11 research outputs found

    Linear-time String Indexing and Analysis in Small Space

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    The field of succinct data structures has flourished over the past 16 years. Starting from the compressed suffix array by Grossi and Vitter (STOC 2000) and the FM-index by Ferragina and Manzini (FOCS 2000), a number of generalizations and applications of string indexes based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform (BWT) have been developed, all taking an amount of space that is close to the input size in bits. In many large-scale applications, the construction of the index and its usage need to be considered as one unit of computation. For example, one can compare two genomes by building a common index for their concatenation and by detecting common substructures by querying the index. Efficient string indexing and analysis in small space lies also at the core of a number of primitives in the data-intensive field of high-throughput DNA sequencing. We report the following advances in string indexing and analysis: We show that the BWT of a string T is an element of {1, . . . , sigma}(n) can be built in deterministic O(n) time using just O(n log sigma) bits of space, where sigma We also show how to build many of the existing indexes based on the BWT, such as the compressed suffix array, the compressed suffix tree, and the bidirectional BWT index, in randomized O(n) time and in O(n log sigma) bits of space. The previously fastest construction algorithms for BWT, compressed suffix array and compressed suffix tree, which used O(n log sigma) bits of space, took O(n log log sigma) time for the first two structures and O(n log(epsilon) n) time for the third, where. is any positive constant smaller than one. Alternatively, the BWT could be previously built in linear time if one was willing to spend O(n log sigma log log(sigma) n) bits of space. Contrary to the state-of-the-art, our bidirectional BWT index supports every operation in constant time per element in its output.Peer reviewe

    Space-efficient computation of the LCP array from the Burrows-Wheeler transform

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    We show that the Longest Common Prefix Array of a text collection of total size n on alphabet [1, \u3c3] can be computed from the Burrows-Wheeler transformed collection in O(n log \u3c3) time using o(n log \u3c3) bits of working space on top of the input and output. Our result improves (on small alphabets) and generalizes (to string collections) the previous solution from Beller et al., which required O(n) bits of extra working space. We also show how to merge the BWTs of two collections of total size n within the same time and space bounds. The procedure at the core of our algorithms can be used to enumerate suffix tree intervals in succinct space from the BWT, which is of independent interest. An engineered implementation of our first algorithm on DNA alphabet induces the LCP of a large (16 GiB) collection of short (100 bases) reads at a rate of 2.92 megabases per second using in total 1.5 Bytes per base in RAM. Our second algorithm merges the BWTs of two short-reads collections of 8 GiB each at a rate of 1.7 megabases per second and uses 0.625 Bytes per base in RAM. An extension of this algorithm that computes also the LCP array of the merged collection processes the data at a rate of 1.48 megabases per second and uses 1.625 Bytes per base in RAM

    Indexing labeled sequences

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    International audienceBackground: Labels are a way to add some information on a text, such as functional annotations such as genes on a DNA sequences. V(D)J recombinations are DNA recombinations involving two or three short genes in lymphocytes. Sequencing this short region (500 bp or less) produces labeled sequences and brings insight in the lymphocyte repertoire for onco-hematology or immunology studies. Methods: We present two indexes for a text with non-overlapping labels. They store the text in a Burrows–Wheeler transform (BWT) and a compressed label sequence in a Wavelet Tree. The label sequence is taken in the order of the text (TL-index) or in the order of the BWT (TL-BW-index). Both indexes need a space related to the entropy of the labeled text. Results: These indexes allow efficient text–label queries to count and find labeled patterns. The TL-BW-index has an overhead on simple label queries but is very efficient on combined pattern–label queries. We implemented the indexes in C++ and compared them against a baseline solution on pseudo-random as well as on V(D)J labeled texts. Discussion: New indexes such as the ones we proposed improve the way we index and query labeled texts as, for instance, lymphocyte repertoire for hematological and immunological studies

    Text indexing for long patterns: Anchors are all you need

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    In many real-world database systems, a large fraction of the data is represented by strings: Sequences of letters over some alphabet. This is because strings can easily encode data arising from different sources. It is often crucial to represent such string datasets in a compact form but also to simultaneously enable fast pattern matching queries. This is the classic text indexing problem. The four absolute measures anyone should pay attention to when designing or implementing a text index are: (ⅰ) index space; (ⅱ) query time;(ⅲ) construction space; and (iv) construction time. Unfortunately, however, most (if not all) widely-used indexes (e.g., suffix tree, suffix array, or their compressed counterparts) are not optimized for all four measures simultaneously, as it is difficult to have the best of all four worlds. Here, we take an important step in this direction by showing that text indexing with locally consistent anchors (lc-anchors) offers remarkably good performance in all four measures, when we have at hand a lower bound ℓ on the length of the queried patterns — which is arguably a quite reasonable assumption in practical applications. Specifically, we improve on the construction of the index proposed by Loukides and Pissis, which is based on bidirectional string anchors (bd-anchors), a new type of lc-anchors,by: (i) designing an average-case linear-time algorithm to compute bd-anchors; and (ii) developing a semi-external-memory implementation to construct the index in small space using near-optimal work. We then present an extensive experimental evaluation, based on the four measures, using real benchmark datasets. The results show that, for long patterns, the index constructed using our improved algorithms compares favorably to all classic indexes: (compressed) suffix tree; (compressed) suffix array; and the FM-index

    Breaking the O(n)O(n)-Barrier in the Construction of Compressed Suffix Arrays

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    The suffix array, describing the lexicographic order of suffixes of a given text, is the central data structure in string algorithms. The suffix array of a length-nn text uses Θ(nlogn)\Theta(n \log n) bits, which is prohibitive in many applications. To address this, Grossi and Vitter [STOC 2000] and, independently, Ferragina and Manzini [FOCS 2000] introduced space-efficient versions of the suffix array, known as the compressed suffix array (CSA) and the FM-index. For a length-nn text over an alphabet of size σ\sigma, these data structures use only O(nlogσ)O(n \log \sigma) bits. Immediately after their discovery, they almost completely replaced plain suffix arrays in practical applications, and a race started to develop efficient construction procedures. Yet, after more than 20 years, even for σ=2\sigma=2, the fastest algorithm remains stuck at O(n)O(n) time [Hon et al., FOCS 2003], which is slower by a Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n) factor than the lower bound of Ω(n/logn)\Omega(n / \log n) (following simply from the necessity to read the entire input). We break this long-standing barrier with a new data structure that takes O(nlogσ)O(n \log \sigma) bits, answers suffix array queries in O(logϵn)O(\log^{\epsilon} n) time, and can be constructed in O(nlogσ/logn)O(n\log \sigma / \sqrt{\log n}) time using O(nlogσ)O(n\log \sigma) bits of space. Our result is based on several new insights into the recently developed notion of string synchronizing sets [STOC 2019]. In particular, compared to their previous applications, we eliminate orthogonal range queries, replacing them with new queries that we dub prefix rank and prefix selection queries. As a further demonstration of our techniques, we present a new pattern-matching index that simultaneously minimizes the construction time and the query time among all known compact indexes (i.e., those using O(nlogσ)O(n \log \sigma) bits).Comment: 41 page