viewed as a combinatorial alternative to the "manifold vs. point" construction, which is the only construction in the literature for this parameter range. The "manifold vs. point" PCP is based on a low degree test, while our construction is based on a direct product test. We also extend our construction to yield a decodable PCP (dPCP) with the same parameters. By plugging in this dPCP into the scheme of Dinur and Harsha (FOCS 2009) one gets an alternative construction of the result of Moshkovitz and Raz (FOCS 2008), namely: a construction of two-query PCPs with small soundness error and small alphabet size. Our construction of a PCP is based on extending the derandomized direct product test of Impagliazzo, Kabanets and Wigderson (STOC 09) to a derandomized parallel repetition theorem. More accurately, our PCP construction is obtained in two steps. We first prove a derandomized parallel repetition theorem for specially structured PCPs. Then, we show that any PCP can be transformed into one that has the required structure, by embedding it on a de-Bruijn graph

    Exponentially Small Soundness for the Direct Product Z-Test

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    Given a function f:[N]^k->[M]^k, the Z-test is a three query test for checking if a function f is a direct product, namely if there are functions g_1,...g_k:[N]->[M] such that f(x_1,...,x_k)=(g_1(x_1),...,g_k(x_k)) for every input x in [N]^k. This test was introduced by Impagliazzo et. al. (SICOMP 2012), who showed that if the test passes with probability epsilon > exp(-sqrt k) then f is Omega(epsilon) close to a direct product function in some precise sense. It remained an open question whether the soundness of this test can be pushed all the way down to exp(-k) (which would be optimal). This is our main result: we show that whenever f passes the Z test with probability epsilon > exp(-k), there must be a global reason for this: namely, f must be close to a product function on some Omega(epsilon) fraction of its domain. Towards proving our result we analyze the related (two-query) V-test, and prove a "restricted global structure" theorem for it. Such theorems were also proven in previous works on direct product testing in the small soundness regime. The most recent work, by Dinur and Steurer (CCC 2014), analyzed the V test in the exponentially small soundness regime. We strengthen their conclusion of that theorem by moving from an "in expectation" statement to a stronger "concentration of measure" type of statement, which we prove using hyper-contractivity. This stronger statement allows us to proceed to analyze the Z test. We analyze two variants of direct product tests. One for functions on ordered tuples, as above, and another for functions on sets of size k. The work of Impagliazzo et al. was actually focused only on functions of the latter type, i.e. on sets. We prove exponentially small soundness for the Z-test for both variants. Although the two appear very similar, the analysis for tuples is more tricky and requires some additional ideas

    Characterizing Direct Product Testing via Coboundary Expansion

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    A dd-dimensional simplicial complex XX is said to support a direct product tester if any locally consistent function defined on its kk-faces (where kdk\ll d) necessarily come from a function over its vertices. More precisely, a direct product tester has a distribution μ\mu over pairs of kk-faces (A,A)(A,A'), and given query access to F ⁣:X(k){0,1}kF\colon X(k)\to\{0,1\}^k it samples (A,A)μ(A,A')\sim \mu and checks that F[A]AA=F[A]AAF[A]|_{A\cap A'} = F[A']|_{A\cap A'}. The tester should have (1) the ``completeness property'', meaning that any assignment FF which is a direct product assignment passes the test with probability 11, and (2) the ``soundness property'', meaning that if FF passes the test with probability ss, then FF must be correlated with a direct product function. Dinur and Kaufman showed that a sufficiently good spectral expanding complex XX admits a direct product tester in the ``high soundness'' regime where ss is close to 11. They asked whether there are high dimensional expanders that support direct product tests in the ``low soundness'', when ss is close to 00. We give a characterization of high-dimensional expanders that support a direct product tester in the low soundness regime. We show that spectral expansion is insufficient, and the complex must additionally satisfy a variant of coboundary expansion, which we refer to as \emph{Unique-Games coboundary expanders}. Conversely, we show that this property is also sufficient to get direct product testers. This property can be seen as a high-dimensional generalization of the standard notion of coboundary expansion over non-Abelian groups for 2-dimensional complexes. It asserts that any locally consistent Unique-Games instance obtained using the low-level faces of the complex, must admit a good global solution

    On Parallel Repetition of PCPs

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    Parallel repetition refers to a set of valuable techniques used to reduce soundness error of probabilistic proofs while saving on certain efficiency measures. Parallel repetition has been studied for interactive proofs (IPs) and multi-prover interactive proofs (MIPs). In this paper we initiate the study of parallel repetition for probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs). We show that, perhaps surprisingly, parallel repetition of a PCP can increase soundness error, in fact bringing the soundness error to one as the number of repetitions tends to infinity. This failure of parallel repetition is common: we find that it occurs for a wide class of natural PCPs for NP-complete languages. We explain this unexpected phenomenon by providing a characterization result: the parallel repetition of a PCP brings the soundness error to zero if and only if a certain MIP projection of the PCP has soundness error strictly less than one. We show that our characterization is tight via a suitable example. Moreover, for those cases where parallel repetition of a PCP does bring the soundness error to zero, the aforementioned connection to MIPs offers preliminary results on the rate of decay of the soundness error. Finally, we propose a simple variant of parallel repetition, called consistent parallel repetition (CPR), which has the same randomness complexity and query complexity as the plain variant of parallel repetition. We show that CPR brings the soundness error to zero for every PCP (with non-trivial soundness error). In fact, we show that CPR decreases the soundness error at an exponential rate in the repetition parameter