596 research outputs found


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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) have received considerable research interest in recent years. Because of dynamic topology and limited resources, it is challenging to design routing protocols for MANETs. In this dissertation, we focus on the scalability and efficiency problems in designing routing protocols for MANETs. We design the Way Point Routing (WPR) model for medium to large networks. WPR selects a number of nodes on a route as waypoints and divides the route into segments at the waypoints. Waypoint nodes run a high-level inter-segment routing protocol, and nodes on each segment run a low-level intra-segment routing protocol. We use DSR and AODV as the inter-segment and the intra-segment routing protocols, respectively. We term this instantiation the DSR Over AODV (DOA) routing protocol. We develop Salvaging Route Reply (SRR) to salvage undeliverable route reply (RREP) messages. We propose two SRR schemes: SRR1 and SRR2. In SRR1, a salvor actively broadcasts a one-hop salvage request to find an alternative path to the source. In SRR2, nodes passively learn an alternative path from duplicate route request (RREQ) packets. A salvor uses the alternative path to forward a RREP when the original path is broken. We propose Multiple-Target Route Discovery (MTRD) to aggregate multiple route requests into one RREQ message and to discover multiple targets simultaneously. When a source initiates a route discovery, it first tries to attach its request to existing RREQ packets that it relays. MTRD improves routing performance by reducing the number of regular route discoveries. We develop a new scheme called Bilateral Route Discovery (BRD), in which both source and destination actively participate in a route discovery process. BRD consists of two halves: a source route discovery and a destination route discovery, each searching for the other. BRD has the potential to reduce control overhead by one half. We propose an efficient and generalized approach called Accumulated Path Metric (APM) to support High-Throughput Metrics (HTMs). APM finds the shortest path without collecting topology information and without running a shortest-path algorithm. Moreover, we develop the Broadcast Ordering (BO) technique to suppress unnecessary RREQ transmissions

    SSR : Segment-by-Segment Routing in large-scale mobile ad hoc networks

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    2006-2007 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    Multicast Conventions to Improve Obstacle Detection and Collusion Avoidance in MANET

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    As of late, it got to be obvious that gathering focused administrations are one of the essential application classes focused by MANETs. In spite of the fact that these conventions perform well under particular versatility situations, movement loads, and system conditions, no single convention has been appeared to be ideal in all situations. The objective of this paper is to describe the execution of multicast conventions over an extensive variety of MANET situations. To this end, we assess the execution of lattice and tree-based multicast steering plans in respect to flooding and prescribe conventions most reasonable for particular MANET situations. In view of the investigation and reproduction results, we likewise propose two varieties of flooding, Perused flooding and hyper flooding, as a way to diminish overhead and expansion unwavering quality, separately. Another commitment of the paper is a recreation based relative investigation of the proposed flooding varieties against plain flooding, work, and tree-based MANET directing. In this paper we researched about various sending technique for GPSR in remote system furthermore discover the issues and their answers. The principle point of our study was to distinguish which directing strategy has better execution in very versatile environment of VANET. In MANET, this depletion of vitality will be more because of its infrastructure less nature and versatility. Because of this, the topology get shifted. This may definitely influence the execution of steering convention furthermore influence the system lifetime. To address this issue another calculation has been created which uses the system parameters identifying with element nature of hubs viz. vitality channel rate, relative versatility estimation to foresee the hub lifetime and connection lifetime. At that point execute this calculation in the DYMO convention environment. This will expand the system lifetime and adaptability. Further enhance the execution, we have actualized another calculation by incorporating course lifetime expectation calculation alongside the molecule swarm enhancement (PSO) calculation

    Supporting Protocols for Structuring and Intelligent Information Dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

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    The goal of this dissertation is the presentation of supporting protocols for structuring and intelligent data dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs). The protocols are intended to first introduce a structure in VANETs, and thus promote the spatial reuse of network resources. Segmenting a flat VANET in multiple cluster structures allows for more efficient use of the available bandwidth, which can effectively increase the capacity of the network. The cluster structures can also improve the scalability of the underlying communication protocols. The structuring and maintenance of the network introduces additional overhead. The aim is to provide a mechanism for creating stable cluster structures in VANETs, and to minimize this associated overhead. Further a hybrid overlay-based geocast protocol for VANETs is presented. The protocol utilizes a backbone overlay virtual infrastructure on top of the physical network to provide geocast support, which is crucial for intervehicle communications since many applications provide group-oriented and location-oriented services. The final contribution is a structureless information dissemination scheme which creates a layered view of road conditions with a diminishing resolution as the viewing distance increases. Namely, the scheme first provides a high-detail local view of a given vehicle\u27s neighbors and its immediate neighbors, which is further extended when information dissemination is employed. Each vehicle gets aggregated information for road conditions beyond this extended local view. The scheme allows for the preservation of unique reports within aggregated frames, such that safety critical notifications are kept in high detail, all for the benefit of the driver\u27s improved decision making during emergency scenarios

    An Energy Efficient Routing Based on Route Segmentation in Mobile Ad Hoc Network

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    Mobile Ad hoc networks based communication is one of an essential form of today's technologies which is highly effective in an emergency need. The feature of infrastructure independence makes it highly useful and versatile all kind of wireless communications needs. But the insufficiency of resources availability degrades its performance and stability of the network. Energy is the vital resource in MANET, as it makes a node to live and retain in-network for longer, which provide better network stability, scalability, and throughput. In this paper, we propose an energy efficient routing based on route segmentation mechanism (EER-RS) for energy saving in the high scalable network. It presents a lightweight route segments energy prediction algorithm to predicts the optimal energy efficiency path for data routing. We evaluate this mechanism in a high scalable network and the obtained results show an improvisation with 40 to 60 percent less energy consumption than traditional AODV and other compared protocol

    Predicting and Recovering Link Failure Localization Using Competitive Swarm Optimization for DSR Protocol in MANET

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    Portable impromptu organization is a self-putting together, major construction-less, independent remote versatile hub that exists without even a trace of a determined base station or government association. MANET requires no extraordinary foundation as the organization is unique. Multicasting is an urgent issue in correspondence organizations. Multicast is one of the effective methods in MANET. In multicasting, information parcels from one hub are communicated to a bunch of recipient hubs all at once, at a similar time. In this research work, Failure Node Detection and Efficient Node Localization in a MANET situation are proposed. Localization in MANET is a main area that attracts significant research interest. Localization is a method to determine the nodes’ location in the communication network. A novel routing algorithm, which is used for Predicting and Recovering Link Failure Localization using a Genetic Algorithm with Competitive Swarm Optimization (PRLFL-GACSO) Algorithm is proposed in this study to calculate and recover link failure in MANET. The process of link failure detection is accomplished using mathematical modelling of the genetic algorithm and the routing is attained using the Competitive Swarm optimization technique. The result proposed MANET method makes use of the CSO algorithm, which facilitates a well-organized packet transfer from the source node to the destination node and enhances DSR routing performance. Based on node movement, link value, and endwise delay, the optimal route is found. The main benefit of the PRLFL-GACSO Algorithm is it achieves multiple optimal solutions over global information. Further, premature convergence is avoided using Competitive Swarm Optimization (CSO). The suggested work is measured based on the Ns simulator. The presentation metrix are PDR, endwise delay, power consumption, hit ratio, etc. The presentation of the proposed method is almost 4% and 5% greater than the present TEA-MDRP, RSTA-AOMDV, and RMQS-ua methods. After, the suggested method attains greater performance for detecting and recovering link failure. In future work, the hybrid multiway routing protocols are presented to provide link failure and route breakages and liability tolerance at the time of node failure, and it also increases the worth of service aspects, respectively

    A Framework for Efficient Routing in MANET using Index Routing Tables-based Algorithms

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    Conventional network routing protocols rely on predefined numerical network unique node ID or group identifier for packet delivery, independent of semantic applications. This compels incorporation of resource/service discovery approaches in the design itself, at higher layers of network, causing additional overhead. This overhead, though tolerable in high speed wired networks, significantly restricts the performance in the infrastructure-less wireless ad hoc networks expending their limited battery resources, which are already consumed due to assigning unique identifiers to the naturally anonymous and high mobile nodes. This study proposes a single routing approach which facilitates descriptive and semantically-rich identification of network’s resources/services. This fusion of the discovery processes of the resources and the path based on their similarity in a single phase significantly reduces traffic load and latency of communication considering the generality too. Further, a framework capable of exploiting application-specific semantics of messages, adaptable to diverse traffic patterns is proposed. Analytical results amply illustrate the scalability and efficacy of the proposed method

    MANETs: Internet Connectivity and Transport Protocols

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    A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of mobile nodes connected together over a wireless medium, which self-organize into an autonomous multi-hop wireless network. This kind of networks allows people and devices to seamlessly internetwork in areas with no pre-existing communication infrastructure, e.g., disaster recovery environments. Ad hoc networking is not a new concept, having been around in various forms for over 20 years. However, in the past only tactical networks followed the ad hoc networking paradigm. Recently, the introduction of new technologies such as IEEE 802.11, are moved the application field of MANETs to a more commercial field. These evolutions have been generating a renewed and growing interest in the research and development of MANETs. It is widely recognized that a prerequisite for the commercial penetration of the ad hoc networking technologies is the integration with existing wired/wireless infrastructure-based networks to provide an easy and transparent access to the Internet and its services. However, most of the existing solutions for enabling the interconnection between MANETs and the Internet are based on complex and inefficient mechanisms, as Mobile-IP and IP tunnelling. This thesis describes an alternative approach to build multi-hop and heterogeneous proactive ad hoc networks, which can be used as flexible and low-cost extensions of traditional wired LANs. The proposed architecture provides transparent global Internet connectivity and address autocofiguration capabilities to mobile nodes without requiring configuration changes in the pre-existing wired LAN, and relying on basic layer-2 functionalities. This thesis also includes an experimental evaluation of the proposed architecture and a comparison between this architecture with a well-known alternative NAT-based solution. The experimental outcomes confirm that the proposed technique ensures higher per-connection throughputs than the NAT-based solution. This thesis also examines the problems encountered by TCP over multi-hop ad hoc networks. Research on efficient transport protocols for ad hoc networks is one of the most active topics in the MANET community. Such a great interest is basically motivated by numerous observations showing that, in general, TCP is not able to efficiently deal with the unstable and very dynamic environment provided by multi-hop ad hoc networks. This is because some assumptions, in TCP design, are clearly inspired by the characteristics of wired networks dominant at the time when it was conceived. More specifically, TCP implicitly assumes that packet loss is almost always due to congestion phenomena causing buffer overflows at intermediate routers. Furthermore, it also assumes that nodes are static (i.e., they do not change their position over time). Unfortunately, these assumptions do not hold in MANETs, since in this kind of networks packet losses due to interference and link-layer contentions are largely predominant, and nodes may be mobile. The typical approach to solve these problems is patching TCP to fix its inefficiencies while preserving compatibility with the original protocol. This thesis explores a different approach. Specifically, this thesis presents a new transport protocol (TPA) designed from scratch, and address TCP interoperability at a late design stage. In this way, TPA can include all desired features in a neat and coherent way. This thesis also includes an experimental, as well as, a simulative evaluation of TPA, and a comparison between TCP and TPA performance (in terms of throughput, number of unnecessary transmissions and fairness). The presented analysis considers several of possible configurations of the protocols parameters, different routing protocols, and various networking scenarios. In all the cases taken into consideration TPA significantly outperforms TCP

    Survey on QoE/QoS Correlation Models for Video Streaming over Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are a new emerging technology which has attracted enormous interest over the last few years. It enables vehicles to communicate with each other and with roadside infrastructures for many applications. One of the promising applications is multimedia services for traffic safety or infotainment. The video service requires a good quality to satisfy the end-user known as the Quality of Experience (QoE). Several models have been suggested in the literature to measure or predict this metric. In this paper, we present an overview of interesting researches, which propose QoE models for video streaming over VANETs. The limits and deficiencies of these models are identified, which shed light on the challenges and real problems to overcome in the future