14 research outputs found

    Urban Data in the primary classroom: bringing data literacy to the UK curriculum

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    As data becomes established as part of everyday life, the ability for the average citizen to have some level of data literacy is increasingly important. This paper describes an approach to teaching data skills in schools using real life, complex, urban data sets collected as part of a smart city project. The approach is founded on the premise that young learners have the ability to work with complex data sets if they are supported in the right way and if the tasks are grounded in a real life context. Narrative principles are used to frame the task, to assist interpretation and tell stories from data and to structure queries of datasets. An inquiry-based methodology organises the activities. This paper describes the initial trial in a UK primary school in which twelve students aged 9-10 years learnt about home energy consumption and the generation of solar energy from home solar PV, by interpreting existing visualisations of smart meter data and data obtained from aerial survey. Additional trials are scheduled with older learners which will evaluate learners on more challenging data handling tasks. The trials are informing the development of the Urban Data School, a web-based platform designed to support teaching data skills in schools in order to improve data literacy among school leavers

    Creating an Understanding of Data Literacy for a Data-driven Society

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    Society has become increasingly reliant on data, making it necessary to ensure that all citizens are equipped with the skills needed to be data literate. We argue that the foundations for a data literate society begin by acquiring key data literacy competences in school. However, as yet there is no clear definition of what these should be. This paper explores the different perspectives currently offered on both data and statistical literacy and then critically examines to what extent these address the data literacy needs of citizens in today’s society. We survey existing approaches to teaching data literacy in schools, to identify how data literacy is interpreted in practice. Based on these analyses, we propose a definition of data literacy that is focused on employing an inquiry-based approach to using data to understand real world phenomena. The contribution of this paper is the creation of a common foundation for teaching and learning data literacy skills


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    現在,国内では駐輪場施設の不足や問題意識の低さ,違法性の認識不足などのため放置自転車の発生が後を絶たず,地域問題・社会問題となっている.放置自転車は,街の美観を損なうだけでなく,歩行や車両通行の妨げ,交通事故,盗難の原因となっている.こうした放置自転車問題の解決に向けて,日々の放置自転車状況をLinked Open Data(LOD)として公開し,データ基盤を構築することが必要であると考える.このLODを活用することで,自転車放置状況の可視化,最適な駐輪場の設置場所の提示,撤去活動の支援など,放置自転車問題解決に寄与するサービスの開発が可能になる.本研究では放置自転車問題解決に向けて必要なデータを収集し,LODとして統一化して公開し,さらに可視化することで市民の問題意識を向上させて次のデータ収集につなげる循環型システムを提案する.本研究ではまず,放置自転車問題に関する統一的なLODスキーマ設計の方法論を示し,次にSNSから813件の実データと行政のWebサイトから放置自転車の台数に影響を与えるデータを収集した.設計したLODスキーマに基づいて収集したデータをLOD化した.さらに,データ収集の際に生じる欠損をベイジアンネットワークにより推定し,70.3%の精度で欠損値を推定した.推定結果をLODに追加し,最終的に219,804トリプルのLODとしてWeb上に公開した.最後に構築したLODを可視化することで地域住民の問題意識向上と持続的なデータの収集につなげた.本システムにより放置自転車問題解決の一助となる有用なデータセットの構築が確認でき,他の地域課題・社会課題にも適応できる可能性を示した.電気通信大学201

    Scalable And Secure Provenance Querying For Scientific Workflows And Its Application In Autism Study

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    In the era of big data, scientific workflows have become essential to automate scientific experiments and guarantee repeatability. As both data and workflow increase in their scale, requirements for having a data lineage management system commensurate with the complexity of the workflow also become necessary, calling for new scalable storage, query, and analytics infrastructure. This system that manages and preserves the derivation history and morphosis of data, known as provenance system, is essential for maintaining quality and trustworthiness of data products and ensuring reproducibility of scientific discoveries. With a flurry of research and increased adoption of scientific workflows in processing sensitive data, i.e., health and medication domain, securing information flow and instrumenting access privileges in the system have become a fundamental precursor to deploying large-scale scientific workflows. That has become more important now since today team of scientists around the world can collaborate on experiments using globally distributed sensitive data sources. Hence, it has become imperative to augment scientific workflow systems as well as the underlying provenance management systems with data security protocols. Provenance systems, void of data security protocol, are susceptible to vulnerability. In this dissertation research, we delineate how scientific workflows can improve therapeutic practices in autism spectrum disorders. The data-intensive computation inherent in these workflows and sensitive nature of the data, necessitate support for scalable, parallel and robust provenance queries and secured view of data. With that in perspective, we propose OPQLPigOPQL^{Pig}, a parallel, robust, reliable and scalable provenance query language and introduce the concept of access privilege inheritance in the provenance systems. We characterize desirable properties of role-based access control protocol in scientific workflows and demonstrate how the qualities are integrated into the workflow provenance systems as well. Finally, we describe how these concepts fit within the DATAVIEW workflow management system

    Crowdsourcing and the Semantic Web: A Research Manifesto

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    Hierarchical distributed fog-to-cloud data management in smart cities

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    There is a vast amount of data being generated every day in the world with different formats, quality levels, etc. This new data, together with the archived historical data, constitute the seed for future knowledge discovery and value generation in several fields of science and big data environments. Discovering value from data is a complex computing process where data is the key resource, not only during its processing, but also during its entire life cycle. However, there is still a huge concern about how to organize and manage this data in all fields for efficient usage and exploitation during all data life cycles. Although several specific Data LifeCycle (DLC) models have been recently defined for particular scenarios, we argue that there is no global and comprehensive DLC framework to be widely used in different fields. In particular scenario, smart cities are the current technological solutions to handle the challenges and complexity of the growing urban density. Traditionally, Smart City resources management rely on cloud based solutions where sensors data are collected to provide a centralized and rich set of open data. The advantages of cloud-based frameworks are their ubiquity, as well as an (almost) unlimited resources capacity. However, accessing data from the cloud implies large network traffic, high latencies usually not appropriate for real-time or critical solutions, as well as higher security risks. Alternatively, fog computing emerges as a promising technology to absorb these inconveniences. It proposes the use of devices at the edge to provide closer computing facilities and, therefore, reducing network traffic, reducing latencies drastically while improving security. We have defined a new framework for data management in the context of a Smart City through a global fog to cloud resources management architecture. This model has the advantages of both, fog and cloud technologies, as it allows reduced latencies for critical applications while being able to use the high computing capabilities of cloud technology. In this thesis, we propose many novel ideas in the design of a novel F2C Data Management architecture for smart cities as following. First, we draw and describe a comprehensive scenario agnostic Data LifeCycle model successfully addressing all challenges included in the 6Vs not tailored to any specific environment, but easy to be adapted to fit the requirements of any particular field. Then, we introduce the Smart City Comprehensive Data LifeCycle model, a data management architecture generated from a comprehensive scenario agnostic model, tailored for the particular scenario of Smart Cities. We define the management of each data life phase, and explain its implementation on a Smart City with Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) resources management. And then, we illustrate a novel architecture for data management in the context of a Smart City through a global fog to cloud resources management architecture. We show this model has the advantages of both, fog and cloud, as it allows reduced latencies for critical applications while being able to use the high computing capabilities of cloud technology. As a first experiment for the F2C data management architecture, a real Smart City is analyzed, corresponding to the city of Barcelona, with special emphasis on the layers responsible for collecting the data generated by the deployed sensors. The amount of daily sensors data transmitted through the network has been estimated and a rough projection has been made assuming an exhaustive deployment that fully covers all city. And, we provide some solutions to both reduce the data transmission and improve the data management. Then, we used some data filtering techniques (including data aggregation and data compression) to estimate the network traffic in this model during data collection and compare it with a traditional real system. Indeed, we estimate the total data storage sizes through F2C scenario for Barcelona smart citiesAl món es generen diàriament una gran quantitat de dades, amb diferents formats, nivells de qualitat, etc. Aquestes noves dades, juntament amb les dades històriques arxivades, constitueixen la llavor per al descobriment de coneixement i la generació de valor en diversos camps de la ciència i grans entorns de dades (big data). Descobrir el valor de les dades és un procés complex de càlcul on les dades són el recurs clau, no només durant el seu processament, sinó també durant tot el seu cicle de vida. Tanmateix, encara hi ha una gran preocupació per com organitzar i gestionar aquestes dades en tots els camps per a un ús i explotació eficients durant tots els cicles de vida de les dades. Encara que recentment s'han definit diversos models específics de Data LifeCycle (DLC) per a escenaris particulars, argumentem que no hi ha un marc global i complet de DLC que s'utilitzi àmpliament en diferents camps. En particular, les ciutats intel·ligents són les solucions tecnològiques actuals per fer front als reptes i la complexitat de la creixent densitat urbana. Tradicionalment, la gestió de recursos de Smart City es basa en solucions basades en núvol (cloud computing) on es recopilen dades de sensors per proporcionar un conjunt de dades obert i centralitzat. Les avantatges dels entorns basats en núvol són la seva ubiqüitat, així com una capacitat (gairebé) il·limitada de recursos. Tanmateix, l'accés a dades del núvol implica un gran trànsit de xarxa i, en general, les latències elevades no són apropiades per a solucions crítiques o en temps real, així com també per a riscos de seguretat més elevats. Alternativament, el processament de boira (fog computing) sorgeix com una tecnologia prometedora per absorbir aquests inconvenients. Proposa l'ús de dispositius a la vora per proporcionar recuirsos informàtics més propers i, per tant, reduir el trànsit de la xarxa, reduint les latències dràsticament mentre es millora la seguretat. Hem definit un nou marc per a la gestió de dades en el context d'una ciutat intel·ligent a través d'una arquitectura de gestió de recursos des de la boira fins al núvol (Fog-to-Cloud computing, o F2C). Aquest model té els avantatges combinats de les tecnologies de boira i de núvol, ja que permet reduir les latències per a aplicacions crítiques mentre es poden utilitzar les grans capacitats informàtiques de la tecnologia en núvol. En aquesta tesi, proposem algunes idees noves en el disseny d'una arquitectura F2C de gestió de dades per a ciutats intel·ligents. En primer lloc, dibuixem i descrivim un model de Data LifeCycle global agnòstic que aborda amb èxit tots els reptes inclosos en els 6V i no adaptats a un entorn específic, però fàcil d'adaptar-se als requisits de qualsevol camp en concret. A continuació, presentem el model de Data LifeCycle complet per a una ciutat intel·ligent, una arquitectura de gestió de dades generada a partir d'un model agnòstic d'escenari global, adaptat a l'escenari particular de ciutat intel·ligent. Definim la gestió de cada fase de la vida de les dades i expliquem la seva implementació en una ciutat intel·ligent amb gestió de recursos F2C. I, a continuació, il·lustrem la nova arquitectura per a la gestió de dades en el context d'una Smart City a través d'una arquitectura de gestió de recursos F2C. Mostrem que aquest model té els avantatges d'ambdues, la tecnologia de boira i de núvol, ja que permet reduir les latències per a aplicacions crítiques mentre es pot utilitzar la gran capacitat de processament de la tecnologia en núvol. Com a primer experiment per a l'arquitectura de gestió de dades F2C, s'analitza una ciutat intel·ligent real, corresponent a la ciutat de Barcelona, amb especial èmfasi en les capes responsables de recollir les dades generades pels sensors desplegats. S'ha estimat la quantitat de dades de sensors diàries que es transmet a través de la xarxa i s'ha realitzat una projecció aproximada assumint un desplegament exhaustiu que cobreix tota la ciutat.Postprint (published version

    Hierarchical distributed fog-to-cloud data management in smart cities

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    There is a vast amount of data being generated every day in the world with different formats, quality levels, etc. This new data, together with the archived historical data, constitute the seed for future knowledge discovery and value generation in several fields of science and big data environments. Discovering value from data is a complex computing process where data is the key resource, not only during its processing, but also during its entire life cycle. However, there is still a huge concern about how to organize and manage this data in all fields for efficient usage and exploitation during all data life cycles. Although several specific Data LifeCycle (DLC) models have been recently defined for particular scenarios, we argue that there is no global and comprehensive DLC framework to be widely used in different fields. In particular scenario, smart cities are the current technological solutions to handle the challenges and complexity of the growing urban density. Traditionally, Smart City resources management rely on cloud based solutions where sensors data are collected to provide a centralized and rich set of open data. The advantages of cloud-based frameworks are their ubiquity, as well as an (almost) unlimited resources capacity. However, accessing data from the cloud implies large network traffic, high latencies usually not appropriate for real-time or critical solutions, as well as higher security risks. Alternatively, fog computing emerges as a promising technology to absorb these inconveniences. It proposes the use of devices at the edge to provide closer computing facilities and, therefore, reducing network traffic, reducing latencies drastically while improving security. We have defined a new framework for data management in the context of a Smart City through a global fog to cloud resources management architecture. This model has the advantages of both, fog and cloud technologies, as it allows reduced latencies for critical applications while being able to use the high computing capabilities of cloud technology. In this thesis, we propose many novel ideas in the design of a novel F2C Data Management architecture for smart cities as following. First, we draw and describe a comprehensive scenario agnostic Data LifeCycle model successfully addressing all challenges included in the 6Vs not tailored to any specific environment, but easy to be adapted to fit the requirements of any particular field. Then, we introduce the Smart City Comprehensive Data LifeCycle model, a data management architecture generated from a comprehensive scenario agnostic model, tailored for the particular scenario of Smart Cities. We define the management of each data life phase, and explain its implementation on a Smart City with Fog-to-Cloud (F2C) resources management. And then, we illustrate a novel architecture for data management in the context of a Smart City through a global fog to cloud resources management architecture. We show this model has the advantages of both, fog and cloud, as it allows reduced latencies for critical applications while being able to use the high computing capabilities of cloud technology. As a first experiment for the F2C data management architecture, a real Smart City is analyzed, corresponding to the city of Barcelona, with special emphasis on the layers responsible for collecting the data generated by the deployed sensors. The amount of daily sensors data transmitted through the network has been estimated and a rough projection has been made assuming an exhaustive deployment that fully covers all city. And, we provide some solutions to both reduce the data transmission and improve the data management. Then, we used some data filtering techniques (including data aggregation and data compression) to estimate the network traffic in this model during data collection and compare it with a traditional real system. Indeed, we estimate the total data storage sizes through F2C scenario for Barcelona smart citiesAl món es generen diàriament una gran quantitat de dades, amb diferents formats, nivells de qualitat, etc. Aquestes noves dades, juntament amb les dades històriques arxivades, constitueixen la llavor per al descobriment de coneixement i la generació de valor en diversos camps de la ciència i grans entorns de dades (big data). Descobrir el valor de les dades és un procés complex de càlcul on les dades són el recurs clau, no només durant el seu processament, sinó també durant tot el seu cicle de vida. Tanmateix, encara hi ha una gran preocupació per com organitzar i gestionar aquestes dades en tots els camps per a un ús i explotació eficients durant tots els cicles de vida de les dades. Encara que recentment s'han definit diversos models específics de Data LifeCycle (DLC) per a escenaris particulars, argumentem que no hi ha un marc global i complet de DLC que s'utilitzi àmpliament en diferents camps. En particular, les ciutats intel·ligents són les solucions tecnològiques actuals per fer front als reptes i la complexitat de la creixent densitat urbana. Tradicionalment, la gestió de recursos de Smart City es basa en solucions basades en núvol (cloud computing) on es recopilen dades de sensors per proporcionar un conjunt de dades obert i centralitzat. Les avantatges dels entorns basats en núvol són la seva ubiqüitat, així com una capacitat (gairebé) il·limitada de recursos. Tanmateix, l'accés a dades del núvol implica un gran trànsit de xarxa i, en general, les latències elevades no són apropiades per a solucions crítiques o en temps real, així com també per a riscos de seguretat més elevats. Alternativament, el processament de boira (fog computing) sorgeix com una tecnologia prometedora per absorbir aquests inconvenients. Proposa l'ús de dispositius a la vora per proporcionar recuirsos informàtics més propers i, per tant, reduir el trànsit de la xarxa, reduint les latències dràsticament mentre es millora la seguretat. Hem definit un nou marc per a la gestió de dades en el context d'una ciutat intel·ligent a través d'una arquitectura de gestió de recursos des de la boira fins al núvol (Fog-to-Cloud computing, o F2C). Aquest model té els avantatges combinats de les tecnologies de boira i de núvol, ja que permet reduir les latències per a aplicacions crítiques mentre es poden utilitzar les grans capacitats informàtiques de la tecnologia en núvol. En aquesta tesi, proposem algunes idees noves en el disseny d'una arquitectura F2C de gestió de dades per a ciutats intel·ligents. En primer lloc, dibuixem i descrivim un model de Data LifeCycle global agnòstic que aborda amb èxit tots els reptes inclosos en els 6V i no adaptats a un entorn específic, però fàcil d'adaptar-se als requisits de qualsevol camp en concret. A continuació, presentem el model de Data LifeCycle complet per a una ciutat intel·ligent, una arquitectura de gestió de dades generada a partir d'un model agnòstic d'escenari global, adaptat a l'escenari particular de ciutat intel·ligent. Definim la gestió de cada fase de la vida de les dades i expliquem la seva implementació en una ciutat intel·ligent amb gestió de recursos F2C. I, a continuació, il·lustrem la nova arquitectura per a la gestió de dades en el context d'una Smart City a través d'una arquitectura de gestió de recursos F2C. Mostrem que aquest model té els avantatges d'ambdues, la tecnologia de boira i de núvol, ja que permet reduir les latències per a aplicacions crítiques mentre es pot utilitzar la gran capacitat de processament de la tecnologia en núvol. Com a primer experiment per a l'arquitectura de gestió de dades F2C, s'analitza una ciutat intel·ligent real, corresponent a la ciutat de Barcelona, amb especial èmfasi en les capes responsables de recollir les dades generades pels sensors desplegats. S'ha estimat la quantitat de dades de sensors diàries que es transmet a través de la xarxa i s'ha realitzat una projecció aproximada assumint un desplegament exhaustiu que cobreix tota la ciutat

    Computational intelligence based complex adaptive system-of-systems architecture evolution strategy

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    The dynamic planning for a system-of-systems (SoS) is a challenging endeavor. Large scale organizations and operations constantly face challenges to incorporate new systems and upgrade existing systems over a period of time under threats, constrained budget and uncertainty. It is therefore necessary for the program managers to be able to look at the future scenarios and critically assess the impact of technology and stakeholder changes. Managers and engineers are always looking for options that signify affordable acquisition selections and lessen the cycle time for early acquisition and new technology addition. This research helps in analyzing sequential decisions in an evolving SoS architecture based on the wave model through three key features namely; meta-architecture generation, architecture assessment and architecture implementation. Meta-architectures are generated using evolutionary algorithms and assessed using type II fuzzy nets. The approach can accommodate diverse stakeholder views and convert them to key performance parameters (KPP) and use them for architecture assessment. On the other hand, it is not possible to implement such architecture without persuading the systems to participate into the meta-architecture. To address this issue a negotiation model is proposed which helps the SoS manger to adapt his strategy based on system owners behavior. This work helps in capturing the varied differences in the resources required by systems to prepare for participation. The viewpoints of multiple stakeholders are aggregated to assess the overall mission effectiveness of the overarching objective. An SAR SoS example problem illustrates application of the method. Also a dynamic programing approach can be used for generating meta-architectures based on the wave model. --Abstract, page iii