842 research outputs found

    Classification of music genres using sparse representations in overcomplete dictionaries

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    This paper presents a simple, but efficient and robust, method for music genre classification that utilizes sparse representations in overcomplete dictionaries. The training step involves creating dictionaries, using the K-SVD algorithm, in which data corresponding to a particular music genre has a sparse representation. In the classification step, the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) algorithm is used to separate feature vectors that consist only of Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) coefficients. The paper analyses in detail a popular case study from the literature, the ISMIR 2004 database. Using the presented method, the correct classification percentage of the 6 music genres is 85.59, result that is comparable with the best results published so far

    Constrained Overcomplete Analysis Operator Learning for Cosparse Signal Modelling

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    We consider the problem of learning a low-dimensional signal model from a collection of training samples. The mainstream approach would be to learn an overcomplete dictionary to provide good approximations of the training samples using sparse synthesis coefficients. This famous sparse model has a less well known counterpart, in analysis form, called the cosparse analysis model. In this new model, signals are characterised by their parsimony in a transformed domain using an overcomplete (linear) analysis operator. We propose to learn an analysis operator from a training corpus using a constrained optimisation framework based on L1 optimisation. The reason for introducing a constraint in the optimisation framework is to exclude trivial solutions. Although there is no final answer here for which constraint is the most relevant constraint, we investigate some conventional constraints in the model adaptation field and use the uniformly normalised tight frame (UNTF) for this purpose. We then derive a practical learning algorithm, based on projected subgradients and Douglas-Rachford splitting technique, and demonstrate its ability to robustly recover a ground truth analysis operator, when provided with a clean training set, of sufficient size. We also find an analysis operator for images, using some noisy cosparse signals, which is indeed a more realistic experiment. As the derived optimisation problem is not a convex program, we often find a local minimum using such variational methods. Some local optimality conditions are derived for two different settings, providing preliminary theoretical support for the well-posedness of the learning problem under appropriate conditions.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, accepted to be published in TS

    New Guarantees for Blind Compressed Sensing

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    Blind Compressed Sensing (BCS) is an extension of Compressed Sensing (CS) where the optimal sparsifying dictionary is assumed to be unknown and subject to estimation (in addition to the CS sparse coefficients). Since the emergence of BCS, dictionary learning, a.k.a. sparse coding, has been studied as a matrix factorization problem where its sample complexity, uniqueness and identifiability have been addressed thoroughly. However, in spite of the strong connections between BCS and sparse coding, recent results from the sparse coding problem area have not been exploited within the context of BCS. In particular, prior BCS efforts have focused on learning constrained and complete dictionaries that limit the scope and utility of these efforts. In this paper, we develop new theoretical bounds for perfect recovery for the general unconstrained BCS problem. These unconstrained BCS bounds cover the case of overcomplete dictionaries, and hence, they go well beyond the existing BCS theory. Our perfect recovery results integrate the combinatorial theories of sparse coding with some of the recent results from low-rank matrix recovery. In particular, we propose an efficient CS measurement scheme that results in practical recovery bounds for BCS. Moreover, we discuss the performance of BCS under polynomial-time sparse coding algorithms.Comment: To appear in the 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA, 201
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