309 research outputs found

    Playful approaches to news engagement

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    From crossword puzzles and quizzes to more complex gamification strategies and serious newsgames, legacy media has long explored ways to deploy playful approaches to deliver their content and engage with the audience. We examine how news and games fit together when news organizations, game creators and news audiences welcome gameful forms of communication and participation. Moreover, we reflect on the theoretical and empirical significance of merging news with games as a way to reformulate normative assumptions, production practices and consumption patterns. As a result, the boundaries between journalism and game’s logics start to erode, and they begin to find new ways of converging

    Gamification of Authoring Interactive E-Books for Children: The Q-Tales Ecosystem

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    The e-book industry is reshaping the norm of traditional book publishing and most publishing houses are concentrating their efforts in digital, in order to satisfy new market needs and capture significant market share. Currently, one of out of five e-books sold, are children-related and overall, the e-book industry is projected to be valued at $18.9 billion by 2018. Nevertheless, the increased market penetration of independent writers accompanied with continuous technological improvements leads to new challenges for the stakeholders involved, as a growing number of individuals with limited resources attempt to compete against traditional publishing houses. The Q-Tales ecosystem aims to support the community of creative professionals, experts and parents co-create new (or transform existing) children literature into high quality interactive e-books. At this new disruptive approach of self-publishing, the gamification paradigm was employed, creating game-like experiences, to motivate professionals participate in the process and adopt it. The present study focuses on the gamification aspect of Q-Tales as means to drive engagement with the entire ecosystem and promote its appropriate use, enhancing the overall goal of creating interactive children e- books. The gamification design of the Q-Tales distributed system for collaborative authoring of interactive e-books for children is presented and discussed as a case study of gamification of electronic services. More specifically, game elements, such as points, leaderboards, badges, missions and feedback were infused in the architectural units of the platform, in correspondence to the overall development of the Q-Tales Gamification Framework

    Game-inspired Pedagogical Conversational Agents: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Pedagogical conversational agents (PCAs) are an innovative way to help learners improve their academic performance via intelligent dialog systems. However, PCAs have not yet reached their full potential. They often fail because users perceive conversations with them as not engaging. Enriching them with game-based approaches could contribute to mitigating this issue. One could enrich a PCA with game-based approaches by gamifying it to foster positive effects, such as fun and motivation, or by integrating it into a game-based learning (GBL) environment to promote effects such as social presence and enable individual learning support. We summarize PCAs that are combined with game-based approaches under the novel term “game-inspired PCAs”. We conducted a systematic literature review on this topic, as previous literature reviews on PCAs either have not combined the topics of PCAs and GBL or have done so to a limited extent only. We analyzed the literature regarding the existing design knowledge base, the game elements used, the thematic areas and target groups, the PCA roles and types, the extent of artificial intelligence (AI) usage, and opportunities for adaptation. We reduced the initial 3,034 records to 50 fully coded papers, from which we derived a morphological box and revealed current research streams and future research recommendations. Overall, our results show that the topic offers promising application potential but that scholars and practitioners have not yet considered it holistically. For instance, we found that researchers have rarely provided prescriptive design knowledge, have not sufficiently combined game elements, and have seldom used AI algorithms as well as intelligent possibilities of user adaptation in PCA development. Furthermore, researchers have scarcely considered certain target groups, thematic areas, and PCA roles. Consequently, our paper contributes to research and practice by addressing research gaps and structuring the existing knowledge base

    Research Commentary: Setting a Definition, Context, and Theory-Based Research Agenda for the Gamification of Non-Gaming Applications

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    As a nascent area of study, gamification has attracted the interest of researchers in several fields, but such researchers have scarcely focused on creating a theoretical foundation for gamification research. Gamification involves using game-like features in non-game contexts to motivate users and improve performance outcomes. As a boundary-spanning subject by nature, gamification has drawn the interest of scholars from diverse communities, such as information systems, education, marketing, computer science, and business administration. To establish a theoretical foundation, we need to clearly define and explain gamification in comparison with similar concepts and areas of research. Likewise, we need to define the scope of the domain and develop a research agenda that explicitly considers theory’s important role. In this review paper, we set forth the pre-theoretical structures necessary for theory building in this area. Accordingly, we engaged an interdisciplinary group of discussants to evaluate and select the most relevant theories for gamification. Moreover, we developed exemplary research questions to help create a research agenda for gamification. We conclude that using a multi-theoretical perspective in creating a research agenda should help and encourage IS researchers to take a lead role in this promising and emerging area

    Submitting an ERASMUS + Project On Gamifying Higher Education

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    2019 has been the year in which climate change and climate conscience have been key concepts, the first trimester of 2020 has been determined by the coronavirus pandemic. Exactly in the same way changing external conditions make any project in need of pivoting, Higher Education has to adapt and change as well. A first identified step is the development of e-learning, but then the shorter attention span and other external reasons for the new profile of students make it difficult. Gamification was therefore identified as a possible solution. The current project describes the process of submitting a proposal of ERASMUS + project to the European Commission on the gamification of Higher Education

    Gamifying a Learning Management System: Narrative and Team Leaderboard in the Context of Effective Information Security Education

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    Gamified learning management systems (LMS) can be effective in case game-design elements (GDE) address users’ motivation to engage with the topic and lower barriers to learning. In the context of Security Education, Training, and Awareness (SETA) programs, gamification is stated to be a major success factor. However, there is scarce research about the relationship between GDE and learning outcomes such as information security awareness. The evaluation of GDE regarding the application context is important because inappropriate gamified approaches can lead to negative outcomes, e.g., anxiety or inappropriate behavior. Thus, we first derive narrative and team leaderboard (TL) as appropriate GDE for the context of SETA. Second, Spearman correlation analyses indicate positive significant relationships between the experience of narrative and team leaderboard with information security awareness. Therefore, we implicate integrating narrative and team leaderboard within an LMS in the context of SETA programs

    Innovating Professional Development in Compulsory Education

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    This report comprises the key outcomes and final analysis of the study Innovating Professional Development in Compulsory Education. It aims to help education authorities face the challenges of meeting the professional development needs of tomorrow's teachers in Europe and elsewhere. This report focuses on innovative and emergent practices of teacher Continuous Professional Development (CPD) and professional learning by teaching professionals who work in compulsory education. The first part of the study gathered an inventory of 30 examples illustrating new and innovative models and practices that have emerged to overcome the known barriers and limitations that teachers say hinder them today from participating in CPD. An accompanying Technical Report looks at their key elements and uses seven labels to describe and analyse the broad areas in which innovation currently takes place (Vuorikari, 2018). The labels are not categorical, and many of the examples feature many of them. This report further analyses the inventory of models and practices focusing on their innovative aspects. The 30 examples were classified according to their type of innovation representing product innovation as well as process, organisational and marketing innovation allowing for a discussion on the innovative aspects of the emergent practices in teacher professional development and professional learning. The key outcomes of the study are discussed in a cross-case analysis with the help of the above-mentioned seven broad areas. Lastly, together with providing conclusions, a number of policy pointers are given in order to better inspire and support those who plan and design policies and provision of teacher professional development and professional learning.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen

    State of Play: A Citation Network Analysis of Healthcare Gamification Studies

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    Researchers and practitioners alike increasingly recognize gamification as a potential tool to evoke desired behaviours in patients, healthcare professionals, and healthy end-users aiming to live a healthier lifestyle. Thus, the number of scientific publications in healthcare gamification is rapidly increasing and due to the interdisciplinary nature of the research field, knowledge about this topic is being scattered over many research communities. Building on a large number of articles on healthcare gamification and utilizing citation network analysis, this study sheds fur-ther light on the extant knowledge on healthcare gamification. Based on our approach, we were able to (1) evaluate essential articles and authors covering the topic, (2) analyse the recent de-velopment of research on healthcare gamification, and (3) identify past research foci and knowledge gaps in our knowledge on healthcare gamification. By doing so, we call for further research on healthcare gamification and provide researchers with potential avenues for future research projects

    Gaming in Action

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    The «Gaming in Action» project, which brought the publicaion of this book, involved institutions from different countries that deal with adult education. For almost three years, the partners worked with teachers and trainers who applied innovative pedagogical scenarios of game-based learning and gamification, all oriented from a rigorous pedagogical perspective. The project's main goal was to increase the acquisition of pedagogical innovation skills in these models and incorporate them into their pedagogical practices. The project searched to highlight the need for quality pedagogical training in a new, technologically digital, era: in this, education has less to do with reproducing information passively and has more to do with the development of creativity, critical thinking, problem- solving and decision-making.Erasmus Plus "Gaming in Action – engaging adult learners with games and gamification" Project number: 2018-1-TR01-KA204-05931
