114 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Overview of Computational Nuclei Segmentation Methods in Digital Pathology

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    In the cancer diagnosis pipeline, digital pathology plays an instrumental role in the identification, staging, and grading of malignant areas on biopsy tissue specimens. High resolution histology images are subject to high variance in appearance, sourcing either from the acquisition devices or the H\&E staining process. Nuclei segmentation is an important task, as it detects the nuclei cells over background tissue and gives rise to the topology, size, and count of nuclei which are determinant factors for cancer detection. Yet, it is a fairly time consuming task for pathologists, with reportedly high subjectivity. Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) tools empowered by modern Artificial Intelligence (AI) models enable the automation of nuclei segmentation. This can reduce the subjectivity in analysis and reading time. This paper provides an extensive review, beginning from earlier works use traditional image processing techniques and reaching up to modern approaches following the Deep Learning (DL) paradigm. Our review also focuses on the weak supervision aspect of the problem, motivated by the fact that annotated data is scarce. At the end, the advantages of different models and types of supervision are thoroughly discussed. Furthermore, we try to extrapolate and envision how future research lines will potentially be, so as to minimize the need for labeled data while maintaining high performance. Future methods should emphasize efficient and explainable models with a transparent underlying process so that physicians can trust their output.Comment: 47 pages, 27 figures, 9 table

    Computer Vision Techniques for Transcatheter Intervention

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    Minimally invasive transcatheter technologies have demonstrated substantial promise for the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. For example, TAVI is an alternative to AVR for the treatment of severe aortic stenosis and TAFA is widely used for the treatment and cure of atrial fibrillation. In addition, catheter-based IVUS and OCT imaging of coronary arteries provides important information about the coronary lumen, wall and plaque characteristics. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of these cross-sectional image data will be beneficial for the evaluation and treatment of coronary artery diseases such as atherosclerosis. In all the phases (preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative) during the transcatheter intervention procedure, computer vision techniques (e.g., image segmentation, motion tracking) have been largely applied in the field to accomplish tasks like annulus measurement, valve selection, catheter placement control, and vessel centerline extraction. This provides beneficial guidance for the clinicians in surgical planning, disease diagnosis, and treatment assessment. In this paper, we present a systematical review on these state-of-the-art methods.We aim to give a comprehensive overview for researchers in the area of computer vision on the subject of transcatheter intervention. Research in medical computing is multi-disciplinary due to its nature, and hence it is important to understand the application domain, clinical background, and imaging modality so that methods and quantitative measurements derived from analyzing the imaging data are appropriate and meaningful. We thus provide an overview on background information of transcatheter intervention procedures, as well as a review of the computer vision techniques and methodologies applied in this area

    Deep Learning of Unified Region, Edge, and Contour Models for Automated Image Segmentation

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    Image segmentation is a fundamental and challenging problem in computer vision with applications spanning multiple areas, such as medical imaging, remote sensing, and autonomous vehicles. Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have gained traction in the design of automated segmentation pipelines. Although CNN-based models are adept at learning abstract features from raw image data, their performance is dependent on the availability and size of suitable training datasets. Additionally, these models are often unable to capture the details of object boundaries and generalize poorly to unseen classes. In this thesis, we devise novel methodologies that address these issues and establish robust representation learning frameworks for fully-automatic semantic segmentation in medical imaging and mainstream computer vision. In particular, our contributions include (1) state-of-the-art 2D and 3D image segmentation networks for computer vision and medical image analysis, (2) an end-to-end trainable image segmentation framework that unifies CNNs and active contour models with learnable parameters for fast and robust object delineation, (3) a novel approach for disentangling edge and texture processing in segmentation networks, and (4) a novel few-shot learning model in both supervised settings and semi-supervised settings where synergies between latent and image spaces are leveraged to learn to segment images given limited training data.Comment: PhD dissertation, UCLA, 202

    A Multi-Anatomical Retinal Structure Segmentation System For Automatic Eye Screening Using Morphological Adaptive Fuzzy Thresholding

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    Eye exam can be as efficacious as physical one in determining health concerns. Retina screening can be the very first clue to detecting a variety of hidden health issues including pre-diabetes and diabetes. Through the process of clinical diagnosis and prognosis; ophthalmologists rely heavily on the binary segmented version of retina fundus image; where the accuracy of segmented vessels, optic disc and abnormal lesions extremely affects the diagnosis accuracy which in turn affect the subsequent clinical treatment steps. This thesis proposes an automated retinal fundus image segmentation system composed of three segmentation subsystems follow same core segmentation algorithm. Despite of broad difference in features and characteristics; retinal vessels, optic disc and exudate lesions are extracted by each subsystem without the need for texture analysis or synthesis. For sake of compact diagnosis and complete clinical insight, our proposed system can detect these anatomical structures in one session with high accuracy even in pathological retina images. The proposed system uses a robust hybrid segmentation algorithm combines adaptive fuzzy thresholding and mathematical morphology. The proposed system is validated using four benchmark datasets: DRIVE and STARE (vessels), DRISHTI-GS (optic disc), and DIARETDB1 (exudates lesions). Competitive segmentation performance is achieved, outperforming a variety of up-to-date systems and demonstrating the capacity to deal with other heterogenous anatomical structures

    Methods for Analysing Endothelial Cell Shape and Behaviour in Relation to the Focal Nature of Atherosclerosis

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    The aim of this thesis is to develop automated methods for the analysis of the spatial patterns, and the functional behaviour of endothelial cells, viewed under microscopy, with applications to the understanding of atherosclerosis. Initially, a radial search approach to segmentation was attempted in order to trace the cell and nuclei boundaries using a maximum likelihood algorithm; it was found inadequate to detect the weak cell boundaries present in the available data. A parametric cell shape model was then introduced to fit an equivalent ellipse to the cell boundary by matching phase-invariant orientation fields of the image and a candidate cell shape. This approach succeeded on good quality images, but failed on images with weak cell boundaries. Finally, a support vector machines based method, relying on a rich set of visual features, and a small but high quality training dataset, was found to work well on large numbers of cells even in the presence of strong intensity variations and imaging noise. Using the segmentation results, several standard shear-stress dependent parameters of cell morphology were studied, and evidence for similar behaviour in some cell shape parameters was obtained in in-vivo cells and their nuclei. Nuclear and cell orientations around immature and mature aortas were broadly similar, suggesting that the pattern of flow direction near the wall stayed approximately constant with age. The relation was less strong for the cell and nuclear length-to-width ratios. Two novel shape analysis approaches were attempted to find other properties of cell shape which could be used to annotate or characterise patterns, since a wide variability in cell and nuclear shapes was observed which did not appear to fit the standard parameterisations. Although no firm conclusions can yet be drawn, the work lays the foundation for future studies of cell morphology. To draw inferences about patterns in the functional response of cells to flow, which may play a role in the progression of disease, single-cell analysis was performed using calcium sensitive florescence probes. Calcium transient rates were found to change with flow, but more importantly, local patterns of synchronisation in multi-cellular groups were discernable and appear to change with flow. The patterns suggest a new functional mechanism in flow-mediation of cell-cell calcium signalling

    Automatic 2D and 3D segmentation of liver from Computerised Tomography.

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    As part of the diagnosis of liver disease, a Computerised Tomography (CT) scan is taken of the patient, which the clinician then uses for assistance in determining the presence and extent of the disease. This thesis presents the background, methodology, results and future work of a project that employs automated methods to segment liver tissue. The clinical motivation behind this work is the desire to facilitate the diagnosis of liver disease such as cirrhosis or cancer, assist in volume determination for liver transplantation, and possibly assist in measuring the effect of any treatment given to the liver. Previous attempts at automatic segmentation of liver tissue have relied on 2D, low-level segmentation techniques, such as thresholding and mathematical morphology, to obtain the basic liver structure. The derived boundary can then be smoothed or refined using more advanced methods. The 2D results presented in this thesis improve greatly on this previous work by using a topology adaptive active contour model to accurately segment liver tissue from CT images. The use of conventional snakes for liver segmentation is difficult due to the presence of other organs closely surrounding the liver this new technique avoids this problem by adding an inflationary force to the basic snake equation, and initialising the snake inside the liver. The concepts underlying the 2D technique are extended to 3D, and results of full 3D segmentation of the liver are presented. The 3D technique makes use of an inflationary active surface model which is adaptively reparameterised, according to its size and local curvature, in order that it may more accurately segment the organ. Statistical analysis of the accuracy of the segmentation is presented for 18 healthy liver datasets, and results of the segmentation of unhealthy livers are also shown. The novel work developed during the course of this project has possibilities for use in other areas of medical imaging research, for example the segmentation of internal liver structures, and the segmentation and classification of unhealthy tissue. The possibilities of this future work are discussed towards the end of the report
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