102 research outputs found

    The Application of Preconditioned Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers in Depth from Focal Stack

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    Post capture refocusing effect in smartphone cameras is achievable by using focal stacks. However, the accuracy of this effect is totally dependent on the combination of the depth layers in the stack. The accuracy of the extended depth of field effect in this application can be improved significantly by computing an accurate depth map which has been an open issue for decades. To tackle this issue, in this paper, a framework is proposed based on Preconditioned Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (PADMM) for depth from the focal stack and synthetic defocus application. In addition to its ability to provide high structural accuracy and occlusion handling, the optimization function of the proposed method can, in fact, converge faster and better than state of the art methods. The evaluation has been done on 21 sets of focal stacks and the optimization function has been compared against 5 other methods. Preliminary results indicate that the proposed method has a better performance in terms of structural accuracy and optimization in comparison to the current state of the art methods.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    High-throughput intensity diffraction tomography with a computational microscope

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    We demonstrate a motion-free intensity diffraction tomography technique that enables direct inversion of 3D phase and absorption from intensity-only measurements for weakly scattering samples. We derive a novel linear forward model, featuring slice-wise phase and absorption transfer functions using angled illumination. This new framework facilitates flexible and efficient data acquisition, enabling arbitrary sampling of the illumination angles. The reconstruction algorithm performs 3D synthetic aperture using a robust, computation and memory efficient slice-wise deconvolution to achieve resolution up to the incoherent limit. We demonstrate our technique with thick biological samples having both sparse 3D structures and dense cell clusters. We further investigate the limitation of our technique when imaging strongly scattering samples. Imaging performance and the influence of multiple scattering is evaluated using a 3D sample consisting of stacked phase and absorption resolution targets. This computational microscopy system is directly built on a standard commercial microscope with a simple LED array source add-on, and promises broad applications by leveraging the ubiquitous microscopy platforms with minimal hardware modifications

    Efficient and Accurate Disparity Estimation from MLA-Based Plenoptic Cameras

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    This manuscript focuses on the processing images from microlens-array based plenoptic cameras. These cameras enable the capturing of the light field in a single shot, recording a greater amount of information with respect to conventional cameras, allowing to develop a whole new set of applications. However, the enhanced information introduces additional challenges and results in higher computational effort. For one, the image is composed of thousand of micro-lens images, making it an unusual case for standard image processing algorithms. Secondly, the disparity information has to be estimated from those micro-images to create a conventional image and a three-dimensional representation. Therefore, the work in thesis is devoted to analyse and propose methodologies to deal with plenoptic images. A full framework for plenoptic cameras has been built, including the contributions described in this thesis. A blur-aware calibration method to model a plenoptic camera, an optimization method to accurately select the best microlenses combination, an overview of the different types of plenoptic cameras and their representation. Datasets consisting of both real and synthetic images have been used to create a benchmark for different disparity estimation algorithm and to inspect the behaviour of disparity under different compression rates. A robust depth estimation approach has been developed for light field microscopy and image of biological samples

    Reinterpretable Imager: Towards Variable Post-Capture Space, Angle and Time Resolution in Photography

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    We describe a novel multiplexing approach to achieve tradeoffs in space, angle and time resolution in photography. We explore the problem of mapping useful subsets of time-varying 4D lightfields in a single snapshot. Our design is based on using a dynamic mask in the aperture and a static mask close to the sensor. The key idea is to exploit scene-specific redundancy along spatial, angular and temporal dimensions and to provide a programmable or variable resolution tradeoff among these dimensions. This allows a user to reinterpret the single captured photo as either a high spatial resolution image, a refocusable image stack or a video for different parts of the scene in post-processing. A lightfield camera or a video camera forces a-priori choice in space-angle-time resolution. We demonstrate a single prototype which provides flexible post-capture abilities not possible using either a single-shot lightfield camera or a multi-frame video camera. We show several novel results including digital refocusing on objects moving in depth and capturing multiple facial expressions in a single photo

    Refocusing distance of a standard plenoptic camera

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    Recent developments in computational photography enabled variation of the optical focus of a plenoptic camera after image exposure, also known as refocusing. Existing ray models in the field simplify the camera’s complexity for the purpose of image and depth map enhancement, but fail to satisfyingly predict the distance to which a photograph is refocused. By treating a pair of light rays as a system of linear functions, it will be shown in this paper that its solution yields an intersection indicating the distance to a refocused object plane. Experimental work is conducted with different lenses and focus settings while comparing distance estimates with a stack of refocused photographs for which a blur metric has been devised. Quantitative assessments over a 24 m distance range suggest that predictions deviate by less than 0.35 % in comparison to an optical design software. The proposed refocusing estimator assists in predicting object distances just as in the prototyping stage of plenoptic cameras and will be an essential feature in applications demanding high precision in synthetic focus or where depth map recovery is done by analyzing a stack of refocused photographs

    Deep Depth From Focus

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    Depth from focus (DFF) is one of the classical ill-posed inverse problems in computer vision. Most approaches recover the depth at each pixel based on the focal setting which exhibits maximal sharpness. Yet, it is not obvious how to reliably estimate the sharpness level, particularly in low-textured areas. In this paper, we propose `Deep Depth From Focus (DDFF)' as the first end-to-end learning approach to this problem. One of the main challenges we face is the hunger for data of deep neural networks. In order to obtain a significant amount of focal stacks with corresponding groundtruth depth, we propose to leverage a light-field camera with a co-calibrated RGB-D sensor. This allows us to digitally create focal stacks of varying sizes. Compared to existing benchmarks our dataset is 25 times larger, enabling the use of machine learning for this inverse problem. We compare our results with state-of-the-art DFF methods and we also analyze the effect of several key deep architectural components. These experiments show that our proposed method `DDFFNet' achieves state-of-the-art performance in all scenes, reducing depth error by more than 75% compared to the classical DFF methods.Comment: accepted to Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV) 201

    Application for light field inpainting

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    Light Field (LF) imaging is a multimedia technology that can provide more immersive experience when visualizing a multimedia content with higher levels of realism compared to conventional imaging technologies. This technology is mainly promising for Virtual Reality (VR) since it displays real-world scenes in a way that users can experience the captured scenes in every position and every angle, due to its 4-dimensional LF representation. For these reasons, LF is a fast-growing technology, with so many topics to explore, being the LF inpainting the one that was explored in this dissertation. Image inpainting is an editing technique that allows synthesizing alternative content to fill in holes in an image. It is commonly used to fill missing parts in a scene and restore damaged images such that the modifications are correct and visually realistic. Applying traditional 2D inpainting techniques straightforwardly to LFs is very unlikely to result in a consistent inpainting in its all 4 dimensions. Usually, to inpaint a 4D LF content, 2D inpainting algorithms are used to inpaint a particular point of view and then 4D inpainting propagation algorithms propagate the inpainted result for the whole 4D LF data. Based on this idea of 4D inpainting propagation, some 4D LF inpainting techniques have been recently proposed in the literature. Therefore, this dissertation proposes to design and implement an LF inpainting application that can be used by the public that desire to work in this field and/or explore and edit LFs.Campos de luz é uma tecnologia multimédia que fornece uma experiência mais imersiva ao visualizar conteúdo multimédia com níveis mais altos de realismo, comparando a tecnologias convencionais de imagem. Esta tecnologia é promissora, principalmente para Realidade Virtual, pois exibe cenas capturadas do mundo real de forma que utilizadores as possam experimentar em todas as posições e ângulos, devido à sua representação em 4 dimensões. Por isso, esta é tecnologia em rápido crescimento, com tantos tópicos para explorar, sendo o inpainting o explorado nesta dissertação. Inpainting de imagens é uma técnica de edição, permitindo sintetizar conteúdo alternativo para preencher lacunas numa imagem. Comumente usado para preencher partes que faltam numa cena e restaurar imagens danificadas, de forma que as modificações sejam corretas e visualmente realistas. É muito improvável que aplicar técnicas tradicionais de inpainting 2D diretamente a campos de luz resulte num inpainting consistente em todas as suas 4 dimensões. Normalmente, para fazer inpainting num conteúdo 4D de campos de luz, os algoritmos de inpainting 2D são usados para fazer inpainting de um ponto de vista específico e, seguidamente, os algoritmos de propagação de inpainting 4D propagam o resultado do inpainting para todos os dados do campo de luz 4D. Com base nessa ideia de propagação de inpainting 4D, algumas técnicas foram recentemente propostas na literatura. Assim, esta dissertação propõe-se a conceber e implementar uma aplicação de inpainting de campos de luz que possa ser utilizada pelo público que pretenda trabalhar nesta área e/ou explorar e editar campos de luz

    Design of Belief Propagation Based on FPGA for the Multistereo CAFADIS Camera

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    In this paper we describe a fast, specialized hardware implementation of the belief propagation algorithm for the CAFADIS camera, a new plenoptic sensor patented by the University of La Laguna. This camera captures the lightfield of the scene and can be used to find out at which depth each pixel is in focus. The algorithm has been designed for FPGA devices using VHDL. We propose a parallel and pipeline architecture to implement the algorithm without external memory. Although the BRAM resources of the device increase considerably, we can maintain real-time restrictions by using extremely high-performance signal processing capability through parallelism and by accessing several memories simultaneously. The quantifying results with 16 bit precision have shown that performances are really close to the original Matlab programmed algorithm