7 research outputs found

    Modeling an ontology on accessible evacuation routes for emergencies

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    Providing alert communication in emergency situations is vital to reduce the number of victims. However, this is a challenging goal for researchers and professionals due to the diverse pool of prospective users, e.g. people with disabilities as well as other vulnerable groups. Moreover, in the event of an emergency situation, many people could become vulnerable because of exceptional circumstances such as stress, an unknown environment or even visual impairment (e.g. fire causing smoke). Within this scope, a crucial activity is to notify affected people about safe places and available evacuation routes. In order to address this need, we propose to extend an ontology, called SEMA4A (Simple EMergency Alert 4 [for] All), developed in a previous work for managing knowledge about accessibility guidelines, emergency situations and communication technologies. In this paper, we introduce a semi-automatic technique for knowledge acquisition and modeling on accessible evacuation routes. We introduce a use case to show applications of the ontology and conclude with an evaluation involving several experts in evacuation procedures. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Word Sense Disambiguation for Ontology Learning

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    Ontology learning aims to automatically extract ontological concepts and relationships from related text repositories and is expected to be more efficient and scalable than manual ontology development. One of the challenging issues associated with ontology learning is word sense disambiguation (WSD). Most WSD research employs resources such as WordNet, text corpora, or a hybrid approach. Motivated by the large volume and richness of user-generated content in social media, this research explores the role of social media in ontology learning. Specifically, our approach exploits social media as a dynamic context rich data source for WSD. This paper presents a method and preliminary evidence for the efficacy of our proposed method for WSD. The research is in progress toward conducting a formal evaluation of the social media based method for WSD, and plans to incorporate the WSD routine into an ontology learning system in the future


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    Knowledge is an important asset that is easily lost. This loss process has a significant impact on plantation research organizations whose research takes a long time. This research aimed to develop an ontology model for recording knowledge about oil palm varieties. In order to save knowledge, in this research nine oil palm varieties were modeled into ontology using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). Any information in oil palm varieties can be sorted and grouped into classes, object properties, data properties, or data expressions. The relationship between data in oil palm varieties can be well represented using ontology. Based on the results from HermiT reasoners, the ontologies with 43 classes are consistent. Information in the ontology of oil palm varieties can be easily rediscovered using the description logic query (DL-Query). The model produced from this research can be used as an initial model in designing knowledge management systems and ontology-based oil palm expert systems.Keywords: ontology, OWL, oil palm seed, knowledge managemen

    Ontological Model for Xhosa Beadwork in Marginalised Rural Communities: A Case of the Eastern Cape

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    In South Africa, computational ontologies have gained traction and are increasingly viewed as one of the viable solutions to address the problem of fragmented and unstructured nature of indigenous knowledge (IK) particularly in the marginalized rural communities. The continual existence of IK in tacit form has impeded the use of IK as a potential resource that can catalyze socio-economic and cultural development in South Africa. This study was, therefore, designed to address part of this challenge by developing a Xhosa Beadwork Ontology (XBO) with the goal of structuring the domain knowledge into a reusable body of knowledge. Such a reusable body of knowledge promotes efficient sharing of a common understanding of Xhosa Beadwork in a computational form. The XBO is in OWL 2 DL. The development of the XBO was informed by the NeOn methodology and the iterativeincremental ontology development life cycle within the ambit of Action Research (AR). The XBO was developed around personal ornamentation Xhosa Beadwork consisting of Necklace, Headband, Armlet, Waistband, Bracelet, and Anklet. In this study, the XBO was evaluated focused on ascertaining that the created ontology is a comprehensive representation of the Xhosa Beadwork and is of the required standard. In addition, the XBO was documented into a human understandable and readable resource and was published. The outcome of the study has indicated that the XBO is an adequate, shareable and reusable semantic artifact that can indeed support the formalization and preservation of IK in the domain of Xhosa Beadwor

    Semiautomatischer Aufbau und Anwendung von EFGT-Netzen

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