34,171 research outputs found

    Quadratic Secret Sharing and Conditional Disclosure of Secrets

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    There is a huge gap between the upper and lower bounds on the share size of secret-sharing schemes for arbitrary nn-party access structures, and consistent with our current knowledge the optimal share size can be anywhere between polynomial in nn and exponential in nn. For linear secret-sharing schemes, we know that the share size for almost all nn-party access structures must be exponential in nn. Furthermore, most constructions of efficient secret-sharing schemes are linear. We would like to study larger classes of secret-sharing schemes with two goals. On one hand, we want to prove lower bounds for larger classes of secret-sharing schemes, possibly shedding some light on the share size of general secret-sharing schemes. On the other hand, we want to construct efficient secret-sharing schemes for access structures that do not have efficient linear secret-sharing schemes. Given this motivation, Paskin-Cherniavsky and Radune (ITC\u2720) defined and studied a new class of secret-sharing schemes in which the shares are generated by applying degree-dd polynomials to the secret and some random field elements. The special case d=1d=1 corresponds to linear and multi-linear secret-sharing schemes. We define and study two additional classes of polynomial secret-sharing schemes: (1) schemes in which for every authorized set the reconstruction of the secret is done using polynomials and (2) schemes in which both sharing and reconstruction are done by polynomials. For linear secret-sharing schemes, schemes with linear sharing and schemes with linear reconstruction are equivalent. We give evidence that for polynomial secret-sharing schemes, schemes with polynomial sharing are probably stronger than schemes with polynomial reconstruction. We also prove lower bounds on the share size for schemes with polynomial reconstruction. On the positive side, we provide constructions of secret-sharing schemes and conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS) protocols with quadratic sharing and reconstruction. We extend a construction of Liu et al. (CRYPTO\u2717) and construct optimal quadratic kk-server CDS protocols for functions f:[N]^k\rightarrow \{0,\1} with message size O(N(k1)/3)O(N^{(k-1)/3}). We show how to transform our quadratic kk-server CDS protocol to a robust CDS protocol, and use the robust CDS protocol to construct quadratic secret-sharing schemes for arbitrary access structures with share size O(20.705n)O(2^{0.705n}); this is better than the best known share size of O(20.7576n)O(2^{0.7576n}) for linear secret-sharing schemes and worse than the best known share size of O(20.585n)O(2^{0.585n}) for general secret-sharing schemes

    On Polynomial Secret Sharing Schemes

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    Nearly all secret sharing schemes studied so far are linear or multi-linear schemes. Although these schemes allow to implement any monotone access structure, the share complexity, SCSC, may be suboptimal -- there are access structures for which the gap between the best known lower bounds and best known multi-linear schemes is exponential. There is growing evidence in the literature, that non-linear schemes can improve share complexity for some access structures, with the work of Beimel and Ishai (CCC \u2701) being among the first to demonstrate it. This motivates further study of non linear schemes. We initiate a systematic study of polynomial secret sharing schemes (PSSS), where shares are (multi-variate) polynomials of secret and randomness vectors s,r\vec{s},\vec{r} respectively over some finite field \F_q. Our main hope is that the algebraic structure of polynomials would help obtain better lower bounds than those known for the general secret sharing. Some of the initial results we prove in this work are as follows. \textbf{On share complexity of polynomial schemes.}\\ First we study degree (at most) 1 in randomness variables r\vec{r} (where the degree of secret variables is unlimited). We have shown that for a large subclass of these schemes, there exist equivalent multi-linear schemes with O(n)O(n) share complexity overhead. Namely, PSSS where every polynomial misses monomials of exact degree c2c\geq 2 in s\vec{s} and 0 in r\vec{r}, and PSSS where all polynomials miss monomials of exact degree 1\geq 1 in s\vec{s} and 1 in r\vec{r}. This translates the known lower bound of Ω(nlog(n))\Omega(n^{\log(n)}) for multi linear schemes onto a class of schemes strictly larger than multi linear schemes, to contrast with the best Ω(n2/log(n))\Omega(n^2/\log(n)) bound known for general schemes, with no progress since 94\u27. An observation in the positive direction we make refers to the share complexity (per bit) of multi linear schemes (polynomial schemes of total degree 1). We observe that the scheme by Liu et. al obtaining share complexity O(20.994n)O(2^{0.994n}) can be transformed into a multi-linear scheme with similar share complexity per bit, for sufficiently long secrets. % For the next natural degree to consider, 2 in r\vec{r}, we have shown that PSSS where all share polynomials are of exact degree 2 in r\vec{r} (without exact degree 1 in r\vec{r} monomials) where \F_q has odd characteristic, can implement only trivial access structures where the minterms consist of single parties. Obtaining improved lower bounds for degree-2 in r\vec{r} PSSS, and even arbitrary degree-1 in r\vec{r} PSSS is left as an interesting open question. \textbf{On the randomness complexity of polynomial schemes.}\\ We prove that for every degree-2 polynomial secret sharing scheme, there exists an equivalent degree-2 scheme with identical share complexity with randomness complexity, RCRC, bounded by 2poly(SC)2^{poly(SC)}. For general PSSS, we obtain a similar bound on RCRC (preserving SCSC and \F_q but not degree). So far, bounds on randomness complexity were known only for multi linear schemes, demonstrating that RCSCRC \leq SC is always achievable. Our bounds are not nearly as practical as those for multi-linear schemes, and should be viewed as a proof of concept. If a much better bound for some degree bound d=O(1)d=O(1) is obtained, it would lead directly to super-polynomial counting-based lower bounds for degree-dd PSSS over constant-sized fields. Another application of low (say, polynomial) randomness complexity is transforming polynomial schemes with polynomial-sized (in nn) algebraic formulas C(s,r)C(\vec{s},\vec{r}) for each share , into a degree-3 scheme with only polynomial blowup in share complexity, using standard randomizing polynomials constructions

    Алгоритм формирования матриц над примарным кольцом вычетов для построения протоколов множественного разделения секрета, реализующих заданную иерархию доступа

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    Perfect linear multi-secret sharing schemes over primary residue ring construction algorithm is proposed. Early known secret sharing schemes over finite field construction method is generalized by proposed algorithm. This algorithm has calculation complexity, which less compare with trivial algorithm.Предложен алгоритм формирования матриц над примарным кольцом вычетов, предназначенных для построения линейных совершенных протоколов множественного разделения секрета для заданной иерархии доступа. Указанный алгоритм обобщает известный ранее алгоритм формирования матриц над конечным полем для синтеза линейных протоколов разделения одного секрета и имеет меньшую временную сложность по сравнению с тривиальным алгоритмом

    Secret sharing and duality

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    Secret sharing is an important building block in cryptography. All explicitly defined secret sharing schemes with known exact complexity bounds are multi-linear, thus are closely related to linear codes. The dual of such a linear scheme, in the sense of duality of linear codes, gives another scheme for the dual access structure. These schemes have the same complexity, namely the largest share size relative to the secret size is the same. It is a long-standing open problem whether this fact is true in general: the complexity of any access structure is the same as the complexity of its dual. We give an almost answer to this question. An almost perfect scheme allows negligible errors, both in the recovery and in the independence. There exists an almost perfect ideal scheme on 174 participants whose complexity is strictly smaller than that of its dual

    Generic Secure Repair for Distributed Storage

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    This paper studies the problem of repairing secret sharing schemes, i.e., schemes that encode a message into nn shares, assigned to nn nodes, so that any nrn-r nodes can decode the message but any colluding zz nodes cannot infer any information about the message. In the event of node failures so that shares held by the failed nodes are lost, the system needs to be repaired by reconstructing and reassigning the lost shares to the failed (or replacement) nodes. This can be achieved trivially by a trustworthy third-party that receives the shares of the available nodes, recompute and reassign the lost shares. The interesting question, studied in the paper, is how to repair without a trustworthy third-party. The main issue that arises is repair security: how to maintain the requirement that any colluding zz nodes, including the failed nodes, cannot learn any information about the message, during and after the repair process? We solve this secure repair problem from the perspective of secure multi-party computation. Specifically, we design generic repair schemes that can securely repair any (scalar or vector) linear secret sharing schemes. We prove a lower bound on the repair bandwidth of secure repair schemes and show that the proposed secure repair schemes achieve the optimal repair bandwidth up to a small constant factor when nn dominates zz, or when the secret sharing scheme being repaired has optimal rate. We adopt a formal information-theoretic approach in our analysis and bounds. A main idea in our schemes is to allow a more flexible repair model than the straightforward one-round repair model implicitly assumed by existing secure regenerating codes. Particularly, the proposed secure repair schemes are simple and efficient two-round protocols

    A New Efficient Hierarchical Multi-secret Sharing Scheme Based on Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relations

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    Hierarchical secret sharing is an important key management technique since it is specially customized for hierarchical organizations with different departments allocated with different privileges, such as the government agencies or companies. Hierarchical access structures have been widely adopted in secret sharing schemes, where efficiency is the primary consideration for various applications. How to design an efficient hierarchical secret sharing scheme is an important issue. In 2007, a famous hierarchical secret sharing (HSS) scheme was proposed by Tassa based on Birkhoff interpolation, and later, based on the same method, many other HSS schemes were proposed. However, these schemes all depend on Polya\u27s condition, which is a necessary condition not a sufficient condition. It cannot guarantee that Tassa\u27s HSS scheme always exists. Furthermore, this condition needs to check the non-singularity of many matrices. We propose a hierarchical multi-secret sharing scheme based on the linear homogeneous recurrence (LHR) relations and the one-way function. In our scheme, we select mm linearly independent homogeneous recurrence relations. The participants in the highly-ranked subsets γ1,γ2,,γj1\gamma_1, \gamma_2 ,\cdots, \gamma_{j-1} join in the jj-th subset to construct the jj-th LHR relation. In addition, the proposed hierarchical multi-secret sharing scheme just requires one share for each participant, and keeps the same computational complexity. Compared with the state-of-the-art hierarchical secret sharing schemes, our scheme has high efficiency

    Secret-Sharing from Robust Conditional Disclosure of Secrets

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    A secret-sharing scheme is a method by which a dealer, holding a secret string, distributes shares to parties such that only authorized subsets of parties can reconstruct the secret. The collection of authorized subsets is called an access structure. Secret-sharing schemes are an important tool in cryptography and they are used as a building box in many secure protocols. In the original constructions of secret-sharing schemes by Ito et al. [Globecom 1987], the share size of each party is O~(2n)\tilde{O}(2^{n}) (where nn is the number of parties in the access structure). New constructions of secret-sharing schemes followed; however, the share size in these schemes remains basically the same. Although much efforts have been devoted to this problem, no progress was made for more than 30 years. Recently, in a breakthrough paper, Liu and Vaikuntanathan [STOC 2018] constructed a secret-sharing scheme for a general access structure with share size O~(20.994n)\tilde{O}(2^{0.994n}). The construction is based on new protocols for conditional disclosure of secrets (CDS). This was improved by Applebaum et al. [EUROCRYPT 2019] to O~(20.892n)\tilde{O}(2^{0.892n}). In this work, we construct improved secret-sharing schemes for a general access structure with share size O~(20.762n)\tilde{O}(2^{0.762n}). Our schemes are linear, that is, the shares are a linear function of the secret and some random elements from a finite field. Previously, the best linear secret-sharing scheme had shares of size O~(20.942n)\tilde{O}(2^{0.942n}). Most applications of secret-sharing require linearity. Our scheme is conceptually simpler than previous schemes, using a new reduction to two-party CDS protocols (previous schemes used a reduction to multi-party CDS protocols). In a CDS protocol for a function ff, there are kk parties and a referee; each party holds a private input and a common secret, and sends one message to the referee (without seeing the other messages). On one hand, if the function ff applied to the inputs returns 11, then it is required that the referee, which knows the inputs, can reconstruct the secret from the messages. On the other hand, if the function ff applied to the inputs returns 00, then the referee should get no information on the secret from the messages. However, if the referee gets two messages from a party, corresponding to two different inputs (as happens in our reduction from secret-sharing to CDS), then the referee might be able to reconstruct the secret although it should not. To overcome this problem, we define and construct tt-robust CDS protocols, where the referee cannot get any information on the secret when it gets tt messages for a set of zero-inputs of ff. We show that if a function ff has a two-party CDS protocol with message size cfc_f, then it has a two-party tt-robust CDS protocol with normalized message size O~(tcf)\tilde{O}(t c_f). Furthermore, we show that every function f:[N]×[N]{0,1}f:[N] \times [N]\rightarrow \{0,1\} has a multi-linear tt-robust CDS protocol with normalized message size O~(t+N)\tilde{O}(t+\sqrt{N}). We use a variant of this protocol (with tt slightly larger than N\sqrt{N}) to construct our improved linear secret-sharing schemes. Finally, we construct robust kk-party CDS protocols for k>2k>2

    New results and applications for multi-secret sharing schemes

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    In a multi-secret sharing scheme (MSSS), different secrets are distributed among the players in some set , each one according to an access structure. The trivial solution to this problem is to run independent instances of a standard secret sharing scheme, one for each secret. In this solution, the length of the secret share to be stored by each player grows linearly with (when keeping all other parameters fixed). Multi-secret sharing schemes have been studied by the cryptographic community mostly from a theoretical perspective: different models and definitions have been proposed, for both unconditional (information-theoretic) and computational security. In the case of unconditional security, there are two different definitions. It has been proved that, for some particular cases of access structures that include the threshold case, a MSSS with the strongest level of unconditional security must have shares with length linear in . Therefore, the optimal solution in this case is equivalent to the trivial one. In this work we prove that, even for a more relaxed notion of unconditional security, and for some kinds of access structures (in particular, threshold ones), we have the same efficiency problem: the length of each secret share must grow linearly with . Since we want more efficient solutions, we move to the scenario of MSSSs with computational security. We propose a new MSSS, where each secret share has constant length (just one element), and we formally prove its computational security in the random oracle model. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first formal analysis on the computational security of a MSSS. We show the utility of the new MSSS by using it as a key ingredient in the design of two schemes for two new functionalities: multi-policy signatures and multi-policy decryption. We prove the security of these two new multi-policy cryptosystems in a formal security model. The two new primitives provide similar functionalities as attribute-based cryptosystems, with some advantages and some drawbacks that we discuss at the end of this work.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    An Ideal Compartmented Secret Sharing Scheme Based on Linear Homogeneous Recurrence Relations

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    Multipartite secret sharing schemes are those that have multipartite access structures. The set of the participants in those schemes is divided into several parts, and all the participants in the same part play the equivalent role. One type of such access structure is the compartmented access structure. We propose an ideal and efficient compartmented multi-secret sharing scheme based on the linear homogeneous recurrence (LHR) relations. In the construction phase, the shared secrets are hidden in some terms of the linear homogeneous recurrence sequence. In the recovery phase, the shared secrets are obtained by solving those terms in which the shared secrets are hidden. When the global threshold is tt, our scheme can reduce the computational complexity from O(nt1)O(n^{t-1}) to O(nmax(ti1)logn)O(n^{\max(t_i-1)}\log n), where ti<tt_i<t. The security of the proposed scheme is based on Shamir\u27s threshold scheme. Moreover, it is efficient to share the multi-secret and to change the shared secrets in the proposed scheme. That is, the proposed scheme can improve the performances of the key management and the distributed system