3 research outputs found

    Literature Review: Open Innovation in Software Engineering

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    Antud töö uurib, kuidas on avatud innovatsiooni põhimõtteid rakendatud tarkvaratehnika valdkonnas. Selleks, et asjakohast teaduskirjandust süstemaatiliselt otsida ja töödelda, lähtutakse süstemaatilise analüüsi meetodist. Kuna avatud innovatsioon on üsna uudne nähtus, siis on praegu puudus mudelitest ja tööriistadest, mis aitaksid avatud innovatsiooni põhimõtteid rakendada sellistes spetsiifilistes tarkvaratehnika protsessides, nagu seda on näiteks tarkvara testimine. Need tarkvaraprojektid, kus avatud innovatsiooni põhimõtteid on rakendatud, on põhiliselt koostööd suurettevõtete ja kõrgkoolide vahel; aga ka väike- ja keskmise suurusega ettevõtted ja riigiasutused kohandavad vähehaaval avatud innovatsiooni põhimõtteid. Üldiselt on täheldada puudust teadustööst, mis annaks selgesõnalise ülevaate avatud innovatsiooni rakendamise võimalustest tarkvaraprojektides.This thesis explores how the principles of open innovation have been applied in the software engineering domain. To methodically gather and analyze studies, the systematic literature review approach is adopted. The relative novelty of open innovation means that there is a lack of models and tools that adopt the principles of open innovation according to different activities of software engineering, such as software testing. Software projects that do employ open innovation are mostly fostered by partnerships between large enterprises and higher education institutions, but small-medium enterprises and government institutions are slowly adopting the open innovation approach as well. All in all, it seems there is need of research that would clearly establish the possibilities of adopting open innovation in software engi-neering projects

    Managerial Perspective on Open Source Collaboration and Networked Innovation

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    This study explores the managerial perspectives towards open source software and networked innovation. We analysed six software companies who use open source software as a significant part of their product or service offering. The study found notable differences in managerial attitudes, expected benefits and key challenges related to open source software and its role in innovative activities. While all companies were using same pieces of software with open source communities, there were different levels of engagement in the development of the software and information flows between companies and communities. A deeper level of involvement enables the exchange of more than just the code: like ideas, influences, opinions and even innovations or parts of them. The differences in managerial views on open source and networked innovation may be explained by industry domains, value chain position and leadership styl

    Libre Software as an Innovation Enabler in India Experiences of a Bangalorian Software SME

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    Part 1: PapersInternational audienceFree/Libre and open source software (FLOSS) has been advocated for its presumed capacity to support native software industries in developing countries. It is said to create new spaces for exploration and to lower entry barriers to mature software markets, for example. However, little empirical research has been conducted concerning FLOSS business in a developing country setting and, thus, there is not much evidence to support or refute these claims. This paper presents a business case study conducted in India, a country branded as a ’software powerhouse’ of the developing world. The findings show how FLOSS has opened up significant opportunities for the case company, especially in terms of improving its innovative capability and upgrading in the software value chain. On the other hand, they also highlight some challenges to FLOSS involvement that rise specifically from the Indian context