13,889 research outputs found

    Linear-scaling DFT+U with full local orbital optimization

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    We present an approach to the DFT+U method (Density Functional Theory + Hubbard model) within which the computational effort for calculation of ground state energies and forces scales linearly with system size. We employ a formulation of the Hubbard model using nonorthogonal projector functions to define the localized subspaces, and apply it to a local-orbital DFT method including in situ orbital optimization. The resulting approach thus combines linear-scaling and systematic variational convergence. We demonstrate the scaling of the method by applying it to nickel oxide nano-clusters with sizes exceeding 7,000 atoms.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. This version (v3) matches that accepted for Physical Review B on 30th January 201

    ELSI: A Unified Software Interface for Kohn-Sham Electronic Structure Solvers

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    Solving the electronic structure from a generalized or standard eigenproblem is often the bottleneck in large scale calculations based on Kohn-Sham density-functional theory. This problem must be addressed by essentially all current electronic structure codes, based on similar matrix expressions, and by high-performance computation. We here present a unified software interface, ELSI, to access different strategies that address the Kohn-Sham eigenvalue problem. Currently supported algorithms include the dense generalized eigensolver library ELPA, the orbital minimization method implemented in libOMM, and the pole expansion and selected inversion (PEXSI) approach with lower computational complexity for semilocal density functionals. The ELSI interface aims to simplify the implementation and optimal use of the different strategies, by offering (a) a unified software framework designed for the electronic structure solvers in Kohn-Sham density-functional theory; (b) reasonable default parameters for a chosen solver; (c) automatic conversion between input and internal working matrix formats, and in the future (d) recommendation of the optimal solver depending on the specific problem. Comparative benchmarks are shown for system sizes up to 11,520 atoms (172,800 basis functions) on distributed memory supercomputing architectures.Comment: 55 pages, 14 figures, 2 table

    Parallel, linear-scaling building-block and embedding method based on localized orbitals and orbital-specific basis sets

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    We present a new linear scaling method for the energy minimization step of semiempirical and first-principles Hartree-Fock and Kohn-Sham calculations. It is based on the self-consistent calculation of the optimum localized orbitals of any localization method of choice and on the use of orbital-specific basis sets. The full set of localized orbitals of a large molecule is seen as an orbital mosaic where each tessera is made of only a few of them. The orbital tesserae are computed out of a set of embedded cluster pseudoeigenvalue coupled equations which are solved in a building-block self-consistent fashion. In each iteration, the embedded cluster equations are solved independently of each other and, as a result, the method is parallel at a high level of the calculation. In addition to full system calculations, the method enables to perform simpler, much less demanding embedded cluster calculations, where only a fraction of the localized molecular orbitals are variational while the rest are frozen, taking advantage of the transferability of the localized orbitals of a given localization method between similar molecules. Monitoring single point energy calculations of large poly(ethylene oxide) molecules and three dimensional carbon monoxide clusters using an extended Huckel Hamiltonian are presented.Comment: latex, 15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in J.Chem.Phy

    Electronic structure calculations and molecular dynamics simulations with linear system-size scaling

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    We present a method for total energy minimizations and molecular dynamics simulations based either on tight-binding or on Kohn-Sham hamiltonians. The method leads to an algorithm whose computational cost scales linearly with the system size. The key features of our approach are (i) an orbital formulation with single particle wavefunctions constrained to be localized in given regions of space, and (ii) an energy functional which does not require either explicit orthogonalization of the electronic orbitals, or inversion of an overlap matrix. The foundations and accuracy of the approach and the performances of the algorithm are discussed, and illustrated with several numerical examples including Kohn-Sham hamiltonians. In particular we present calculations with tight-binding hamiltonians for diamond, graphite, a carbon linear chain and liquid carbon at low pressure. Even for a complex case such as liquid carbon -- a disordered metallic system with differently coordinated atoms -- the agreement between standard diagonalization schemes and our approach is very good. Our results establish the accuracy and reliability of the method for a wide class of systems and show that tight binding molecular dynamics simulations with a few thousand atoms are feasible on small workstations

    Low complexity method for large-scale self-consistent ab initio electronic-structure calculations without localization

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    A novel low complexity method to perform self-consistent electronic-structure calculations using the Kohn-Sham formalism of density functional theory is presented. Localization constraints are neither imposed nor required thereby allowing direct comparison with conventional cubically scaling algorithms. The method has, to date, the lowest complexity of any algorithm for an exact calculation. A simple one-dimensional model system is used to thoroughly test the numerical stability of the algorithm and results for a real physical system are also given

    SCDM-k: Localized orbitals for solids via selected columns of the density matrix

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    The recently developed selected columns of the density matrix (SCDM) method [J. Chem. Theory Comput. 11, 1463, 2015] is a simple, robust, efficient and highly parallelizable method for constructing localized orbitals from a set of delocalized Kohn-Sham orbitals for insulators and semiconductors with Γ\Gamma point sampling of the Brillouin zone. In this work we generalize the SCDM method to Kohn-Sham density functional theory calculations with k-point sampling of the Brillouin zone, which is needed for more general electronic structure calculations for solids. We demonstrate that our new method, called SCDM-k, is by construction gauge independent and is a natural way to describe localized orbitals. SCDM-k computes localized orbitals without the use of an optimization procedure, and thus does not suffer from the possibility of being trapped in a local minimum. Furthermore, the computational complexity of using SCDM-k to construct orthogonal and localized orbitals scales as O(N log N ) where N is the total number of k-points in the Brillouin zone. SCDM-k is therefore efficient even when a large number of k-points are used for Brillouin zone sampling. We demonstrate the numerical performance of SCDM-k using systems with model potentials in two and three dimensions.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures; added more background sections, clarified presentation of the algorithm, revised the presentation of previous work, added a more high level overview of the new algorithm, and mildly clarified the presentation of the results (there were no changes to the numerical results themselves

    Generalized Wannier functions: a comparison of molecular electric dipole polarizabilities

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    Localized Wannier functions provide an efficient and intuitive means by which to compute dielectric properties from first principles. They are most commonly constructed in a post-processing step, following total-energy minimization. Nonorthogonal generalized Wannier functions (NGWFs) [Skylaris et al., Phys. Rev. B 66, 035119 11 (2002); Skylaris et al., J. Chem. Phys. 122, 084119 (2005)] may also be optimized in situ, in the process of solving for the ground-state density. We explore the relationship between NGWFs and orthonormal, maximally localized Wannier functions (MLWFs) [Marzari and Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. B 56, 12847 (1997); Souza, Marzari, and Vanderbilt, ibid. 65, 035109 (2001)], demonstrating that NGWFs may be used to compute electric dipole polarizabilities efficiently, with no necessity for post-processing optimization, and with an accuracy comparable to MLWFs.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. This version matches that accepted for Physical Review B on 4th May 201