1,071 research outputs found

    A Flexible Patch-Based Lattice Boltzmann Parallelization Approach for Heterogeneous GPU-CPU Clusters

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    Sustaining a large fraction of single GPU performance in parallel computations is considered to be the major problem of GPU-based clusters. In this article, this topic is addressed in the context of a lattice Boltzmann flow solver that is integrated in the WaLBerla software framework. We propose a multi-GPU implementation using a block-structured MPI parallelization, suitable for load balancing and heterogeneous computations on CPUs and GPUs. The overhead required for multi-GPU simulations is discussed in detail and it is demonstrated that the kernel performance can be sustained to a large extent. With our GPU implementation, we achieve nearly perfect weak scalability on InfiniBand clusters. However, in strong scaling scenarios multi-GPUs make less efficient use of the hardware than IBM BG/P and x86 clusters. Hence, a cost analysis must determine the best course of action for a particular simulation task. Additionally, weak scaling results of heterogeneous simulations conducted on CPUs and GPUs simultaneously are presented using clusters equipped with varying node configurations.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure

    Achieving High Speed CFD simulations: Optimization, Parallelization, and FPGA Acceleration for the unstructured DLR TAU Code

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    Today, large scale parallel simulations are fundamental tools to handle complex problems. The number of processors in current computation platforms has been recently increased and therefore it is necessary to optimize the application performance and to enhance the scalability of massively-parallel systems. In addition, new heterogeneous architectures, combining conventional processors with specific hardware, like FPGAs, to accelerate the most time consuming functions are considered as a strong alternative to boost the performance. In this paper, the performance of the DLR TAU code is analyzed and optimized. The improvement of the code efficiency is addressed through three key activities: Optimization, parallelization and hardware acceleration. At first, a profiling analysis of the most time-consuming processes of the Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes flow solver on a three-dimensional unstructured mesh is performed. Then, a study of the code scalability with new partitioning algorithms are tested to show the most suitable partitioning algorithms for the selected applications. Finally, a feasibility study on the application of FPGAs and GPUs for the hardware acceleration of CFD simulations is presented

    Multiscale Hemodynamics Using GPU Clusters

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    The parallel implementation of MUPHY, a concurrent multiscale code for large-scale hemodynamic simulations in anatomically realistic geometries, for multi-GPU platforms is presented. Performance tests show excellent results, with a nearly linear parallel speed-up on up to 32GPUs and a more than tenfold GPU/CPU acceleration, all across the range of GPUs. The basic MUPHY scheme combines a hydrokinetic (Lattice Boltzmann) representation of the blood plasma, with a Particle Dynamics treatment of suspended biological bodies, such as red blood cells. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first effort in the direction of laying down general design principles for multiscale/physics parallel Particle Dynamics applications in non-ideal geometries. This configures the present multi-GPU version of MUPHY as one of the first examples of a high-performance parallel code for multiscale/physics biofluidic applications in realistically complex geometrie

    Towards a Mini-App for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics at Exascale

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    The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) technique is a purely Lagrangian method, used in numerical simulations of fluids in astrophysics and computational fluid dynamics, among many other fields. SPH simulations with detailed physics represent computationally-demanding calculations. The parallelization of SPH codes is not trivial due to the absence of a structured grid. Additionally, the performance of the SPH codes can be, in general, adversely impacted by several factors, such as multiple time-stepping, long-range interactions, and/or boundary conditions. This work presents insights into the current performance and functionalities of three SPH codes: SPHYNX, ChaNGa, and SPH-flow. These codes are the starting point of an interdisciplinary co-design project, SPH-EXA, for the development of an Exascale-ready SPH mini-app. To gain such insights, a rotating square patch test was implemented as a common test simulation for the three SPH codes and analyzed on two modern HPC systems. Furthermore, to stress the differences with the codes stemming from the astrophysics community (SPHYNX and ChaNGa), an additional test case, the Evrard collapse, has also been carried out. This work extrapolates the common basic SPH features in the three codes for the purpose of consolidating them into a pure-SPH, Exascale-ready, optimized, mini-app. Moreover, the outcome of this serves as direct feedback to the parent codes, to improve their performance and overall scalability.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing proceedings for WRAp1

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationRecent trends in high performance computing present larger and more diverse computers using multicore nodes possibly with accelerators and/or coprocessors and reduced memory. These changes pose formidable challenges for applications code to attain scalability. Software frameworks that execute machine-independent applications code using a runtime system that shields users from architectural complexities oer a portable solution for easy programming. The Uintah framework, for example, solves a broad class of large-scale problems on structured adaptive grids using fluid-flow solvers coupled with particle-based solids methods. However, the original Uintah code had limited scalability as tasks were run in a predefined order based solely on static analysis of the task graph and used only message passing interface (MPI) for parallelism. By using a new hybrid multithread and MPI runtime system, this research has made it possible for Uintah to scale to 700K central processing unit (CPU) cores when solving challenging fluid-structure interaction problems. Those problems often involve moving objects with adaptive mesh refinement and thus with highly variable and unpredictable work patterns. This research has also demonstrated an ability to run capability jobs on the heterogeneous systems with Nvidia graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerators or Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. The new runtime system for Uintah executes directed acyclic graphs of computational tasks with a scalable asynchronous and dynamic runtime system for multicore CPUs and/or accelerators/coprocessors on a node. Uintah's clear separation between application and runtime code has led to scalability increases without significant changes to application code. This research concludes that the adaptive directed acyclic graph (DAG)-based approach provides a very powerful abstraction for solving challenging multiscale multiphysics engineering problems. Excellent scalability with regard to the different processors and communications performance are achieved on some of the largest and most powerful computers available today