14 research outputs found

    Linear lambda terms as invariants of rooted trivalent maps

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    The main aim of the article is to give a simple and conceptual account for the correspondence (originally described by Bodini, Gardy, and Jacquot) between α\alpha-equivalence classes of closed linear lambda terms and isomorphism classes of rooted trivalent maps on compact oriented surfaces without boundary, as an instance of a more general correspondence between linear lambda terms with a context of free variables and rooted trivalent maps with a boundary of free edges. We begin by recalling a familiar diagrammatic representation for linear lambda terms, while at the same time explaining how such diagrams may be read formally as a notation for endomorphisms of a reflexive object in a symmetric monoidal closed (bi)category. From there, the "easy" direction of the correspondence is a simple forgetful operation which erases annotations on the diagram of a linear lambda term to produce a rooted trivalent map. The other direction views linear lambda terms as complete invariants of their underlying rooted trivalent maps, reconstructing the missing information through a Tutte-style topological recurrence on maps with free edges. As an application in combinatorics, we use this analysis to enumerate bridgeless rooted trivalent maps as linear lambda terms containing no closed proper subterms, and conclude by giving a natural reformulation of the Four Color Theorem as a statement about typing in lambda calculus.Comment: accepted author manuscript, posted six months after publicatio

    A Sequent Calculus for a Semi-Associative Law

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    We introduce a sequent calculus with a simple restriction of Lambek\u27s product rules that precisely captures the classical Tamari order, i.e., the partial order on fully-bracketed words (equivalently, binary trees) induced by a semi-associative law (equivalently, tree rotation). We establish a focusing property for this sequent calculus (a strengthening of cut-elimination), which yields the following coherence theorem: every valid entailment in the Tamari order has exactly one focused derivation. One combinatorial application of this coherence theorem is a new proof of the Tutte-Chapoton formula for the number of intervals in the Tamari lattice Y_n. Elsewhere, we have also used the sequent calculus and the coherence theorem to build a surprising bijection between intervals of the Tamari order and a natural fragment of lambda calculus, consisting of the beta-normal planar lambda terms with no closed proper subterms

    The Internal Operads of Combinatory Algebras

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    We argue that operads provide a general framework for dealing with polynomials and combinatory completeness of combinatory algebras, including the classical SK\mathbf{SK}-algebras, linear BCI\mathbf{BCI}-algebras, planar BI(_)\mathbf{BI}(\_)^\bullet-algebras as well as the braided BC±I\mathbf{BC^\pm I}-algebras. We show that every extensional combinatory algebra gives rise to a canonical closed operad, which we shall call the internal operad of the combinatory algebra. The internal operad construction gives a left adjoint to the forgetful functor from closed operads to extensional combinatory algebras. As a by-product, we derive extensionality axioms for the classes of combinatory algebras mentioned above

    Tropical M\"obius strips and ruled surfaces

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    We consider the enumeration of tropical curves in M\"obius strips for two different lattice structures and relate them to the enumeration of curves in two rational ruled surfaces over a complex elliptic curve. Using this correspondence, we prove regularity results such as the piecewise quasi-polynomiality of relative invariants and the quasi-modularity of their generating series.Comment: 39 pages, comments welcom

    Analyticity results for the cumulants in a random matrix model

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    The generating function of the cumulants in random matrix models, as well as the cumulants themselves, can be expanded as asymptotic (divergent) series indexed by maps. While at fixed genus the sums over maps converge, the sums over genera do not. In this paper we obtain alternative expansions both for the generating function and for the cumulants that cure this problem. We provide explicit and convergent expansions for the cumulants, for the remainders of their perturbative expansion (in the size of the maps) and for the remainders of their topological expansion (in the genus of the maps). We show that any cumulant is an analytic function inside a cardioid domain in the complex plane and we prove that any cumulant is Borel summable at the origin


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