163 research outputs found

    Parameterized Synthesis with Safety Properties

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    Parameterized synthesis offers a solution to the problem of constructing correct and verified controllers for parameterized systems. Such systems occur naturally in practice (e.g., in the form of distributed protocols where the amount of processes is often unknown at design time and the protocol must work regardless of the number of processes). In this paper, we present a novel learning based approach to the synthesis of reactive controllers for parameterized systems from safety specifications. We use the framework of regular model checking to model the synthesis problem as an infinite-duration two-player game and show how one can utilize Angluin's well-known L* algorithm to learn correct-by-design controllers. This approach results in a synthesis procedure that is conceptually simpler than existing synthesis methods with a completeness guarantee, whenever a winning strategy can be expressed by a regular set. We have implemented our algorithm in a tool called L*-PSynth and have demonstrated its performance on a range of benchmarks, including robotic motion planning and distributed protocols. Despite the simplicity of L*-PSynth it competes well against (and in many cases even outperforms) the state-of-the-art tools for synthesizing parameterized systems.Comment: 18 page

    Temporal verification with transition invariants

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    Program verification increases the degree of confidence that a program will perform correctly. Manual verification is an error-prone and tedious task. Its automation is highly desirable. The verification methodology reduces the reasoning about temporal properties of program computations to testing the validity of implication between auxiliary first-order assertions. The synthesis of such auxiliary assertions is the main challenge for automated tools. There already exist successful tools for the verification of safety properties. These properties require that some "bad'; states never appear during program computations. The tools construct invariants, which are auxiliary assertions for safety. Invariants are computed symbolically by applying techniques of abstract interpretation. Liveness properties require that some "good'; states will eventually appear in every computation. The synthesis of auxiliary assertions for the verification of liveness properties is the next challenge for automated verification tools. This dissertation argues that transition invariants can provide a new basis for the development of automated methods for the verification of liveness properties. We support this thesis as follows. We introduce a new notion of auxiliary assertions called transition invariant. We apply this notion to propose a proof rule for the verification of liveness properties. We provide a viable approach for the automated synthesis of transition invariants by abstract interpretation, which automates the proof rule. For this purpose, we introduce a transition predicate abstraction. This abstraction does not have an inherent limitation to preserve only safety properties. Most liveness properties of concurrent programs only hold under certain assumptions on non-deterministic choices made during program executions. These assumptions are known as fairness requirements. A direct treatment of fairness requirements in a proof rule is desirable. We specialize our proof rule for the direct accounting of two common ways of specifying fairness. Fairness requirements can be imposed either on program transitions or on sets of programs states. We treat both cases via abstract-transition programs and labeled transition invariants respectively. We have developed a basis for the construction of automated tools that can not only prove that a program never does anything bad, but can also prove that the program eventually does something good. Such proofs increase our confidence that the program will perform correctly.Programmverifikation stärkt unsere Überzeugung darin, dass ein Programm korrekt funktionieren wird. Manuelle Verifikation ist fehleranfällig und mühsam. Deren Automatisierung ist daher sehr erwünscht. Die allgemeine Vorgehensweise bei der Verifikation besteht darin, die temporale Argumentation über die Programmberechnungen auf die Überprüfung der Gültigkeit von Implikation zwischen Hilfsaussagen in Prädikatenlogik zu reduzieren. Die größte Herausforderung in der Automatisierung von Verifikationsmethoden liegt in der automatischen Synthese solcher Hilfsaussagen. Es gibt bereits erfolgreiche Werkzeuge für die automatische Verifikation von Safety-Eigenschaften.Diese Eigenschaften erfordern, dass keine ';unerwünschten" Programmzustände in Berechnungen auftreten. Die Werkzeuge synthetisieren Invarianten, die Hilfsaussagen für die Verifikation von Safety-Eigenschaften darstellen. Invarianten werden symbolisch, mit Hilfe von Techniken der abstrakten Interpretation berechnet. Liveness-Eigenschaften erfordern, dass bestimmte ';gute" Zustände irgendwann in jeder Berechnung vorkommen. Die Synthese von Hilfsaussagen für die Verifikation von Liveness-Eigenschaften ist die nächste Herausforderung für automatische Werkzeuge. Diese Dissertation vertritt die Auffassung, dass Transitionsinvarianten (engl.: transition invariants) eine neu Basis für die Entwicklung automatischer Methoden für die Verifikation von Liveness-Eigenschaften bereitstellen können. Wir unterstützen diese These wie folgt. Wir führen einen neuen Typ von Hilfsaussagen ein, der als Transitionsinvariante bezeichnet wird. Wir benutzen Transitionsinvariante, um eine Beweisregel für die Verifikation von Liveness-Eigenschaften zu entwickeln.Wir stellen einen praktikablen Ansatz für die Synthese von Transitionsinvarianten basierend auf der abstrakten Interpretation vor und automatisieren dadurch die Beweisregel. Zu diesem Zweck führen wir eine Transitionsprädikaten-Abstraktion (engl.: transition predicate abstraction) ein. Diese Abstraktion ist nicht darauf beschränkt, nur Safety-Eigenschaften erhalten zu können. Die meisten Liveness-Eigenschaften nebenläufiger Programme gelten nur unter bestimmten Annahmen bzgl. der nicht-deterministischen Wahl, die bei den Programmberechnungen getroffen wird. Diese Annahmen sind als Fairness-Anforderungen bekannt und deren direkte Berücksichtigung in einer Beweisregel ist wünschenswert. Wir spezialisieren unsere Beweisregel für die direkte Behandlung von zwei verbreiteten Arten von Fairness-Spezifikationen. Zum einem berücksichtigen wir die Fairness-Anforderungen an Programmübergänge durch abstrakte Transitionsprogramme (engl.: abstract-transition programs). Zum anderen werden die durch Zustandsmengen angegebenen Fairness-Anforderungen mit Hilfe von markierten Transitionsinvarianten (engl.: labeled transition invariants) behandelt. Wir haben eine Basis für die Entwicklung automatischer Werkzeuge bereitgestellt, die beweisen können, dass ein Programm nicht schadet und dass das Programm etwas Gutes bewirkt. Solche Beweise stärken unsere Überzeugung darin, dass das Programm korrekt funktionieren wird

    Genuinely New: The Strategy of Remix in Live Blogs

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    This article examines the strategies of remix as used to author live blogs in mainstream news media. The importance of this lies in how authorship shapes not only the form of the text but also its critical content and reading experience. Studying a variety of live blogs as used on The Guardian website, the author observes and classifies three such strategies: remix for continuity and diversity of content; for connecting digital and physical time-spaces; and for sociability on both the worldwide and mobile web. In light of the reproducibility of content in digital media, the article also re-considers the nature of digital authorship in terms of how such authorship engages in a more extensive global dialogue, adding to a glue of social media that holds together different voices across spaces

    Towards a sociology of institutional transparency: openness, deception, and the problem of public trust

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    Transparency has become the watchword of 21st-century liberal democracies. It refers to a project of opening up the state by providing online access to public sector data. This article puts forward a sociological critique of the transparency agenda and the purported relationship between institutional openness and public trust. Drawing upon Simmel’s work, the article argues that open government initiatives routinely prize visibility over intelligibility and ignore the communicative basis of trust. The result is a non-reciprocal form of openness that obscures more than it reveals. In making this point the article suggests that transparency embodies the ethos of a now-discredited mode of what Ezrahi calls ‘instrumental politics’, reliant on the idea that the state constitutes a ‘domain of plain public facts’. The article examines how alternative mechanisms for achieving government openness might better respond to the distinctive needs of citizens living in late modern societies.</p

    Counterexample Generation in Probabilistic Model Checking

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    Providing evidence for the refutation of a property is an essential, if not the most important, feature of model checking. This paper considers algorithms for counterexample generation for probabilistic CTL formulae in discrete-time Markov chains. Finding the strongest evidence (i.e., the most probable path) violating a (bounded) until-formula is shown to be reducible to a single-source (hop-constrained) shortest path problem. Counterexamples of smallest size that deviate most from the required probability bound can be obtained by applying (small amendments to) k-shortest (hop-constrained) paths algorithms. These results can be extended to Markov chains with rewards, to LTL model checking, and are useful for Markov decision processes. Experimental results show that typically the size of a counterexample is excessive. To obtain much more compact representations, we present a simple algorithm to generate (minimal) regular expressions that can act as counterexamples. The feasibility of our approach is illustrated by means of two communication protocols: leader election in an anonymous ring network and the Crowds protocol

    Appearing Live: Spectatorship, Affect, and Liveness in Contemporary British Performance

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    The liveness of theatre is a much-debated topic in playwriting, arts policy, and performance studies. Discussions of liveness, by scholars such as Peggy Phelan, Richard Schechner, and Herbert Blau, have historically suggested that performance is an ephemeral medium, defining “liveness” as a descriptor of theatre’s transient existence, a phenomenon which disappears at the same moment it is performed. More recently, scholars such as Philip Auslander, Rebecca Schneider, and Amelia Jones have reconsidered this historical debate, suggesting that performance does not simply occur once and then disappear, but that its temporality must include repetition, reperformance, and memory. However, these approaches continue to theorize liveness in terms of its temporality. This dissertation intervenes in two ways: firstly, I reorient the definition of “liveness” away from temporality and toward affect: “liveness”, from my perspective, is a felt quality of performance, but is not restricted to the moment that performance takes place. Secondly, I analyze the relationship between the ways that affective liveness is invoked in performance and the UK.’s current socio-economic and political environment to suggest that the increasing desire for experiences which feel live is an index of that country’s neoliberal context. Informing my argument are theorists such as Bergson and Derrida, as well as affect theorists such as Massumi, Bennett, and Berlant. This dissertation addresses several case studies. Chapter one discusses playwright Martin Crimp’s Attempts on Her Life (1997) and The City (2008) as projections of capitalist promises and expectations of a “good life”, following Lauren Berlant. In chapter two, I analyze immersive theatre company Punchdrunk’s Sleep No More as a bodily, but purposefully individualistic, affective experience. The third and final chapter, I discuss ii several multi-form archival projects by performance collective Forced Entertainment, analyzing their attempts to make documentation live. In foregrounding their own liveness, these performances attempt to capitalize on the community feeling produced by collective experience. However, I conclude that liveness has been deployed in these performances in order to encourage a particularly neoliberal form of affective consumption, which privileges individual, entrepreneurial, and capitalistic forms of creation and spectatorship

    Interactive process mining

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    Interactive process mining

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    Broadcasting and time

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    This thesis brings together work I have published in the last five years in academic journals and edited book collections. All the material presented in the thesis, much of it substantially rewritten, will appear in the trilogy I have been working on since my last published book, Radio, Television and Modern Life (Blackwell 1996). The organising structure of the thesis and its substantive concerns corresponds with that of the three books that will come out of it. The form and content of the thesis, and its relation to the books, is discussed in some detail in its introduction. Its fundamental concern is with human time which I have explored in all my writings since I began research thirty years ago, with my late friend and colleague David Cardiff, into the early history of the British Broadcasting Corporation. The medium of radio is time. Historiography deals with past time. The academic work of writing history on the other, and the temporality of radio and television on the one hand, are the first two themes of this thesis which shows that the orders of time in which they work are divergent rather than convergent. The third section of the thesis attempts their reconciliation through the recovery of meaningful time