8 research outputs found

    Towards a Large Scale IoT through Partnership, Incentive, and Services: A Vision, Architecture, and Future Directions

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    Internet of Things applications has been deployed and managed in a small to a medium scale deployments in industries and small segments of cities in the last decade. These real-world deployments not only helped the researchers and application developers to create protocols, standards, and frameworks but also helped them understand the challenges associated with the maintenance and management of IoT deployments in all kinds of operational environments. Despite the technological advancements and the deployment experiences, the technology failed to create a notable momentum towards large scale IoT applications involving thousands of IoT devices. We argue the reasons behind the lack of large scale deployments and the limitations of contemporary IoT deployment model. In addition, we present an approach involving multiple stakeholders as a means to scale IoT applications to hundreds of devices. Besides, we argue that the partnership, incentive mechanisms, privacy, and security frameworks are the critical factors for large scale IoT deployments of the future

    Internet of Things and data mining: from applications to techniques and systems

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is the result of the convergence of sensing, computing, and networking technologies, allowing devices of varying sizes and computational capabilities (things) to intercommunicate. This communication can be achieved locally enabling what is known as edge and fog computing, or through the well‐established Internet infrastructure, exploiting the computational resources in the cloud. The IoT paradigm enables a new breed of applications in various areas including health care, energy management and smart cities. This paper starts off with reviewing these applications and their potential benefits. Challenges facing the realization of such applications are then discussed. The sheer amount of data stemmed from devices forming the IoT requires new data mining systems and techniques that are discussed and categorized later in this paper. Finally, the paper is concluded with future research directions

    Smart*: architecture for the acquisition and processing of data

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    Esta dissertação tem como principal objetivo a conceção de uma arquitetura que permita a aquisição, tratamento e visualização de dados. A aquisição poderá ter origem em cenários como monitorização de poluição, saúde, fitness, ou agricultura onde através de uma WSN (Wireless Sensors Network) são recolhidos dados e características para posterior análise. Afim de testar a arquitetura desenvolvida foi criado um cenário de agricultura de precisão onde é possível, em tempo real, a monitorização, suporte e divulgação dos dados recolhidos usando uma abordagem escalável.The main goal of this dissertation is to design an architecture that allows the acquisition, treatment and visualization of data. The acquisition may originate in scenarios such as pollution monitoring, health, fitness, agriculture where, through a WSN (Wireless Sensors Network) data and characteristics are collected for further analysis. In order to test the develop architecture, a precision agriculture scenario was created where it is possible to monitor, support and disseminate the data collected using a scalable approach in real time.Mestrado em Engenharia Informátic


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    This document records the final program for each of the 26 meetings of the International Database and Engineering Application Symposium from 1997 through 2021. These meetings were organized in various locations on three continents. Most of the papers published during these years are in the digital libraries of IEEE(1997-2007) or ACM(2008-2021)

    Performances et Gestion de l'itinérance dans les réseaux LoRaWAN

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    LoRaWAN est l’un des principaux protocoles de communication sans fil déployés pour répondre aux exigences des applications IoT (Internet of Things) nécessitant une communication à longue portée avec une faible consommation d’énergie. On compte actuellement plus d’un milliard de dispositifs IoT utilisés dans le monde et LoRaWAN apparaît comme l’une des solutions les plus prometteuses pour de nombreuses applications. Bien que l’étude de ces réseaux, des mécanismes associés et de leurs performances soit un sujet particulièrement brûlant, certains aspects restent peu explorés, notamment la gestion de la mobilité et de l’itinérance (roaming). De même, de nombreux travaux reposent exclusivement sur des approches de simulation pour leur validation ou manquent d’outils et de bancs de test pour conduire des expérimentations réelles. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d’apporter des solutions `a des problèmes bien connus au sein de la communauté LoRaWAN, notamment l’allocation des paramètres de transmission pour augmenter les performances du réseau. Nous proposons alors L3SFA et L3SFA-TPC pour améliorer le taux de délivrance, la capacité du réseau et la consommation énergétique des terminaux. Par la suite, nous nous sommes concentrés sur des sujets moins explorés. Nous proposons LoRaRoam, le premier système prenant en charge l’itinérance active ou itinérance Handover dans les réseaux LoRaWAN. Face au manque ou `a l’absence d’outils de référence, nous nous sommes attachés au développement de solutions et au déploiement de bancs de test pour la validation des solutions proposées et pour l’analyse de leurs performances à large échelle. Nous avons conçu LoRa Roaming Emulator (LDE), le premier émulateur d’itinérance dédié à l’évaluation des réseaux LoRaWAN itinérant. De plus, nous avons proposé LoRaDL, un framework pour prendre en charge les communications sur la liaison descendante (commandes MAC, trames de données) facilitant ainsi la mise en oeuvre des solutions centrées sur les passerelles (gateway-centric) et l’évaluation des performances de la liaison descendante