50 research outputs found

    Load Value Approximation: Approaching the Ideal Memory Access Latency

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    Approximate computing recognizes that many applications can tolerate inexactness. These applications, which range from multimedia processing to machine learning, operate on inherently noisy and imprecise data. As a result, we can tradeoff some loss in output value integrity for improved processor performance and energy-efficiency. In this paper, we introduce load value approximation. In modern processors, upon a load miss in the private cache, the data must be retrieved from main memory or from the higher-level caches. These data accesses are costly both in terms of latency and energy. We implement load value approximators, which are hardware structures that learn value patterns and generate approximations of the data. The processor can then use these approximate data values to continue executing without incurring the high cost of accessing memory. We show that load value approximators can achieve high coverage while maintaining very low error in the application’s output. By exploiting the approximate nature of applications, we can draw closer to the ideal memory access latency. 1

    Approximating a Multi-Grid Solver

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    Multi-grid methods are numerical algorithms used in parallel and distributed processing. The main idea of multigrid solvers is to speedup the convergence of an iterative method by reducing the problem to a coarser grid a number of times. Multi-grid methods are widely exploited in many application domains, thus it is important to improve their performance and energy efficiency. This paper aims to reach this objective based on the following observation: Given that the intermediary steps do not require full accuracy, it is possible to save time and energy by reducing precision during some steps while keeping the final result within the targeted accuracy. To achieve this goal, we first introduce a cycle shape different from the classic V-cycle used in multi-grid solvers. Then, we propose to dynamically change the floating-point precision used during runtime according to the accuracy needed for each intermediary step. Our evaluation considering a state-of-the-art multi-grid solver implementation demonstrates that it is possible to trade temporary precision for time to completion without hurting the quality of the final result. In particular, we are able to reach the same accuracy results as with full double-precision while gaining between 15% and 30% execution time improvement.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 708566 (DURO). The European Commission is not liable for any use that might be made of the information contained therein. This work has been supported by the Spanish Government (Severo Ochoa grant SEV2015-0493)Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Approximating Memory-bound Applications on Mobile GPUs

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    Accepted for 2019 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS)Approximate computing techniques are often used to improve the performance of applications that can tolerate some amount of impurity in the calculations or data. In the context of embedded and mobile systems, a broad number of applications have exploited approximation techniques to improve performance and overcome the limited capabilities of the hardware. On such systems, even small performance improvements can be sufficient to meet scheduled requirements such as hard real-time deadlines. We study the approximation of memory-bound applications on mobile GPUs using kernel perforation, an approximation technique that exploits the availability of fast GPU local memory to provide high performance with more accurate results. Using this approximation technique, we approximated six applications and evaluated them on two mobile GPU architectures with very different memory layouts: a Qualcomm Adreno 506 and an ARM Mali T860 MP2. Results show that, even when the local memory is not mapped to dedicated fast memory in hardware, kernel perforation is still capable of 1.25x speedup because of improved memory layout and caching effects. Mobile GPUs with local memory show a speedup of up to 1.38x

    Local memory-aware kernel perforation

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    Many applications provide inherent resilience to some amount of error and can potentially trade accuracy for performance by using approximate computing. Applications running on GPUs often use local memory to minimize the number of global memory accesses and to speed up execution. Local memory can also be very useful to improve the way approximate computation is performed, e.g., by improving the quality of approximation with data reconstruction techniques. This paper introduces local memory-aware perforation techniques specifically designed for the acceleration and approximation of GPU kernels. We propose a local memory-aware kernel perforation technique that first skips the loading of parts of the input data from global memory, and later uses reconstruction techniques on local memory to reach higher accuracy while having performance similar to state-of-the-art techniques. Experiments show that our approach is able to accelerate the execution of a variety of applications from 1.6× to 3× while introducing an average error of 6%, which is much smaller than that of other approaches. Results further show how much the error depends on the input data and application scenario, the impact of local memory tuning and different parameter configurations

    Uma ferramenta para modelagem e simulação de computação aproximada em hardware

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    Orientador: Lucas Francisco WannerDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Pesquisas recentes têm introduzido unidades de hardware que produzem resultados incorretos de maneira determinística ou probabilística para um pequeno conjunto de entradas. Por outro lado, permitem um maior desempenho ou um consumo de energia significativamente menor em comparação com versões precisas das mesmas unidades. Como integrar, validar e avaliar essas alternativas em uma arquitetura ou processador, porém, permanece um desafio. A falta de ferramentas para representar e avaliar hardware aproximado leva desenvolvedores a verificar suas soluções de maneira independente, sem considerar interações com outros componentes, exigindo um grande esforço em modelagem e simulação. Neste trabalho, introduzimos ADeLe, uma linguagem de alto nível para descrever, configurar e integrar unidades de hardware aproximado em um processador. ADeLe reduz o esforço de desenvolvimento de hardware aproximado por modelar aproximações em um alto nível de abstração e injetá-las automaticamente em um modelo de processador para simulação arquitetural. Na ferramenta relacionada a ADeLe, aproximações podem modificar ou substituir completamente o comportamento de instruções de hardware através de políticas definidas pelo usuário. As instruções podem ser modificadas deterministicamente ou probabilisticamente (por exemplo, baseado em tensão de operação e frequência). Para proporcionar um ambiente de teste controlado, as aproximações podem ser ligadas e desligadas a partir do software em execução. O consumo de energia é automaticamente computado com base em modelos customizáveis no sistema. Assim, a ferramenta proporciona um método de verificação genérico e flexível, permitindo uma fácil avaliação da troca entre energia e qualidade de aplicações sujeitadas a hardware aproximado. Demonstramos a ferramenta pela introdução de variadas técnicas de aproximação em um modelo de processador, com o qual aplicações selecionadas foram executadas. Ao modelar módulos de hardware aproximado dedicados, mostramos como ADeLe representa unidades aritméticas aproximadas e unidades funcionais de precisão reduzida executando 4 aplicações de processamento de imagens e 2 de computação de ponto flutuante. Com outro método de aproximação, também mostramos como a ferramenta é utilizada para estudar o impacto de memórias alimentadas por tensão ajustável sobre 9 aplicações. Nossos experimentos demonstram as capacidades da ferramenta e como ela pode ser utilizada para gerar processadores virtuais aproximados e avaliar o equilíbrio entre energia e qualidade para diferentes aplicações com esforço reduzidoAbstract: Recent research has introduced approximate hardware units that produce incorrect outputs deterministically or probabilistically for some small subset of inputs. On the other hand, they allow significantly higher throughput or lower power than their error-free counterparts. The integration, validation, and evaluation of these approximate units in architectures and processors, however, remains challenging. The lack of tools to represent and evaluate approximate hardware leads designers to verify their solutions independently, not considering interactions with other components, demanding high-effort modeling and simulation. In this work, we introduce ADeLe, a high-level language for the description, configuration, and integration of approximate hardware units into processors. ADeLe reduces the design effort for approximate hardware by modeling approximations at a high level of abstraction and automatically injecting them into a processor model for architectural simulation. In the ADeLe framework, approximations may modify or completely replace the functional behavior of instructions according to user-defined policies. Instructions may be approximated deterministically or probabilistically (e.g., based on operating voltage and frequency). To allow for controlled testing, approximations may be enabled and disabled from software. Energy is automatically accounted for based on customizable models that consider the potential power savings of the approximations that are enabled in the system. Thus, the framework provides a generic and flexible verification method, allowing for easy evaluation of the energy-quality trade-off of applications subjected to approximate hardware. We demonstrate the framework by introducing different approximation techniques into a processor model, on top of which we run selected applications. Modeling dedicated hardware modules, we show how ADeLe can represent approximate arithmetic and reduced precision computation units executing 4 image processing and 2 floating point applications. Using a different method of approximation, we also show how the framework is used to study the impact of voltage-overscaled memories over 9 applications. Our experiments show the framework capabilities and how it may be used to generate approximate virtual CPUs and to evaluate energy-quality trade-offs for different applications with reduced effortMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação2017/08015-8  FAPES

    ATM: approximate task memoization in the runtime system

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    Redundant computations appear during the execution of real programs. Multiple factors contribute to these unnecessary computations, such as repetitive inputs and patterns, calling functions with the same parameters or bad programming habits. Compilers minimize non useful code with static analysis. However, redundant execution might be dynamic and there are no current approaches to reduce these inefficiencies. Additionally, many algorithms can be computed with different levels of accuracy. Approximate computing exploits this fact to reduce execution time at the cost of slightly less accurate results. In this case, expert developers determine the desired tradeoff between performance and accuracy for each application. In this paper, we present Approximate Task Memoization (ATM), a novel approach in the runtime system that transparently exploits both dynamic redundancy and approximation at the task granularity of a parallel application. Memoization of previous task executions allows predicting the results of future tasks without having to execute them and without losing accuracy. To further increase performance improvements, the runtime system can memoize similar tasks, which leads to task approximate computing. By defining how to measure task similarity and correctness, we present an adaptive algorithm in the runtime system that automatically decides if task approximation is beneficial or not. When evaluated on a real 8-core processor with applications from different domains (financial analysis, stencil-computation, machine-learning and linear-algebra), ATM achieves a 1.4x average speedup when only applying memoization techniques. When adding task approximation, ATM achieves a 2.5x average speedup with an average 0.7% accuracy loss (maximum of 3.2%).This work has been supported by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253), by the Spanish Government (grant SEV2015-0493 of the Severo Ochoa Program), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contracts TIN2015-65316), by Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272) and the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI-2012-15047. M. Casas is supported by the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the Cofund programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the 7th R&D Framework Programme of the European Union (Contract 2013 BP B 00243). I. Brumar has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports under grant FPU2015/12849.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft