250 research outputs found

    Proactive Scheduling in Cloud Computing

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    Autonomic fault aware scheduling is a feature quite important for cloud computing and it is related to adoption of workload variation. In this context, this paper proposes an fault aware pattern matching autonomic scheduling for cloud computing based on autonomic computing concepts. In order to validate the proposed solution, we performed two experiments one with traditional approach and other other with pattern recognition fault aware approach. The results show the effectiveness of the scheme


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    Load balancing is one of the vital role in distributed computing environment . The Cloud computing environment is one of the best platforms that give storage of data and service at very minimum cost and is accessible all the time over the internet. cloud computing has turned into a very interesting and important study. Cloud load balancing load balancing aims at high user satisfaction and usage of resource ratio by guarantying a proficient and reasonable allocation of each computing resource. There are numerous difficulties in load balancing techniques such as security fault tolerance at which prevalent in modern cloud computing environment. Many researches enhance load balancing and this paper too portrays on overview on load balancing schemes in cloud environments and analysis of different types of Load balancing algorithm techniques

    Proactive Scheduling in Cloud Computing

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    Autonomic fault aware scheduling is a feature quite important for cloud computing and it is related to adoption of workload variation. In this context, this paper proposes an fault aware pattern matching autonomic scheduling for cloud computing based on autonomic computing concepts.  In order to validate  the proposed solution, we performed two experiments one with traditional approach and other other with pattern recognition fault aware approach. The results show the effectiveness of the scheme

    Novel Load Balancing Optimization Algorithm to Improve Quality-of-Service in Cloud Environment

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    Scheduling cloud resources calls for allocating cloud assets to cloud tasks. It is possible to improve scheduling outcomes by treating Quality of Service (QoS) factors as essential constraints. However, efficient scheduling calls for improved optimization of QoS parameters, and only a few resource scheduling algorithms in the available literature do so. The primary objective of this paper is to provide an effective method for deploying workloads to cloud infrastructure. To ensure that workloads are executed efficiently on available resources, a resource scheduling method based on particle swarm optimization was developed. The proposed method's performance has been measured in the cloud. The experimental results prove the efficiency of the proposed approach in reducing the aforementioned QoS parameters. Several metrics of algorithm performance are used to gauge how well the algorithm performs

    Fault Tolerant Approaches through Scheduling in Cloud Computing Environment - A State of Art

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    Based on pay-as-per-usage policy, there is a tremendous use of cloud computing in scientific society like bio-medical, healthcare and online financial applications. Fault tolerance is one of the biggest challenges to guarantee the reliability and availability of critical services. We must make the system to avail by minimizing the impact of failure. In this paper, we conducted a comparative analysis of various approaches for tolerating faults through scheduling in cloud computing environment based on their policies. The goal of this paper is not only used to analyze the existing methods, but also to identify the areas needed for future research

    Load Balancing Techniques in Cloud Computing

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    As Cloud Computing is growing rapidly and clients are demanding more services and better results, load balancing for the Cloud has become a very interesting and important research area. The top challenges and Issues faced by cloud Computing is Security, Availability, Performance etc. The issue availability is mainly related to efficient load balancing, resource utilization & live migration of data in the server. In clouds, load balancing, as a method, is applied across different data centres to ensure the network availability by minimizing use of computer hardware, software failures and mitigating recourse limitations. Load Balancing is essential for efficient operations in distributed environments. Hence this paper presents the various existing load balancing Technique in Cloud Computing based on different parameters

    Fault aware task scheduling in cloud using min-min and DBSCAN

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    Cloud computing leverages computing resources by managing these resources globally in a more efficient manner as compared to individual resource services. It requires us to deliver the resources in a heterogeneous environment and also in a highly dynamic nature. Hence, there is always a risk of resource allocation failure that can maximize the delay in task execution. Such adverse impact in the cloud environment also raises questions on quality of service (QoS). Resource management for cloud application and service have bigger challenges and many researchers have proposed several solutions but there is room for improvement. Clustering the resources clustering and mapping them according to task can also be an option to deal with such task failure or mismanaged resource allocation. Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) is a stochastic approach-based algorithm which has the capability to cluster the resources in a cloud environment. The proposed algorithm considers high execution enabled powerful data centers with least fault probability during resource allocation which reduces the probability of fault and increases the tolerance. The simulation is cone using CloudsSim 5.0 tool kit. The results show 25% average improve in execution time, 6.5% improvement in number of task completed and 3.48% improvement in count of task failed as compared to ACO, PSO, BB-BC (Bib = g bang Big Crunch) and WHO(Whale optimization algorithm)

    An optimized cost-based data allocation model for heterogeneous distributed computing systems

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    Continuous attempts have been made to improve the flexibility and effectiveness of distributed computing systems. Extensive effort in the fields of connectivity technologies, network programs, high processing components, and storage helps to improvise results. However, concerns such as slowness in response, long execution time, and long completion time have been identified as stumbling blocks that hinder performance and require additional attention. These defects increased the total system cost and made the data allocation procedure for a geographically dispersed setup difficult. The load-based architectural model has been strengthened to improve data allocation performance. To do this, an abstract job model is employed, and a data query file containing input data is processed on a directed acyclic graph. The jobs are executed on the processing engine with the lowest execution cost, and the system's total cost is calculated. The total cost is computed by summing the costs of communication, computation, and network. The total cost of the system will be reduced using a Swarm intelligence algorithm. In heterogeneous distributed computing systems, the suggested approach attempts to reduce the system's total cost and improve data distribution. According to simulation results, the technique efficiently lowers total system cost and optimizes partitioned data allocation
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