23 research outputs found

    Monotonic Prefix Consistency in Distributed Systems

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    We study the issue of data consistency in distributed systems. Specifically, we consider a distributed system that replicates its data at multiple sites, which is prone to partitions, and which is assumed to be available (in the sense that queries are always eventually answered). In such a setting, strong consistency, where all replicas of the system apply synchronously every operation, is not possible to implement. However, many weaker consistency criteria that allow a greater number of behaviors than strong consistency, are implementable in available distributed systems. We focus on determining the strongest consistency criterion that can be implemented in a convergent and available distributed system that tolerates partitions. We focus on objects where the set of operations can be split into updates and queries. We show that no criterion stronger than Monotonic Prefix Consistency (MPC) can be implemented.Comment: Submitted pape

    CAP Theorem: Revision of its related consistency models

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    [EN] The CAP theorem states that only two of these properties can be simultaneously guaranteed in a distributed service: (i) consistency, (ii) availability, and (iii) network partition tolerance. This theorem was stated and proved assuming that "consistency" refers to atomic consistency. However, multiple consistency models exist and atomic consistency is located at the strongest edge of that spectrum. Many distributed services deployed in cloud platforms should be highly available and scalable. Network partitions may arise in those deployments and should be tolerated. One way of dealing with CAP constraints consists in relaxing consistency. Therefore, it is interesting to explore the set of consistency models not supported in an available and partition-tolerant service (CAP-constrained models). Other weaker consistency models could be maintained when scalable services are deployed in partitionable systems (CAP-free models). Three contributions arise: (1) multiple other CAP-constrained models are identified, (2) a borderline between CAP-constrained and CAP-free models is set, and (3) a hierarchy of consistency models depending on their strength and convergence is built.Muñoz-EscoĂ­, FD.; Juan MarĂ­n, RD.; GarcĂ­a Escriva, JR.; GonzĂĄlez De MendĂ­vil Moreno, JR.; Bernabeu AubĂĄn, JM. (2019). CAP Theorem: Revision of its related consistency models. The Computer Journal. 62(6):943-960. https://doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/bxy142S943960626Davidson, S. B., Garcia-Molina, H., & Skeen, D. (1985). Consistency in a partitioned network: a survey. ACM Computing Surveys, 17(3), 341-370. doi:10.1145/5505.5508Gilbert, S., & Lynch, N. (2002). Brewer’s conjecture and the feasibility of consistent, available, partition-tolerant web services. ACM SIGACT News, 33(2), 51-59. doi:10.1145/564585.564601Muñoz-EscoĂ­, F. D., & BernabĂ©u-AubĂĄn, J. M. (2016). A survey on elasticity management in PaaS systems. Computing, 99(7), 617-656. doi:10.1007/s00607-016-0507-8Brewer, E. (2012). CAP twelve years later: How the «rules» have changed. Computer, 45(2), 23-29. doi:10.1109/mc.2012.37Attiya, H., Ellen, F., & Morrison, A. (2017). Limitations of Highly-Available Eventually-Consistent Data Stores. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 28(1), 141-155. doi:10.1109/tpds.2016.2556669Viotti, P., & Vukolić, M. (2016). Consistency in Non-Transactional Distributed Storage Systems. ACM Computing Surveys, 49(1), 1-34. doi:10.1145/2926965Burckhardt, S. (2014). Principles of Eventual Consistency. Foundations and TrendsÂź in Programming Languages, 1(1-2), 1-150. doi:10.1561/2500000011Herlihy, M. P., & Wing, J. M. (1990). Linearizability: a correctness condition for concurrent objects. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 12(3), 463-492. doi:10.1145/78969.78972Lamport. (1979). How to Make a Multiprocessor Computer That Correctly Executes Multiprocess Programs. IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-28(9), 690-691. doi:10.1109/tc.1979.1675439Ladin, R., Liskov, B., Shrira, L., & Ghemawat, S. (1992). Providing high availability using lazy replication. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 10(4), 360-391. doi:10.1145/138873.138877Yu, H., & Vahdat, A. (2002). Design and evaluation of a conit-based continuous consistency model for replicated services. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, 20(3), 239-282. doi:10.1145/566340.566342Curino, C., Jones, E., Zhang, Y., & Madden, S. (2010). Schism. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 3(1-2), 48-57. doi:10.14778/1920841.1920853Das, S., Agrawal, D., & El Abbadi, A. (2013). ElasTraS. ACM Transactions on Database Systems, 38(1), 1-45. doi:10.1145/2445583.2445588Chen, Z., Yang, S., Tan, S., He, L., Yin, H., & Zhang, G. (2014). A new fragment re-allocation strategy for NoSQL database systems. Frontiers of Computer Science, 9(1), 111-127. doi:10.1007/s11704-014-3480-4Kamal, J., Murshed, M., & Buyya, R. (2016). Workload-aware incremental repartitioning of shared-nothing distributed databases for scalable OLTP applications. Future Generation Computer Systems, 56, 421-435. doi:10.1016/j.future.2015.09.024Elghamrawy, S. M., & Hassanien, A. E. (2017). A partitioning framework for Cassandra NoSQL database using Rendezvous hashing. The Journal of Supercomputing, 73(10), 4444-4465. doi:10.1007/s11227-017-2027-5Muñoz-EscoĂ­, F. D., GarcĂ­a-EscrivĂĄ, J.-R., Sendra-Roig, J. S., BernabĂ©u-AubĂĄn, J. M., & GonzĂĄlez de MendĂ­vil, J. R. (2018). Eventual Consistency: Origin and Support. Computing and Informatics, 37(5), 1037-1072. doi:10.4149/cai_2018_5_1037Fischer, M. J., Lynch, N. A., & Paterson, M. S. (1985). Impossibility of distributed consensus with one faulty process. Journal of the ACM, 32(2), 374-382. doi:10.1145/3149.21412

    Specification and Implementation of Replicated List: The Jupiter Protocol Revisited

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    The replicated list object is frequently used to model the core functionality of replicated collaborative text editing systems. Since 1989, the convergence property has been a common specification of a replicated list object. Recently, Attiya et al. proposed the strong/weak list specification and conjectured that the well-known Jupiter protocol satisfies the weak list specification. The major obstacle to proving this conjecture is the mismatch between the global property on all replica states prescribed by the specification and the local view each replica maintains in Jupiter using data structures like 1D buffer or 2D state space. To address this issue, we propose CJupiter (Compact Jupiter) based on a novel data structure called n-ary ordered state space for a replicated client/server system with n clients. At a high level, CJupiter maintains only a single n-ary ordered state space which encompasses exactly all states of each replica. We prove that CJupiter and Jupiter are equivalent and that CJupiter satisfies the weak list specification, thus solving the conjecture above

    A Conflict-Free Replicated JSON Datatype

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    Many applications model their data in a general-purpose storage format such as JSON. This data structure is modified by the application as a result of user input. Such modifications are well understood if performed sequentially on a single copy of the data, but if the data is replicated and modified concurrently on multiple devices, it is unclear what the semantics should be. In this paper we present an algorithm and formal semantics for a JSON data structure that automatically resolves concurrent modifications such that no updates are lost, and such that all replicas converge towards the same state (a conflict-free replicated datatype or CRDT). It supports arbitrarily nested list and map types, which can be modified by insertion, deletion and assignment. The algorithm performs all merging client-side and does not depend on ordering guarantees from the network, making it suitable for deployment on mobile devices with poor network connectivity, in peer-to-peer networks, and in messaging systems with end-to-end encryption.This research was supported by a grant from The Boeing Company

    La juste cohérence pour reconcilier disponibilité et sûreté

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    By the CAP Theorem, a distributed data storage system can ensure either Consistency under Partition (CP) or Availability under Partition (AP), but not both. This has led to a split between CP databases, in which updates are synchronous, and AP databases, where they are asynchronous. However, there is no inherent reason to treat all updates identically: simply, the system should be as available as possible, and synchronised just enough for the application to be correct. We offer a principled \emph{Just-Right Consistency} approach to designing such applications, reconciling correctness with availability and performance, based on the following insights:(i) The Conflict-Free Replicated Data Type (CRDTs) data model supports asynchronous updates in an intuitive and principled way.(ii) Invariants involving joint or mutually-ordered updates are compatible with AP and can be guaranteed by Transactional Causal Consistency, the strongest consistency model that does not compromise availability. Regarding the remaining, ``CAP-sensitive'' invariants:(iii) For the common pattern of Bounded Counters, we provide encapsulated data type that is proven correct and is efficient; (iv) in the general case, static analysis can identify when synchronisation is not necessary for correctness.Our Antidote cloud database system supports CRDTs, Transactional Causal Consistency and the Bounded Counter data type. Support tools help design applications by static analysis and proof of CAP-sensitive invariants. This system supports industrial-grade applications and has been tested experimentally with hundreds of servers across several geo-distributed data centres.Le thĂ©orĂšme CAP, un systĂšme de stockage rĂ©parti peut ĂȘtre, en cas de partition, soit cohĂ©rent (CP), soit disponible (AP), mais pas les deux. Il y a donc des bases de donnĂ©es CP, oĂč les mises Ă  jour sont synchrones, et les bases AP, oĂč elles sont asynchrones. Cependant, il n'y a pas de raison essentielle de traiter toutes les mises Ă  jour de façon identique. L'objectif est que le systĂšme reste aussi disponible que possible, mais suffisamment synchronisĂ© pour que l'application reste correcte. Nous proposons un nouveau principe, la juste cohĂ©rence, afin de concevoir de telles applications, rĂ©conciliant la sĂ»retĂ© avec la disponibilitĂ© et l'efficacitĂ©, Ă  partir des constatations suivantes : (i) Le modĂšle de donnĂ©es des CRDT (Conict-Free Replicated Data Type) permet les mises Ă  jour concurrentes de façon Ă  la fois thĂ©oriquement fondĂ©e et intuitive. (ii) Les invariants basĂ©s sur la simultanĂ©itĂ© ou l'ordre partiel des mises Ă  jour sont compatibles avec AP, et peuvent ĂȘtre garanties par la CohĂ©rence Causale Transactionelle (TCC), le modĂšle de cohĂ©rence le plus fort qui ne compromet pas la disponibilitĂ©.En ce qui concerne les autres invariants, dits CAP-sensibles : (iii) Le cas courant du compteur bornĂ© peut ĂȘtre gĂ©rĂ© par un type de donnĂ©es encapsulĂ©, correct et cohĂ©rent, appelĂ© Bounded Counter ; et (iv) dans le cas gĂ©nĂ©ral, une analyse statique permet d'indentifier les cas oĂč la sĂ»retĂ© ne nĂ©cessite pas de synchronisation. Notre base de donnĂ©es \nuage" Antidote offre les CRDT, le modĂšle TCC, et le type de donnĂ©es Bounded Counter. Des outils d'analyse statique et de preuve des invariants CAP-sensibles aident Ă  la conception des applications. Notre systĂšme est mĂ»rpour des applications d'Ă©chelle industrielle, et Ă  Ă©tĂ© testĂ© expĂ©rimentallement sur des centaines de serveurs rĂ©partis entre plusieurs centres de donnĂ©es gĂ©o-distribuĂ©s