21,895 research outputs found

    An efficient genetic algorithm for large-scale planning of robust industrial wireless networks

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    An industrial indoor environment is harsh for wireless communications compared to an office environment, because the prevalent metal easily causes shadowing effects and affects the availability of an industrial wireless local area network (IWLAN). On the one hand, it is costly, time-consuming, and ineffective to perform trial-and-error manual deployment of wireless nodes. On the other hand, the existing wireless planning tools only focus on office environments such that it is hard to plan IWLANs due to the larger problem size and the deployed IWLANs are vulnerable to prevalent shadowing effects in harsh industrial indoor environments. To fill this gap, this paper proposes an overdimensioning model and a genetic algorithm based over-dimensioning (GAOD) algorithm for deploying large-scale robust IWLANs. As a progress beyond the state-of-the-art wireless planning, two full coverage layers are created. The second coverage layer serves as redundancy in case of shadowing. Meanwhile, the deployment cost is reduced by minimizing the number of access points (APs); the hard constraint of minimal inter-AP spatial paration avoids multiple APs covering the same area to be simultaneously shadowed by the same obstacle. The computation time and occupied memory are dedicatedly considered in the design of GAOD for large-scale optimization. A greedy heuristic based over-dimensioning (GHOD) algorithm and a random OD algorithm are taken as benchmarks. In two vehicle manufacturers with a small and large indoor environment, GAOD outperformed GHOD with up to 20% less APs, while GHOD outputted up to 25% less APs than a random OD algorithm. Furthermore, the effectiveness of this model and GAOD was experimentally validated with a real deployment system

    Combined Coverage Area Reporting and Geographical Routing in Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for Cooperating with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    In wireless sensor network (WSN) applications with multiple gateways, it is key to route location dependent subscriptions efficiently at two levels in the system. At the gateway level, data sinks must not waste the energy of the WSN by injecting subscriptions that are not relevant for the nodes in their coverage area and at WSN level, energy-efficient delivery of subscriptions to target areas is required. In this paper, we propose a mechanism in which (1) the WSN provides an accurate and up-to-date coverage area description to gateways and (2) the wireless sensor network re-uses the collected coverage area information to enable efficient geographical routing of location dependent subscriptions and other messages. The latter has a focus on routing of messages injected from sink nodes to nodes in the region of interest. Our proposed mechanisms are evaluated in simulation

    An efficient genetic algorithm for large-scale transmit power control of dense and robust wireless networks in harsh industrial environments

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    The industrial wireless local area network (IWLAN) is increasingly dense, due to not only the penetration of wireless applications to shop floors and warehouses, but also the rising need of redundancy for robust wireless coverage. Instead of simply powering on all access points (APs), there is an unavoidable need to dynamically control the transmit power of APs on a large scale, in order to minimize interference and adapt the coverage to the latest shadowing effects of dominant obstacles in an industrial indoor environment. To fulfill this need, this paper formulates a transmit power control (TPC) model that enables both powering on/off APs and transmit power calibration of each AP that is powered on. This TPC model uses an empirical one-slope path loss model considering three-dimensional obstacle shadowing effects, to enable accurate yet simple coverage prediction. An efficient genetic algorithm (GA), named GATPC, is designed to solve this TPC model even on a large scale. To this end, it leverages repair mechanism-based population initialization, crossover and mutation, parallelism as well as dedicated speedup measures. The GATPC was experimentally validated in a small-scale IWLAN that is deployed a real industrial indoor environment. It was further numerically demonstrated and benchmarked on both small- and large-scales, regarding the effectiveness and the scalability of TPC. Moreover, sensitivity analysis was performed to reveal the produced interference and the qualification rate of GATPC in function of varying target coverage percentage as well as number and placement direction of dominant obstacles. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Analyzing Energy-efficiency and Route-selection of Multi-level Hierarchal Routing Protocols in WSNs

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    The advent and development in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in recent years has seen the growth of extremely small and low-cost sensors that possess sensing, signal processing and wireless communication capabilities. These sensors can be expended at a much lower cost and are capable of detecting conditions such as temperature, sound, security or any other system. A good protocol design should be able to scale well both in energy heterogeneous and homogeneous environment, meet the demands of different application scenarios and guarantee reliability. On this basis, we have compared six different protocols of different scenarios which are presenting their own schemes of energy minimizing, clustering and route selection in order to have more effective communication. This research is motivated to have an insight that which of the under consideration protocols suit well in which application and can be a guide-line for the design of a more robust and efficient protocol. MATLAB simulations are performed to analyze and compare the performance of LEACH, multi-level hierarchal LEACH and multihop LEACH.Comment: NGWMN with 7th IEEE Inter- national Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2012), Victoria, Canada, 201

    Energy Efficient Node Deployment in Wireless Ad-hoc Sensor Networks

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    We study a wireless ad-hoc sensor network (WASN) where NN sensors gather data from the surrounding environment and transmit their sensed information to MM fusion centers (FCs) via multi-hop wireless communications. This node deployment problem is formulated as an optimization problem to make a trade-off between the sensing uncertainty and energy consumption of the network. Our primary goal is to find an optimal deployment of sensors and FCs to minimize a Lagrange combination of the sensing uncertainty and energy consumption. To support arbitrary routing protocols in WASNs, the routing-dependent necessary conditions for the optimal deployment are explored. Based on these necessary conditions, we propose a routing-aware Lloyd algorithm to optimize node deployment. Simulation results show that, on average, the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing deployment algorithms.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Spatial networks with wireless applications

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    Many networks have nodes located in physical space, with links more common between closely spaced pairs of nodes. For example, the nodes could be wireless devices and links communication channels in a wireless mesh network. We describe recent work involving such networks, considering effects due to the geometry (convex,non-convex, and fractal), node distribution, distance-dependent link probability, mobility, directivity and interference.Comment: Review article- an amended version with a new title from the origina
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