102 research outputs found

    Library 2.0 - crossing or burning bridges over the digital divide?

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    This paper describes a qualitative case study on the effect of the Library 2.0 model on the digital divide. It’s inspired by the new question of the public libraries place in the modern information society and uses three Scandinavian texts on the organizational, patron and society perspective. Interviews with a chief librarian in charge of an adaption to the Library 2.0 in a Swedish public library and two of its patrons have been conducted to learn more about the subject. Conclusions reached include the value of considering the digital divide in theory and practice, differences in reactions to ICT development in libraries, the importance of public libraries for the development of digital skills

    Pengembangan Media Sosial Dalam Pelayanan Library 2.0 Di Perpustakaan Akademi Keperawatan Notokusumo YOGYAKARTA

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    This study explains about social media development in the library 2.0 service based on Akademi Keperawatan Notokusumo Yogyakarta Library experience. The development of library 2.0 service aims to resolve the distance problem of library service. This study uses qualitative method with action research approach. From the research strategy, it shows that people are easier to be connected with social media Instagram rather than the others. However, the obstacle of this development comes from the librarians who are less experience to deal with social media owned by the library. The best solution is by holding some training in advance of social media management and social media communication

    Library 2.0: How Did We Get Here? A Resource Guide

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    Technology has changed the resources and the ways libraries do business. It has also changed the ways in which library patrons seek information. In order to build discussion around this topic the term Library 2.0 was coined. Library 2.0 is a term and theory in which many librarians have an opinion. Whether it is an opinion that embraces the idea or not, understanding the range of definitions and theories behind Library 2.0 is key to understanding where this concept diverges from traditional library services and/or simply having new technology available or used in the library space. This resource guide points to a wide range of voices that have shaped the discussion of the term Library 2.0. It encompasses the variety and depth of the subject and suggests new areas that have been left untapped by much of the current work available on the topic

    Book Review: Library 2.0 and Beyond: Innovative Technologies and Tomorrow�s User

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    As bibliotecas e o ensino superior: uma reflexão preliminar

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    Na sociedade actual, dita da informação e do conhecimento, assistimos, a um ritmo intenso, à mudança de práticas e atitudes (principalmente dos mais jovens) no acesso à informação Importa equacionar qual o papel das bibliotecas nas actuais instituições de ensino superior. Continua a ser o centro do saber e conhecimento de outrora ou tornou-se obsoleta e anacrónica face a nova exigências? Frequentadas por jovens e menos jovens, corresponde àquilo que dela esperam? Como é percepcionada pelos seus públicos e sentida pela sua comunidade? Estas e outra questões lançam o repto para uma reflexão sobre a realidade das bibliotecas do ensino superior nos dias de hoje

    The social function of the public library in the world of social networks and of the crisis of the Welfare State

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    Currently we discuss the model of the Welfare State. In its genesis, this model intended to create a sense of belonging and of a cohesive community, concerned with the construction of a more equitable society through the redistribution of richness and attention to the most vulnerable population. Europe has a past of developing economic policies which led to the building of a society with legal and constitutional recognition of social rights after the Second World War, emphasizing the concept of citizenship. The current economic crisis has installed the debate on the performance of the state organizations and their social role. The public library as a state organization has a social function linked. This study aims to review the theoretical perspectives of several authors on the social function of the public library and to identify a connection between the presence of public libraries in virtual social networks and their condition towards the weakening or strengthening of the social responsibility that they carry, taking as a set the current discussion of the model of the welfare state and the generalized economic crisis. This work is part of a wider research on the impact of Web 2.0 on the social role of the Portuguese public libraries observed in the social network Facebook

    Ist Bibliothek 2.0 überhaupt noch relevant? – Eine Einleitung in das Handbuch

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    Mit diesem Buch möchten wir einen Überblick der aktuellen Diskussion zum Thema Bibliothek 2.0 geben und den Stand der tatsächlichen Umsetzung der Web 2.0-Ansätze in deutschsprachigen Bibliotheken beleuchten. An dieser Stelle ist die Frage erlaubt, warum es zu einer Zeit, in der es bereits die ersten "Web 3.0"- Konferenzen gibt, eines Handbuches der Bibliothek 2.0 noch bedarf. Und warum es überhaupt ein deutschsprachiges Handbuch zur Bibliothek 2.0 braucht, wo es doch bereits verschiedenste Publikationen zu diesem Thema aus anderen Ländern, insbesondere des angloamerikanischen Raums gibt. Ist dazu nicht bereits alles gesagt

    Effective Planning Strategies: A Key Component for Implementation of Automation in Academic Libraries

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    Academic library, as a dynamic, vital organ in an organization or institution of higher learning, plays an important role in the academic programmes in selecting, organizing and disseminating of information to enrich the curriculum; it is deeply affected by the information technology revolution.  Therefore, the need for effective planning strategies in meeting the demand of the present society in transforming the library into new information service centre becomes pertinent. The focus and aim of the paper is to provide steps to be adopted in the implementation of automated library services particularly in Nigeria. Strategies are the focus of all planning processes and it incorporates purpose, policies, programmes, actions, decisions, collaborations and resource allocation. The study also focused on automation activities as the core management preparation or analytical process of identifying of objectives, effectiveness/ineffectiveness in the context of implementation. The study recommended among others in its conclusion, that librarians or information managers should see the steps, factors and the planning process as provided in the study as a way to eliminate wastage of resources, other sources of funding of the project have also been proffered. Keyword: Automation, Planning, Strategies, Library, and Components
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