
A Hermite interpolatory subdivision scheme for C2C^2-quintics on the Powell-Sabin 12-split


In order to construct a C1C^1-quadratic spline over an arbitrary triangulation, one can split each triangle into 12 subtriangles, resulting in a finer triangulation known as the Powell-Sabin 12-split. It has been shown previously that the corresponding spline surface can be plotted quickly by means of a Hermite subdivision scheme. In this paper we introduce a nodal macro-element on the 12-split for the space of quintic splines that are locally C3C^3 and globally C2C^2. For quickly evaluating any such spline, a Hermite subdivision scheme is derived, implemented, and tested in the computer algebra system Sage. Using the available first derivatives for Phong shading, visually appealing plots can be generated after just a couple of refinements.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

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