304 research outputs found

    Visual Comfort Assessment for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting

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    In recent years, visual comfort assessment (VCA) for 3D/stereoscopic content has aroused extensive attention. However, much less work has been done on the perceptual evaluation of stereoscopic image retargeting. In this paper, we first build a Stereoscopic Image Retargeting Database (SIRD), which contains source images and retargeted images produced by four typical stereoscopic retargeting methods. Then, the subjective experiment is conducted to assess four aspects of visual distortion, i.e. visual comfort, image quality, depth quality and the overall quality. Furthermore, we propose a Visual Comfort Assessment metric for Stereoscopic Image Retargeting (VCA-SIR). Based on the characteristics of stereoscopic retargeted images, the proposed model introduces novel features like disparity range, boundary disparity as well as disparity intensity distribution into the assessment model. Experimental results demonstrate that VCA-SIR can achieve high consistency with subjective perception

    Stereoscopic visual saliency prediction based on stereo contrast and stereo focus

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    © 2017, The Author(s). In this paper, we exploit two characteristics of stereoscopic vision: the pop-out effect and the comfort zone. We propose a visual saliency prediction model for stereoscopic images based on stereo contrast and stereo focus models. The stereo contrast model measures stereo saliency based on the color/depth contrast and the pop-out effect. The stereo focus model describes the degree of focus based on monocular focus and the comfort zone. After obtaining the values of the stereo contrast and stereo focus models in parallel, an enhancement based on clustering is performed on both values. We then apply a multi-scale fusion to form the respective maps of the two models. Last, we use a Bayesian integration scheme to integrate the two maps (the stereo contrast and stereo focus maps) into the stereo saliency map. Experimental results on two eye-tracking databases show that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art saliency models

    Biosignalų požymių regos diskomfortui vertinti išskyrimas ir tyrimas

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    Comfortable stereoscopic perception continues to be an essential area of research. The growing interest in virtual reality content and increasing market for head-mounted displays (HMDs) still cause issues of balancing depth perception and comfortable viewing. Stereoscopic views are stimulating binocular cues – one type of several available human visual depth cues which becomes conflicting cues when stereoscopic displays are used. Depth perception by binocular cues is based on matching of image features from one retina with corresponding features from the second retina. It is known that our eyes can tolerate small amounts of retinal defocus, which is also known as Depth of Focus. When magnitudes are larger, a problem of visual discomfort arises. The research object of the doctoral dissertation is a visual discomfort level. This work aimed at the objective evaluation of visual discomfort, based on physiological signals. Different levels of disparity and the number of details in stereoscopic views in some cases make it difficult to find the focus point for comfortable depth perception quickly. During this investigation, a tendency for differences in single sensor-based electroencephalographic EEG signal activity at specific frequencies was found. Additionally, changes in eye tracker collected gaze signals were also found. A dataset of EEG and gaze signal records from 28 control subjects was collected and used for further evaluation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters and general conclusions. The first chapter reveals the fundamental knowledge ways of measuring visual discomfort based on objective and subjective methods. In the second chapter theoretical research results are presented. This research was aimed to investigate methods which use physiological signals to detect changes on the level of sense of presence. Results of the experimental research are presented in the third chapter. This research aimed to find differences in collected physiological signals when a level of visual discomfort changes. An experiment with 28 control subjects was conducted to collect these signals. The results of the thesis were published in six scientific publications – three in peer-reviewed scientific papers, three in conference proceedings. Additionally, the results of the research were presented in 8 conferences.Dissertatio

    EEG-based neuroergonomics for 3D user interfaces: opportunities and challenges

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    International audience3D user interfaces (3DUI) are increasingly used in a number of applications, spanning from entertainment to industrial design. However, 3D interaction tasks are generally more complex for users since interacting with a 3D environment is more cognitively demanding than perceiving and interacting with a 2D one. As such, it is essential that we could evaluate finely user experience, in order to propose seamless interfaces. To do so, a promising research direction is to measure users' inner-state based on brain signals acquired during interaction, by following a neuroergonomics approach. Combined with existing methods, such tool can be used to strengthen the understanding of user experience. In this paper, we review the work being undergone in this area; what has been achieved and the new challenges that arise. We describe how a mobile brain imaging technique such as electroencephalography (EEG) brings continuous and non-disruptive measures. EEG-based evaluation of users can give insights about multiple dimensions of the user experience, with realistic interaction tasks or novel interfaces. We investigate four constructs: workload, attention, error recognition and visual comfort. Ultimately, these metrics could help to alleviate users when they interact with computers

    Exploring Robot Teleoperation in Virtual Reality

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    This thesis presents research on VR-based robot teleoperation with a focus on remote environment visualisation in virtual reality, the effects of remote environment reconstruction scale in virtual reality on the human-operator's ability to control the robot and human-operator's visual attention patterns when teleoperating a robot from virtual reality. A VR-based robot teleoperation framework was developed, it is compatible with various robotic systems and cameras, allowing for teleoperation and supervised control with any ROS-compatible robot and visualisation of the environment through any ROS-compatible RGB and RGBD cameras. The framework includes mapping, segmentation, tactile exploration, and non-physically demanding VR interface navigation and controls through any Unity-compatible VR headset and controllers or haptic devices. Point clouds are a common way to visualise remote environments in 3D, but they often have distortions and occlusions, making it difficult to accurately represent objects' textures. This can lead to poor decision-making during teleoperation if objects are inaccurately represented in the VR reconstruction. A study using an end-effector-mounted RGBD camera with OctoMap mapping of the remote environment was conducted to explore the remote environment with fewer point cloud distortions and occlusions while using a relatively small bandwidth. Additionally, a tactile exploration study proposed a novel method for visually presenting information about objects' materials in the VR interface, to improve the operator's decision-making and address the challenges of point cloud visualisation. Two studies have been conducted to understand the effect of virtual world dynamic scaling on teleoperation flow. The first study investigated the use of rate mode control with constant and variable mapping of the operator's joystick position to the speed (rate) of the robot's end-effector, depending on the virtual world scale. The results showed that variable mapping allowed participants to teleoperate the robot more effectively but at the cost of increased perceived workload. The second study compared how operators used a virtual world scale in supervised control, comparing the virtual world scale of participants at the beginning and end of a 3-day experiment. The results showed that as operators got better at the task they as a group used a different virtual world scale, and participants' prior video gaming experience also affected the virtual world scale chosen by operators. Similarly, the human-operator's visual attention study has investigated how their visual attention changes as they become better at teleoperating a robot using the framework. The results revealed the most important objects in the VR reconstructed remote environment as indicated by operators' visual attention patterns as well as their visual priorities shifts as they got better at teleoperating the robot. The study also demonstrated that operators’ prior video gaming experience affects their ability to teleoperate the robot and their visual attention behaviours

    Spectacularly Binocular: Exploiting Binocular Luster Effects for HCI Applications

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    Améliorer les interactions homme-machine et la présence sociale avec l’informatique physiologique

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    This thesis explores how physiological computing can contribute to human-computer interaction (HCI) and foster new communication channels among the general public. We investigated how physiological sensors, such as electroencephalography (EEG), could be employed to assess the mental state of the users and how they relate to other evaluation methods. We created the first brain-computer interface that could sense visual comfort during the viewing of stereoscopic images and shaped a framework that could help to assess the over all user experience by monitoring workload, attention and error recognition.To lower the barrier between end users and physiological sensors,we participated in the software integration of a low-cost and open hardware EEG device; used off-the shelf webcams to measure heart rate remotely, crafted we arables that can quickly equip users so that electrocardiography, electrodermal activity or EEG may be measured during public exhibitions. We envisioned new usages for our sensors, that would increase social presence. In a study about human-agent interaction, participants tended to prefer virtual avatars that were mirroring their own internal state. A follow-up study focused on interactions between users to describe how physiological monitoringcould alter our relationships. Advances in HCI enabled us to seam lesslyintegrate biofeedback to the physical world. We developped Teegi, apuppet that lets novices discover by themselves about their brain activity. Finally, with Tobe, a toolkit that encompasses more sensors and give more freedom about their visualizations, we explored how such proxy shifts our representations, about our selves as well as about the others.Cette thèse explore comment l’informatique physiologique peut contribuer aux interactions homme-machine (IHM) et encourager l’apparition de nouveaux canaux de communication parmi le grand public. Nous avons examiné comment des capteurs physiologiques,tels que l’électroencéphalographie (EEG), pourraient être utilisés afin d’estimer l’état mental des utilisateurs et comment ils se positionnent par rapport à d’autres méthodes d’évaluation. Nous avons créé la première interface cerveau-ordinateur capable de discriminer le confort visuel pendant le visionnage d’images stéréoscopiques et nous avons esquissé un système qui peux aider à estimer l’expérience utilisateur dans son ensemble, en mesurant charge mentale, attention et reconnaissance d’erreur. Pour abaisser la barrière entre utilisateurs finaux et capteurs physiologiques, nous avons participé à l’intégration logicielle d’un appareil EEG bon marché et libre, nous avons utilisé des webcams du commerce pour mesurer le rythme cardiaque à distance, nous avons confectionné des wearables dont les utilisateurs peuvent rapidement s’équiper afin qu’électrocardiographie, activité électrodermale et EEG puissent être mesurées lors de manifestations publiques. Nous avons imaginé de nouveaux usages pour nos capteurs, qui augmenteraient la présence sociale. Dans une étude autour de l’interaction humain agent,les participants avaient tendance à préférer les avatars virtuels répliquant leurs propres états internes. Une étude ultérieure s’est concentrée sur l’interaction entre utilisateurs, profitant d’un jeu de plateau pour décrire comment l’examen de la physiologie pourrait changer nos rapports. Des avancées en IHM ont permis d’intégrer de manière transparente du biofeedback au monde physique. Nous avons développé Teegi, une poupée qui permet aux novices d’en découvrir plus sur leur activité cérébrale, par eux-mêmes. Enfin avec Tobe, un toolkit qui comprend plus de capteurs et donne plus de liberté quant à leurs visualisations, nous avons exploré comment un tel proxy décalenos représentations, tant de nous-mêmes que des autres

    Impact of Imaging and Distance Perception in VR Immersive Visual Experience

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    Virtual reality (VR) headsets have evolved to include unprecedented viewing quality. Meanwhile, they have become lightweight, wireless, and low-cost, which has opened to new applications and a much wider audience. VR headsets can now provide users with greater understanding of events and accuracy of observation, making decision-making faster and more effective. However, the spread of immersive technologies has shown a slow take-up, with the adoption of virtual reality limited to a few applications, typically related to entertainment. This reluctance appears to be due to the often-necessary change of operating paradigm and some scepticism towards the "VR advantage". The need therefore arises to evaluate the contribution that a VR system can make to user performance, for example to monitoring and decision-making. This will help system designers understand when immersive technologies can be proposed to replace or complement standard display systems such as a desktop monitor. In parallel to the VR headsets evolution there has been that of 360 cameras, which are now capable to instantly acquire photographs and videos in stereoscopic 3D (S3D) modality, with very high resolutions. 360° images are innately suited to VR headsets, where the captured view can be observed and explored through the natural rotation of the head. Acquired views can even be experienced and navigated from the inside as they are captured. The combination of omnidirectional images and VR headsets has opened to a new way of creating immersive visual representations. We call it: photo-based VR. This represents a new methodology that combines traditional model-based rendering with high-quality omnidirectional texture-mapping. Photo-based VR is particularly suitable for applications related to remote visits and realistic scene reconstruction, useful for monitoring and surveillance systems, control panels and operator training. The presented PhD study investigates the potential of photo-based VR representations. It starts by evaluating the role of immersion and user’s performance in today's graphical visual experience, to then use it as a reference to develop and evaluate new photo-based VR solutions. With the current literature on photo-based VR experience and associated user performance being very limited, this study builds new knowledge from the proposed assessments. We conduct five user studies on a few representative applications examining how visual representations can be affected by system factors (camera and display related) and how it can influence human factors (such as realism, presence, and emotions). Particular attention is paid to realistic depth perception, to support which we develop target solutions for photo-based VR. They are intended to provide users with a correct perception of space dimension and objects size. We call it: true-dimensional visualization. The presented work contributes to unexplored fields including photo-based VR and true-dimensional visualization, offering immersive system designers a thorough comprehension of the benefits, potential, and type of applications in which these new methods can make the difference. This thesis manuscript and its findings have been partly presented in scientific publications. In particular, five conference papers on Springer and the IEEE symposia, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], and one journal article in an IEEE periodical [6], have been published

    Non-contact Multimodal Indoor Human Monitoring Systems: A Survey

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    Indoor human monitoring systems leverage a wide range of sensors, including cameras, radio devices, and inertial measurement units, to collect extensive data from users and the environment. These sensors contribute diverse data modalities, such as video feeds from cameras, received signal strength indicators and channel state information from WiFi devices, and three-axis acceleration data from inertial measurement units. In this context, we present a comprehensive survey of multimodal approaches for indoor human monitoring systems, with a specific focus on their relevance in elderly care. Our survey primarily highlights non-contact technologies, particularly cameras and radio devices, as key components in the development of indoor human monitoring systems. Throughout this article, we explore well-established techniques for extracting features from multimodal data sources. Our exploration extends to methodologies for fusing these features and harnessing multiple modalities to improve the accuracy and robustness of machine learning models. Furthermore, we conduct comparative analysis across different data modalities in diverse human monitoring tasks and undertake a comprehensive examination of existing multimodal datasets. This extensive survey not only highlights the significance of indoor human monitoring systems but also affirms their versatile applications. In particular, we emphasize their critical role in enhancing the quality of elderly care, offering valuable insights into the development of non-contact monitoring solutions applicable to the needs of aging populations.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Multimodality in VR: A survey

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    Virtual reality (VR) is rapidly growing, with the potential to change the way we create and consume content. In VR, users integrate multimodal sensory information they receive, to create a unified perception of the virtual world. In this survey, we review the body of work addressing multimodality in VR, and its role and benefits in user experience, together with different applications that leverage multimodality in many disciplines. These works thus encompass several fields of research, and demonstrate that multimodality plays a fundamental role in VR; enhancing the experience, improving overall performance, and yielding unprecedented abilities in skill and knowledge transfer