39,034 research outputs found

    An Experimental Study on Virtual Machine Live Migration Impact on Services Performance

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    One important benefit of servers' virtualization is the reduction of the maintenance complexity of infrastructures. A key feature is servers' live migration which allows virtual servers to be exchanged between physical machines without stopping their services. However, virtualization also has some drawbacks caused by the overhead generated. Our research evaluated live migration process overhead, on real and virtual environments, noticed from the client's side regarding two different services: web and database. YCSB and ab Benchmark were adopted as workloads. Almost all tests on real environment overcame those on virtual, with both benchmarks. The impact of the live migration in the services was evident, proving to be more effective on real machines than on virtual machines. We found the DB service accommodated better to the virtual environment and to migration than Web service. We also considered an environment with multiple migrations which presented a higher degradation than when only one migration is performed

    Flauncher and DVMS -- Deploying and Scheduling Thousands of Virtual Machines on Hundreds of Nodes Distributed Geographically

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    International audienceAlthough live migration of virtual machines has been an active area of research over the past decade, it has been mainly evaluated by means of simulations and small scale deployments. Proving the relevance of live migration at larger scales is a technical challenge that requires to be able to deploy and schedule virtual machines. In the last year, we succeeded to tackle such a challenge by conducting experiments with Flauncher and DVMS, two frameworks that can respectively deploy and schedule thousands of virtual machines over hundreds of nodes distributed geographically across the Grid'5000 testbed

    Dynamic load balancing based on live migration of virtual machines: Security threats and effects

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    Live migration of virtual machines (VMs) is the process of transitioning a VM from one virtual machine monitor (VMM) to another without halting the guest operating system, often between distinct physical machines, has opened new opportunities in computing. It allows a clean separation between hardware and software, and facilitates fault management, load balancing, and low-level system maintenance. Implemented by several existing virtualization products, live migration also aids in aspects such as high availability services, transparent mobility and consolidated management. While virtualization and live migration enable important new functionality, the combination introduces novel security challenges. A virtual machine monitor that incorporates a vulnerable implementation of live migration functionality may expose both the guest and host operating system to attack and result in a compromise of integrity. Given the large and increasing market for virtualization technology, a comprehensive understanding of virtual machine migration security is essential. So the main idea behind this thesis is to create a test environment that is suitable for experimenting and analyzing the security implications in case of exploitation of Live Migration of Virtual Machines. Using Live VM migration for dynamic load balancing or scheduling, this study determines workload hotspots in physical environment and through use of effective Live Migration process; tries to carry out resource profiling. By carrying out effective profiling, this thesis research is able to determine how much of each resource needs to be allocated to a VM. To understand exactly why process migration would not work in such scenarios and better understand Live VM Migration, this thesis tries to provide requisite incites as to which model is most appropriate for automatic load balancing for virtual machine infrastructure based on resource consumption. The security implications of exploiting the process of migration may end in unexpected results or results that are not noticeable. The scope of this thesis research is identifying these results and the causes for them

    Pengukuran Performansi Live Virtual Migration Berbasis Pre-Copy pada Xen Hypervisor

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    ABSTRAKSI: Pada suatu sistem virtualisasi, ketersediaan suatu layanan harus baik. Live virtual migration berbasis precopy adalah cara agar ketersediaan layanan tetap baik ketika diperlukan maintanance terhadap mesin. Xen Hypervisor adalah sebuah virtual machine monitor yang mendukung live virtual migration berbasis precopy. Kemampuan ketersediaan layanan yang baik, akan dipengaruhi oleh kinerja live virtual migration berbasis precopy pada Xen Hypervisor. Kinerja tersebut dapat diamati dari total migraion time, throughput dan presentasi utilisasi bandwidth.Pada tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan pengukuran terhadap kinerja sebuah sistem live virtual migration berbasis precopy pada Xen Hypervisor yang diamati dari total migraion time, throughput dan presentasi utilisasi bandwidth dengan parameter perbandingan berupa ukuran RAM VM.Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan Semakin besar virtual RAM VM pada proses live virtual migration pre copy-based pada xen hypervisor akan meningkatkan total migration time, menurunkan throughput dan tidak menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan terhadap presentasi utilisasi bandwidth.Kata Kunci : live virtual migration, precopy, xen hypervisor, kinerja, total migration time, throughput, presentasi utilisasi bandwidth.ABSTRACT: On a virtualized system, the availability of a service should be good. Live virtual migration precopy based is a way to keep service availability good when maintanance of machines is needed. Xen Hypervisor is a virtual machine monitor that supports live virual migration precopy based. The ability of the good service availibility will be influenced by performance of live virtual migration precopy based on Xen Hypervisor. Performance can be watched from the total migraion time, throughput and bandwidth utilization presentations.At this final task will be measured against the performance of live virtual migration precopy based on Xen Hypervisor thai is watched from the total migraion time, throughput and bandwidth utilization presentations with parameter that is comparison of VM RAM size.The results obtained show a larger virtual RAM of live virtual migration precopy based on Xen Hypervisor will increase the total migration time, lowering throughput and showed no significant difference to the presentation of bandwidth utilization.Keyword: live virtual migration, precopy, xen hypervisor, performance, total migration time, throughput, bandwidth utilization presentatio

    An overview of virtual machine live migration techniques

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    In a cloud computing the live migration of virtual machines shows a process of moving a running virtual machine from source physical machine to the destination, considering the CPU, memory, network, and storage states. Various performance metrics are tackled such as, downtime, total migration time, performance degradation, and amount of migrated data, which are affected when a virtual machine is migrated. This paper presents an overview and understanding of virtual machine live migration techniques, of the different works in literature that consider this issue, which might impact the work of professionals and researchers to further explore the challenges and provide optimal solutions

    A Survey on Auto Live Migration Mechanism in Cloud Environment

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    Cloud Computing has recently emerged as a compelling paradigm for delivering computing services to users as utilities in a pay-as-you-go manner over the internet. Virtualization is a key concept in cloud computing. Virtualization technology refers to the creation of a virtual machine that acts like a real hardware with an operating system. Live migration is the task of moving a virtual machine from one physical hardware environment to another without disconnecting the client. Its facilities for efficient utilization of resources (CPU, memory, Storage) to manage load imbalance problem and also useful for reduction in energy consumption and fault management. For live migration of the virtual machine cloud provider needs to monitor the resources of all hosts continuously. So there are techniques for automation of this live migration when required. This method is called auto live migration techniques. This paper presents a detailed survey on Auto Live Migration of Virtual machines (VM) in cloud computing

    Efficient Heuristics for Virtual Machine Migration in Data Centers

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    Live migration of virtual machines is one of the essential virtualization technologies which enables the consolidation and load balancing in cloud data centers without interrupting the services. Main goals for optimizing a single virtual machine live migration is to minimize migration time, transferred data and downtime. Planning multiple live migrations in a data center has an essential impact on feasibility of consolidation and quality of services during migrations, however, optimizing parallel VM migrations has been studies less. Minimizing makespan (total migration time) while reducing energy and service quality degradation caused by using datacenter resources for migrations, are the main objectives of the problem. One of the issues in planning multiple live migrations is to detect and consider migrations order dependency constraints and possible deadlocks caused by lack of enough free resources in servers during the process. In the literature, exact mathematical models are not scalable and heuristics are not optimal and they don't consider the quality of service and energy efficiency of migration process when resources are restricted. In this work we propose a heuristic algorithm for scheduling the migration of virtual machines in a data center in order to minimize makespan (total migration time) and solve the conflicts (deadlocks) caused by limitation of resources with minimum cost and quality degradation

    Scheduling Live Migration of Virtual Machines

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    International audienceEvery day, numerous VMs are migrated inside a datacenter to balance the load, save energy or prepare production servers for maintenance. Despite VM placement problems are carefully studied, the underlying migration scheduler relies on vague adhoc models. This leads to unnecessarily long and energy-intensive migrations
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