198 research outputs found

    Alfred Reumont als Sagensammler und Sagenautor

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    Alfred von Reumont published popular books on the legends of Aachen and the Rhine: Aachens Liederkranz und Sagenwelt (1829, new edition 1873: Aachener Liederchronik) and Rheinlands Sagen, Geschichten und Legenden (1837, English: Ruins of the Rhine. Their Times and Traditions). They are contextualized in the framework of German legend production and Rhine Romanticism. The essay concludes with remarks on the perception of the relationship between legend and history in Germany in the nineteenth century. Printed: Klaus Graf: Alfred Reumont als Sagensammler und Sagenautor. In: Alfred von Reumont (1808-1887) – ein Diplomat als kultureller Mittler. Ed. by Frank Pohle (= Historische Forschungen 107). Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2015, pp. 125-136

    Kirchenmusik in Magdeburg: die Jahrzehnte vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg

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    Vor Ausbruch des Ersten Weltkriegs hatte sich Magdeburg (im Jahre 805 erstmals erw\u7fahnt) zu einem der wichtigsten Industriezentren Mitteldeutschlands, besonders hinsichtlich des Maschinenbaus, entwickelt. Unter anderem spiegelte sich das in den Bevölkerungszahlen wider

    Ur-Sprünge : Körper, Gewalt und Schrift im "Schwanritter" Konrads von Würzburg

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    Die vorliegende Studie wählt […] einen kleinen Ausschnitt in Gestalt eines einzelnen Textes aus: Es geht um den „Schwanenritter“ Konrads von Würzburg, weil sich hier jene historisch-anthropologischen und mediengeschichtlichen Prozesse nicht nur beobachten lassen, sondern weil diese Erzählung sie selbst schon beobachtet. In Konrads kleinem, aber komplexem Text, so (...) [hofft Peter Strohschneider] im weiteren zeigen zu können, wird das Erzählen vom Körper, von seinen Darstellungssystemen und von der Schrift im Medium schriftliterarischen Erzählens in charakteristischer Weise reflexiv

    Records management and registry system of Croatian-Slavonic Regency (1854-1861)

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    U članku je opisan sustav uredskog poslovanja i registratura Hrvatsko-slavonskog namjesništva (1854-1861), vrhovnog upravnog tijela na području Kraljevine Hrvatske i Slavonije u razdoblju tzv. neoapsolutizma u Habsburškoj Monarhiji. Usporedbom tog sustava s onime što je poznato sa susjednih područja (Kranjska, Štajerska, Šopronski okrug u Mađarskoj), utvrđeno je da postoje sličnosti uredskog poslovanja, te metodologije oblikovanja registraturnih planova na širem prostoru Monarhije. Te sličnosti proizlaze iz nastojanja da se uredsko poslovanje čim više pojednostavi i ujednači, zbog čega su najviše upravne vlasti donosile odgovarajuće instrukcije. Analizom registraturnih planova koje je, prema uzoru iz Graza, za potrebe zagrebačkog Namjesništva oblikovao činovnik gradačkog Namjesništva Markus Kremser, posebno za Predsjedništvo i posebno za odjele koji su činili sastav Namjesništva, utvrđeno je da je Kremser u njih ugradio i posebne nadležnosti - unutar pojedinih svezaka predmetne odrednice razrađene su prema specifičnim lokalnim prilikama. U ovome razdoblju oblikovani su temelji sustava koji će ostati na snazi i dalje se razvijati u vrijeme sljednika Namjesništva – Namjesničkog vijeća i Zemaljske vlade – s uvođenjem registraturnih svezaka, kao predmetnih skupina u koje se u registraturi odlažu spisi tijekom više godina uzastopce. Spisi su u pojedinačnim predmetima bili okupljeni oko korjenitih brojeva, što je ponegdje u stručnoj literaturi tumačeno kao puno kasnija inovacija.The article describes records management and registry system (»Registratur« system) of Croatian-Slavonic Regency in Zagreb (1854-1861), as highest governmental body on the territory of the Krownland of Croatia and Slavonia during the period of neoapsolutism in Habsburg\u27s Monarchy. Comparing its records management system with facts known on the same issue from neighboring territories (Carniola, Styria, Soron County in Hungary) the author recognizes similarities of those records management and registry systems, created on the basis of common instructions dating from 1850ies, coming from the highest governmental bodies in the Monarchy. Instructions were concerning records management issues with intention to make records management systems of lower positioned administrative bodies simpler and more similar one to each other, especially their registry plans. Registry plans (»Registratur« plans) of Zagreb\u27s Regency were made by Markus Kremser, clerk originally working in the Regency in Graz. He was invited to Zagreb with purpose to help in plans\u27 creation. He created two different plans, one for the Presidency of the Regency and another one for its departments. Above similarities with neighboring registry plans, based on the similar mandates of the regencies, Kremser also included specific subjects of Zagreb\u27s Regency, involving them as parts of the groupings of subjects (so called »bundles«). Basic elements of the records management systems of the Regency\u27s successors – Regency Council (1861-1869) and Land\u27s Government (1869-1918) - were created in this period, being further developed. Registry plans were later becoming more and more comprehensive and systematic, with intention to better accommodate to new mandates and needs of administration. The basic elements further developed (during Land\u27s Government) were subject groupings, becoming so called »registry bundles«, in which records were concentrated around similar subjects during more years each after others, in so called registry periods (3-5 years), being also grouped at lower levels - as parts of file units – around, so called, radical numbers – i.e. around main numbers of subject files, given in the journals to the first incoming or outcoming paper of the file. The characteristic of papers\u27 groupings, as parts of registry bundles, around main or radical numbers of files, is specific for the Austrian administration of the second half of the 19th century, but was sometimes, in the archival literature, wrongly dated as later innovation, from around 1900

    Más textos alemanes sobre la guerra de la Independencia : el Dos de Mayo de Madrid y el primer sitio de Zaragoza en las memorias de Johan Konrad Friedrich, llamado el "Casanova alemán"

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    Con motivo del bicentenario de la guerra de Napoleón en España queremos llamar, de nuevo, la atención sobre el gran número de alemanes que lucharon en dicha guerra en ambos bandos. A modo de ejemplo hemos elegido al joven oficial Johann Konrad Friederich de cuyas interesantes memorias, reeditadas muchas veces, hemos traducido cómo vivió dos grandes acontecimientos del año 1808, el Dos de Mayo de Madrid y el primer sitio de Zaragoza. Además, ofrecemos como anexo una extensa bibliografía con la cual ampliamos la anterior, publicada en 2003.On the occasion of the bicentenary of the Napoleonic War in Spain, we want once again to attract the attention to the many German soldiers who fought in that war on both sides. As an example we have chosen the young officer Johann Konrad Friederich, from whose interesting memoirs, which have been published several times, we have translated the account of how he lived through two great events of the year 1808, the 2nd of May in Madrid and the first siege of Zaragoza. Furthermore we shall offer in the appendix a detailed bibliography, which is an extension of the one published in 2003

    Kaltenbach, ›Die Hundsmücken‹: herausgegeben, eingeleitet und kommentiert von Nicolai Johann Schmitt

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    Edition und Kommentar der Minnerede ›Die Hundsmücken‹ (Handbuch Minnereden Nr. B 387; überliefert in Cod. Pal. germ. 313, UB Heidelberg). Einleitend werden Überlieferung und Forschungsstand dargestellt, Überlegungen zum Autor, zum Titel und zur Schreibsprache mitgeteilt und die Editions- und Kommentarprinzipien erläutert. Erscheint auch als digitale Edition (begleitend zu den entsprechenden Seiten im cod. pal. germ. 313 des Digitalisates der UB Heidelberg): http://digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/diglit/cpg313/082