32 research outputs found

    Living with constraints - food quality effects on zooplankton

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    Copepods and daphniids exhibit different grazing patterns, which affect the seston size distribution. I have studied whether the grazing of one guild could be beneficial for the other guild. Daphniids grew faster on seston previous manipulated by copepods than on seston which was not manipulated. Seston manipulated by daphniids was a poor food source for Daphnia and thus, growth declined. When marine copepods were feeding on plankton previously manipulated by copepods their growth potential (RNA:DNA) decreased with increasing copepod densities. In the laboratory I studied the effect of fatty acids and phosphorus (P) on Daphnia magna life-history and stoichiometry. D. magna had low EPA saturation threshold for growth (0.04 µg EPA L-1) and high storage capacity. However for P, daphniids had high requirements but only small storage capacity. P storage could not be utilised, whereas EPA storage could compensate periods of poor food quality.Introduction 3 1 Resources and growth – general limitations 3 2 Food quality 4 3 The study organisms 9 4 Hypotheses 12 5 Thesis outline 13 Chapters I Differential impacts of copepods and cladocerans on lake seston, 17 and resulting effects on zooplankton growth II Impacts of copepods on marine seston, and resulting effects on 35 Calanus finmarchicus RNA:DNA ratios III Resource quality effects on life histories of Daphnia 54 IV Differential impacts of phosphorus and fatty acids on Daphnia 69 growth and reproduction V Discussion 91 Summary 98 Zusammenfassung 101 References 104 Acknowledgement 111 Curriculum vitae 112 Erklärung 11

    A Qualitative Study of First-Person Accounts of Living with a Stutter

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    Eight males and four females who stutter were interviewed regarding their everyday life experiences with stuttering. The interviews were analyzed using a qualitative, intuitive/inductive method. Results revealed four major experimental themes: The Burden of Stuttering, Living with Difference, Living with Constraints, and Negotiating Life. The Burden of Stuttering theme refers to the participant\u27s experience of the effort involved in discoordinated speech, contending with interactional order between self and other, effectively communicating spoken messages, and their uncertainty about the occurrence of stuttering and listener reactions to it. Living with Difference refers to experiences of dissimilarity between self and fluent speaking others; this difference may be experienced in terms of stigma, prejudice, and alienation. Living with Constraints refers to limits imposed by stuttering and reactions of other people to it. Specific constraints are experienced in terms of limits on the quality and quantity of spoken expressions, as well as in terms of educational and job discrimination, and social relationships. Negotiating Life refers to the unique process of coming to terms with one\u27s life as a person who stutters

    Creation of agricultural land market in Ukraine: current state of development

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    Land reform started in Ukraine 14 years ago became one of the most important issues in transformation of large state agricultural enterprises into market oriented agricultural enterprises. Significant changes in land use and land ownership has happened as a result of land reform implementation in Ukraine. Namely, state monopoly on land was eliminated, agricultural land was privatized, citizens of Ukraine received land plots in possession, first land transactions have happened at agricultural land market etc. Actual data regarding Ukrainian land relations reformation is systematized in this Discussion paper with especial focus on establishing the prerequisites of further formation and perspective development of the agricultural land market in Ukraine. Additionally, a current situation is described at the Ukrainian agricultural land market and its legislative regulations. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: Die vor 14 Jahren in der Ukraine begonnene Bodenreform stellt eine wichtige Maßnahme der Transformation der ehemaligen staatlichen Agrarunternehmen in marktorientierte Unternehmen dar. Im Ergebnis der Bodenreform haben wichtige Veränderungen bezüglich der Bodennutzung und der Bodeneigentumsverhältnisse stattgefunden. Das staatliche Monopol an Boden wurde beseitigt und der Boden privatisiert. Die ukrainische Bürger erhielten Grundstücke als Eigentum übertragen, und erste Bodentransaktionen haben stattgefunden. Dieses Discussion Paper systematisiert die aktuelle Lage auf dem ukrainischen Bodenmarkt und formuliert weitere Voraussetzungen zur Herausbildung eines voll funktionsfähigen landwirtschaftlichen Bodenmarktes in der Ukraine. Die aktuellen Gesetze werden erläutert.Land market reform,transition,Ukraine,Bodenmarktreform,Transformationsprozess,Ukraine

    Studi Prilaku Pasar Tanah Di Daerah Pemekaran Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    The result of this research shows that the buyer charactheristics and seller is effect on land price. From the supply side (seller) of the land and the demand side (buyer) of the land is create a behaviorin land market in autonomous region of North Sulawesi. The land price is significantly effect on land future price expactation. Topography of the land has effect on land price on both sides. Land distance or acces has effect on land price on both sides. Richness is the only one variable that effect on land price expactation on both sides. The crop has no significant effect on both sides. Education and earning has no effect significantly on land price expectation

    Recent blooms of the dinoflagellate Ceratium in Albert Falls Dam (KZN): History, causes, spatial features and impacts on a reservoir ecosystem and its zooplankton

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    A lake-wide bloom of the dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella, discovered in Albert Falls Dam in October 2006, exposed a significant ecological change indicative of reduced water quality in this historically mesotrophic reservoir. The spatial distribution of the bloom was examined synoptically in October 2006 and January 2007; these surveys revealed generally higher dinoflagellate densities in inshore reaches of the lake, and especially in the discharge plume of the inflowing Mgeni River. Ceratium totally dominated the phytoplankton assemblage, accounting almost completely for coincident chlorophyll levels, which generally increased with depth to generate a ‘deep’ chlorophyll maximum. Vertical oxygen profiles during the bloom differed substantially from corresponding profiles during non-bloom conditions historically typical in this reservoir. Direct count data and ordination analysis using non-metric multidimensional scaling exposed marked changes in zooplankton community structure compared to seasonally congruent non-bloom conditions in other years. Changes included the effective replacement of Moina by Bosmina, substantial reductions in Daphnia and Ceriodaphnia, and smaller but definite increases in abundance especially of calanoid copepods, as well as cyclopoid copepods and of Chaoborus, although not all of these differences were apparent in both survey months. These compositional changes are attributable to intrinsic differences in feeding biology among taxa and their associated susceptibility to the altered food environment, which was commensurate with Ceratium’s emergence. In addition, chydorid cladocerans appeared as a new (but spatially restricted) eutrophic bio-indicator component of the zooplankton, and the species diversity of cyclopoid copepods was enriched.The historical incidence of Ceratium in the lake since 1995 coincided with low NO3-N:TP values (used here as an N:P ratio proxy), particularly of inflow waters, and with broadly coincident values in the open lake. Ceratium was present but sparse in 1995, at average N:P ratios around 5.5. It disappeared in 1996 when the ratio increased radically to >10, and reappeared in 2004 after an erratic decline of the ratio to < 5 in the lake. The decline in N:P ratio of inflow waters since 1996 was clearly associated with a consistent rise in TP levels in inflows, most plausibly attributable to inputs of (Howick) wastewater treatment (WWT) plant origin. The appearance of Ceratium blooms is accordingly related to progressive elevations in mean annual P concentrations in inflows from ~40 ìg/l in 1995 to 120 ìg/l in 2007 (broadly mirrored in annual TP loadings), suggesting that improved operational efficiency (and capacity) of the WWT plant offers a plausible prospect for mitigation and reversa

    Oligarchs, megafarms and land reserves: understanding land grabbing in Russia

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    This paper seeks to unravel the political economy of large-scale land acquisitions in post-Soviet Russia. Russia falls neither in the normal category of ‘investor’ countries, nor in the category of ‘target’ countries. Russia has large ‘land reserves’, since in the 1990s much fertile land was abandoned. We analyse how particular Russia is with regards to the common argument in favour of land acquisitions, namely that land is available, unused or even unpopulated. With rapid economic growth, capital of Russian oligarchs in search of new frontiers, and the 2002 land code allowing land sales, land began to attract investment. Land grabbing expands at a rapid pace and in some cases, it results in dispossession and little or no compensation. This paper describes different land acquisitions strategies and argues that the share-based land rights distribution during the 1990s did not provide security of land tenure to rural dwellers. Emerging rural social movements try to form countervailing powers but with limited success. Rich land owners easily escape the implementation of new laws on controlling underutilized land, while there is a danger that they enable eviction with legal measures of rural dwellers. In this sense Russia appears to be a ‘normal’ case in the land grab debate


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    Земельная реформа началась в Украине 14 лет назад и является одним из наиболее важ- ных факторов влияющих на процесс трансформации бывших государственных аграрных предприятий в предприятия с рыночной ориентацией. В результате проведения земель- ной реформы в Украине произошли значительные изменения в землепользовании и фор- мах собственности на землю: Отменена государственная монополия на землю, проведена широкомасштабная приватизация сельскохозяйственных угодий, граждане Украины по- лучили земельные участки в собственность, прошли первые транзакции на рынке сельско- хозяйственной земли и т.д. В этом выпуске "Дискуссионных материалов" систематизированы фактические мате- риалы касательно реформирования земельных отношений в Украине с особенным вни- манием на создании условий для формирования и перспективного развития рынка сельскохозяйственной земли в Украине. Также представлено текущее состояние украинс- кого рынка земли сельскохозяйственного назначения и его законодательное регулиро- вание. -- E N G L I S H V E R S I O N: Land reform started in Ukraine 14 years ago became one of the most important issues in transformation of large state agricultural enterprises into market oriented agricultural enterprises. Significant changes in land use and land ownership has happened as a result of land reform implementation in Ukraine. Namely, state monopoly on land was eliminated, agricultural land was privatized, citizens of Ukraine received land plots in possession, first land transactions have happened at agricultural land market etc. Actual data regarding Ukrainian land relations reformation is systematized in this Discussion paper with especial focus on establishing the prerequisites of further formation and perspective development of the agricultural land market in Ukraine. Additionally, a current situation is described at the Ukrainian agricultural land market and its legislative regulations.Реформа рынка земли,переходный период,Украина

    The Cresset (Vol. LXIX, No. 1, Michaelmas)

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    Insights into Translation of Russian Realia

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    This essay aims to give a brief overview of the findings of my research on translation strategies, especially when it is necessary to transfer meanings and uses of the so-called realia from a source language to a target one, which, for the sake of brevity, we will respectively call SL (Russian) and TL (Italian). After an introduction on the concept of realia and possible strategies to convey their meaning, it will be pointed out, through the analysis of some proto-typical examples, how (i) there exist many solutions the translator-lexicographer should take into account each time, according to a series of different parameters, (ii) to what extent these choices can vary with respect to narrative texts or lexicography and (iii) the absence of homogeneity in translation strategies, not only when comparing different monolingual or bilingual dictionaries, but also within the same dictionary. Although the theory of translation of realia has been a matter of interest and study in narrative, as well as in monolingual lexicography, it still seems little research has been conducted to test or compare approaches in bilingual lexicography

    Sidestepping secularism: performance and imagination in Buddhist temple-scapes in contemporary China

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    Why, in the second decade of the 21st century, do Chinese temple-goers visit Buddhist temples even if they are religiously unaffiliated, folk religionists, or even self-proclaimed secularists? How can we develop new conceptual tools to better understand religious involvement in contemporary China? The thesis investigates the significances of temple-based activities under late socialist state secularism, which defines religion in a specific way. It suggests that temple participation allows diverse Chinese citizens to flexibly negotiate modernity, sidestep institutional constraints, and introduce ritual-religious momentums to their temple-going lives in a mainstream society. Based on fifteen months of fieldwork, the study identifies and documents three stylistic forms of temple participation that are widely accessible and require no prior religious commitments: making wish-vows, drawing efficacious lots, and providing residential temple services. It refines a method of ritual analysis for studying how these non-institutional activities affect temple-goers’ self-understandings and their worldly stances. Theoretically, the dissertation discusses the social conditions for creative actions and the relationship between religious participation and state secularism. It shows that “temples” as spatial entities can be a place for many-sided meaningful activities and an incubator for complex visions of life, outside the conventional typecast of sacred spaces based on institutional religious differences. In late socialist China, Buddhist temples exist as semi-public sites because of an inclusive Mahayana Buddhist ideal of bodhisattva practices and, paradoxically, because of a state secularist policy that endorses “Religious Activities Venues” as spatial and even residential units. Overall, the dissertation treats Chinese temple-goers as our interlocutors sharing the global modernist predicament of state secularism. We theorize a sidestepping, non-confrontational mode of religious activism, move beyond a dichotomous view of religiosity and secularity, and consider the existing creative transformative processes of a hegemonic linear-developmental view of history. Temples as places of self-transformation are historically constituted sites within the sovereign state spaces. When Chinese temple-goers reconfigure their historical selves by actively visiting temple spaces, they also open the possibility of different futures for the late socialist regime. This brings us to an anthropology of religion effectively considering the making of humanity in contemporary China in a shared modern world