311 research outputs found

    Automatic liver vessel segmentation using 3D region growing and hybrid active contour model

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    This paper proposes a new automatic method for liver vessel segmentation by exploiting intensity and shape constraints of 3D vessels. The core of the proposed method is to apply two different strategies: 3D region growing facilitated by bi-Gaussian filter for thin vessel segmentation, and hybrid active contour model combined with K-means clustering for thick vessel segmentation. They are then integrated to generate final segmentation results. The proposed method is validated on abdominal computed tomography angiography (CTA) images, and obtains an average accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, Dice, Jaccard, and RMSD of 98.2%, 68.3%, 99.2%, 73.0%, 66.1%, and 2.56 mm, respectively. Experimental results show that our method is capable of segmenting complex liver vessels with more continuous and complete thin vessel details, and outperforms several existing 3D vessel segmentation algorithms

    Human Treelike Tubular Structure Segmentation: A Comprehensive Review and Future Perspectives

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    Various structures in human physiology follow a treelike morphology, which often expresses complexity at very fine scales. Examples of such structures are intrathoracic airways, retinal blood vessels, and hepatic blood vessels. Large collections of 2D and 3D images have been made available by medical imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (CT), Optical coherence tomography (OCT) and ultrasound in which the spatial arrangement can be observed. Segmentation of these structures in medical imaging is of great importance since the analysis of the structure provides insights into disease diagnosis, treatment planning, and prognosis. Manually labelling extensive data by radiologists is often time-consuming and error-prone. As a result, automated or semi-automated computational models have become a popular research field of medical imaging in the past two decades, and many have been developed to date. In this survey, we aim to provide a comprehensive review of currently publicly available datasets, segmentation algorithms, and evaluation metrics. In addition, current challenges and future research directions are discussed.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures, submitted to CBM journa

    Minimal Path Methods for Segmentation and Analysis of 2D and 3D Line Structures

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    Image segmentation plays a vital role in many applications of computer vision. Segmentation is not only an important task in its own right, but also a prerequisite for many further image analysis steps. Consequently, segmentation is one of the most active research areas of computer vision. In this thesis, line structures are considered, which have quite different characteristics compared to common objects in natural 2D images: Line structures are much thinner and longer, and often they have little color or texture information such as blood vessels in medical images. To cope with these challenges, minimal path methods are commonly used. In this thesis, two new methods are introduced which are extensions of existing minimal path methods. The first method is a novel hybrid approach for automatic 3D segmentation and quantification of high-resolution 7 Tesla magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) images of the human cerebral vasculature. Our approach consists of two main steps. First, a 3D model-based approach is used to segment and quantify thick vessels and most parts of thin vessels. Second, remaining vessel gaps of the first step in low-contrast and noisy regions are completed using a 3D minimal path approach, which exploits directional information. We present two novel minimal path approaches: The first is an explicit approach based on energy minimization using probabilistic sampling, and the second is an implicit approach based on fast marching with anisotropic directional prior. The second method we introduce is a novel minimal path method for the segmentation of 2D and 3D line structures. Minimal path methods perform propagation of a wavefront emanating from a start point at a speed derived from image features, followed by path extraction using backtracing. Usually, the computation of the speed and the propagation of the wave are two separate steps, and point features are used to compute a static speed. We introduce a new continuous minimal path method which steers the wave propagation progressively using dynamic speed based on path features. We present three instances of our method, using an appearance feature of the path, a geometric feature based on the curvature of the path, and a joint appearance and geometric feature based on the tangent of the wavefront. Such features have not been used in previous continuous minimal path methods. We compute the features dynamically during the wave propagation, and also efficiently using a fast numerical scheme and a low-dimensional parameter space. Our method does not suffer from discretization or metrication errors. We conducted quantitative and qualitative experimental evaluations of our methods using 2D and 3D images from different application areas, including synthetic images, retinal images, satellite images of streets, rivers, and bridges, and 3D 7T MRA images of human brain vessels

    Detection of anatomical structures in medical datasets

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    Detection and localisation of anatomical structures is extremely helpful for many image analysis algorithms. This thesis is concerned with the automatic identification of landmark points, anatomical regions and vessel centre lines in three-dimensional medical datasets. We examine how machine learning and atlas-based ideas may be combined to produce efficient, context-aware algorithms. For the problem of anatomical landmark detection, we develop an analog to the idea of autocontext, termed atlas location autocontext, whereby spatial context is iteratively learnt by the machine learning algorithm as part of a feedback loop. We then extend our anatomical landmark detection algorithm from Computed Tomography to Magnetic Resonance images, using image features based on histograms of oriented gradients. A cross-modality landmark detector is demonstrated using unsigned gradient orientations. The problem of brain parcellation is approached by independently training a random forest and a multi-atlas segmentation algorithm, then combining them by a simple Bayesian product operation. It is shown that, given classifiers providing complementary information, the hybrid classifier provides a superior result. The Bayesian product method of combination outperforms simple averaging where the classifiers are sufficiently independent. Finally, we present a system for identifying and tracking major arteries in Magnetic Resonance Angiography datasets, using automatically detected vascular landmarks to seed the tracking. Knowledge of individual vessel characteristics is employed to guide the tracking algorithm by two means. Firstly, the data is pre-processed using a top-hat transform of size corresponding to the vessel diameter. Secondly, a vascular atlas is generated to inform the cost function employed in the minimum path algorithm. Fully automatic tracking of the major arteries of the body is satisfactorily demonstrated

    Automated Characterisation and Classification of Liver Lesions From CT Scans

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    Cancer is a general term for a wide range of diseases that can affect any part of the body due to the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow outside their normal boundaries. Liver cancer is one of the common diseases that cause the death of more than 600,000 each year. Early detection is important to diagnose and reduce the incidence of death. Examination of liver lesions is performed with various medical imaging modalities such as Ultrasound (US), Computer tomography (CT), and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The improvements in medical imaging and image processing techniques have significantly enhanced the interpretation of medical images. Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems based on these techniques play a vital role in the early detection of liver disease and hence reduce liver cancer death rate. Moreover, CAD systems can help physician, as a second opinion, in characterising lesions and making the diagnostic decision. Thus, CAD systems have become an important research area. Particularly, these systems can provide diagnostic assistance to doctors to improve overall diagnostic accuracy. The traditional methods to characterise liver lesions and differentiate normal liver tissues from abnormal ones are largely dependent on the radiologists experience. Thus, CAD systems based on the image processing and artificial intelligence techniques gained a lot of attention, since they could provide constructive diagnosis suggestions to clinicians for decision making. The liver lesions are characterised through two ways: (1) Using a content-based image retrieval (CBIR) approach to assist the radiologist in liver lesions characterisation. (2) Calculating the high-level features that describe/ characterise the liver lesion in a way that is interpreted by humans, particularly Radiologists/Clinicians, based on the hand-crafted/engineered computational features (low-level features) and learning process. However, the research gap is related to the high-level understanding and interpretation of the medical image contents from the low-level pixel analysis, based on mathematical processing and artificial intelligence methods. In our work, the research gap is bridged if a relation of image contents to medical meaning in analogy to radiologist understanding is established. This thesis explores an automated system for the classification and characterisation of liver lesions in CT scans. Firstly, the liver is segmented automatically by using anatomic medical knowledge, histogram-based adaptive threshold and morphological operations. The lesions and vessels are then extracted from the segmented liver by applying AFCM and Gaussian mixture model through a region growing process respectively. Secondly, the proposed framework categorises the high-level features into two groups; the first group is the high-level features that are extracted from the image contents such as (Lesion location, Lesion focality, Calcified, Scar, ...); the second group is the high-level features that are inferred from the low-level features through machine learning process to characterise the lesion such as (Lesion density, Lesion rim, Lesion composition, Lesion shape,...). The novel Multiple ROIs selection approach is proposed, in which regions are derived from generating abnormality level map based on intensity difference and the proximity distance for each voxel with respect to the normal liver tissue. Then, the association between low-level, high-level features and the appropriate ROI are derived by assigning the ability of each ROI to represents a set of lesion characteristics. Finally, a novel feature vector is built, based on high-level features, and fed into SVM for lesion classification. In contrast with most existing research, which uses low-level features only, the use of high-level features and characterisation helps in interpreting and explaining the diagnostic decision. The methods are evaluated on a dataset containing 174 CT scans. The experimental results demonstrated that the efficacy of the proposed framework in the successful characterisation and classification of the liver lesions in CT scans. The achieved average accuracy was 95:56% for liver lesion characterisation. While the lesion’s classification accuracy was 97:1% for the entire dataset. The proposed framework is developed to provide a more robust and efficient lesion characterisation framework through comprehensions of the low-level features to generate semantic features. The use of high-level features (characterisation) helps in better interpretation of CT liver images. In addition, the difference-of-features using multiple ROIs were developed for robust capturing of lesion characteristics in a reliable way. This is in contrast to the current research trend of extracting the features from the lesion only and not paying much attention to the relation between lesion and surrounding area. The design of the liver lesion characterisation framework is based on the prior knowledge of the medical background to get a better and clear understanding of the liver lesion characteristics in medical CT images