143 research outputs found

    A Hermite interpolatory subdivision scheme for C2C^2-quintics on the Powell-Sabin 12-split

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    In order to construct a C1C^1-quadratic spline over an arbitrary triangulation, one can split each triangle into 12 subtriangles, resulting in a finer triangulation known as the Powell-Sabin 12-split. It has been shown previously that the corresponding spline surface can be plotted quickly by means of a Hermite subdivision scheme. In this paper we introduce a nodal macro-element on the 12-split for the space of quintic splines that are locally C3C^3 and globally C2C^2. For quickly evaluating any such spline, a Hermite subdivision scheme is derived, implemented, and tested in the computer algebra system Sage. Using the available first derivatives for Phong shading, visually appealing plots can be generated after just a couple of refinements.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Bivariate Hermite subdivision

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    A subdivision scheme for constructing smooth surfaces interpolating scattered data in R3\mathbb{R}^3 is proposed. It is also possible to impose derivative constraints in these points. In the case of functional data, i.e., data are given in a properly triangulated set of points {(xi,yi)}i=1N\{(x_i, y_i)\}_{i=1}^N from which none of the pairs (xi,yi)(x_i,y_i) and (xj,yj)(x_j,y_j) with i≠ji\neq j coincide, it is proved that the resulting surface (function) is C1C^1. The method is based on the construction of a sequence of continuous splines of degree 3. Another subdivision method, based on constructing a sequence of splines of degree 5 which are once differentiable, yields a function which is C2C^2 if the data are not 'too irregular'. Finally the approximation properties of the methods are investigated

    B-spline-like bases for C2C^2 cubics on the Powell-Sabin 12-split

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    For spaces of constant, linear, and quadratic splines of maximal smoothness on the Powell-Sabin 12-split of a triangle, the so-called S-bases were recently introduced. These are simplex spline bases with B-spline-like properties on the 12-split of a single triangle, which are tied together across triangles in a B\'ezier-like manner. In this paper we give a formal definition of an S-basis in terms of certain basic properties. We proceed to investigate the existence of S-bases for the aforementioned spaces and additionally the cubic case, resulting in an exhaustive list. From their nature as simplex splines, we derive simple differentiation and recurrence formulas to other S-bases. We establish a Marsden identity that gives rise to various quasi-interpolants and domain points forming an intuitive control net, in terms of which conditions for C0C^0-, C1C^1-, and C2C^2-smoothness are derived

    On C2 cubic quasi-interpolating splines and their computation by subdivision via blossoming

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    We discuss the construction of C2 cubic spline quasi-interpolation schemes defined on a refined partition. These schemes are reduced in terms of degrees of freedom compared to those existing in the literature. Namely, we provide a rule for reducing them by imposing super-smoothing conditions while preserving full smoothness and cubic precision. In addition, we provide subdivision rules by means of blossoming. The derived rules are designed to express the B-spline coefficients associated with a finer partition from those associated with the former one."Maria de Maeztu" Excellence Unit IMAG (University of Granada, Spain) CEX2020-001105-MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033University of Granada University of Granada/CBU

    Constructing IGA-suitable planar parameterization from complex CAD boundary by domain partition and global/local optimization

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    In this paper, we propose a general framework for constructing IGA-suitable planar B-spline parameterizations from given complex CAD boundaries consisting of a set of B-spline curves. Instead of forming the computational domain by a simple boundary, planar domains with high genus and more complex boundary curves are considered. Firstly, some pre-processing operations including B\'ezier extraction and subdivision are performed on each boundary curve in order to generate a high-quality planar parameterization; then a robust planar domain partition framework is proposed to construct high-quality patch-meshing results with few singularities from the discrete boundary formed by connecting the end points of the resulting boundary segments. After the topology information generation of quadrilateral decomposition, the optimal placement of interior B\'ezier curves corresponding to the interior edges of the quadrangulation is constructed by a global optimization method to achieve a patch-partition with high quality. Finally, after the imposition of C1=G1-continuity constraints on the interface of neighboring B\'ezier patches with respect to each quad in the quadrangulation, the high-quality B\'ezier patch parameterization is obtained by a C1-constrained local optimization method to achieve uniform and orthogonal iso-parametric structures while keeping the continuity conditions between patches. The efficiency and robustness of the proposed method are demonstrated by several examples which are compared to results obtained by the skeleton-based parameterization approach

    C2 piecewise cubic quasi-interpolants on a 6-direction mesh

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    We study two kinds of quasi-interpolants (abbr. QI) in the space of C2 piecewise cubics in the plane, or in a rectangular domain, endowed with the highly symmetric triangulation generated by a uniform 6-direction mesh. It has been proved recently that this space is generated by the integer translates of two multi-box splines. One kind of QIs is of differential type and the other of discrete type. As those QIs are exact on the space of cubic polynomials, their approximation order is 4 for sufficiently smooth functions. In addition, they exhibit nice superconvergent properties at some specific points. Moreover, the infinite norms of the discrete QIs being small, they give excellent approximations of a smooth function and of its first order partial derivatives. The approximation properties of the QIs are illustrated by numerical examples

    A subdivision-based implementation of non-uniform local refinement with THB-splines

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    Paper accepted for 15th IMA International Conference on Mathematics on Surfaces, 2017. Abstract: Local refinement of spline basis functions is an important process for spline approximation and local feature modelling in computer aided design (CAD). This paper develops an efficient local refinement method for non-uniform and general degree THB-splines(Truncated hierarchical B-splines). A non-uniform subdivision algorithm is improved to efficiently subdivide a single non-uniform B-spline basis function. The subdivision scheme is then applied to locally hierarchically refine non-uniform B-spline basis functions. The refined basis functions are non-uniform and satisfy the properties of linear independence, partition of unity and are locally supported. The refined basis functions are suitable for spline approximation and numerical analysis. The implementation makes it possible for hierarchical approximation to use the same non-uniform B-spline basis functions as existing modelling tools have used. The improved subdivision algorithm is faster than classic knot insertion. The non-uniform THB-spline approximation is shown to be more accurate than uniform low degree hierarchical local refinement when applied to two classical approximation problems
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