1,024 research outputs found

    Analysis, classification and comparison of scheduling techniques for software transactional memories

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    Transactional Memory (TM) is a practical programming paradigm for developing concurrent applications. Performance is a critical factor for TM implementations, and various studies demonstrated that specialised transaction/thread scheduling support is essential for implementing performance-effective TM systems. After one decade of research, this article reviews the wide variety of scheduling techniques proposed for Software Transactional Memories. Based on peculiarities and differences of the adopted scheduling strategies, we propose a classification of the existing techniques, and we discuss the specific characteristics of each technique. Also, we analyse the results of previous evaluation and comparison studies, and we present the results of a new experimental study encompassing techniques based on different scheduling strategies. Finally, we identify potential strengths and weaknesses of the different techniques, as well as the issues that require to be further investigated

    Adaptive Transactional Memories: Performance and Energy Consumption Tradeoffs

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    Energy efficiency is becoming a pressing issue, especially in large data centers where it entails, at the same time, a non-negligible management cost, an enhancement of hardware fault probability, and a significant environmental footprint. In this paper, we study how Software Transactional Memories (STM) can provide benefits on both power saving and the overall applications’ execution performance. This is related to the fact that encapsulating shared-data accesses within transactions gives the freedom to the STM middleware to both ensure consistency and reduce the actual data contention, the latter having been shown to affect the overall power needed to complete the application’s execution. We have selected a set of self-adaptive extensions to existing STM middlewares (namely, TinySTM and R-STM) to prove how self-adapting computation can capture the actual degree of parallelism and/or logical contention on shared data in a better way, enhancing even more the intrinsic benefits provided by STM. Of course, this benefit comes at a cost, which is the actual execution time required by the proposed approaches to precisely tune the execution parameters for reducing power consumption and enhancing execution performance. Nevertheless, the results hereby provided show that adaptivity is a strictly necessary requirement to reduce energy consumption in STM systems: Without it, it is not possible to reach any acceptable level of energy efficiency at all

    The Potential of Synergistic Static, Dynamic and Speculative Loop Nest Optimizations for Automatic Parallelization

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    Research in automatic parallelization of loop-centric programs started with static analysis, then broadened its arsenal to include dynamic inspection-execution and speculative execution, the best results involving hybrid static-dynamic schemes. Beyond the detection of parallelism in a sequential program, scalable parallelization on many-core processors involves hard and interesting parallelism adaptation and mapping challenges. These challenges include tailoring data locality to the memory hierarchy, structuring independent tasks hierarchically to exploit multiple levels of parallelism, tuning the synchronization grain, balancing the execution load, decoupling the execution into thread-level pipelines, and leveraging heterogeneous hardware with specialized accelerators. The polyhedral framework allows to model, construct and apply very complex loop nest transformations addressing most of the parallelism adaptation and mapping challenges. But apart from hardware-specific, back-end oriented transformations (if-conversion, trace scheduling, value prediction), loop nest optimization has essentially ignored dynamic and speculative techniques. Research in polyhedral compilation recently reached a significant milestone towards the support of dynamic, data-dependent control flow. This opens a large avenue for blending dynamic analyses and speculative techniques with advanced loop nest optimizations. Selecting real-world examples from SPEC benchmarks and numerical kernels, we make a case for the design of synergistic static, dynamic and speculative loop transformation techniques. We also sketch the embedding of dynamic information, including speculative assumptions, in the heart of affine transformation search spaces

    Performance Optimization Strategies for Transactional Memory Applications

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    This thesis presents tools for Transactional Memory (TM) applications that cover multiple TM systems (Software, Hardware, and hybrid TM) and use information of all different layers of the TM software stack. Therefore, this thesis addresses a number of challenges to extract static information, information about the run time behavior, and expert-level knowledge to develop these new methods and strategies for the optimization of TM applications

    Tuning the Level of Concurrency in Software Transactional Memory: An Overview of Recent Analytical, Machine Learning and Mixed Approaches

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    Synchronization transparency offered by Software Transactional Memory (STM) must not come at the expense of run-time efficiency, thus demanding from the STM-designer the inclusion of mechanisms properly oriented to performance and other quality indexes. Particularly, one core issue to cope with in STM is related to exploiting parallelism while also avoiding thrashing phenomena due to excessive transaction rollbacks, caused by excessively high levels of contention on logical resources, namely concurrently accessed data portions. A means to address run-time efficiency consists in dynamically determining the best-suited level of concurrency (number of threads) to be employed for running the application (or specific application phases) on top of the STM layer. For too low levels of concurrency, parallelism can be hampered. Conversely, over-dimensioning the concurrency level may give rise to the aforementioned thrashing phenomena caused by excessive data contention—an aspect which has reflections also on the side of reduced energy-efficiency. In this chapter we overview a set of recent techniques aimed at building “application-specific” performance models that can be exploited to dynamically tune the level of concurrency to the best-suited value. Although they share some base concepts while modeling the system performance vs the degree of concurrency, these techniques rely on disparate methods, such as machine learning or analytic methods (or combinations of the two), and achieve different tradeoffs in terms of the relation between the precision of the performance model and the latency for model instantiation. Implications of the different tradeoffs in real-life scenarios are also discussed

    Control of Autonomic Parallelism Adaptation on Software Transactional Memory

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    International audienceParallel programs need to manage the trade-off between the time spent in synchronization and computation. A high parallelism may decrease computing time while increase synchronization cost among threads. A way to improve program performance is to adjust parallelism to balance conflicts among threads. However, there is no universal rule to decide the best parallelism for a program from an offline view. Furthermore, an offline tuning is error-prone. Hence, it becomes necessary to adopt a dynamic tuning-configuration strategy to better manage a STM system. Software Transactional Memory (STM) has emerged as a promising technique, which bypasses locks, to address synchronization issues through transactions. Autonomic computing offers designers a framework of methods and techniques to build automated systems with well-mastered behaviours. Its key idea is to implement feedback control loops to design safe, efficient and predictable controllers, which enable monitoring and adjusting controlled systems dynamically while keeping overhead low. We propose to design feedback control loops to automate the choice of parallelism level at runtime to diminish program execution time
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