2,004 research outputs found

    Polynomial-based non-uniform interpolatory subdivision with features control

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    Starting from a well-known construction of polynomial-based interpolatory 4-point schemes, in this paper we present an original affine combination of quadratic polynomial samples that leads to a non-uniform 4-point scheme with edge parameters. This blending-type formulation is then further generalized to provide a powerful subdivision algorithm that combines the fairing curve of a non-uniform refinement with the advantages of a shape-controlled interpolation method and an arbitrary point insertion rule. The result is a non-uniform interpolatory 4-point scheme that is unique in combining a number of distinctive properties. In fact it generates visually-pleasing limit curves where special features ranging from cusps and flat edges to point/edge tension effects may be included without creating undesired undulations. Moreover such a scheme is capable of inserting new points at any positions of existing intervals, so that the most convenient parameter values may be chosen as well as the intervals for insertion. Such a fully flexible curve scheme is a fundamental step towards the construction of high-quality interpolatory subdivision surfaces with features control

    Smooth quasi-developable surfaces bounded by smooth curves

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    Computing a quasi-developable strip surface bounded by design curves finds wide industrial applications. Existing methods compute discrete surfaces composed of developable lines connecting sampling points on input curves which are not adequate for generating smooth quasi-developable surfaces. We propose the first method which is capable of exploring the full solution space of continuous input curves to compute a smooth quasi-developable ruled surface with as large developability as possible. The resulting surface is exactly bounded by the input smooth curves and is guaranteed to have no self-intersections. The main contribution is a variational approach to compute a continuous mapping of parameters of input curves by minimizing a function evaluating surface developability. Moreover, we also present an algorithm to represent a resulting surface as a B-spline surface when input curves are B-spline curves.Comment: 18 page

    A multigrid continuation method for elliptic problems with folds

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    We introduce a new multigrid continuation method for computing solutions of nonlinear elliptic eigenvalue problems which contain limit points (also called turning points or folds). Our method combines the frozen tau technique of Brandt with pseudo-arc length continuation and correction of the parameter on the coarsest grid. This produces considerable storage savings over direct continuation methods,as well as better initial coarse grid approximations, and avoids complicated algorithms for determining the parameter on finer grids. We provide numerical results for second, fourth and sixth order approximations to the two-parameter, two-dimensional stationary reaction-diffusion problem: Δu+λ exp(u/(1+au)) = 0. For the higher order interpolations we use bicubic and biquintic splines. The convergence rate is observed to be independent of the occurrence of limit points

    Recursive subdivision algorithms for curve and surface design

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.In this thesis, the author studies recursIve subdivision algorithms for curves and surfaces. Several subdivision algorithms are constructed and investigated. Some graphic examples are also presented. Inspired by the Chaikin's algorithm and the Catmull-Clark's algorithm, some non-uniform schemes, the non-uniform corner cutting scheme and the recursive subdivision algorithm for non-uniform B-spline curves, are constructed and analysed. The adapted parametrization is introduced to analyse these non-uniform algorithms. In order to solve the surface interpolation problem, the Dyn-Gregory-Levin's 4-point interpolatory scheme is generalized to surfaces and the 10-point interpolatory subdivision scheme for surfaces is formulated. The so-called Butterfly Scheme, which was firstly introduced by Dyn, Gregory Levin in 1988, is just a special case of the scheme. By studying the Cross-Differences of Directional Divided Differences, a matrix approach for analysing uniform subdivision algorithms for surfaces is established and the convergence of the 10-point scheme over both uniform and non-uniform triangular networks is studied. Another algorithm, the subdivision algorithm for uniform bi-quartic B-spline surfaces over arbitrary topology is introduced and investigated. This algorithm is a generalization of Doo-Sabin's and Catmull-Clark's algorithms. It produces uniform Bi-quartic B-spline patches over uniform data. By studying the local subdivision matrix, which is a circulant, the tangent plane and curvature properties of the limit surfaces at the so-called Extraordinary Points are studied in detail.The Chinese Educational Commission and The British Council (SBFSS/1987

    A segmentation-free isogeometric extended mortar contact method

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    This paper presents a new isogeometric mortar contact formulation based on an extended finite element interpolation to capture physical pressure discontinuities at the contact boundary. The so called two-half-pass algorithm is employed, which leads to an unbiased formulation and, when applied to the mortar setting, has the additional advantage that the mortar coupling term is no longer present in the contact forces. As a result, the computationally expensive segmentation at overlapping master-slave element boundaries, usually required in mortar methods (although often simplified with loss of accuracy), is not needed from the outset. For the numerical integration of general contact problems, the so-called refined boundary quadrature is employed, which is based on adaptive partitioning of contact elements along the contact boundary. The contact patch test shows that the proposed formulation passes the test without using either segmentation or refined boundary quadrature. Several numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of the proposed formulation.Comment: In this version, we have removed the patch test comparison with the classical mortar method and removed corresponding statements. They will be studied in further detail in future work, so that the focus is now entirely on the new IGA mortar formulatio

    A study on spline quasi-interpolation based quadrature rules for the isogeometric Galerkin BEM

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    Two recently introduced quadrature schemes for weakly singular integrals [Calabr\`o et al. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 2018] are investigated in the context of boundary integral equations arising in the isogeometric formulation of Galerkin Boundary Element Method (BEM). In the first scheme, the regular part of the integrand is approximated by a suitable quasi--interpolation spline. In the second scheme the regular part is approximated by a product of two spline functions. The two schemes are tested and compared against other standard and novel methods available in literature to evaluate different types of integrals arising in the Galerkin formulation. Numerical tests reveal that under reasonable assumptions the second scheme convergences with the optimal order in the Galerkin method, when performing hh-refinement, even with a small amount of quadrature nodes. The quadrature schemes are validated also in numerical examples to solve 2D Laplace problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions
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