3 research outputs found

    A wireless sensor network for vineyard management in Sicily (Italy)

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    Wine quality depends on many factors, such as the choice of variety, stock, training system, pruning as well as environmental parameters and cultivation techniques performed in the vineyard. 聽Monitoring the micro-climate of grapevine allows to conveniently perform the most important cultivation techniques (soil management, pesticide treatments, green pruning, harvest) thus reducing the operating costs of the vineyard, and increasing the overall quality of the grapes. 聽The aim of the present study is to monitor the micro-climate of grapevine in order to control spring period hazards, to reduce the operating costs of the vineyard and to increase the quality of grapes. 聽For this purpose a Wireless Sensor Network was used, and a comparison was performed between the data measured by wireless sensors and data provided by a fixed meteorological station of the local government agency (SIAS - Regione Siciliana). 聽The results obtained here showed that, with reference to temperature, the data measured by wireless sensors are considerable different from the data of SIAS measuring station especially for temperatures above 20掳C. 聽With reference to relative humidity, there are no differences between the two types of sensors. 聽Our study showed that the microclimate of the vineyard may be considerably different from the climate of the macro-area closest to the plot. 聽Monitoring the micro-climate may thus be crucial as it may represent the key to a rational management of the vineyard, also with regard to a reduction of the costs of certain cultural operations. 聽 Keywords: vineyard, temperature, relative humidity, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN

    Influencia topol贸gica y morfol贸gica en la planificaci贸n radioel茅ctrica de redes de sensores en entornos agropecuarios

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    La agricultura ha sido desde siempre imperfecta aunque ciertos productos, como el vino, muevan grandes cantidades de dinero. Dado que el tratamiento del suelo y de los productos afecta de manera directa a la calidad, se puede implantar una red de sensores inal谩mbricos para mejorar el proceso. En este proyecto se va a analizar la influencia topol贸gica y morfol贸gica en vi帽edos. Los resultados de simulaci贸n se han obtenido con un c贸digo de trazado de rayos y las medidas mediante la colocaci贸n de sensores de ZigBee sobre el terreno. El conocimiento de la influencia topol贸gica ayudar谩 en la colocaci贸n 贸ptima de la red de sensores inal谩mbricos y en el ahorro de consumo energ茅tico.Ingenier铆a T茅cnica de Telecomunicaci贸n, especialidad Sonido e ImagenTelekomunikazio Ingeniaritza Teknikoa. Soinua eta Irudia Berezitasun