4,161 research outputs found

    Dynamics and control of a class of underactuated mechanical systems

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    This paper presents a theoretical framework for the dynamics and control of underactuated mechanical systems, defined as systems with fewer inputs than degrees of freedom. Control system formulation of underactuated mechanical systems is addressed and a class of underactuated systems characterized by nonintegrable dynamics relations is identified. Controllability and stabilizability results are derived for this class of underactuated systems. Examples are included to illustrate the results; these examples are of underactuated mechanical systems that are not linearly controllable or smoothly stabilizable

    On stabilization of nonlinear systems with drift by time-varying feedback laws

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    This paper deals with the stabilization problem for nonlinear control-affine systems with the use of oscillating feedback controls. We assume that the local controllability around the origin is guaranteed by the rank condition with Lie brackets of length up to 3. This class of systems includes, in particular, mathematical models of rotating rigid bodies. We propose an explicit control design scheme with time-varying trigonometric polynomials whose coefficients depend on the state of the system. The above coefficients are computed in terms of the inversion of the matrix appearing in the controllability condition. It is shown that the proposed controllers can be used to solve the stabilization problem by exploiting the Chen-Fliess expansion of solutions of the closed-loop system. We also present results of numerical simulations for controlled Euler's equations and a mathematical model of underwater vehicle to illustrate the efficiency of the obtained controllers.Comment: This is the author's version of the manuscript accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Robot Motion Control (RoMoCo'19

    Exponential stabilization of driftless nonlinear control systems using homogeneous feedback

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    This paper focuses on the problem of exponential stabilization of controllable, driftless systems using time-varying, homogeneous feedback. The analysis is performed with respect to a homogeneous norm in a nonstandard dilation that is compatible with the algebraic structure of the control Lie algebra. It can be shown that any continuous, time-varying controller that achieves exponential stability relative to the Euclidean norm is necessarily non-Lipschitz. Despite these restrictions, we provide a set of constructive, sufficient conditions for extending smooth, asymptotic stabilizers to homogeneous, exponential stabilizers. The modified feedbacks are everywhere continuous, smooth away from the origin, and can be extended to a large class of systems with torque inputs. The feedback laws are applied to an experimental mobile robot and show significant improvement in convergence rate over smooth stabilizers

    Feedback Synthesis for Controllable Underactuated Systems using Sequential Second Order Actions

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    This paper derives nonlinear feedback control synthesis for general control affine systems using second-order actions---the needle variations of optimal control---as the basis for choosing each control response to the current state. A second result of the paper is that the method provably exploits the nonlinear controllability of a system by virtue of an explicit dependence of the second-order needle variation on the Lie bracket between vector fields. As a result, each control decision necessarily decreases the objective when the system is nonlinearly controllable using first-order Lie brackets. Simulation results using a differential drive cart, an underactuated kinematic vehicle in three dimensions, and an underactuated dynamic model of an underwater vehicle demonstrate that the method finds control solutions when the first-order analysis is singular. Moreover, the simulated examples demonstrate superior convergence when compared to synthesis based on first-order needle variations. Lastly, the underactuated dynamic underwater vehicle model demonstrates the convergence even in the presence of a velocity field.Comment: 9 page

    Singular trajectories of control-affine systems

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    When applying methods of optimal control to motion planning or stabilization problems, some theoretical or numerical difficulties may arise, due to the presence of specific trajectories, namely, singular minimizing trajectories of the underlying optimal control problem. In this article, we provide characterizations for singular trajectories of control-affine systems. We prove that, under generic assumptions, such trajectories share nice properties, related to computational aspects; more precisely, we show that, for a generic system -- with respect to the Whitney topology --, all nontrivial singular trajectories are of minimal order and of corank one. These results, established both for driftless and for control-affine systems, extend previous results. As a consequence, for generic systems having more than two vector fields, and for a fixed cost, there do not exist minimizing singular trajectories. We also prove that, given a control system satisfying the LARC, singular trajectories are strictly abnormal, generically with respect to the cost. We then show how these results can be used to derive regularity results for the value function and in the theory of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, which in turn have applications for stabilization and motion planning, both from the theoretical and implementation issues

    Stabilization of non-admissible curves for a class of nonholonomic systems

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    The problem of tracking an arbitrary curve in the state space is considered for underactuated driftless control-affine systems. This problem is formulated as the stabilization of a time-varying family of sets associated with a neighborhood of the reference curve. An explicit control design scheme is proposed for the class of controllable systems whose degree of nonholonomy is equal to 1. It is shown that the trajectories of the closed-loop system converge exponentially to any given neighborhood of the reference curve provided that the solutions are defined in the sense of sampling. This convergence property is also illustrated numerically by several examples of nonholonomic systems of degrees 1 and 2.Comment: This is the author's version of the manuscript accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the 2019 European Control Conference (ECC'19

    On Exponential Stabilization of Nonholonomic Systems with Time-Varying Drift

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    A class of nonlinear control-affine systems with bounded time-varying drift is considered. It is assumed that the control vector fields together with their iterated Lie brackets satisfy Hormander's condition in a neighborhood of the origin. Then the problem of exponential stabilization is treated by exploiting periodic time-varying feedback controls. An explicit parametrization of such controllers is proposed under a suitable non-resonance assumption. It is shown that these controllers ensure the exponential stability of the closed-loop system provided that the period is small enough. The proposed control design methodology is applied for the stabilization of an underwater vehicle model and a front-wheel drive car.Comment: This is the author's version of the manuscript accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Joint 8th IFAC Symposium on Mechatronic Systems and 11th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (MECHATRONICS & NOLCOS 2019