9 research outputs found

    Energy Efficiency in MIMO Underlay and Overlay Device-to-Device Communications and Cognitive Radio Systems

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    This paper addresses the problem of resource allocation for systems in which a primary and a secondary link share the available spectrum by an underlay or overlay approach. After observing that such a scenario models both cognitive radio and D2D communications, we formulate the problem as the maximization of the secondary energy efficiency subject to a minimum rate requirement for the primary user. This leads to challenging non-convex, fractional problems. In the underlay scenario, we obtain the global solution by means of a suitable reformulation. In the overlay scenario, two algorithms are proposed. The first one yields a resource allocation fulfilling the first-order optimality conditions of the resource allocation problem, by solving a sequence of easier fractional problems. The second one enjoys a weaker optimality claim, but an even lower computational complexity. Numerical results demonstrate the merits of the proposed algorithms both in terms of energy-efficient performance and complexity, also showing that the two proposed algorithms for the overlay scenario perform very similarly, despite the different complexity.Comment: to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Hardware Impairments Aware Transceiver Design for Bidirectional Full-Duplex MIMO OFDM Systems

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    In this paper we address the linear precoding and decoding design problem for a bidirectional orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing (OFDM) communication system, between two multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) full-duplex (FD) nodes. The effects of hardware distortion as well as the channel state information error are taken into account. In the first step, we transform the available time-domain characterization of the hardware distortions for FD MIMO transceivers to the frequency domain, via a linear Fourier transformation. As a result, the explicit impact of hardware inaccuracies on the residual selfinterference (RSI) and inter-carrier leakage (ICL) is formulated in relation to the intended transmit/received signals. Afterwards, linear precoding and decoding designs are proposed to enhance the system performance following the minimum-mean-squarederror (MMSE) and sum rate maximization strategies, assuming the availability of perfect or erroneous CSI. The proposed designs are based on the application of alternating optimization over the system parameters, leading to a necessary convergence. Numerical results indicate that the application of a distortionaware design is essential for a system with a high hardware distortion, or for a system with a low thermal noise variance.Comment: Submitted to IEEE for publicatio

    Energy-Efficient and Overhead-Aware Cooperative Communications

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    Due to the rapid growth of energy-hungry wireless multimedia services, telecom energy consumption is increasing at an extraordinary rate. Besides negative environmental impacts and higher energy bills for operators, it also affects user experience as improvements in battery technologies have not kept up with increasing mobile energy demands. Therefore, how to increase the energy efficiency (EE) of wireless communications has gained a lot of attention recently. Cooperative communication, where relays cooperatively retransmit the received data from the source to the destination, is seen as a promising technique to increases EE. Nevertheless, it requires more overhead than direct communication that needs to be taken into account for practical wireless cooperative networks. In order to achieve potential energy savings promised by cooperative communications in practical systems, overhead-aware cooperative relaying schemes with low overhead are imperative. For the case that not all relays can hear each other, i.e., hidden relays exist, an energy-efficient and a low-overhead cooperative relaying scheme is proposed. This scheme selects a subset of relays before data transmission, through the proactive participation of available relays using their local timers. Theoretical analysis of average EE under maximum transmission power constraint, using practical data packet length, and taking account of the overhead for obtaining channel state information (CSI), relay selection, and cooperative beamforming, is performed and a closed-form approximate expression for the optimal position of relays is derived. Furthermore, the overhead of the proposed scheme and the impact of data packet lengths on EE, are analysed. The analytical and simulation results reveal that the proposed scheme is significantly more energy-efficient than direct transmission, best relay selection, all relay selection, and a state-of-the-art existing cooperative relaying scheme. Moreover, the proposed scheme reduces the overhead and achieves higher energy savings for larger data packets. The conventional cooperative beamforming schemes rely on the feedback of CSIs of the best relays from the destination, which cause extra energy consumption and are prone to quantization errors in practical systems. In the case of clustered relays with location awareness and timer-based relay selection, where relays can overhear the transmission and know the location of each other, an energy-efficient overhead-aware cooperative relaying scheme is proposed, making CSI feedback from the destination dispensable. In order to avoid possible collisions between relay transmissions during best relays selection, a distributed mechanism for the selected relays to appropriately insert guard intervals before their transmissions is proposed. Average EE of the proposed scheme considering the related overhead is analysed. Moreover, the impact of the number of available relays, the number of selected relays and the location of relay cluster on EE is studied. The simulation results indicate that the proposed cooperative relaying scheme achieves higher EE than direct communication, best relay selection, and all relay selection for relay clusters located close to the source. Independent of the relay cluster location, the proposed scheme exhibits significantly higher EE than an existing cooperative relaying scheme. Device-to-device (D2D) communication in cellular networks that enable direct transmissions between user equipments (UEs) is seen as a promising way to improve both EE and spectral efficiency (SE). If the source UE (SUE) and the destination UE (DUE) are far away from each other or if the channel between them is too weak for direct transmission, then two-hop D2D communications, where relay UEs (RUEs) forward the SUE's data packets to the DUE, can be used. An energy- and spectral-efficient optimal adaptive forwarding strategy (OAFS) for two-hop D2D communications is proposed. In a distributed manner, the OAFS adaptively chooses between the best relay forwarding (BRF) and the cooperative relay beamforming (CRB) with the optimal number of selected RUEs, depending on which of them provides the higher instantaneous EE. In order to reduce the computational complexity of relay selection, a low-complexity sub-optimal adaptive forwarding strategy (SAFS) is proposed that selects between the BRF and the CRB with two RUEs by comparing their instantaneous EE. Theoretical analysis of the average EE and SE for the proposed adaptive forwarding strategies is performed considering maximum transmission power constraints, circuit power consumption and the overhead for the acquisition of CSI, forwarding mode selection and cooperative beamforming. The theoretical and simulation results show that the proposed OAFS and SAFS exhibit significantly higher EE and SE than the BRF, CRB, direct D2D communications and conventional cellular communications. For short to moderate SUE-to-DUE distances, SAFS is almost as energy- and spectral-efficient as OAFS

    Wireless interference networks with limited feedback

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    Wir betrachten das Problem der Akquirierung von Kanalzustandsinformationen an den Sendern von drahtlosen Netzwerken und entwickeln Feedbackverfahren und Sendestrategien für verschiedene Netzwerk Architekturen. Die entwickelten Verfahren werden analysiert und die Skalierung der Performance des Gesamtsystems anhand bestimmter Systemparameter bestimmt. Zuerst betrachten wir eine einzelne Zelle eines zellularen Systems und nehmen an, dass die Beamformingvektoren durch ein festes Codebuch vorgegeben sind. Wir entwickeln und analysieren ein neues Feedbackverfahren, dass Flexibilität und Robustheit vereint und dadurch effiziente und zuverlässige Kommunikation mit den Empfängern ermöglicht. Eine Analyse des Verfahrens zeigt, dass die Skalierung des Ratenverlustes durch quantisierte Kanalzustandsinformation besser ist als bei vergleichbaren Verfahren. Für das Feedbackverfahren wird ein spezieller Algorithmus entwickelt der es ermöglicht Codebücher für verschiedene Kanalmodelle zu generieren und zu optimieren. Die analytischen Ergebnisse werden durch Simulationen validiert und bestätigen einen Gewinn gegenüber vergleichbaren Verfahren. Anschließend betrachten wir zellulare Systeme mit mehreren Zellen. Wir charakterisieren die Freiheitsgrade (degrees of freedom) unter verschiedenen Annahmen über das Kanalmodell. Des weiteren entwickeln wir verschiedene Algorithmen, die die optimalen Freiheitsgrade erreichen können. Anschließend wird ein Feedbackverfahren entwickelt, dass den Feedbackaufwand für die entwickelten Algorithmen signifikant reduziert. Wir analysieren eine breite Klasse von zellularen Systemen die beliebige koordinierte Sendestrategien verwenden. Für diese Klasse von Systemen leiten wir die Skalierung des Ratenverlustes relativ zum Feedbackaufwand her. Abschließend zeigen wir, wie die analytischen Ergebnisse auf das entwickelte Feedbackverfahren angewendet werden können. Im letzten Kapitel entwickeln wir ein Framework, dass das Potenzial von Compressed Sensing nutzt um den Messaufwand und Feedbackaufwand in zellularen Systemen mit vielen Teilnehmern signifikant zu reduzieren. Das Framework ermöglicht es die Datenraten der Nutzer innerhalb gegebener Fehlerschranken zu schätzen. Grundlage ist neben Compressed Sensing ein neues Messverfahren, dass die Überlagerung von Signalen im Kanal nutzt, um zufällige nicht adaptive Messungen der Kanalkoeffizienten am Empfänger zu ermöglichen. Diese Messungen werden zu einer zentralen Steuereinheit übertragen und dort dekodiert. Wir analysieren die Genauigkeit der Rekonstruktion für einen linearen und einen nicht-linearen Dekodierer und leiten die Skalierung mit der Anzahl der Messungen her. Abschließend zeigen wir, wie der entwickelte Ansatz in zellularen Systemen angewendet werden kann.We consider the problem of acquiring accurate channel state information at the transmitters of a wireless network. We develop different feedback and transmit strategies for different network architectures and analyze their performance. First, we consider a single cell of cellular system and assume that the beamforming vectors are given by a fixed transmit codebook. We develop and analyze a new feedback and transmit strategy which combines flexibility and robustness needed for efficient and reliable communication. We prove that it has better scaling properties compared to classical results on the limited feedback problem in the broadcast channel and that this benefit improves with an increasing number of transmit antennas. We show how feedback codebooks can be designed for different propagation environments. Link level and system level simulations sustain the analytic results showing performance gains of up to 50 % or 70 % compared to zeroforcing when using multiple antennas at the base station and multiple antennas or a single antenna at the terminals, respectively. We characterize the degrees of freedom (i.e. the multiplexing gain) of multi-cellular systems under different assumptions on the channel model and for different system setups. We propose different algorithms that possibly achieve the optimal degrees of freedom. The first algorithm aims on aligning the interference at each receiver in a subspace of the available receive space. Our second algorithm aims on directly maximizing the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) of all receivers. By allowing symbol extensions over time or frequency and including a user selection we are able to achieve the alignment of interference for many system setups and exploit multi-user diversity. For coordinated transmit strategies we find the scaling of the performance loss with the feedback load. A distributed interference alignment algorithm is introduced. The algorithm makes efficient use of quantized channel state information and significantly reduces the feedback overhead. We develop a framework that we call compressive rate estimation. To this end, we assume that the composite channel gain matrix (i.e. the matrix of all channel gains between all network nodes) is compressible which means it can be approximated by a sparse or low rank representation. We develop a sensing protocol that exploits the superposition principle of the wireless channel and enables the receiving nodes to obtain non-adaptive random measurements of columns of the composite channel matrix. The random measurements are fed back to a central controller who decodes the composite channel gain matrix (or parts of it) and estimates individual user rates. We analyze the rate loss for a linear and a non-linear decoder and find the scaling laws according to the number of non-adaptive measurements

    A Survey on Security and Privacy of 5G Technologies: Potential Solutions, Recent Advancements, and Future Directions

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    Security has become the primary concern in many telecommunications industries today as risks can have high consequences. Especially, as the core and enable technologies will be associated with 5G network, the confidential information will move at all layers in future wireless systems. Several incidents revealed that the hazard encountered by an infected wireless network, not only affects the security and privacy concerns, but also impedes the complex dynamics of the communications ecosystem. Consequently, the complexity and strength of security attacks have increased in the recent past making the detection or prevention of sabotage a global challenge. From the security and privacy perspectives, this paper presents a comprehensive detail on the core and enabling technologies, which are used to build the 5G security model; network softwarization security, PHY (Physical) layer security and 5G privacy concerns, among others. Additionally, the paper includes discussion on security monitoring and management of 5G networks. This paper also evaluates the related security measures and standards of core 5G technologies by resorting to different standardization bodies and provide a brief overview of 5G standardization security forces. Furthermore, the key projects of international significance, in line with the security concerns of 5G and beyond are also presented. Finally, a future directions and open challenges section has included to encourage future research.European CommissionNational Research Tomsk Polytechnic UniversityUpdate citation details during checkdate report - A

    Multi-user beamforming on intelligent reflecting surface and networks

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    Full abstract available: pages i-iii. A new type of retrofitted low-cost material is recently proposed and made it possible to control (or program) part of the wireless channel around us. It is called the intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), also named reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) or metasurface. The metamaterial composed surface can realize selective EM properties by integrating artificially designed electronic elements that can be controlled by processors (e.g. field programmable gate array (FPGA)). Therefore, the wireless channel is controllable with such IRS posting on the ceiling and wall. Specifically, this functionality is realized by controlling the excitation and phase of each electronic element on the surface. The phase and amplitude of the EM wave impinging on the surface can be reflected in a designed manner of EM wave’s superposition. From this view, the wireless transmission can be enhanced by focusing the signal power while mitigating the interference power