24 research outputs found

    The smartphone in the context of the classroom in the primary school and in the higher education

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are implementing unique changes in the most diverse fields nowadays. The smartphone, in particular, because of its technological convergence characteristics and because it is a tool that everyone owns and carries with them, it is an added value for the school and for the student that owns a personalized mobile resource. However, the school is resistant to its inclusion in education and there are contradictory studies: some reveal perverse effects on education, but others show their potentialities [1-3]. This fact shows the importance of teacher training in the selection of a methodology that responds to the inclusion of this tool in education. How to use the smartphone in education? It is a challenge that we intend to answer by showing the potential of this emerging technology in the process of teaching and learning with children from 6 to 9 years of age (primary school) and with adults of higher education (engineering course). In this study, the use of smartphones was observed in three classrooms of the primary school, involving about 60 children, and in higher education classes, involving about 50 students. We used a qualitative approach, case study. Data were collected from direct observers of the educational practices in the different contexts. For data analysis, we used description and data interpretation. The results show that teachers adopt a socio-constructivist methodology centring the student in the learning process: (1) in the use of the tool (technical domain), (2) in the accomplishment of the task, (3) in the reflection and argumentation of the results obtained, (4) knowledge sharing, (5) behaviour management, attitudes, task leadership and (6) self-criticism. It is also verified that they use the smartphone as a resource to motivate the student, stimulate concentration on the task, facilitate the understanding of content, encourage participation in the activity and promote interaction and sharing with others. In addition, the use of smartphones generates emotions and develops cross curricular skills in education as well as facilitating access to information, stimulates the creation of creative engineering projects that have satisfied students not only for the novelty, but also for finding that a pocket tool can perform interesting monitoring and remote control tasks. Thus, the results show that smartphones have a high potential in education, as they can promote an opportunity for methodological recreation and modernization, offer research potential, the development of new educational equipment and tools, new ways of consolidating and evaluating curricular content, development of other expressive abilities in the academic, social and personal life of an individual, as well as develop autonomy and stimulate the satisfaction of the students by returning to education the motivation of the student. It is also a clever way of educating this new generation by finding other ways of learning to learn, learning to do and building knowledge, learning to be and being with others.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The smartphone in the context of the classroom in the primary school and in the higher education

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are implementing unique changes in the most diverse fields nowadays. The smartphone, in particular, because of its technological convergence characteristics and because it is a tool that everyone owns and carries with them, it is an added value for the school and for the student that owns a personalized mobile resource. However, the school is resistant to its inclusion in education and there are contradictory studies: some reveal perverse effects on education, but others show their potentialities [1-3]. This fact shows the importance of teacher training in the selection of a methodology that responds to the inclusion of this tool in education. How to use the smartphone in education? It is a challenge that we intend to answer by showing the potential of this emerging technology in the process of teaching and learning with children from 6 to 9 years of age (primary school) and with adults of higher education (engineering course). In this study, the use of smartphones was observed in three classrooms of the primary school, involving about 60 children, and in higher education classes, involving about 50 students. We used a qualitative approach, case study. Data were collected from direct observers of the educational practices in the different contexts. For data analysis, we used description and data interpretation. The results show that teachers adopt a socio-constructivist methodology centring the student in the learning process: (1) in the use of the tool (technical domain), (2) in the accomplishment of the task, (3) in the reflection and argumentation of the results obtained, (4) knowledge sharing, (5) behaviour management, attitudes, task leadership and (6) self-criticism. It is also verified that they use the smartphone as a resource to motivate the student, stimulate concentration on the task, facilitate the understanding of content, encourage participation in the activity and promote interaction and sharing with others. In addition, the use of smartphones generates emotions and develops cross curricular skills in education as well as facilitating access to information, stimulates the creation of creative engineering projects that have satisfied students not only for the novelty, but also for finding that a pocket tool can perform interesting monitoring and remote control tasks. Thus, the results show that smartphones have a high potential in education, as they can promote an opportunity for methodological recreation and modernization, offer research potential, the development of new educational equipment and tools, new ways of consolidating and evaluating curricular content, development of other expressive abilities in the academic, social and personal life of an individual, as well as develop autonomy and stimulate the satisfaction of the students by returning to education the motivation of the student. It is also a clever way of educating this new generation by finding otherinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of Smart Phone among Para-Professional Librarians in Olabisi Onabanjo University Library, Nigeria

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    This study attempted to investigate how para-professional librarians (Library Officers cadre and only Assistant Library Officers) in Olabisi Onabanjo University (O.O.U) Library, Nigeria used smart phone to embrace academic library services. A questionnaire and an interview schedule were used to collect data for the study. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study revealed that all the library paraprofessional staff had and used smart phones for personal, official and library services, but the use for library services and routines (across the items for library services) were on a lower side. The study further revealed that gender of para-professional librarians does not influence smart phone use amongst other findings. The study thus recommended provision of good telecommunication facilities, integration of full mobile library applications and services into academic library functions and services and training of library staff for effective deployment of phone use for library services amongst others. Keywords: Library Services, Mobile Phones Use, Nigerian Para-Professional Librarians, Smart Phone Use, Smart Phone Use for Library Services, New Media

    Prediksi Penggunaan Aktual E-Toll Card Dengan Pendekatan Persamaan Model Struktural

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    . The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between variables in predicting the actual use of innovation services. The variables in this study include resistance to change, perceived value, attitude towards innovation services, the intention to use the innovation services, and innovative personality. Data collection techniques in this study conducted by questionnaire with non-probability sampling method. The number of respondents was 212 respondents. Data was then analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Results showed that three out of five hypotheses are supported. Those hypotheses include the intention of a significant predictor of the use of innovation services. Intention itself is also influenced by the attitude towards innovation services. The perceived value is a significant predictor of the attitude towards innovation services. However, the results showed that the resistance to change and innovative personality is not a significant predictor of the intention to use the innovation services. This study also provides research limitations and suggestions for further research

    The mobile future of university libraries and an analysis of the Turkish case

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    İstanbul Technical University, Mustafa İnan Library--(2017)Purpose: Smartphones will very soon become the standard means by which the Internet is accessed, and the rates of connection from mobile devices will supercede those which are computer-based.The hypothesis of this study is that a university library accessible by mobile technology will be the model of the future, and its purpose is to search for any evidence for which the university libraries in Turkey are prepared to meet this challenge. Design/methodology/approach-In the study, both domestic and foreign literature surveys were undertaken to determine which mobile library services are offered in university libraries. 30 random central libraries of both private and state universities were selected from across the 7 regions of Turkey. To gather data, a 26-question electronic survey was generated and e-mailed to the library managers. The questions were based on findings regarding the mobile library services provided by university libraries around the world. Findings-By examining the survey results, it was determined that Turkish university libraries utilise a comparable level of mobile technology, and demonstrate a similar level of care with regard to the services they offer. There are mobile sites (separate sites or mobile sites as applications), mobile library catalogues, SMS services, chatrooms, consultations via IM tools, mobile device lending services, and augmented reality and QR code applications. Research limitations/implications. In Turkey, the structures of university libraries operate under variable conditions due to the lack of established standards. This causes negative results for the delivery of library services. For this reason, university library standards should be set practicable as soon as reasonable, considering the social/economic and cultural structure of the country. Practical implications-Due to the transformative effect technology and the Internet have had on services, “information and communication technologies infrastructure” has been added as a sixth element to the five traditional library items; namely building, budget, personnel, collection, and users. Globalisation through the web has resulted in the individualisation of services, and the slogan “content is king” has been changed to the “customer experience is king”. Fundamental library services are being adapted to allow mobile technology access, and this approach best reflects the new slogan. Therefore, the university library of the future may well be the one entirely based on mobile technology. Social implications: mobile devices lead to new forms of engagement with student learning; so academic libraries are expected to be strong partners in the teaching and learning processes of their institution. Originality/value: The hypothesis of this study is that a university library accessible by mobile technology will be the model of the future, and its purpose is to search for any evidence for which the university libraries in Turkey are prepared to meet this challenge. This study is also meaningful because there have not been any study of Turkish university libraries in terms of mobile library services to users. This paper is the first time that a comprehensive study has been made of current mobile technology-based services, and is also the first comparison of the applications in Turkish university libraries. Additionally paper synthesizes developments and provides suggestions for the future. © Emerald Publishing Limited

    Knjižnični izvori i usluge za mobilne uređaje u visokoškolskim i srodnim knjižnicama

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    Cilj. Rad utvrđuje zastupljenost knjižničnih izvora i usluga prilagođenih za pristup putem mobilnih uređaja kod visokoškolskih i srodnih knjižnica koje podupiru znanstveni rad i visoko obrazovanje: Nacionalna i sveučilišna knjižnica u Zagrebu, sveučilišne knjižnice, općeznanstvene i specijalne knjižnice – instituti i zavodi. Pristup/metodologija/dizajn. Postavljena su tri istraživačka pitanja: 1) Koliko su se razmatrane visokoškolske i srodne knjižnice prilagodile korisnicima u smislu dostupnosti knjižničnih izvora i usluga za mobilne uređaje? 2) Koje su vrste knjižničnih izvora i usluga za mobilne uređaje u većoj, a koje u manjoj mjeri zastupljene u razmatranim visokoškolskim i srodnim knjižnicama? 3) Kakve su sličnosti i razlike između pojedinih kategorija razmatranih knjižnica s obzirom na implementiranost analiziranih knjižničnih izvora i usluga za mobilne uređaje? U provedbi istraživanja napravljena je analiza sadržaja 97 knjižničnih mrežnih mjesta prema 10 zadanih kriterija, a prisutnost svakog pojedinog kriterija s manje ili jednako 50 % smatrana je nedovoljnom zastupljenošću. Rezultati. Responzivne mrežne stranice zastupljene su kod 43 % knjižnica. Najzastupljenije su kod sveučilišnih i općeznanstvenih knjižnica (obje kategorije s po 50 %), slijede institutske i zavodske knjižnice (45 %), a najmanje su zastupljene među visokoškolskim knjižnicama (42 %). Samo jedna knjižnica (1 %) ima knjižničnu aplikaciju za mobilne uređaje. Nijedna razmatrana knjižnica nema aplikaciju knjižničnog kataloga za mobilne uređaje, dok 13 % knjižničnih kataloga ima responzivno mrežno sučelje. Knjižnice ne upućuju korisnike na pristup putem mobilnih uređaja bazama znanstvenih informacija i podataka, e-knjigama ili e-časopisima. Komunikaciju s korisnicima pomoću tekstualnih poruka ne nudi nijedna knjižnica. Profil na društvenoj mreži Facebook posjeduje 23 % knjižnica. Primjena novih tehnologija i usluga (QR, NFC, Beacon, AR) ne spominje se na većini mrežnih stranica razmatranih knjižnica i zastupljena je u rijetkim pojedinačnim slučajevima. Ukupno 29 % razmatranih knjižnica omogućava objedi- njeno pretraživanje svih dostupnih e-izvora (discovery search): nude ga sve sveučilišne knjižnice (100 %), od visokoškolskih knjižnica nudi ga 28 %, a od institutskih i zavodskih knjižnica 20 %. Edukaciju o knjižničnim izvorima i uslugama za mobilne uređaje eksplicitno na svojim mrežnim stranicama ne spominje nijedna knjižnica. Od ukupnog broja razmatranih knjižnica čak 44 % knjižnica nema zadovoljen nijedan kriterij analize sadržaja, a od 10 kriterija najviše (30 %) ih je zastupljeno kod osam knjižnica. Rezultati pokazuju da izvori i usluge za mobilne uređaje nisu dovoljno (manje ili jednako 50 %) zastupljeni u ukupnom broju razmatranih knjižnica, kao ni kod pojedinačnih knjižnica. Originalnost/vrijednost. Prvi put je razmotrena i napravljena analiza sadržaja knjižničnih izvora i usluga hrvatskih knjižnica za mobilne uređaje, što daje uvid u postojeću situaciju i poticaj za razmišljanje o orijentaciji prema korisnicima takvih usluga

    Perception Of Students On Mobile Technology Based Library Services

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    Introduction: Emerging trends in library and information space especially in the academic environment requires remote and boundary less access to library services. Mobile technology has been recognised as the single most embraced technology in the world. Implementing this technological innovation will bring a lot of relief to students in University of Cape Coast and the University community in general. The study attempts to investigate the perception of students of University of Cape Coast on mobile technology-based library service. The pilot study involved six management members from the library and fifteen students comprising ten undergraduate and five postgraduate students

    Perception Of Students On Mobile Technology Based Library Services

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    Introduction: Emerging trends in library and information space especially in the academic environment requires remote and boundary less access to library services. Mobile technology has been recognised as the single most embraced technology in the world. Implementing this technological innovation will bring a lot of relief to students in University of Cape Coast and the University community in general. The study attempts to investigate the perception of students of University of Cape Coast on mobile technology-based library service. The pilot study involved six management members from the library and fifteen students comprising ten undergraduate and five postgraduate students