323,585 research outputs found

    Bluetooth Low PowerModes Applied to the Data Transportation Network in Home Automation Systems

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    Even though home automation is a well-known research and development area, recent technological improvements in different areas such as context recognition, sensing, wireless communications or embedded systems have boosted wireless smart homes. This paper focuses on some of those areas related to home automation. The paper draws attention to wireless communications issues on embedded systems. Specifically, the paper discusses the multi-hop networking together with Bluetooth technology and latency, as a quality of service (QoS) metric. Bluetooth is a worldwide standard that provides low power multi-hop networking. It is a radio license free technology and establishes point-to-point and point-to-multipoint links, known as piconets, or multi-hop networks, known as scatternets. This way, many Bluetooth nodes can be interconnected to deploy ambient intelligent networks. This paper introduces the research on multi-hop latency done with park and sniff low power modes of Bluetooth over the test platform developed. Besides, an empirical model is obtained to calculate the latency of Bluetooth multi-hop communications over asynchronous links when links in scatternets are always in sniff or the park mode. Smart home devices and networks designers would take advantage of the models and the estimation of the delay they provide in communications along Bluetooth multi-hop networks

    Low Power Multi-Hop Networking Analysis in Intelligent Environments

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    Intelligent systems are driven by the latest technological advances in many different areas such as sensing, embedded systems, wireless communications or context recognition. This paper focuses on some of those areas. Concretely, the paper deals with wireless communications issues in embedded systems. More precisely, the paper combines the multi-hop networking with Bluetooth technology and a quality of service (QoS) metric, the latency. Bluetooth is a radio license-free worldwide communication standard that makes low power multi-hop wireless networking available. It establishes piconets (point-to-point and point-to-multipoint links) and scatternets (multi-hop networks). As a result, many Bluetooth nodes can be interconnected to set up ambient intelligent networks. Then, this paper presents the results of the investigation on multi-hop latency with park and sniff Bluetooth low power modes conducted over the hardware test bench previously implemented. In addition, the empirical models to estimate the latency of multi-hop communications over Bluetooth Asynchronous Connectionless Links (ACL) in park and sniff mode are given. The designers of devices and networks for intelligent systems will benefit from the estimation of the latency in Bluetooth multi-hop communications that the models provide.The research described in this paper was included in AIRHEM IV project and financially supported by the Basque Government Research Program called Elkartek 2015 (code KK_2015/0000085)

    Proactive multi-tenant cache management for virtualized ISP networks

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    The content delivery market has mainly been dominated by large Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) such as Akamai and Limelight. However, CDN traffic exerts a lot of pressure on Internet Service Provider (ISP) networks. Recently, ISPs have begun deploying so-called Telco CDNs, which have many advantages, such as reduced ISP network bandwidth utilization and improved Quality of Service (QoS) by bringing content closer to the end-user. Virtualization of storage and networking resources can enable the ISP to simultaneously lease its Telco CDN infrastructure to multiple third parties, opening up new business models and revenue streams. In this paper, we propose a proactive cache management system for ISP-operated multi-tenant Telco CDNs. The associated algorithm optimizes content placement and server selection across tenants and users, based on predicted content popularity and the geographical distribution of requests. Based on a Video-on-Demand (VoD) request trace of a leading European telecom operator, the presented algorithm is shown to reduce bandwidth usage by 17% compared to the traditional Least Recently Used (LRU) caching strategy, both inside the network and on the ingress links, while at the same time offering enhanced load balancing capabilities. Increasing the prediction accuracy is shown to have the potential to further improve bandwidth efficiency by up to 79%

    Cooperative Learning for Disaggregated Delay Modeling in Multidomain Networks

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    Accurate delay estimation is one of the enablers of future network connectivity services, as it facilitates the application layer to anticipate network performance. If such connectivity services require isolation (slicing), such delay estimation should not be limited to a maximum value defined in the Service Level Agreement, but to a finer-grained description of the expected delay in the form of, e.g., a continuous function of the load. Obtaining accurate end-to-end (e2e) delay modeling is even more challenging in a multi-operator (Multi-AS) scenario, where the provisioning of e2e connectivity services is provided across heterogeneous multi-operator (Multi-AS or just domains) networks. In this work, we propose a collaborative environment, where each domain Software Defined Networking (SDN) controller models intra-domain delay components of inter-domain paths and share those models with a broker system providing the e2e connectivity services. The broker, in turn, models the delay of inter-domain links based on e2e monitoring and the received intra-domain models. Exhaustive simulation results show that composing e2e models as the summation of intra-domain network and inter-domain link delay models provides many benefits and increasing performance over the models obtained from e2e measurements

    Solving multi-objective hub location problems by hybrid algorithms

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    In many logistic, telecommunications and computer networks, direct routing of commodities between any origin and destination is not viable due to economic and technolog- ical constraints. In that cases, a network with centralized units, known as hub facilities, and a small number of links is commonly used to connect any origin-destination pair. The purpose of these hub facilities is to consolidate, sort and transship e ciently any commodity in the network. Hub location problems (HLPs) consider the design of these networks by locating a set of hub facilities, establishing an interhub subnet, and routing the commodities through the network while optimizing some objective(s) based on the cost or service. Hub location has evolved into a rich research area, where a huge number of papers have been published since the seminal work of O'Kelly [1]. Early works were focused on analogue facility location problems, considering some assumptions to simplify network design. Recent works [2] have studied more complex models that relax some of these assumptions and in- corporate additional real-life features. In most HLPs considered in the literature, the input parameters are assumed to be known and deterministic. However, in practice, this assumption is unrealistic since there is a high uncertainty on relevant parameters, such as costs, demands or even distances. In this work, we will study the multi-objective hub location problems with uncertainty.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Queueing models for mobile ad hoc networks

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    This thesis presents models for the performance analysis of a recent communication paradigm: mobile ad hoc networking. The objective of mobile ad hoc networking is to provide wireless connectivity between stations in a highly dynamic environment. These dynamics are driven by the mobility of stations and by breakdowns of stations, and may lead to temporary disconnectivity of parts \ud of the network. Applications of this novel paradigm can be found in telecommunication services, but also in manufacturing systems, road-traffic control, animal monitoring and emergency networking. The performance of mobile ad hoc networks in terms of buffer occupancy and delay is quantified in this thesis by employing specific queueing models, viz., time-limited polling models. These polling models capture the uncontrollable characteristic of link availability in mobile ad hoc networks. Particularly, a novel, so-called pure exponential time-limited, service discipline is introduced in the context of polling systems. The highlighted performance characteristics for these polling systems include the stability, the queue lengths and the sojourn times of the customers. Stability conditions prescribe limits on the amount of tra±c that can be sustained by the system, so that the establishment of these conditions is a fundamental keystone in the analysis of polling models. Moreover, both exact and approximate analysis is presented for the queue length and sojourn time in time-limited polling systems with a single server. These exact analytical techniques are extended to multi-server polling systems operating under the pure time-limited service discipline. Such polling systems with multiple servers effectively may reflect large communication networks with multiple simultaneously active links, while the systems with a single server represent performance models for small networks in which a single communication link can be active at a time

    Game-theoretic Resource Allocation Methods for Device-to-Device (D2D) Communication

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    Device-to-device (D2D) communication underlaying cellular networks allows mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to use the licensed spectrum allocated to cellular services for direct peer-to-peer transmission. D2D communication can use either one-hop transmission (i.e., in D2D direct communication) or multi-hop cluster-based transmission (i.e., in D2D local area networks). The D2D devices can compete or cooperate with each other to reuse the radio resources in D2D networks. Therefore, resource allocation and access for D2D communication can be treated as games. The theories behind these games provide a variety of mathematical tools to effectively model and analyze the individual or group behaviors of D2D users. In addition, game models can provide distributed solutions to the resource allocation problems for D2D communication. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the applications of game-theoretic models to study the radio resource allocation issues in D2D communication. The article also outlines several key open research directions.Comment: Accepted. IEEE Wireless Comms Mag. 201

    CapEst: A Measurement-based Approach to Estimating Link Capacity in Wireless Networks

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    Estimating link capacity in a wireless network is a complex task because the available capacity at a link is a function of not only the current arrival rate at that link, but also of the arrival rate at links which interfere with that link as well as of the nature of interference between these links. Models which accurately characterize this dependence are either too computationally complex to be useful or lack accuracy. Further, they have a high implementation overhead and make restrictive assumptions, which makes them inapplicable to real networks. In this paper, we propose CapEst, a general, simple yet accurate, measurement-based approach to estimating link capacity in a wireless network. To be computationally light, CapEst allows inaccuracy in estimation; however, using measurements, it can correct this inaccuracy in an iterative fashion and converge to the correct estimate. Our evaluation shows that CapEst always converged to within 5% of the correct value in less than 18 iterations. CapEst is model-independent, hence, is applicable to any MAC/PHY layer and works with auto-rate adaptation. Moreover, it has a low implementation overhead, can be used with any application which requires an estimate of residual capacity on a wireless link and can be implemented completely at the network layer without any support from the underlying chipset