22 research outputs found


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    Telah diaplikasikan pendekatan inverse linear kontroller pada sistem track detection magnetic levitation. Sistem magnetic levitation menggunakan gaya elekromagnetik yang dapat menghilangkan gaya friksi. Masalah utama yang sering terjadi adalah adanya sifat non linear maglev dan tingkat ketidakstabilan yang tinggi. Pada eksperimen ini diterapkan inverse linear kontroller dengan pendekatan Non Linear Mean Square (NLMS) untuk mencapai sistem maglev yang stabil pada operating point tertentu. Untuk menstabilkan proses digunakan PID controller pada sistem maglev . Kestabilan sistem ditingkatkan kembali oleh adaptive FIR inverse linear controller yang diparalelisasi dengan PID controler . Delay pada sistem direduksi dengan menambah adaptive inverse NLMS pada sistem. Eksperimen menunjukan sistem track detection yang stabil pada operasi kerja maksimum 卤 2.6 Volt

    2-DOF Lead-plus-PI Control Approach for Magnetic Levitation System

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    This paper proposes Two-Degree of Freedom (2-DOF) Lead-plus-PI a classical linear control system for positioning control of a magnetic levitation (maglev) system. Maglev system has practical importance in many engineering system. However, maglev has inherently nonlinear and open loop unstable characteristics. Thus, it is a challenging task to control the maglev system. In this paper, the 2-DOF Lead-plus-PI controller is developed to control the positioning performance of the maglev system as it has simple control structure and straightforward design procedure that can be designed using root locus technique and Ziegler Nichols second method. The proposed controller can be easily implemented into the maglev system without require deep knowledge in control system. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is validated experimentally. Experimental results show the 2-DOF Lead-plus-PI controller has a better positioning accuracy and transient response in point-to-point motion, as compared to Lead-plus-PI controller. The proposed controller shows a position accuracy of 40 碌m, which is around the vibration amplitude of the sensor output in open loop. It also takes less than 1 second to stabilize the ball within 卤 200 碌m and the steady state error has improved to around 45% in point-to-point positioning performance. Besides, the proposed controller also reduced the tracking error to about 48% as compared to Lead-plus-PI controller

    Sistema de Levitaci贸n Magn茅tica de Ejes Rotantes para Medici贸n de Desbalances

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    La levitaci贸n magn茅tica consiste en mantener un objeto suspendido en el aire sin ning煤n tipo de contacto mec谩nico, a trav茅s de una fuerza electromagn茅tica. Esta fuerza electromagn茅tica es generada por un electroim谩n que mediante atracci贸n permite mantener en suspensi贸n un objeto ferromagn茅tico. Este proceso es por naturaleza inestable y no lineal, por la cual se hace indispensable la utilizaci贸n de un control de lazo cerrado para mantener la levitaci贸n. El presente trabajo consiste en desarrollar un sistema de medici贸n de desbalances a trav茅s de un eje rotante levitado magn茅ticamente.Eje: Procesamiento de Se帽ales y Sistemas de Tiempo RealRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Tuning of different controlling techniques for magnetic suspending system using an improved bat algorithm

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    In this paper, design of proportional- derivative (PD) controller, pseudo-derivative-feedback (PDF) controller and PDF with feedforward (PDFF) controller for magnetic suspending system have been presented. Tuning of the above controllers is achieved based on Bat algorithm (BA). BA is a recent bio-inspired optimization method for solving global optimization problems, which mimic the behavior of micro-bats. The weak point of the standard BA is the exploration ability due to directional echolocation and the difficulty in escaping from local optimum. The new improved BA enhances the convergence rate while obtaining optimal solution by introducing three adaptations namely modified frequency factor, adding inertia weight and modified local search. The feasibility of the proposed algorithm is examined by applied to several benchmark problems that are adopted from literature. The results of IBA are compared with the results collected from standard BA and the well-known particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. The simulation results show that the IBA has a higher accuracy and searching speed than the approaches considered. Finally, the tuning of the three controlling schemes using the proposed algorithm, standard BA and PSO algorithms reveals that IBA has a higher performance compared with the other optimization algorithm

    NLMS Based Adaptive Control of Stable Plants

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    In this paper we propose a new stable adaptive controller for stable plants, which may be non-minimum phase. The controller is composed of adaptive finite impulse response (FIR) filter in the feedback loop. This adaptive FIR filter is designed online as an L-delay approximate inverse system of the given stable plant. The solution of Diophantine equation is not involved in the design procedure. Hence the numerical problems associated with the solution of Diophantine equation are avoided. Computer simulation results and real time experimental results are included in the paper to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Sistema de medici贸n con DSP aplicado a un prototipo de ejes levitantes

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    Este proyecto se deriva como una etapa fundamental de un proyecto m谩s amplio que involucra el desarrollo de un sistema activo de cojinete magn茅tico. Puntualmente, se enfoca en el estudio del elemento de sensado a utilizar y de los pasos requeridos para el acondicionamiento de se帽al. El estudio realizado involucra un an谩lisis a priori de las condiciones que ser谩n impuestas por el proyecto global de levitaci贸n magn茅tica, teniendo como punto de partida la precisi贸n y velocidad a la que debe responder el circuito de sensado, para poder realizar un control efectivo. Como dispositivo sensor se emplean inductancias, que respondan a las variaciones de posici贸n de un material ferromagn茅tico. La unidad de c谩lculo utiliza un DSP para generar una onda de referencia y para interpretar los datos de medici贸n, con una serie de sub circuitos encargados de adaptar la se帽al. Luego de realizar las pruebas pertinentes, se concluye de manera favorable, siendo necesario realizar una contrastaci贸n rigurosa para verificar la linealidad de la respuesta del dispositivo desarrollado.Fil: Grupo de Investigaci贸n y Desarrollo Electr贸nico - Departamento de Ingenier铆a Electr贸nica. Universidad Tecnol贸gica Nacional Facultad Regional San Francisco.Peer Reviewe


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    Magnetic Levitation System (Maglev) is an approach which is currently widely applied in different areas like semiconductor, transportation, power generation, household appliances and etc. Since Magnetic Levitation System is a highly non-linear system, constructing a successful controller which has robust performance becomes a big challenge. The most conventional method of building Maglev is PID controller. However findings of controller鈥檚 parameters which ar

    Design a Robust Proportional-Derivative Gain-Scheduling Control for a Magnetic Levitation System

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    This study focuses on the design of a robust PD gain-scheduling controller (PD-GS-C) for an unstable SISO (single-input, single-output) magnetic levitation system with two electromagnets (MLS2EM). Magnetic levitation systems offer various advantages, including friction-free, reliable, fast, and cost-effective operations. However, due to their unstable and highly nonlinear nature, these systems require sophisticated feedback control techniques to ensure optimal performance and functionality. To address these challenges, in this study, we derive the nonlinear state-space mathematical model of the MLS2EM and linearize it around five different operating points. The PDGS-C controller aims to stabilize the system and improve steady-state control error. The strategy for obtaining the PD controller gains involves a parameter space technique, which specifies performance requirements. This technique results in ranges of proportional (KP) and derivative (KD) gains that are used by the PD-GS-C structure. To optimize the controller's performance further, we utilize the big bang-big crunch optimization technique (BB-BC) to determine the optimal PD gains within the specified ranges. The optimization process focuses on achieving optimal performance in terms of a specific performance index function. This function quantifies the system's time-domain step response criteria, which include minimizing overshoot percentage, settling time, and rising time. The index function is inversely proportional to the desired performance criteria, meaning that the goal is to maximize the index function to optimize the system's performance. To validate the effectiveness and viability of the proposed strategy, we conducts MATLAB simulations and real-time experiments. The simulations and experimental findings serve to demonstrate the controller's performance and verify its capabilities in stabilizing the MLS2EM magnetic levitation system