6 research outputs found

    Musiikin opiskelu verkossa:verkko-opiskelun hyödyt ja haasteet

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän kandidaatintyön tarkoituksena on selvittää musiikin verkko-opiskelussa esille nousevia hyötyjä ja haasteita. Lisäksi tutkielma pyrkii selvittämään, miten verkkoympäristössä opiskelu tukee oppimista. Covid-19-pandemian myötä aihe on erittäin ajankohtainen, kun ympäri maailmaa eri oppilaitokset ovat joutuneet siirtämään opetustaan verkkoympäristöön. Tutkielma on narratiivinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka tutkii aiheesta kirjoitettu kirjallisuutta. Tutkielma lähtee liikkeelle tarkastelemalla oppimista, elinikäistä oppimista sekä itseohjautuvaa oppimista käsitteinä. Tämän jälkeen tutkielma paneutuu käsittelemään verkko-opiskelua yleisesti sekä musiikin verkko-opiskelun erityispiirteitä. Viimeisenä tutkielma käsittelee verkko-opiskeluun liittyviä hyötyjä ja haasteita. Tässä tutkielmassa esille nousi useita eri verkko-opiskeluun liittyviä hyötyjä. Verkko-opiskelun aikaan ja paikkaan sitoutumattomuus sekä joustavuus hyödyttävät erityisesti aikuisopiskelijoita ja tukevat elinikäistä oppimista. Lisäksi joustavuus ja aikaan sitomattomuus sekä vaativat että opettavat itseohjautuvaa oppimista. Verkko-opiskelun joustavuus tukee oppimista myös antamalla oppijalle tämän tarvitsevan ajan tehtävän suorittamiseen. Verkkoympäristössä opiskelu voi tarjota lisäksi laajemman määrän oppia internetissä olevien resurssien ansiosta. Myös tasa-arvo ja saavutettavuus nousivat verkko-opiskelun hyödyiksi. Verkkoympäristön myötä opiskelu mahdollistuu myös henkilöille, joille lähiopetukseen osallistuminen olisi mahdotonta. Musiikin verkko-opiskeluun liittyvät haasteet ovat suurelta osin sidoksissa nykyteknologian riittämättömyyteen. Musiikin käytännön opiskelu kohtaa haasteita erityisesti kuvan- ja äänenlaadun heikkouden kohdalla. Tutkielmassa esille nousi myös, että nykyteknologialla yhteismusisointi ei ole mahdollista verkossa. Verkko-opiskelussa oppija saattaa etääntyä opettajasta sekä kanssaoppijoista, jonka myötä henkinen ja sosiaalinen kasvu kärsivät

    Demographic change: towards a framework to manage IT- personnel in times of scarcity of talent

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    En un entorno en el que el crecimiento demográfico negativo es una realidad en la mayoría de los estados europeos, las organizaciones deben enfrentar necesidades incrementos de la productividad laboral y una menor disponibilidad de empleados competentes. Uno de los sectores en que la situación expuesta es más evidente es el de las Tencnologías de la Información. Las teconologías de la información son cruciales para casi cualquier organización en cualquier sector y para cualquier persona. En un entorno socioeconómico en continuo cambio las organizaciones y sus departamentos de tecnologías de la información deben asumir los cambios en el mercado y ser capaces de desenvolverse de una forma ágil y con una orientación al cliente sin precedentes. Para las organizaciones, y en particular para sus elementos organizacionales más relacionados con las tecnologías de la información, la productividad de los empleados es un componente clave. De esta forma, la gestión de los recursos humanos, abarcando aspectos como su selección, desarrollo y retención es un aspecto clave para las organizaciones. El reto para las organizaciones es lograr la mejora en el ámbito de los procesos corporativos incluyendo como una parte importante de los mismos la gestión de los recursos humanos. La simbiosis de disciplinas como las tecnologías de la información, la economía, la psicología y la gestión puede lograr el incremento de la lealtad de los empleados. Para los profesionales modernos, los cambios de empleador se consideran dentro de la normalidad hasta encontrar un entorno adecuado que colme sus expectativas y necesidades. Dichas expectativas no se encuentran basadas únicamente en incentivos económicos, por lo que las organizaciones deben anticipar las expectativas y alinear sus estrategias a las expectativas de su fuerza laboral. La temática de este trabajo ha tenido repercusión en la literatura científica, sin embargo, no existe un estudio que identifique los factores que se presentan y determinan la retención de los trabajadores de las tecnologías de la información en los entornos organizacionales. Este es el objetivo de la presente tesis doctoral. Para ello, el primer paso que se pretende dar es concretar los aspectos organizacionales que son relevantes para el estudio del fenómeno. A partir de esta identificación, el autor diseña un marco en el que las partes identificadas se encuentran conectadas. El citado marco de trabajo presenta cinco niveles. Estos cinco niveles son: los salarios, la educación y capacidad de fuerza laboral, salud psicológica, salud fisiológica y balance de la vida laboral y profesional. Adicionalmente, el marco de trabajo presenta una aproximación jerárquica. Cada nivel presenta diferentes factores y métricas para definir y medir la situación organizacional ofreciendo oportunidades de derivar medidas para mejorar la situación. El marco de trabajo presenta 22 factores y 44 métricas. Adicionalmente, se ha desarrollado un modelo de implantación para el método propuesto. Con vistas a refinar el marco de trabajo y su modelo de implantación, se han llevado a cabo pruebas cualitativas y cuantitativas en el seno de un departamento de tecnologías de la in-formación perteneciente a una organización dedicada a los servicios financieros en Alemania. Se formularon y respondieron diversas preguntas de investigación en relación a ámbitos como el cambio demográfico, el estrés y los factores para el rendimiento laboral. Los resultados demuestran que el estrés está determinado por diferentes factores y que la mayoría de ellos deben ser tomados en consideración en la asignación de tareas y en el diseño de los entornos de trabajo. De la misma forma, se presentan diversos factores que incrementan la productividad laboral. Algunos de ellos como la conciliación de la vida laboral y la personal, la cultura organizacional o el salario deben ser tomados en consideración en las estrategias de gestión de recursos humanos en ámbitos organizacionales. Una estrategia de gestión de recursos humanos debe incluir adicionalmente aspectos relativos al reclutamiento, teniendo en cuenta la complentaridad con los factores anteriormente expuestos. Los resultados obtenidos también revelan que no existen evidencias de diferencias de género o de edad en la importancia de los factores de productividad o en los factores de estrés.Due to an unsatisfying demographic development in most European states, companies have to solve a trade-off between a needed increase of productivity on the one hand and fewer highly skilled employees on the other hand. One of the first sectors that will be influenced by this development is the Information Technology-industry (IT). Information technology is crucial for every company in every industry and for the people itself. In a permanently changing business environment, companies and especially their IT-departments must adapt to changes in the market and be more agile and customer oriented than ever before. To succeed in the IT sector, the productivity of employees is the key comonent. Therefore, the allocation and retention of these scarce resources in the best possible way is even more important. The challenge for companies is to improve the enterprise not only on the side of the organizational and process level, but to develop new strategies and approaches in human resource management. Only a symbiosis of the disciplines information technology, economics, psychology and management will enable relevant and indispensable employees to promote loyalty to the company. For a well-trained professional, frequent change of the employer, is as long associated with normality until the employees find the most suitable environment for fulfilling their needs and expectations. These expectations are no longer just based on financial incentives, consequently companies need to anticipate these expectations and align their strategies to them. Although the topic is quite popular in scientific literature, there is not a study devoted to identify these factors in organizational contexts. This Thesis is aimed to bridge this gap. The first step to achieve this goal is creating transparency over all parts of an organisation that are relevant to this topic. The author created a method that connects these relevant parts in one holistic framework. The framework consists of five layers. These layers are baseline wages, education and employee pool, psychological healthiness, physiological healthiness and work live balance. Also, the framework follows a hierarchical approach. Every layer has distinct factors and metrics to define and measure the status of the company and offers opportunities to derive measures to improve this situation. In total the framework consist of 22 factors and 44 metrics. Besides the framework, the author developed an implementation model for the proposed method. To refine the developed framework and implementation model, qualitative and quantitative tests were conductedn the IT-department of a financial service company in Germany. X Several research questions regarding demographic change, psychological stress and factors for employee performance were analysed and answered. The results show, that stress is influenced by several different stressors and the most of them need to be considered by companies when they allocate work or design workspaces. On the other side, there are several factors that promote employee productivity. Some of them, like work-life balance, company culture or salary are more important and should be a relevant part of every human resource management (HRM) strategy. A HRM strategy should involve proper measures for the recruiting and the development of employees because they complement each other and should be considered with the same importance. The results also show, that there is no evidence suggesting an age or gender related difference of the importance or the impact of productivity factors or psychological stressors.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología InformáticaPresidente: Antonio de Amescua Seco.- Secretario: Edmundo Tov0ar Carlo.- Vocal: Cristina Casado Lumbrera

    Requirements engineering aspects for sustainable eLearning systems

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    Sustainability in software engineering is about (1) continued functionality and maintainability in changing circumstances, and (2) functionality's effect on the surrounded environment, economic and people. Frequent changes of software requirements negatively affect sustainability of software systems. To reduce the number of requirements' changes and improve sustainability, sustainability requirements have to be considered from the beginning of the requirements engineering stage of software development. Sustainability in requirements engineering has five dimensions including individual, social, technical, economic and environmental dimensions. Most of the existing work analysed only one or two dimensions and ignore the interrelated effects among other dimensions. To address this issue, we selected eLearning systems because they provide comprehensive example to study. This thesis focuses on analysing sustainability requirements of eLearning systems with regard to the five sustainability dimensions. The following studies were performed: (1) identifying theoretically the sustainability requirements of eLearning systems, (2) investigating empirically the sustainability of eLearning systems, (3) constructing a methodology for the analysis and evaluation of sustainability requirements on eLearning systems, and (4) evaluating the constructed methodology. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first research conducted to investigate sustainability requirements of eLearning systems covering the five sustainability dimensions. Our findings highlighted that (1) technical, economic and environmental sustainability requirements are similar to other software domains, where individual and social sustainability requirements are specific for the domain of eLearning systems, (2) individual and social sustainability requirements need to be carefully considered and analysed together because of the strong correlation, and (3) culture and gender diversity play an important role for sustainability requirements. On this basis, we developed a framework for analysing sustainability requirements of software systems as well as a web-based tool SuSoftPro (the name stands from Software Sustainability Profiling) that allows requirements engineers to: investigate sustainability of software systems based on the systems' requirements, analyse the sustainability dimensions of software systems, measure the sustainability of each individual requirement, visualise analysis results to support decision making towards high-quality software, involve stakeholders to rate their requirements for one or more of the five sustainability dimensions, and manage requirement and stakeholder details easily. We evaluated the SuSoftPro framework through case studies, comparative evaluation and a quantitative questionnaire. Our framework successfully provides a comprehensive view of analysing sustainability requirements to improve the attention to sustainability and allow practitioners to develop sustainable software


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    Organizations are constantly in search of competitive advantages in today’s complex global marketplace through improvement of quality, better affordability, and quicker delivery of products and services. This is significantly true for software as a product and service. With other things being equal, the quality of software will impact consumers, organizations, and nations. The quality and efficiency of the process utilized to create and deploy software can result in cost and schedule overruns, cancelled projects, loss of revenue, loss of market share, and loss of consumer confidence. Hence, it behooves us to constantly explore quality management strategies to deliver high quality software quickly at an affordable price. This research identifies software quality management best practices derived from scholarly literature using bibliometric techniques in conjunction with literature review, synthesizes these best practices into an assessment tool for industrial practitioners, refines the assessment tool based on academic expert review, further refines the assessment tool based on a pilot test with industry experts, and undertakes industry expert validation. Key elements of this software quality assessment tool include issues dealing with people, organizational environment, process, and technology best practices. Additionally, weights were assigned to issues of people, organizational environment, process, and technology best practices based on their relative importance, to calculate an overall weighted score for organizations to evaluate where they stand with respect to their peers in pursuing the business of producing quality software. This research study indicates that people best practices carry 40% of overall weight, organizational best v practices carry 30% of overall weight, process best practices carry 15% of overall weight, and technology best practices carry 15% of overall weight. The assessment tool that is developed will be valuable to organizations that seek to take advantage of rapid innovations in pursuing higher software quality. These organizations can use the assessment tool for implementing best practices based on the latest cutting edge management strategies that can lead to improved software quality and other competitive advantages in the global marketplace. This research contributed to the current academic literature in software quality by presenting a quality assessment tool based on software quality management best practices, contributed to the body of knowledge on software quality management, and expanded the knowledgebase on quality management practices. This research also contributed to current professional practice by incorporating software quality management best practices into a quality management assessment tool to evaluate software

    A Study on Structures to Support Continuous Learning – International Benchlearning

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    The study will result in an up-to-date picture of how Finland's main peer countries in matters of high technology have reacted to the upheaval that has taken place in work by organising the structures and funding of continuous learning. The purpose of the study was to draft descriptions of structures and procedures in continuous learning in five peer countries. The peer countries selected for the study were Denmark, Ireland, South Korea, The Netherlands, and Singapore (appendices 1-5). The study does not include a description of structures and procedures that support continuous learning in Finland. In the study recommendations were also drafted on how Finland could learn from other countries. Several countries have been looking for ways to develop different approaches to the mixed funding of continuous learning as well as approaches to supporting the possibilities of individuals to learn through the introduction of models involving education accounts and vouchers of various kinds. In Finland it would be useful to try the development of similar funding structures and to link funding more closely to the learner. In addition, Finland should support the introduction of innovations that utilise digital technology, such as the introduction of platforms that are open to all. More attention should be paid in Finland to closer cooperation between educational institutions and business and industry. Finland would need a long-term national strategy for continuous learning as well as an implementation structure to support it. Support for continuous learning should be seriously taken into consideration in the upcoming social security reform

    Lifelong Learning for Lifelong Employment

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