118 research outputs found

    Smart techniques and tools to detect Steganography - a viable practice to Security Office Department

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementInternet is today a commodity and a way for being connect to the world. It is through Internet is where most of the information is shared and where people run their businesses. However, there are some people that make a malicious use of it. Cyberattacks have been increasing all over the recent years, targeting people and organizations, looking to perform illegal actions. Cyber criminals are always looking for new ways to deliver malware to victims to launch an attack. Millions of users share images and photos on their social networks and generally users find them safe to use. Contrary to what most people think, images can contain a malicious payload and perform harmful actions. Steganography is the technique of hiding data, which, combined with media files, can be used to place malicious code. This problem, leveraged by the continuous media file sharing through massive use of digital platforms, may become a worldwide threat in malicious content sharing. Like phishing, people and organizations must be trained to suspect about inappropriate content and implement the proper set of actions to reduce probability of infections when accessing files supposed to be inoffensive. The aim of this study will try to help people and organizations by trying to set a toolbox where it can be possible to get some tools and techniques to assist in dealing with this kind of situations. A theoretical overview will be performed over other concepts such as Steganalysis, touching also Deep Learning and in Machine Learning to assess which is the range of its applicability in find solutions in detection and facing these situations. In addition, understanding the current main technologies, architectures and users’ hurdles will play an important role in designing and developing the proposed toolbox artifact

    New steerable pyramid steganography algorithm resistant to the Fisher Linear Discriminant steganalysis

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    This paper describes a new steganography algorithm based on a steerable pyramid transform of a digital image and the steganalysis of the existence of secret messages hidden by this new method. The data embedding process uses the elements of a Lee and Chen steganography algorithm which is adapted to the steerable pyramid transform domain. This article describes the Fisher Linear Disriminant (FLD) analysis and its steganalysis application, too. The main part of the paper is the description of the conducted research and the results of FLD steganalysis of stegoimages produced by the new steganography algorithm

    A Survey of Data Mining Techniques for Steganalysis

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    Recent Advances in Steganography

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    Steganography is the art and science of communicating which hides the existence of the communication. Steganographic technologies are an important part of the future of Internet security and privacy on open systems such as the Internet. This book's focus is on a relatively new field of study in Steganography and it takes a look at this technology by introducing the readers various concepts of Steganography and Steganalysis. The book has a brief history of steganography and it surveys steganalysis methods considering their modeling techniques. Some new steganography techniques for hiding secret data in images are presented. Furthermore, steganography in speeches is reviewed, and a new approach for hiding data in speeches is introduced

    A Comparison of Generalizability for Anomaly Detection

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    In security-related areas there is concern over the novel “zeroday” attack that penetrates system defenses and wreaks havoc. The best methods for countering these threats are recognizing “non-self” as in an Artificial Immune System or recognizing “self” through clustering. For either case, the concern remains that something that looks similar to self could be missed. Given this situation one could logically assume that a tighter fit to self rather than generalizability is important for false positive reduction in this type of learning problem. This article shows that a tight fit, although important, does not supersede having some model generality. This is shown using three systems. The first two use sphere and ellipsoid clusters with a k-means algorithm modified to work on the one-class/blind classification problem. The third is based on wrapping the self points with a multidimensional convex hull (polytope) algorithm capable of learning disjunctive concepts via a thresholding constant. All three of these algorithms are tested on an intrusion detection problem and a steganalysis problem with results exceeding published results using an Artificial Immune System

    Security during Transmission of Data Using Web Steganography

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    The project entitled Steganography is to give security to a content record. Since the security of the data over the internet has raised a concern to the people. There are many methods to protect the data from going into the access of unauthorized people. Steganography can be used along with the encryption technique to secure the data. Steganography is used to hide the data or a secret message whereas cryptography is used to encrypt the message and make it difficult the people to read. So, the proposed system is to combine both steganography and cryptography for the secret data transmission. The transmission can be done by using an image as a carrier of data. This paper uses high-performance BMP steganography along with a substitution encryption methodology. The approach that is used here is IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm) algorithm which is used for encryption. The IDEA algorithm works as follows, it will take the TEXT document and mystery key as the input and gives the encrypted and BMP picture as the output for the sender side. There can additionally be “Voice Recognition System” framework so that it can use voice to decrypt the message. This is the future expansion or scope of this paper