9 research outputs found

    Power Strip Packing of Malleable Demands in Smart Grid

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    We consider a problem of supplying electricity to a set of N\mathcal{N} customers in a smart-grid framework. Each customer requires a certain amount of electrical energy which has to be supplied during the time interval [0,1][0,1]. We assume that each demand has to be supplied without interruption, with possible duration between ℓ\ell and rr, which are given system parameters (ℓ≤r\ell\le r). At each moment of time, the power of the grid is the sum of all the consumption rates for the demands being supplied at that moment. Our goal is to find an assignment that minimizes the {\it power peak} - maximal power over [0,1][0,1] - while satisfying all the demands. To do this first we find the lower bound of optimal power peak. We show that the problem depends on whether or not the pair ℓ,r\ell, r belongs to a "good" region G\mathcal{G}. If it does - then an optimal assignment almost perfectly "fills" the rectangle time×power=[0,1]×[0,A]time \times power = [0,1] \times [0, A] with AA being the sum of all the energy demands - thus achieving an optimal power peak AA. Conversely, if ℓ,r\ell, r do not belong to G\mathcal{G}, we identify the lower bound Aˉ>A\bar{A} >A on the optimal value of power peak and introduce a simple linear time algorithm that almost perfectly arranges all the demands in a rectangle [0,A/Aˉ]×[0,Aˉ][0, A /\bar{A}] \times [0, \bar{A}] and show that it is asymptotically optimal

    A Holistic View of ITS-Enhanced Charging Markets

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    We consider a network of electric vehicles (EVs) and its components: vehicles, charging stations, and coalitions of stations. For such a setting, we propose a model in which individual stations, coalitions of stations, and vehicles interact in a market revolving around the energy for battery recharge. We start by separately studying 1) how autonomously operated charging stations form coalitions; 2) the price policy enacted by such coalitions; and 3) how vehicles select the charging station to use, working toward a time/price tradeoff. Our main goal is to investigate how equilibrium in such a market can be reached. We also address the issue of computational complexity, showing that, through our model, equilibria can be found in polynomial time. We evaluate our model in a realistic scenario, focusing on its ability to capture the advantages of the availability of an intelligent transportation system supporting the EV drivers. The model also mimics the anticompetitive behavior that charging stations are likely to follow, and it highlights the effect of possible countermeasures to such a behavior

    Sizing Battery Energy Storage and PV System in an Extreme Fast Charging Station Considering Uncertainties and Battery Degradation

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    This paper presents mixed integer linear programming (MILP) formulations to obtain optimal sizing for a battery energy storage system (BESS) and solar generation system in an extreme fast charging station (XFCS) to reduce the annualized total cost. The proposed model characterizes a typical year with eight representative scenarios and obtains the optimal energy management for the station and BESS operation to exploit the energy arbitrage for each scenario. Contrasting extant literature, this paper proposes a constant power constant voltage (CPCV) based improved probabilistic approach to model the XFCS charging demand for weekdays and weekends. This paper also accounts for the monthly and annual demand charges based on realistic utility tariffs. Furthermore, BESS life degradation is considered in the model to ensure no replacement is needed during the considered planning horizon. Different from the literature, this paper offers pragmatic MILP formulations to tally BESS charge/discharge cycles using the cumulative charge/discharge energy concept. McCormick relaxations and the Big-M method are utilized to relax the bi-linear terms in the BESS operational constraints. Finally, a robust optimization-based MILP model is proposed and leveraged to account for uncertainties in electricity price, solar generation, and XFCS demand. Case studies were performed to signify the efficacy of the proposed formulations

    Dynamic Pricing Problems Arising in the Adoption of Renewable Energy

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    There are two problems at the interface of electrical power and economics that are examined in this thesis. The first problem addresses the issue of optimally operating electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, where price as well as scheduling of purchasing, storing, and charging play key roles. The second problem addresses the challenge faced by electric power system operators who have to balance power generation and demand at all times, and are faced with the task of maximizing the social welfare of all affected entities comprised of producers, consumers and prosumers (e.g., homes with solar panels who may be producers at some times and consumers at other times). For the first problem, we have developed a layered decomposition approach that permits a holistic solution to solving the scheduling, storage and pricing problems of charging stations. The key idea is to decompose problems by time-scale. For the second problem, we have shown that for the special case of LQG agents, by careful construction of a sequence of layered VCG payments over time, the intertemporal effect of current bids on future payoffs can be decoupled, and truth-telling of dynamic states is guaranteed if system parameters are known and agents are rational. We have also shown that a modification of the VCG payments, called scaled-VCG payments, achieves Budget Balance and Individual Rationality for a range of scaling, under a certain identified Market Power Balance condition

    Dynamic Pricing Problems Arising in the Adoption of Renewable Energy

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    There are two problems at the interface of electrical power and economics that are examined in this thesis. The first problem addresses the issue of optimally operating electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, where price as well as scheduling of purchasing, storing, and charging play key roles. The second problem addresses the challenge faced by electric power system operators who have to balance power generation and demand at all times, and are faced with the task of maximizing the social welfare of all affected entities comprised of producers, consumers and prosumers (e.g., homes with solar panels who may be producers at some times and consumers at other times). For the first problem, we have developed a layered decomposition approach that permits a holistic solution to solving the scheduling, storage and pricing problems of charging stations. The key idea is to decompose problems by time-scale. For the second problem, we have shown that for the special case of LQG agents, by careful construction of a sequence of layered VCG payments over time, the intertemporal effect of current bids on future payoffs can be decoupled, and truth-telling of dynamic states is guaranteed if system parameters are known and agents are rational. We have also shown that a modification of the VCG payments, called scaled-VCG payments, achieves Budget Balance and Individual Rationality for a range of scaling, under a certain identified Market Power Balance condition

    Optimal sizing and operation planning of microgrids and operation analysis of charging stations for electric vehicles

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    Premi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit de les TICEnergy and transportation sectors are going through major changes as a result of technological advances, depletion of fossil fuels and climate change. With regard to the energy sector, the future smart grid is expected to be an interconnected network of small-scale and self-contained microgrids, in addition to a large-scale electric power backbone. By utilizing microsources, such as renewable energy sources, energy storage systems and vehicle-to-grid systems, microgrids target to satisfy the customers’ energy demands in a safe, reliable, economic and environmentally friendly way. With regard to the changes in the transportation sector, internal combustion engine vehicles are expected to be gradually replaced by electric vehicles, which are considered to be a promising solution for mitigating the impact of transportation sector on the environment. The presented thesis deals with two main topics; the first one refers to the optimal sizing and operation planning of microgrids comprising various urban building types, while the second one is related to the operation of fast charging stations for electric vehicles that are located in densely populated areas. The first objective of the thesis is to examine the effect of energy exchanges among interconnected buildings with diverse load profiles on the sizes of power equipment to be installed at the buildings. To this end, a mixed integer linear programming optimization framework is presented that determines the optimal capacities of photovoltaic panels, energy storage systems, and inverters, as well as the optimum management of the generated power. As a first step, the benefits of cooperation among buildings that are already interconnected through an existing point of common coupling is examined. The cooperation benefits are derived by comparing the buildings' costs when they participate in the microgrid with their costs when they operate as separate entities. As a second step, a different microgrid topology is proposed where energy exchanges take place through a common DC bus. In this way, neighboring buildings that are not already physically connected can be members of the same microgrid. Moreover, the optimization results for the new topology are obtained by using the Nash bargaining method, through which the benefits of cooperation are equally distributed among the participating members. Finally, the possible integration of new buildings in the existing microgrid at a later time point is also examined. The second objective of the thesis is to provide an accurate operation analysis of fast charging stations for electric vehicles. To this end, a novel queuing theory-based model is presented that classifies the various electric vehicles by their battery size. As a first step, it is analyzed a charging station that contains DC outlets, and the electric vehicles recharge their batteries up to the maximum possible level. The proposed model takes into account the arrival rates and state of charge of the electric vehicles' batteries when arriving at the station, in order to compute the maximum number of customers that can be served, subject to an upper bound for the waiting time in the queue. In addition, a charging strategy is proposed, which allows the charging station to serve more customers without any increase in the queue waiting time. As a second step, it is considered that the charging station can serve both DC and AC electric vehicle classes, while a more flexible way is adopted for denoting the customers' recharging patterns. Based on these additional novelties, the overall profit margin of the charging station operator, and the queue waiting times of the DC and AC classes are calculated under two different pricing policies.Award-winningPostprint (published version

    Planning Model for Implementing Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in Distribution System

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    Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are growing in popularity in developed countries in an attempt to overcome the problems of pollution, depleting natural oil and fossil fuel reserves and rising petrol costs. In addition, automotive industries are facing increasing community pressure and governmental regulations to reduce emissions and adopt cleaner, more sustainable technologies such as PEVs. However, accepting this new technology depends primarily on the economic aspects for individuals and the development of adequate PEV technologies. The reliability and dependability of the new vehicles (PEVs) are considered the main public concerns due to range anxiety. The limited driving range of PEVs makes public charging a requirement for long-distance trips, and therefore, the availability of convenient and fast charging infrastructure is a crucial factor in bolstering the adoption of PEVs. The goal of the work presented in this thesis was to address the challenges associated with implementing electric vehicle fast charging stations (FCSs) in distribution system. Installing electric vehicle charging infrastructure without planning (free entry) can cause some complications that affect the FCS network performance negatively. First, the number of charging stations with the free entry can be less or more than the required charging facilities, which leads to either waste resources by overestimating the number of PEVs or disturb the drivers’ convenience by underestimate the number of PEVs. In addition, it is likely that high traffic areas are selected to locate charging stations; accordingly, other areas could have a lack of charging facilities, which will have a negative impact on the ability of PEVs to travel in the whole transportation network. Moreover, concentrating charging stations in specific areas can increase both the risk of local overloads and the business competition from technical and economic perspectives respectively. Technically, electrical utilities require that the extra load of adopting PEV demand on the power system be managed. Utilities strive for the implementation of FCSs to follow existing electrical standards in order to maintain a reliable and robust electrical system. Economically, the low PEV penetration level at the early adoption stage makes high competition market less attractive for investors; however, regulated market can manage the distance between charging stations in order to enhance the potential profit of the market. As a means of facilitating the deployment of FCSs, this thesis presents a comprehensive planning model for implementing plug-in electric vehicle charging infrastructure. The plan consists of four main steps: estimating number of PEVs as well as the number of required charging facilities in the network; selecting the strategic points in transportation network to be FCS target locations; investigating the maximum capability of distribution system current structure to accommodate PEV loads; and developing an economical staging model for installing PEV charging stations. The development of the comprehensive planning begins with estimating the PEV market share. This objective is achieved using a forecasting model for PEV market sales that includes the parameters influencing PEV market sales. After estimating the PEV market size, a new charging station allocation approach is developed based on a Trip Success Ratio (TSR) to enhance PEV drivers’ convenience. The proposed allocation approach improves PEV drivers’ accessibility to charging stations by choosing target locations in transportation network that increase the possibility of completing PEVs trips successfully. This model takes into consideration variations in driving behaviors, battery capacities, States of Charge (SOC), and trip classes. The estimation of PEV penetration level and the target locations of charging stations obtained from the previous two steps are utilized to investigate the capability of existing distribution systems to serve PEV demand. The Optimal Power Flow (OPF) model is utilized to determine the maximum PEV penetration level that the existing electrical system can serve with minimum system enhancement, which makes it suitable for practical implementation even at the early adoption rates. After that, the determination of charging station size, number of chargers and charger installation time are addressed in order to meet the forecasted public PEV demand with the minimum associated cost. This part of the work led to the development of an optimization methodology for determining the optimal economical staging plan for installing FCSs. The proposed staging plan utilizes the forecasted PEV sales to produce the public PEV charging demand by considering the traffic flow in the transportation network, and the public PEV charging demand is distributed between the FCSs based on the traffic flow ratio considering distribution system margins of PEV penetration level. Then, the least-cost fast chargers that satisfy the quality of service requirements in terms of waiting and processing times are selected to match the public PEV demand. The proposed planning model is capable to provide an extensive economic assessment of FCS projects by including PEV demand, price markup, and different market structure models. The presented staging plan model is also capable to give investors the opportunity to make a proper trade-off between overall annual cost and the convenience of PEV charging, as well as the proper pricing for public charging services.