288 research outputs found

    Localization of semi-Heyting algebras

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    In this note, we introduce the notion of ideal on semi-Heyting algebras which allows us to consider a topology on them. Besides, we define the concept of F−multiplier, where F is a topology on a semi-Heyting algebra L, which is used to construct the localization semi-Heyting algebra LF. Furthermore, we prove that the semi-Heyting algebra of fractions LS associated with an ∧−closed system S of L is a semi-Heyting of localization. Finally, in the finite case we prove that LS is isomorphic to a special subalgebra of L. Since Heyting algebras are a particular case of semi-Heyting algebras, all these results generalize those obtained in [11].Fil: Figallo, Aldo Victorio. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes. Instituto de Ciencias Básicas; ArgentinaFil: Pelaitay, Gustavo Andrés. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes. Instituto de Ciencias Básicas; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Juan; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Juan. Facultad de Filosofía, Humanidades y Artes. Departamento de Matemática; Argentin

    Noncommutative localization in noncommutative geometry

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    The aim of these notes is to collect and motivate the basic localization toolbox for the geometric study of ``spaces'', locally described by noncommutative rings and their categories of one-sided modules. We present the basics of Ore localization of rings and modules in much detail. Common practical techniques are studied as well. We also describe a counterexample for a folklore test principle. Localization in negatively filtered rings arising in deformation theory is presented. A new notion of the differential Ore condition is introduced in the study of localization of differential calculi. To aid the geometrical viewpoint, localization is studied with emphasis on descent formalism, flatness, abelian categories of quasicoherent sheaves and generalizations, and natural pairs of adjoint functors for sheaf and module categories. The key motivational theorems from the seminal works of Gabriel on localization, abelian categories and schemes are quoted without proof, as well as the related statements of Popescu, Watts, Deligne and Rosenberg. The Cohn universal localization does not have good flatness properties, but it is determined by the localization map already at the ring level. Cohn localization is here related to the quasideterminants of Gelfand and Retakh; and this may help understanding both subjects.Comment: 93 pages; (including index: use makeindex); introductory survey, but with few smaller new result

    Deitmar's versus Toen-Vaquie's schemes over F_1

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    We show the equivalence between Deitmar's and Toen-Vaquie's notions of schemes over F_1 (the 'field with one element'), establishing a symmetry with the classical case of schemes, seen either as spaces with a structure sheaf, or functors of points. In proving so, we also conclude some new basic results on commutative algebra of monoids.Comment: 13 pages. Shorter, final version. To appear in Math. Z. The final publication is available at springerlink.co