23 research outputs found

    A stateless opportunistic routing protocol for underwater sensor networks

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    Routing packets in Underwater Sensor Networks (UWSNs) face different challenges, the most notable of which is perhaps how to deal with void communication areas. While this issue is not addressed in some underwater routing protocols, there exist some partially state-full protocols which can guarantee the delivery of packets using excessive communication overhead. However, there is no fully stateless underwater routing protocol, to the best of our knowledge, which can detect and bypass trapped nodes. A trapped node is a node which only leads packets to arrive finally at a void node. In this paper, we propose a Stateless Opportunistic Routing Protocol (SORP), in which the void and trapped nodes are locally detected in the different area of network topology to be excluded during the routing phase using a passive participation approach. SORP also uses a novel scheme to employ an adaptive forwarding area which can be resized and replaced according to the local density and placement of the candidate forwarding nodes to enhance the energy efficiency and reliability. We also make a theoretical analysis on the routing performance in case of considering the shadow zone and variable propagation delays. The results of our extensive simulation study indicate that SORP outperforms other protocols regarding the routing performance metrics

    A Survey on Efficient Routing Strategies For The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT)

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    The Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is an emerging technology that promised to connect the underwater world to the land internet. It is enabled via the usage of the Underwater Acoustic Sensor Network (UASN). Therefore, it is affected by the challenges faced by UASNs such as the high dynamics of the underwater environment, the high transmission delays, low bandwidth, high-power consumption, and high bit error ratio. Due to these challenges, designing an efficient routing protocol for the IoUT is still a trade-off issue. In this paper, we discuss the specific challenges imposed by using UASN for enabling IoUT, we list and explain the general requirements for routing in the IoUT and we discuss how these challenges and requirements are addressed in literature routing protocols. Thus, the presented information lays a foundation for further investigations and futuristic proposals for efficient routing approaches in the IoUT

    DOW-PR dolphin and whale pods routing protocol for underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs)

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    Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) have intrinsic challenges that include long propagation delays, high mobility of sensor nodes due to water currents, Doppler spread, delay variance, multipath, attenuation and geometric spreading. The existing Weighting Depth and Forwarding Area Division Depth Based Routing (WDFAD-DBR) protocol considers the weighting depth of the two hops in order to select the next Potential Forwarding Node (PFN). To improve the performance of WDFAD-DBR, we propose DOlphin and Whale Pod Routing protocol (DOW-PR). In this scheme, we divide the transmission range into a number of transmission power levels and at the same time select the next PFNs from forwarding and suppressed zones. In contrast to WDFAD-DBR, our scheme not only considers the packet upward advancement, but also takes into account the number of suppressed nodes and number of PFNs at the first and second hops. Consequently, reasonable energy reduction is observed while receiving and transmitting packets. Moreover, our scheme also considers the hops count of the PFNs from the sink. In the absence of PFNs, the proposed scheme will select the node from the suppressed region for broadcasting and thus ensures minimum loss of data. Besides this, we also propose another routing scheme (whale pod) in which multiple sinks are placed at water surface, but one sink is embedded inside the water and is physically connected with the surface sink through high bandwidth connection. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme has high Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), low energy tax, reduced Accumulated Propagation Distance (APD) and increased the network lifetime

    Investigating Master-Slave Architecture for Underwater Wireless Sensor Network.

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    A significant increase has been observed in the use of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) over the last few decades. However, there exist several associated challenges with UWSNs, mainly due to the nodes' mobility, increased propagation delay, limited bandwidth, packet duplication, void holes, and Doppler/multi-path effects. To address these challenges, we propose a protocol named "An Efficient Routing Protocol based on Master-Slave Architecture for Underwater Wireless Sensor Network (ERPMSA-UWSN)" that significantly contributes to optimizing energy consumption and data packet's long-term survival. We adopt an innovative approach based on the master-slave architecture, which results in limiting the forwarders of the data packet by restricting the transmission through master nodes only. In this protocol, we suppress nodes from data packet reception except the master nodes. We perform extensive simulation and demonstrate that our proposed protocol is delay-tolerant and energy-efficient. We achieve an improvement of 13% on energy tax and 4.8% on Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR), over the state-of-the-art protocol

    Comparison of routing protocols for underwater sensor networks

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    Διπλωματική εργασία--Πανεπιστήμιο Μακεδονίας, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2010.Sensor networks in underwater environments face unique adverse conditions. In order to be functional, specialized routing protocols are required to route the data from source to destination. This paper surveys routing protocols for underwater sensor networks. The routing protocols are examined and compared with respect to the network conditions and quality measures such as packet delivery ratio, average packet delay, energy consumption among others. Advantages and disadvantages of each routing protocol are pointed out


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    This thesis presents a study about the problem of data gathering in the inhospitable underwater environment. Besides long propagation delays and high error probability, continuous node movement also makes it difficult to manage the routing information during the process of data forwarding. In order to overcome the problem of large propagation delays and unreliable link quality, many algorithms have been proposed and some of them provide good solutions for these issues, yet continuous node movements still need attention. Considering the node mobility as a challenging task, a distributed routing scheme called Hop-by-Hop Dynamic Addressing Based (H2- DAB) routing protocol is proposed where every node in the network will be assigned a routable address quickly and efficiently without any explicit configuration or any dimensional location information. According to our best knowledge, H2-DAB is first addressing based routing approach for underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) and not only has it helped to choose the routing path faster but also efficiently enables a recovery procedure in case of smooth forwarding failure. The proposed scheme provides an option where nodes is able to communicate without any centralized infrastructure, and a mechanism furthermore is available where nodes can come and leave the network without having any serious effect on the rest of the network. Moreover, another serious issue in UWSNs is that acoustic links are subject to high transmission power with high channel impairments that result in higher error rates and temporary path losses, which accordingly restrict the efficiency of these networks. The limited resources have made it difficult to design a protocol which is capable of maximizing the reliability of these networks. For this purpose, a Two-Hop Acknowledgement (2H-ACK) reliability model where two copies of the same data packet are maintained in the network without extra burden on the available resources is proposed. Simulation results show that H2-DAB can easily manage during the quick routing changes where node movements are very frequent yet it requires little or no overhead to efficiently complete its tasks

    Analysis of performance in Depth Based Routing for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In the last decade, Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) have been widely studied because of their peculiar aspects that distinguish them from common wireless terrestrial networks. In fact, most UWSNs use acoustic instead of radio-frequency based communications, and nodes are subject to high mobility caused by water currents. As a consequence, specialized routing algorithms have been developed to tackle this challenging scenario. Depth based Routing (DBR) is one of the first protocols that have been developed to this aim, and is still widely adopted in actual implementations of UWSNs. In this paper we propose a stochastic analysis that aims at evaluating the performance of UWSNs using DBR in terms of expected energy consumption and expected end-to-end delay. Under a set of assumptions, we give expressions for these performance indices that can be evaluated efficiently, and hence they can be adopted as the basis for optimizing the configuration parameters of the protocol

    ECaD: Energy‐efficient routing in flying ad hoc networks

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    Much progress can be expected in the domain of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communication by the next decade. The cooperation between multiple UAVs in the air exchanging data among themselves can naturally form a flying ad hoc network (FANET). Such networks can be the key support to accomplish several kinds of missions while providing the required assistance to terrestrial networks. However, they are confronted with many challenges and difficulties, which are due to the high mobility of UAVs, the frequent packet losses, and the weak links between UAVs, all affecting the reliability of the data delivery. Furthermore, the unbalanced energy consumption may result in earlier UAV failure and consequently accelerate the decrease of the network lifetime, thus disrupting the overall network. This paper supports the use of the movement information and the residual energy level of each UAV to guarantee a high level of communication stability while predicting a sudden link breakage prior to its occurrence. A robust route discovery process is used to explore routing paths where the balanced energy consumption, the link breakage prediction, and the connectivity degree of the discovered paths are all considered. The performance of the scheme is evaluated through a series of simulations. The outcomes demonstrate the benefits of the proposed scheme in terms of increasing the lifetime of the network, minimizing the number of path failures, and decreasing the packet losses.Much progress can be expected in the domain of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communication by the next decade. The cooperation between multiple UAVs in the air exchanging data among themselves can naturally form a flying ad hoc network (FANET). Such networks can be the key support to accomplish several kinds of missions while providing the required assistance to terrestrial networks. However, they are confronted with many challenges and difficulties, which are due to the high mobility of UAVs, the frequent packet losses, and the weak links between UAVs, all affecting the reliability of the data delivery. Furthermore, the unbalanced energy consumption may result in earlier UAV failure and consequently accelerate the decrease of the network lifetime, thus disrupting the overall network. This paper supports the use of the movement information and the residual energy level of each UAV to guarantee a high level of communication stability while predicting a sudden link breakage prior to its occurrence. A robust route discovery process is used to explore routing paths where the balanced energy consumption, the link breakage prediction, and the connectivity degree of the discovered paths are all considered. The performance of the scheme is evaluated through a series of simulations. The outcomes demonstrate the benefits of the proposed scheme in terms of increasing the lifetime of the network, minimizing the number of path failures, and decreasing the packet losses


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    This thesis presents a study about the problem of data gathering in the inhospitable underwater environment. Besides long propagation delays and high error probability, continuous node movement also makes it difficult to manage the routing information during the process of data forwarding. In order to overcome the problem of large propagation delays and unreliable link quality, many algorithms have been proposed and some of them provide good solutions for these issues, yet continuous node movements still need attention. Considering the node mobility as a challenging task, a distributed routing scheme called Hop-by-Hop Dynamic Addressing Based (H2- DAB) routing protocol is proposed where every node in the network will be assigned a routable address quickly and efficiently without any explicit configuration or any dimensional location information. According to our best knowledge, H2-DAB is first addressing based routing approach for underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) and not only has it helped to choose the routing path faster but also efficiently enables a recovery procedure in case of smooth forwarding failure. The proposed scheme provides an option where nodes is able to communicate without any centralized infrastructure, and a mechanism furthermore is available where nodes can come and leave the network without having any serious effect on the rest of the network. Moreover, another serious issue in UWSNs is that acoustic links are subject to high transmission power with high channel impairments that result in higher error rates and temporary path losses, which accordingly restrict the efficiency of these networks. The limited resources have made it difficult to design a protocol which is capable of maximizing the reliability of these networks. For this purpose, a Two-Hop Acknowledgement (2H-ACK) reliability model where two copies of the same data packet are maintained in the network without extra burden on the available resources is proposed. Simulation results show that H2-DAB can easily manage during the quick routing changes where node movements are very frequent yet it requires little or no overhead to efficiently complete its tasks